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Chapter 53 12. Entrepreneurs (Part 2) Mou Qi

barbaric growth 冯仑 4694Words 2018-03-18
The first time I saw Lao Mou was in an informal place with many people. I saw him from a distance. He didn't know me.In the late 1980s, a group of people from all over the economic reform began to contact Lao Mou, mainly Zhang Gang. At that time, Zhang Gang had an office in Mou Qiqi, and Mou Qiqi gave him money to support his research.When I was in the Restructuring Institute, I often heard about how great Lao Mou was. I had an impression, but I had never seen him. In 1989, I met a representative of SUD Company in Hainan in Hainan. This person was Wang Zhaojing, the director of the third department who helped Mou Qiqi to start the aircraft business. He graduated from Beijing Iron and Steel Institute. At that time, he told me something among them. In September 1989, Wang Zhaojing said that since you have nothing to do and no salary, you can go to Mou Zhong to make troubles.That's how I went to South Germany.

The first time I formally met Lao Mou was in his office.In a rather strange building in the Beijing Junbo compound, Lao Mou occupied two floors, the basement and the ground floor.There is a meeting place next to his office, with two rows of sofas and a broken coffee table.The impression he gave me was that he was very tall and always held a big tea mug in his hand-he has always been this image since then.He put the tea mug on the coffee table, and the things he talked about were the world, the country, reform, destiny and so on.It happened that he encountered a specific incident at that time, and it may be because of this incident that he asked me to do what happened later.

After 1989, due to the large number of people in the system reform institute in Nande Company, they were constantly investigated.Mou Zhongzhong needs to clarify his relationship with "June 4th", and needs to publicize, explain, and make it clear.He asked me to help with these things, and gave me the title of Secretary of State Affairs.My office is in the small building opposite him, and the Old District Construction Promotion Association (referred to as the "Old Promotion Association") he funded at that time was also in the small building, and I was with these veteran cadres.In the first week of work, no one paid any attention to me, and I didn't know what to do. The only thing I did every day was to get lunch boxes on time.Their meals are delicious, cooked by Sichuan cuisine chefs, and they don’t cost any money. I was the fattest when I was working in South Germany.However, there is a big problem that I have nothing to do, so I take a nap on the office floor.At that time, he poured out a batch of Goldstar refrigerators, smashed them in his hands, and couldn't sell them.Korean refrigerators are very tall, so there are many cartons on the outside of the refrigerator. I crushed them and used them to sleep.A week later, Mr. Mou sent someone to come to me and said that he had an article and asked me to publish it for him.Later, this article was first published in the "China Youth Daily", called "Keep in Mind the Interests of the Party and the Country", which mainly described the debate between him and Wan Runnan, and clarified the relationship between Nande and the group of people in 1989. "People's Daily" and other newspapers reproduced it.The article thus established a positive image for him.It is said that the debate between him and Wan Runnan was recorded by the TV station and broadcast in Hong Kong.

Many people asked where the video tape was. In order to further prove his innocence, Lao Mou entrusted me with this task and asked me to go to Hong Kong to get the video tape back.I was working for him at the time, and I really wanted to work hard, and I happened to know a few Hong Kong journalists, so I agreed.Lao Mou gave me 500 yuan for travel expenses, and I went to Bao'an in Guangdong, Shenzhen and Hong Kong.But after 1989, the situation was very severe. I couldn’t go to Bao’an, and it was very dangerous to go without a pass.Because I have a bit of a Beijing accent, I couldn’t stay near the big wharf, so I found a small hotel to stay. I didn’t talk to anyone, and secretly called a Hong Kong reporter to come to Bao’an to find me.I was afraid that I would not be able to complete the task, so I prepared with both hands, and asked the farmers how to bypass the border. They told me that for tens of dollars, I could find someone to ride a motorcycle to take me to a far away place to exit the border.I thought at the time that if people from Hong Kong couldn't get through, I could only use this method to go to Shenzhen and meet there.I spent 20 days in the hotel, eating very little food every day, waiting for the phone call to reach the other party one by one, and the other party set a time and place to notify me.The reporter finally came, it was a woman, and she met me at the small hotel. She took out the scattered video tapes from both sides of her bra.I wrapped the pile of tapes in newspaper and brought them back to Beijing.Lao Mou restored the cassette, and made many copies and sent it to relevant departments, proving Nande's position.

Since then, Lao Mou has started to use me more, and I have gradually shown that I am much better than his original reckless team in terms of expressive ability and organizational ability.I am mainly responsible for external liaison and image management. As the first editor-in-chief, I ran a tabloid "South German Vision" (Mou Zhongzhong originally envisioned "world", I changed it to "Vision"), and the headline was written by Mou Zhong Yes, the launch word is "Cultivating a Generation of Confucian Businessmen".His articles are really a bit of a sleight of hand.Later, there was a very interesting phenomenon, all private enterprises love to write tabloids.After that, I became the director of the general office and the director of the Northwest Office. I introduced many people. Among the original founders of Vantone, four had worked in South Germany, and some people from the economic reform institute. As a result, there were three in South Delhi. The second department manager was introduced by me.

