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Chapter 29 7. Political and business relations

barbaric growth 冯仑 2091Words 2018-03-18
Regarding the relationship between private enterprises and the system, in terms of the current situation, there are two reference objects that can help us think.One is to compare with the United States, and the other is to compare with Taiwan.The per capita GDP of Taiwan is about 15,000 US dollars, the per capita GDP of the United States is 50,000 US dollars, and the average level of mainland China is less than 3,000 US dollars. They are at different stages of economic development, and their respective political and business relations (relationship with the government system) are different. different.

From the comparison of the basic social and economic systems, due to their different historical backgrounds, basic property structure relations, and political organization relations, their respective political and business relations are very different.In the United States, it should actually be called business-government relationship, where business comes before politics, and it is the rules of the game where business interest groups dominate the government; in China, it is political-business relations, where politics comes before business, and it is the government that dominates our market transactions and business rules Behavior.In the United States, business groups have adopted laws and regulations, such as a set of game rules such as how to donate, how to lobby, and how to vote, to ensure that business groups can influence the government’s public policy formulation, and affect the government’s influence on businessmen and all levels of society. Benefit distribution; in China, the government formulates a series of policies through research, and then requires enterprises to implement them in accordance with the policies.In the policy-making process, businessmen do not get involved, at most they come to listen to your opinions, and businessmen have little influence on government policy-making.Someone joked that the relationship between businessmen and the government is "inseparable and unreliable".How do you understand it?Doing business in the mainland is inseparable from the support of government policies, even if you want to do without you; you cannot rely on policies to support your development, and you cannot be relied on if you want to.When the government deals with businessmen in this field, you can express your opinion, but the premise of expressing it is pleasant, obedient, happy, and occasionally some coquettishness (so-called suggestions and opinions), because this is also history. improvement.But you should not turn into shouting because of resistance. This is a very different place between China and the United States.

Taiwan is a completely different matter. At this level, companies and the government are completely tied together, and the relationship is chaotic. There are shouts, faces and quarrels.At this level, how do companies influence the government?There is no "donation law".The so-called "donation law" refers to political donations, which are the rules of the game for companies to send money to the government.On this point, the United States has laws, but Taiwan has no laws.But Taiwan needs money for elections, so companies continue to send money to politicians.Politicians have to give back to their donors, and there are various ways to give back (report).Therefore, Taiwan's political and business relations are well-known to each other, but there is no clear legal boundary, unlike the United States.The United States follows the open rules of the game, while Taiwan relies more on unspoken rules.

At present, the mainland is still dominated by the regime, that is, the government serves the ball and enterprises receive the ball.I think we need to understand very well that the progress of society is gradual, and the current state of progress is that the regime and the government dominate enterprises, and rules and unspoken rules play a greater role.For example, now no one can tell how the real estate policy is formulated, and the "notice" is in charge. In fact, this "notice" may be in conflict with the law.For example, the "121 document" is a "notice", and this notice has no start and end date. For example, the starting point will take effect from the date of issuance of the notice. When will it end?No instructions.This talk is so confusing that it is not clear, not standardized and not perfect, so that some of our companies today use documents from Chairman Mao’s era, documents from the “Cultural Revolution” period, and even a piece of land that is disputed by people. It took a long time to debate whether Jiang Qing's instructions counted as legal evidence.

Our policy-making process is not transparent and clear enough.This creates a conflict between the boundaries of government power and the boundaries of corporate behavior.In this case, I think companies need to be particularly cautious in handling their relationship with government authorities.It should be to stick to divisions, respect the government's management and all policies, listen to the party's words, and follow the government.This is a position we must take at this level, and it is also a basic principle, otherwise your company will not be able to develop at all. In terms of the relationship between enterprises and the government, it should be said that Vanke is a successful example.Vanke was founded entirely as a private enterprise by founder Wang Shi. It has a history of 22 years. It has not only successfully responded to the challenges of policy and system changes at all stages since the economic system reform, but also has become more and more stable, mature and rapidly developing. Maintain industry leadership to become the nation's largest residential company.Vanke's way of survival, Wang Shi called it "no bribery" and using the management methods of state-owned manufacturing enterprises to establish an effective system and system, establish a manager culture, and insist on cultivating a manager team.These things can be seen as the flash of the values ​​of keeping upright and operating in a sunny manner, and they can also be seen as the successful docking of a mature professional management system and team to cope with the legal and professional market competition and the government management system.

For quite a long time in the past, the market order was not established during the reform process, the legal system was not perfect, the behavior of enterprises and the government was not standardized, and the professional ability of the government management department was relatively low. At this time, the advantages of motivation, information, resources and talents were all in the On the side of the private economy, especially those ambitious entrepreneurial leaders, they can easily open up gaps in the system by "fixing" one or two powerful leaders, intercept huge resources, and form explosive growth.Even if things happen in the east, they can often easily resolve the crisis and escape the catastrophe of life and death.As a result, the thinking and behavior patterns of using money to open the way and doing whatever they want have grown.

However, in recent years, the legalization process of the market economic system has been accelerated and improved. The government management department has not only improved its system, but also has a higher level of specialization. The advantages of resources, power, information, talents and specialization have also changed significantly. to the side of the government.Therefore, the era of using speculation and corrupting cadres to open the way, and relying on a certain person to game the system has passed.At present, the only way to coexist and develop continuously with the existing system for a long time is to use organization to organization, system (mechanism) to system (mechanism), profession to profession, and talent to talent.In other words, only by establishing a scientific and reasonable governance structure and forming a professional and effective corporate management system can we steadily and effectively connect with government management departments and obtain market and government resources for long-term development.The standardized management system and professional manager culture that Vanke has established for a long time have just adapted to this positive change in the government's management system and methods.

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