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Chapter 49 One trick, eat all over the world

barbaric growth 冯仑 2003Words 2018-03-18
Many times, people pay attention to Vanke because of its specialization.Everyone understands that Vanke has shifted from diversification to real estate specialization.What I am most concerned about now is how to specialize in the real estate field?Because as far as the real estate industry is concerned, there are actually many things that can be done.Vanke was able to go professional (this is also the most important decision of Wang Shi), and this strategic decision has been persisted for more than ten years, which has enabled Vanke to go to today and become the most representative industry leader.Not only that, he has started to sprint to the top of the global housing company.So, how did Wang Shi specialize in real estate?

Vanke has actually taken three major steps in the process of real estate specialization. The first step is that compared to other industries, he only does real estate and nothing else.This is Vanke's initial stage of specialization, which is the same as our early real estate business, such as the problem of confusion in geographical selection.At this stage, Vanke has been to Beihai, Yingkou, and Urumqi. It has no geographical structure, and wherever there is an acquaintance or a friend in the company, it will do business wherever it is.In addition, from the perspective of products, it is also chaotic: office buildings, residences, hotels, and industrial plants can do everything.Although it can also be called real estate specialization in terms of majors, it is actually diversified in the real estate field. Not only can it make any house, but also do it in any way. There are houses for sale and houses for rent, such as Tianjin For the Holiday Inn, first build a hotel, and when it fails, turn it into a residence or even an office building.As a result, judging from the performance of the operation, in many places it was just a scene of excitement and did not make money: Beihai did not make money, Yingkou did not make money, it did not make money at all in Tianjin for many years, and it also failed in Urumqi.This period is Vanke's specialization in the initial stage, which is actually a diversification in the real estate field.Although Wang Shi made a professional choice at this time, their experience was still insufficient, and the result became diversification in the real estate field. In fact, it is the specialization of large industries and a kind of diversification in the real estate industry.

The second stage of specialization started after 1998.Since then, Vanke has given up all products other than housing, and has further concentrated its products on housing development. At the same time, it has also become more specific in terms of regions, mainly concentrated in economically developed areas such as the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, and Beijing and Tianjin.After six or seven years of hard work at this stage, Vanke quickly became the largest housing company in the country. From 2004 to the present, Vanke has started to accelerate, and it has started the third step on the road of specialization, which is to realize refinement, industrialization and industrialization on the basis of residential specialization.In another two years, the industrialization level of Vanke's residential products will be able to fully support its faster development. This professional effort has ensured that Vanke's performance in the past few years has been greatly improved. Its current industrialization and Refined cultivation is enough to support its large-scale growth.Now Vanke's overall turnover, market value and product volume are well-deserved No. 1 in Asia. I believe that within three years, it can become No. 1 in the world, and even enter the world's top 500.

Vanke has transformed from diversification to real estate specialization, then from diversification of real estate companies to single housing products, making itself a simple housing company, and finally sprinting towards refinement and industrialization. The progress of each stage is very clear. Very impressive.In the first stage, it should be said that its performance was average; the second stage lasted for about 9 to 10 years, and the return on net assets was around 9% or 10%; after 2004, the return on net assets was 14% every year %~15%, and keep going up.Therefore, from the perspective of specialization, the path Vanke is taking is a path worthy of study by real estate companies.

Wang Shi himself has always played a decisive role in this process.In the first stage, he was still a direct decision-maker and actual operator, and he was still a manager at that time; in the second stage, he was also a very dedicated facilitator and leader; and in the third stage, basically It is a professional team as the protagonist, he always supports and affirms, he can be regarded as a mentor or coach. Wang Shi's greatest contribution to Vanke's specialization mainly has three aspects. The first is to bring out a team of managers, and then in the third stage, this professional mission is completely entrusted to the managers instead of doing it by themselves.The professionalism of Vanke's managers is very high.Wang Shi has been doing this for so many years. He brought out a manager team himself, and then let the manager team complete the future of refinement and industrialization. This is very important. He plays the role of a chief designer in the professionalization.

The second is that he has built a very good institutional culture. All Vanke's systems and resource arrangements are carried out under the leadership of Wang Shi.For example, Vanke's current human resources system, including Vanke's opening to the outside world, governance structure, and manager training, is the key to supporting Vanke's rapid growth. Therefore, at the institutional level, Wang Shi is the most decisive force.He chose to be a manager, directly tinkering with (designing) his system, and improving it for a long time.We spent a lot of time on the issue of original sin. We spent four or five years cleaning up the "ass" before learning it well and training managers later. We lost a lot of time in the process; Wang Shi didn't need to spend all this In his free time, he can always devote his energy to corporate governance and improving the system.Since Vanke went public very early, and its geographical location is relatively close to Hong Kong, they borrowed some management methods from Hong Kong and Japan, and avoided many detours.So I think in the field of specialization, Wang Shi's contribution is to establish a good company system to support his specialization, including the human resources system and the customer system.

During the development of Vanke, Wang Shi has been talking about specialization. He talked about it everywhere, so that the company has formed a set of professional values.Compared with the addition of diversification, he is doing subtraction, and then he talks about specialization to all emerging companies and the whole of China.As the image spokesperson, he played very well, and Vanke himself took the lead in insisting on doing so, proving the success of specialization with his performance.With his charisma and influence, Wang Shi has made specialization synonymous with success in the real estate industry.

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