What's more interesting is the inner contest between me and Lao Mou when I left and after I left. This is purely a contest between men and men.At that time, Gong Quan and I felt that Nande was not our business, and there was a big age difference with Lao Mou, so we often went to the Central Party School and the Youth Apartment (for a few years I lived in Zhang Weiying’s house) to discuss, Think about how to go in the future.We thought of a way: people stay in Mouzhong, do some business in private, and then come out together after slowly cultivating economic conditions.So while we found a restaurant in Mentougou (South Germany staff dormitory is built in Mentougou), we wanted to open a restaurant, and at the same time, we wanted to set up an entity, named "Vantone Agency", registered as a business legal person without start-up capital, and helped others out. Book.But it didn't work out, and I was dissatisfied inside and outside, so I gave up altogether.We began to want to carry out standardized transformation of Lao Mou again, carefully studied Zhang Xueliang, and prepared to collectively remonstrate Lao Mou, let him only be the chairman of the board, and let us manage the company's affairs, making Nande the best enterprise in China.However, thinking that Lao Mou was over 50 years old, when he was eating in Xiangshan, he would punch someone in the mouth and sew five stitches in order to fight for a stool. When he saw others fighting on the street, he shouted excitedly, "Fight! Fight!" , Associating Lao Mou's hooligan-proletarian habits with the bandit's vigor, we think that the implementation of "remonstrance" can only make things worse.In the end, I could only choose to walk by myself and start from scratch.

It takes a chance to go by yourself.Ke Yunlu wrote a book at the time, and the boss Xie mentioned in it was in Beijing at the time and wanted me to do it with him.I told him that I wanted to do it myself and hoped to get his support.So I went to Hainan with two of Lao Xie's subordinates. They took Lao Xie's money and planned to set up a company in Hainan.In order to leave, I began to pretend to be sick and ask for leave.The day I left Beijing was also quite dramatic: after I booked the plane ticket, I asked my wife to buy a self-employed lockbox for 70 yuan. I was about to leave the residence. I didn't go to the company today, please pretend that I am sick.I hurriedly went to bed and covered myself with a quilt to pretend to be sick. I heard people saying "Be careful when the weather is hot" or something.The man finally left, I got out of bed, put on my clothes and rushed to the airport.

Lao Mou was very annoyed when he found out, because I didn't even say hello when I didn't want money, which showed that I was extremely confident in my heart and didn't take him seriously.I am the first person in the history of South Germany to fire the boss.He once commented on me: People without flaws are the scariest.The specific manifestation of having no shortcomings is that I never take advantage of it, and I will pay for every activity that others do not pay.Mou Zhong often said that people with flaws are easy to use and easy to control; people without flaws are scary because they have huge desires and willpower.In fact, there is a kind of heroism between us that can be communicated, but my departure is a huge psychological setback for him.After I stayed in Hainan for a month, he happened to be going to Hainan on business. Wang Gongquan and the others gave me a letter, so I picked him up at the airport and wanted to give him an explanation.

When he came out of the airport, I called out "Mr. Mou", but he nodded his head and ignored me.I followed and walked straight to the Qiongyuan Hotel and entered the room, and he closed the door smoothly.I asked the people under him to go in and talk about it. I still wanted to explain again, but I still didn't reply.I thought to myself, forget it, eat two pieces of watermelon and leave.A week or two later, I went back to Beijing for business, and Nande moved to Yongding Road. I went to him again and tried to communicate, but he still didn't change his words, just disappeared.I came back and said: "Don't see each other if you are alive." Later, he made up some stories, saying that I stole 2 million yuan, formed a counter-revolutionary group, and reported us.I was extremely angry, but there was nothing I could do.He succeeded in the aircraft business and won a great reputation, and we gradually grew bigger. If the people in Nande were not treated well, they would run to us, and Lao Mou was unhappy again.

When it became more and more difficult for him, he asked the people below to find me to cooperate, and they also persuaded me to meet him, but I was determined not to see him.However, there is an emotional relationship. Our internal "MBA textbooks" are all Lao Mou's cases. One day at one or two o'clock in the middle of the night, we discussed business and went to the gate of Nande to look at the company from a distance. , and left.In this case, we have two miraculous encounters.Once our family went to the Three Gorges, when boarding the plane, he stood in front of me, and when I turned around, it was too close to do it.I called out "Mr. Mou", and he said "ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" and asked me if I was going to Chongqing.On the plane, he sat two or three rows behind me. When I got off the plane, I left without saying hello.The second time was in a Chinese restaurant in Washington. I was sitting and eating, and a group of people came in. They saw that it was Lao Mou, staring at me from a distance. I didn't stand up, glanced at him, and continued to eat my meal.These are two encounters.

