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Chapter 58 you don't know what hunger is

barbaric growth 冯仑 1990Words 2018-03-18
Mou Qi has super perseverance.At that time, people in their fifties and sixties insisted on winter swimming.His perseverance is also reflected in his political complex and the way he deals with problems.In the face of crisis, he has always bet on leadership instructions, political overturns, and political leaders, because he was released from prison twice because of changes in the general background, instructions, and political overturns.So whenever he encounters a problem, he will think in this way, and never reflect on whether he is really wrong.The inertia of political thinking caused him to go to the leader whenever he had a problem, hoping to get an approval, or drag his own affairs into politics, hoping that a leader would reverse the case for him.In fact, people of this generation all have this characteristic, as did Zong Qinghou of Wahaha recently.Zong Qinghou himself signed a contract 10 years ago that made him feel disadvantaged today, so he kept breaking the contract and doing another one in private.

The foreigner wanted to file a lawsuit today, so he also jumped up and said, "The Chinese people have stood up and cannot be bullied."Zong is a private enterprise. He moved all those properties outside and controlled them by his own family, but said that the Chinese nation cannot be bullied by the Eight-Power Allied Forces.A businessman agreed to a joint venture, and after the joint venture, the trademark will be used under the management of the joint venture company. There is nothing wrong with the foreigner’s request, and you agreed to it. At that time, you were short of money, and they gave you money, but you turned out to be behind their backs, and in the joint venture There are a lot of companies outside the company, all of which are Wahaha brands, and they don’t tell them; now the foreigner asks you to sell these companies to him, and the trademarks will still be used in the future. If you don’t do it, they will say that they are bullying you.It is an international practice, and businesses all over the world do this. If you invest in it, you must carry out trademark management!Zong Qinghou also belongs to a generation that de-commercializes political complexes and solutions to crises. They use national sentiments to play commercial games with others. Because of their super perseverance, they show irrational and non-commercial behavior is particularly striking.

Mou Zhongzhong and I once went to northern Shaanxi together. We drove a broken car worth 40,000 yuan with air leakage for more than 2,000 kilometers.One morning, around five or six o'clock, when the sky was bright, we stopped beside Liu Hulan's house in Yunzhou West Village, Wenshui County.We were very hungry at the time, so we knocked on the door of our hometown. After we opened it, we asked someone to make some sliced ​​noodles and served them with seasonings such as salt and vinegar.At that time, someone was still asleep at the dinner table, and we were too dirty to eat, but Lao Mou ate deliciously.The meal cost us about a dozen bucks.After getting in the car, we all felt barely full, and Lao Mou said, "You don't know what hunger is. The biggest torment in prison is hunger, not pain. Once you go in, you will be starved for 5 days, and you will be recruited." He taught us to be patient.He has been hungry and endured, so he said that everything he eats now tastes delicious.

It was December, the coldest season in the north.I saw that he was wearing only a pair of shorts and stockings, with his ankles exposed, so I asked him if he was cold.He immediately said: "You don't know what cold is." He said that being in a water prison is not soaking in water, but that there is water on the ground. When a person sits on a stool, he becomes dizzy and falls to the ground if he is not careful. Soaked in water, but not drowned.He said that the cold one is the coldest. "I have sat there, and I have experienced it all, so you don't know what cold is." He has experienced a special prison life, hunger, cold, all courses he has completed.So he kept telling us these things along the way, which made me feel strongly about his super perseverance.

Mou Zhongzhong is particularly willing to read and has read many books.Regarding going to university, he himself has two opinions. One is that he failed the exam and was not admitted;I never doubt that he will study hard, and we often chat about reading together. He is especially willing to chat with people with knowledge and different professional backgrounds. It should be said that chatting with Mou Zhongzhong is a joy. things. Mou Zhong is a domineering person.He can still fight in his fifties, and he is often impulsive, wanting to use his fists and feet.When I first went to Nande, once in Baiyangdian, he quarreled with someone on an island, he got excited when he quarreled, and wanted to swing a big stick.Later, he proudly told me that once he was eating in Xiangshan the year before, in order to grab a stool, he knocked out his tooth with a punch.He has a particularly domineering and domineering style in his bones, which is called barbarism.It's a very out-of-the-ordinary thing about his character.

As an ordinary person, Mou Zhongqi also has a very human side, that is, he is very filial to his mother.Some time before I left him, his mother was ill and was living in Beijing 309 Hospital.I went to see his mother with him a few times, just the two of us, and he expressed his emotions like ordinary people when he was around his mother.He told me many stories about his mother.Before his mother was with his father, she was a servant (servant). When she was with his father, her status was equivalent to what we call a concubine today. He had always grown up in an environment where people were discriminated against. After 1949, his father Mou Pinshan was also punished by the government.When he was in prison, his mother walked the rugged mountain road to deliver food to him, so he was always very grateful to his mother, and was very sad when his mother passed away.The day before the memorial service, he wrote a couplet in a letter and asked me to paste it. I later found out that this couplet was first written by Zeng Guofan to his mother. It’s only ten months of pregnancy”; the second line is “It’s hard to repay virtue with a thousand gold, even if you talk about human nature and physics, you should cry blood for three years.”On the day of the memorial service, I saw Lao Mou crying for the first time.I found that as an ordinary person, his feelings for his mother are very sincere.

Mou Zhongzhong is a very complicated person. As the earliest private entrepreneur in China, he is of great specimen significance.The light that a person can burst out in an era is actually the light of this era.Therefore, I think the most important thing to interpret and understand Mouzhong is to understand that the fate of an entrepreneur is not isolated, and must shine in the context of an era.The career you can do must depend on the size of the institutional space. No matter how good your personal quality and ability are, it doesn't matter. Only when you are compatible with the institutional space can you grow well.

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