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Chapter 60 historical scene

barbaric growth 冯仑 2179Words 2018-03-18
How can we see these great backs and the other side of greatness?I will read a lot of tabloids and unofficial histories, because sometimes some details and truths can be leaked out in unofficial histories.If the person concerned is still alive, if you listen to his story or go to the historical site to observe, you can often see the truth of history clearly and feel the historical atmosphere, information, and codes.When I was doing business, I kept taking time to go to some historical sites, go to the site to interpret history, think and observe what happened here, and really feel the reality of history, even if it is a disappointing reality.

For example, the love story between Zhang Xueliang and Zhao Si sounds like a tearjerker. They got married in 37 years, and their wife is virtuous and virtuous. This is the impression left on Chinese people.Later, I went to Shenyang Marshal’s Mansion (the small western-style building where Zhao Si lived), and I also saw Yu Fengzhi’s and Zhang Xueliang’s Marshal’s Mansion. I felt the living environment of Ms. Zhao Si’s first defection to Zhang Xueliang, and came back to see it one after another. After reading some information, the interpretation is different from the initial impression.Zhang Xueliang made an oral autobiography with Tang Degang before he died. This autobiography is more authentic. He said two interesting things about Zhao Si. One is: "I have no choice but to take her in if she wants to come."

Yu Fengzhi explained this paragraph in this way: "At that time, after the Great War in the Central Plains, Zhang Xueliang helped Chiang Kai-shek defeat Yan Xishan and Feng Yuxiang, unified China, and was named the deputy commander-in-chief of the sea and land. I sworn brothers with Chiang Kai-shek, and they were very powerful. Many women chased him every day, and one of them was Zhao Si, crying and chasing him to Shenyang. At that time, Zhao Si was only 14 years old. When she entered the door, she knelt down to me and cried, saying, I don't want any status in my life, but I am willing to be Zhang Xueliang's secretary and take care of his life. I took her in and gave her a house (Shuaifu)."

Zhang Xueliang said to Tang Degang, "I have a misunderstanding with Zhao Si. My history has ended since I was 36 years old. If I hadn't been imprisoned inside, there would be women like me outside, and I wouldn't get along well with her." Zhang Xueliang also said in front of Zhao Simian during his life in captivity and house arrest, saying that there was nothing we could do about it, and if it wasn't for Mr. Jiang, we would not have been together long ago.These histories are completely different from our normal understanding. I went to Lake Baikal a while ago and saw the place where Su Wu herded sheep.In the entire Gobi there is no grass, and even birds don't come to shit, it's too miserable.In the Qing Dynasty, someone demarcated the border here. Later, an official came over carrying a monument. After walking for a while, he couldn’t find the location. He looked around and found that they were all the same, so he stopped and erected a monument here casually. As a result, China A large area has been lost, and now there is a lot of oil underground in this less area.So now some people say that the Qing Dynasty was too fatuous at that time, and when it ceded the border, it didn't know how many resources there were underground, and it didn't conduct an on-site survey, so it was done casually.But having said that, firstly, there was no oil exploration technology at that time, and no one knew what was underground; secondly, the understanding of the land at that time was limited to what was visible, and what was seen was there, and what was not seen was not; thirdly, there were no satellites at that time, There is no remote sensing, and he doesn't know how far he can go, so he is not responsible for making this decision.

Therefore, be tolerant to the ancients and be strict with today.To be harsh on the ancients with the wisdom of today is actually to indulge and forgive oneself.We should build our country based on the existing conditions, instead of complaining that the ancients left us nothing. In 2006, I took the "Road of Xuanzang", passing through Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India, and drove in Islamic areas for more than a month.In the process of traveling through Afghanistan, I have been experiencing the real life and spiritual state of the Islamic people; the Afghan people I have seen are very hardworking, very enthusiastic, very tolerant, and very hospitable. Today, there is terrorism in Afghanistan, which was originally World War II. A tragedy produced in the process of modernization in the future.

I have been to Yan'an 6 times, and I thought, why did some scholars travel 25,000 miles to Yan'an in the 1930s to succeed in their careers and finally lead China?The Communists in Yan'an really had ideals, and they couldn't persevere without ideals.The extent of your ideal mainly depends on how long you persist and how much suffering you endure, or how much torture you endure and remain determined.At that time, life in Yan'an was extremely difficult. Hu Zongnan sent spies to collect intelligence. Before leaving, he explained that Yan'an was very difficult.In the end, they were still not as miserable as the Communists. When they went to the Communist base areas, did they eat noodles mixed with soil?A frown and a hesitation will immediately expose your identity as a spy and you will be caught immediately.

The Communist Party is a person with real ideals, so it can cook a small fresh food like a big country, and it can treat Yan'an as a whole country, with the central government, localities, border regions, schools, and the army. It also prints money by itself, and treats a tiny place as a country. Tube.This is the second time to print money in this tiny place. The first time was in Jiangxi. It was the first time when the country was founded, and Deng Xiaoping made a ceremony for the founding of the country. Money was printed there once; it was the second time in Yan'an, so they It is completely like cooking a small fresh food like governing a big country. What is the result? After 1949, they governed a big country like cooking a small fish.The two incidents I saw in Yan'an made me understand that as a private enterprise, we must treat small things as big things, and we must be able to persist and act.I used to hear about the Chastity Archway, and then I went to Anhui by chance and visited the Chastity Archway in Shexian County and the only female shrine in China.

In fact, the chastity archway and the women's shrine just prove the sorrow of Chinese women. This sorrow does not mean that she has suffered so much, she was widowed at the age of 16, and then stayed until the age of 70; this sorrow means that their chastity is supplemented by fornication. . ——There have been 20,000 married women and martyrs in the history of She County, and each married woman corresponds to a husband who eats and prostitutes outside.Because the husbands are all doing business outside, and when they get the money back, they are afraid that the women at home will steal the man to support the husband. In order to keep this property, they must let the wives stay here with peace of mind, so they give the women spiritual rewards and give them a nun. ancestral hall, make an exception to allow them to enter the ancestral hall to enjoy some of the treatment of men;There are several types of chastity archways, some are given by the emperor, named by the emperor, and funded by the central government; some are built by one's own family, named by the Ministry of Rites, paid for by oneself, and some are named by one's own family.Men used these methods to give women peace of mind to raise their children and keep their property.

When you go to the historical site, you will feel that, on the one hand, Huizhou merchants are very developed, and Huizhou merchants do business not at home, but in places other than Anhui, but on the other hand, the archways are all set up at home.The 20,000-day women and martyrs are compared with the husbands of more than 20,000 who go out to spend time, drink, eat and whore, and are not chastity.This is a huge irony.
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