Then something happened to him.One day he suddenly called me and said, "I'm Mou Zhong. I'm fine. Give me some money, and I'll return it to you later." Afterwards, I analyzed that the police must have given him my phone number. Because he needs a lawyer.After a period of time, he handwritten a letter from the trustee in Wuhan Prison, briefly explaining the situation of the case, and still hoped that I would give money, and he planned to continue to hire a lawyer.I discussed it with Gongquan and made a decision: First, it is inconvenient to intervene before the second instance judgment, and it is inconvenient to provide any financial support, because it will form a direct confrontation with the government, the legal relationship is not clear, and I don’t know the amount. What is the nature of money? Second, if the second trial is over, we will visit him if he serves his sentence. Third, after Mou Zhong is released from a labor camp, I, Feng Lun, will take care of everything in life, and I will take care of the elderly.For me personally, it is nothing more than having an extra father. In principle, as much as my father is, it is also a comfort to my friends. He is about the same age as my father. I just went to Wuhan with Wang Shi recently and visited him.This violated my vow of "not to meet each other alive", but time has changed and my mood is different.From 1989 to now, I have known Lao Mou for 18 years.When I started Vantone, I had a bit of business experience. This was related to two people. One was Wang Gongquan, who once worked as the boss of a real estate company in Hainan; Some business matters.These form the business background of our original business.Mou Zhongzhong is a character who has been suppressed at the bottom by the society for a long time. The tragedy is that he has to use the method of colliding with the system to constantly prove his strength and stand up.Mou Zhongqi is the most successful one among the first generation of private trading enterprises, with a single transaction amounting to hundreds of millions, no one can do it better than him.In fact, the aircraft inversion was the most remarkable business miracle created by private capital under the system in the early stage of reform and opening up.As for his business ethics and internal organization of the company, they are all related to his background, experience and changes in the social system.It is more fair to say this way, and it cannot be said that he is a charlatan or a bad person in general. The first generation of private entrepreneurs are heroic, heroic, and politically complex. In the early 1990s, Zhu Bangyi, the owner of Hainan Nanfang Trust Co., Ltd., was the most successful in accepting drafts across the country, and he was also from Sichuan; while Lao Mou controlled credit unions in the north.They are all from the bottom of the society, and they don't buy into each other. As the director of the general office, I can't connect well with the matter of dating and meeting each other.Lao Mou wanted to meet in Beijing, but he said he would meet in the south. This is the way people compete with each other, because it involves the status of the rivers and lakes. Of course, Lao Mou sometimes missed.At that time, a secretary was recruited. He was from Shanxi. He was quiet, had a low level of education, and was quite upright. He was named "Miss Nande" and had a good relationship with Lao Mou.One day, three people suddenly came to Hainan, one from Northeast China, one from Zhejiang, and one from Hainan, and they came together to persuade Lao Mou to set up three credit unions in Hainan.These three people lived in the dormitory in Nande, none of us knew; when the three left, Lao Mou gave each of them 200,000 yuan for the start-up fee. The native of Hainan was surnamed Yang, and his wife sang Qiongju opera. During this period, he actually got rid of the female secretary from Shanxi.The establishment of the credit union has nothing to do with Lao Mou; the female secretary also left Lao Mou and went to Hainan to set up a credit union with Yang.Lao Mou is so angry, because the surname Yang cheated him of his money and kidnapped his people.He vowed to get this person in, and then he really got in. Miss Nande was living on the street, and we happened to be running a company, so we took her in temporarily; I don't know where she went afterwards. When the plane was reversed, a group of people wanted to "mutiny" and planned to take away all relevant documents and do it themselves. Lao Mou arrested those people overnight and tied them up in the basement.So our original judgment was correct. If we "remonstrated", we would probably be tied up too.No matter whether Lao Mou holds a large meeting or a small meeting, no one has ever presided over it.A small square table was placed on the podium, and he sat down with a big tea mug, and the meeting adjourned after speaking.Don't listen to what everyone says, as long as he enjoys talking. Lao Mou insisted on winter swimming in Yuyuantan in the morning, and read a lot of books. Before we left Nande, once he celebrated his birthday, Gongquan and I pooled money to buy a set for him.Every era has its own businessmen.Political complex, big brothers, folk wisdom, reasonable commercial imagination, and our limited institutional space have created such an image of Mou Zhongzhong, and there is no such person now.To survive is to change yourself at every stage, adapt to the environment, and constantly change your behavior; if you continue to do it in the original way, the environment changes and you remain the same, you will die quickly. I am also a person who has been stamped with the stamp of the times. In my own eyes, I am now a capitalist's job, a proletarian social ideal, a lumpen proletarian's living habits, and a traditional scholar-bureaucrat's spiritual enjoyment.I'm also a nondescript thing.
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