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Chapter 40 great condition

barbaric growth 冯仑 2442Words 2018-03-18
Greatness is an aesthetic proposition, but I understand that greatness is often the main thread that inspires a man's life story. This is a dream, so greatness is first of all a dream.This dream will become a guiding light in his life, just like Arafat, his dream is to lead Palestine back to his homeland and establish an independent democratic country.After graduating from university, he became the chairman of the Palestine Student Self-Government Federation, then worked in real estate, picked up girls, and became a small rich man. Later, he founded Fatah, and finally persisted in Fatah for 45 years.In fact, it all originated from a dream when he was young, to establish an independent country. Under this inspiration, he has been fighting for it all his life, and this struggle has become a miracle. He became the head of state without a country, without a passport citizens of the world.In the end, people all over the world think he is the head of state, but he has no country.

So greatness is a beacon in a man's heart, a dream around which the story of his life unfolds.If the seed was not planted at the age of 15, it is difficult to explain the logic of this person's growth.Just like the plot of the first and second chapters of a novel can be different, but the logic must be the same.The people I met in the business field, the development of their story logic is actually related to their 15-year-old or 20-year-old dreams, and how the images of their heroes are copied into their lives, and they will continue to change. , do this and do that, but the logic remains the same.The easiest dream we had at that time was to transform China. After a while, there was an opportunity for you to reform, and then it failed, but there was another opportunity, so we continued to reform.I often run into the elite of the 80s, keep popping out of here and there, and end up all coming together again.A great dream will guide the unfolding of a man's story, and the plot will be varied, but the logic is very consistent.Such a man will have a kind of power that makes people respect him.When a man has a spiritual pursuit, he first conquers himself and infects everyone, and finally he can make seemingly strange actions and even endure pain that others cannot tolerate.

Greatness is a state, a state of freedom.All great people are extremely free in their hearts, and they are extremely eager to jump out of an existing pattern.Many entrepreneurs, you see him great now, but at the beginning he just wanted to rebel and yearn for freedom.The root of freedom is to control your own destiny, to decide what you do, how you do it, and with whom you do it.Freedom also has many micro-concrete features, such as deciding when to go to work and how much to pay. Although these are very small, this kind of freedom is like oxygen and water to great people, and is necessary for life.If there is no freedom, the great state can never come out.On the other hand, great people are free, and their hearts and actions are in this state.I don't know which of these two things is the first and which is the last, but the great people I have observed are very free.Wang Shi has completed "7+2" (referring to the exploration of the highest peaks of the seven continents and the north and south poles), published a new book, and his life is very free.

There is no great person who is not in a state of freedom. He can be great in prison. This greatness is another kind of spiritual temperament that I will talk about later. More people have freedom of spiritual behavior.Conversely, the state of freedom enables him to reach a state of creation. Freedom is like a chemical process in terms of ideology, and a new thing appears without knowing which thing is connected with which thread.Whether a person is free or not can also be seen from his speech. Freelancers speak incoherently, he is very free, and his speech is very attractive. There are always some points or one or two sentences that make you feel real; A person in a state, such as a person on the rostrum of the officialdom, is not free, and his language is very boring. You will not think he is great.

Some people say that there are three realms to cultivate in life.The first level of cultivation is to eat and sleep, to be heartless and heartless, to marry and eat and sleep.The revision scriptures of the second realm are normal, and people are often either normal or decent. The old women in the alley speak normally, but they still speak the language of the alley on the rostrum, which is not serious enough. People will say that this person is not sensible, but if the official sits If you are serious there, you always use that set of words, and when you come down and talk to the old lady, it will make people think that this person is abnormal.So the so-called normality means being normal when it should be normal, and being serious when it should be serious, and you can play the roles of daily life and the podium freely.The third realm is to cultivate good and evil, right and wrong, not only to observe problems according to the normal standard of right and wrong, but also to be able to create a standard of right and wrong, which is extreme freedom.Guevara, for example, was able to resist all colonialist forces and become the "liberator" of Latin America. He created his own standards of good and evil, right and wrong.A person who has cultivated to this level is great.People gradually move from the freedom of survival to the freedom of a role, and finally to the freedom of creation in terms of right and wrong. This is from ordinary to great.So, a great person, a great state should be a free state.

Also, greatness is a state of creation.Freedom must be unconventional, and will create some new rules, new standards of right and wrong, and new opportunities to choose.All people have only two lives. One is that 95% of people follow the general rules of the game for the survival and development of ordinary people. They will get married at the age of 25, have children at the age of 27, and take their children to learn piano after becoming parents. It's normal to go home and spend holidays with your children.According to this set of rules, I basically have a sense of security and can survive normally.But there are still 5% of people who have a second life. These people create life, change destiny, and challenge the future. For example, the great director Zhang Yimou has to go home after get off work, and people will think that Zhang Yimou is abnormal.They have passed the normal line, and their right and wrong standards have entered another state.These are the people we think of as creating.Zhang Yimou's greatness is made by going beyond the norm.If he comes home from get off work, he has not created, but is still in a normal state of life, everyone will think he is ordinary, and they will say that he is a human being rather than approachable.When we say that a person is approachable, in a sense we admit that he is no longer a "person".Therefore, in daily life, greatness is to deal with the daily living conditions in an unconventional life, so that he can have great creations in his work, such as creating business miracles, scientific inventions, etc. No matter which one, we call it "great". Some people must have done something that others have not done.What we fail to do we call creation.

Similarly, in social movements, there are many such stories: burning books and burying Confucianism is also a creation, Qin Shihuang is great enough;As for how history evaluates, time will judge by itself.Greatness is always in a process of creation, thinking and creating the future in an unconventional state. Greatness is still a state, a state of the absurd, which is rarely observed.A great person has a sense of absurdity, that is, others think he is great, but he himself thinks it is absurd.This state is very interesting.If others think you are great, but you don’t think you are absurd, you think you are really great, which is what the common people say, “You really think you are great”, “You are a person”, and you will take it wherever you go, and everyone will Say you take yourself too seriously.Great people will have a deep state of freedom, and they will put themselves in the long river of history to observe themselves and know what they are acting.In fact, if you really act according to the role everyone gave you, it would be superficial.So when I really met such people in a small area, I found that they all have a sense of absurdity and are very good at ridiculing, because they are very clear about what is going on with them, and it is useless for others to flatter them.

So greatness is a state, a state of nature, a state of freedom, a state of creation, a state of the absurd, and a comic or tragic role in self-observation.
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