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Chapter 51 Gentleman Three Changes

barbaric growth 冯仑 1482Words 2018-03-18
Wang Shi's personality is very in line with the gentleman's standard advocated by Confucius, which is called the three changes of a gentleman: "Look at him like a man, even if he is gentle, and listen to his words, he is also tough." Strict; "even though he is gentle" means that after dealing with him, he is found to be very nice, very humane, and very reasonable; And it cannot be violated. I have always thought that Wang Shi is a true gentleman with love and righteousness.He is the "Wei You" that the ancients used to say, Wei means fear, and Wei You means moral integrity. Two people are not all talking good things when they are together, not the kind of friends who obey me and I obey you.Many people feel very afraid of Wang Shi when they see him at first, and his experience is so legendary that people are more in awe psychologically. In addition, at his age of 56, ordinary young people will immediately feel a kind of pressure when they see him. As if; in fact, if you are often with him, he has a very human side, he is also a very honest person, and very righteous.

Suppose you have a friend, or a child, who commits a crime and wants to run away. One day, he suddenly comes to you and asks for money. Will you give it now or not?There are many real gentlemen who say: You can't give it. If you give it, you will help him escape, and you will break the law.Therefore, most people would not give it to him, or did not dare to say it; there were only a few second-handed people who gave it blatantly and helped him escape.But when this matter was placed on Wang Shi, he handled it very artistically, not breaking the law, but also humane: he gave it, but at the same time reminded and repeatedly educated this person to surrender, and then told him that the money was for him It was used on the way to surrender, but he must promise to surrender himself.So after this person was arrested, the Public Security Bureau brought Wang Shi during the interrogation and asked him, "Did you give the money?" Wang Shi said, "I gave it to you, but I asked him to surrender. You can't let him He didn't even have money for food on the way!" The policeman asked the suspect again, and the man also said that Wang Shi repeatedly persuaded him to surrender.Wang Shi combined humanity and principles very well, it's really art, it's amazing.

Many years ago, there was another incident that really moved me.We used to have a project that was originally called "Ideal World", but now it is called "Xincheng International".It was at a low ebb of the economic cycle at that time, and we encountered some difficulties in funding. Wang Shi helped me analyze it after hearing what I said, and believed that it was more reliable to find China Shipping Company, and the possibility of cooperation was relatively high.Then he took the initiative to help me contact Sun Wenjie, the chairman of China Shipping, and found out that Sun was in Beijing one day.Wang Shi happened to be going to Hunan that day, but he changed his ticket and itinerary specifically for this matter, stopped in Beijing for a few hours, talked with Sun Wenjie and me in the hotel for more than an hour, and then got up at four o'clock the next morning to catch up. Go to the airport and fly to Hunan.First, he didn't want a commission, and second, he didn't want to fight for benefits for Vanke. He was out of nature, a gentleman's nature.He will do what he promised you, and he will take the initiative to contact you, and he will do it well. This is his human nature.He is very willing to communicate with people, and he always has some interesting friends, old and young, around him. This is the willful side of his nature, but he really doesn't give you face when he argues with you.

What impressed me the most was that once we happened to be in Alashan, and that night there was Lao Hu (Hu Baosen, chairman of Jianye Residential Group). If you don't agree with me, we almost got into an argument, but he just kept talking, and he never followed suit, which I admire very much.Many times, as a friend, when he thinks you are wrong, he will talk to you very seriously, and he will be very strict during the talk, so as not to give you face.He is selfless, so he never beat around the bush. When we were working on the China Center project of the New York World Trade Center in 2006, he disagreed at the beginning, "No, I don't understand!" But in the last few days of the crisis, when we were in a hurry to make a decision, he said: "It must be done, must be done, I support you, and I will help you with what I need." This is a gentleman, when he criticizes you, he doesn't give face when he argues with you, but when he supports you, he is completely Selfless, so I was also touched by the New York incident.Another example is the introduction of TEDA, because many people in the company had different opinions at that time. When I really couldn’t figure it out, I asked him. He said that this is a good thing, we must do it, and he can help me. Guide me how to do the work.I think this matter reflects his personality, which is the attitude of a gentleman. It is not easy to be a gentleman in the corporate world.

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