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Chapter 47 Alxa's story

barbaric growth 冯仑 2614Words 2018-03-18
At present, it is the private enterprises, not the state-owned enterprises, that have the strongest sense of corporate citizenship responsibility in China. In 2007, the real estate industry invested more than 1 billion in social welfare activities. This was the most and it was also a turning point.As private enterprises, as they gradually develop and mature in the market, they are more and more aware of the relationship with the society and the relationship of direct interests.Therefore, they are particularly willing to help the society improve management in various ways, including helping various ethnic groups improve their living environment, and helping education, health and environmental protection continue to improve.It is gratifying that private enterprises have increasingly invested in these three areas, and these three areas are the most important areas for companies to participate in civic responsibility internationally, namely education, medical care, poor population, and ecology.China's private enterprises are not far behind at present. Although we have only developed for less than 30 years, compared with global enterprises in fulfilling corporate citizenship responsibilities, we are quickly catching up.

"Alxa SEE Ecological Association" is China's largest non-governmental environmental protection organization initiated by Liu Xiaoguang in 2004. Nearly 100 Chinese entrepreneurs participated. In July 2007, Alxa SEE Ecological Association had just completed its second election. It is a landmark event of the collective awakening of Chinese entrepreneurs' sense of social responsibility. After the establishment of the Alxa Association, it specially organized entrepreneurs from the mainland to visit Taiwan to hear how Taiwanese companies do public welfare and fulfill their social responsibilities.During our investigation in Taiwan, we found that entrepreneurs in Taiwan have done a very good job of giving back to the society after economic development, and they are very conscious.Including the Young Entrepreneurs Association, as well as public welfare foundations of various enterprises are very active and very effective.They are also very clear about the responsibility boundaries and ethical conduct of corporate public welfare and commercial organizations.

Afterwards, the Alxa Association held another conference in Hong Kong, and invited many people from Hong Kong's public welfare organizations, environmental protection organizations, and non-governmental organizations to give speeches and trainings, which touched and helped us a lot. Alxa SEE Ecological Association allows entrepreneurs from Taiwan, Hong Kong and the mainland to communicate and share together, so that more mainland entrepreneurs can awaken, learn and practice.In the past three years, the Alxa Association has also received a lot of support from the country, and many media have given a lot of positive comments. At the same time, it has also attracted the attention of the most important environmental protection organizations in the world, including The Nature Conservancy and Conservation International. They not only paid attention to, communicated with, and even came to provide training for us, but also put part of their funds into the Alxa Association for implementation.

As of July 2007, the Alashan Association has raised nearly 50 million funds.The focus is on three things. One is to explore sand control, eradicate desertification and enable local farmers to self-govern in the Alashan area, while improving economic conditions; the other is to promote, promote and commend a large number of non-governmental environmental protection organizations and the projects they are engaged in. , to commend, publicize and promote some outstanding people; the third is the training, improvement and progress of the Alxa Association itself. I recalled that when the Alxa SEE Ecological Association was first organized in the desert, there were three groups of people in a big tent, the mainland people were called "earth turtles", the Taiwan people were called "Taiwan compatriots", and there were also "sea turtles" (returnees).Everyone was discussing the list of the organizing committee of the association. Liu Xiaoguang had planned to draw up a list and it was over. As a result, the "earth turtles", "Taiwan compatriots" and "sea turtles" (returnees) were not satisfied. It happened that the mobile phone had no signal over there, so everyone just joked. , Said: "Liu Xiaoguang, it's wrong for you to do this. You take out the list and read it, and everyone applauds and it's over."

Later, I started to re-nominate candidates, and then someone mentioned me.Wang Weijia was elected as a supervisor, and I was elected as an executive director, so Wang Weijia and I were the only ones elected in that election.In the ensuing process, I participated in a lot of work of the executive director.I learned how NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations) do, and started to deal with some outstanding people in NGO organizations. We have also encountered many internal organizational and management challenges, so before the second election, we had serious discussions, held many meetings, discussed our charter seriously, and finally improved it.For example, how to change the term, how to nominate, how to vote, and how to elect.In addition, what does each professional committee do, what responsibilities and obligations the executive director should undertake, and what contributions should be made.

This is a great improvement. First of all, a lot of qualifications for the election of the executive director have been defined. For example, to join the association, two people are recommended. In addition, it takes time to participate in the meeting in person. If the meeting is not held, the qualification of the executive director will be disqualified, etc. Wait. The reelection went very smoothly, and the rules of the game were very clear. In the end, 9 members of the new executive council were elected. Wang Shi was elected with a high number of votes.There is a very interesting phenomenon in this election process. Mainland entrepreneurs are not very popular in elections, and Taiwanese entrepreneurs are very skilled. As a result, almost all candidates for Taiwanese entrepreneurs were elected, but some good entrepreneurs from the mainland were not elected. .

Elections are "selling you" yourself, promoting yourself.So we have to put down our dignity, and we have to do a lot of work to win votes.Another point is that elections are technical. You must know the rules of voting. For example, if there are five votes in total, you can choose two and leave the other three blank. This is not considered a foul.Many entrepreneurs in Taiwan know how to vote in this way, and they will never vote for candidates they do not want to vote for.Of course, these are not the main things of the Alxa Association. In Alxa, you can learn a set of rules of the game to manage an NGO, including the establishment of the Alxa Foundation, including the rules of the game for NGO salary management.The process of our personal participation is a process of learning and improving, which will enable us to better assume the common responsibilities of the enterprise.

I know of many other non-profit organizations. The most commendable one is the just-established Narada Charity Foundation, which was initiated by another friend in the real estate industry, Mr. Zhou of Narada Real Estate. With the support of Narada Foundation, Narada Foundation was registered. From the very beginning, Narada Foundation established their professional management team in accordance with the rules of the game managed by international charitable funds and domestic laws and regulations.They invited Xu Yongguang, the former secretary-general of the China Youth Development Foundation, to be the secretary-general of the Narada Charity Foundation, which is the most senior secretary-general of a charity fund in China, so he chose the best team. They are currently promoting a " "New Citizenship Plan", this "New Citizenship Plan" is mainly aimed at providing practical help for the children of migrant workers in China to go to school.Persisting in this set of new citizen plans will be beneficial to changing the structure of the entire Chinese urban population, the level of education and the establishment of harmonious ethnic relations.

Mr. Zhou of Nandu has received a very good education and has a great sense of social responsibility. He currently spends far more time on public welfare undertakings than on profit-making undertakings.Since 2007, Vanke has four public welfare funds to be established, and Vantone will also establish two public welfare funds.The entire Chinese real estate industry will have no less than 1 billion funds for public welfare undertakings.Since 2007, Chinese entrepreneurs have been more involved in China's private environmental protection, education, medical care, disaster relief and other public welfare undertakings. This is a very significant progress.China's private enterprises have begun to realize that they must assume social responsibilities from purely making profits, and from realizing social responsibilities, they have started to take time and money to personally participate in public welfare activities that fulfill social responsibilities. This is a symbol of China's Another step forward in reform and opening up is also a commitment by Chinese entrepreneurs to assume social responsibility in today's China.

I believe that from now on, more private entrepreneurs in China will become the mainstream and main body of social progress, and they will be more and more respected and supported by the society and more people.Similarly, their benevolence, sense of responsibility, and public welfare will be a huge driving force, which can make Chinese society more harmonious and harmonious under the legal norms of the social organization system after the rapid economic development. Progress, create a huge space. This is where the hope for China's progress lies.
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