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Chapter 21 Special Forces and Al Qaeda

barbaric growth 冯仑 2569Words 2018-03-18
Think about the organization of the future.The leaders of enterprises study management, and their goals are very clear. They should focus on organization and personnel, that is, organizational transformation and human liberation.What is the direction of organizational change in the future? Looking at history, we can see that the most efficient organizational change is the military. It is a confrontational game in a changing environment, and most management theories are confrontational games in a hypothetical environment. Therefore, generals are The best managers.This is why there are more CEOs from West Point than from Harvard Business School.

Changes in military organization are precursors to changes in business organizations.Observed from a global perspective today, military organizations are undergoing changes in two aspects, namely the "special forces" of formal organizations and legal organizations, and the "basement" of illegal or non-contractual organizations. The so-called "special forces" is the new military reform led by former US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld.Now all countries are increasing special forces and reducing conventional sea, land and air forces.Special forces have also focused on increasing information warfare units and psychological warfare units.After the increase, what happens to its costs and benefits?To put it simply, it is a big background and a small front end: 70% of the money is used to find the target, and 30% of the money is spent on directly destroying the target.The front-end organization becomes omnipotent, and the back-end becomes the supporting force of the system.In the past, the company commander on the front line could not command the artillery, so he had to report to the division headquarters for support, and the division commanded the artillery to fire; now the system has super support power, and the front-end functions are comprehensive, and the artillery can start firing with an e-mail from special soldiers.

Where the troops are, the position of each team member is displayed very accurately on the commander-in-chief's command screen.It is hard to imagine that the solution to the Taliban in Afghanistan is only 123 special forces, in groups of 3, and each support system is 50 million US dollars. The 3-person team includes an information intelligence expert, a firepower bomb expert, and a combat expert. They know a little about each other's field and have been trained in emergency rescue and bandaging.Let's look at the changes in its cost-benefit.In the past, war costs were mainly spent on munitions and dead people. The success coefficient of bombing targets was low, 70% of the cost was wasted, and 30% of the money hit the target.Now with cruise missiles, 70% of the cost is in finding the target, satellite positioning and the like, and 30% is in the cost of explosives.Under the current war conditions, the cost of finding targets has increased, and the cost of directly targeting the enemy has decreased.

How do these three people fight?The Northern Alliance was skeptical at first.The special forces said, you will see our strength soon, and plan to equip a regiment the next day.The people in the Northern Alliance are all stupid, thinking how can this be done!The special soldiers took out their laptops and began to enter the height and weight of the personnel, the military uniforms, leather shoes, military caps, guns... An e-mail was sent, and the global supply chain began to mobilize.In the afternoon of the second day, various materials were dropped directly by plane.After the equipment was ready, the people of the Northern Alliance still walked behind, and in front of them was the valley where the Taliban army lived.The special forces took out their infrared scanners and used "death rays" to search for and lock on to the target.If there are 400 people, he will calculate the corresponding number of matching bombs.Too few bombs are not lethal enough, too many are a waste of cost, and the international impact of blood and flesh is not good.In the end, choose a bomb that can basically suffocate them and keep their bodies intact.The cost of these bombs is also clearly calculated at the same time, and the US headquarters calculates war funds based on this information.The buddies on the plane were tired of waiting while listening to the music. After receiving the e-mail, they entered the parameter coordinates and started a war. After a few seconds, there was no one in the valley.In the eyes of the Northern Alliance army, these special forces were like heavenly soldiers and generals, and they were immediately worshiped as gods.Therefore, the cost of modern warfare is accurately calculated, and the front is omnipotent. It mainly relies on a strong support system to ensure the effective use of war resources and make war more ethical.

The so-called "basement" is a free molecular movement coordinated with values, culture, and emotions. The costs are distributed and the benefits are huge. The cost of "9.11" was US$220,000, while the US suffered a direct loss of US$200 billion and an indirect loss of US$400 billion.Al Qaeda is relatively dispersed, without layers of management, and many actions were not directly arranged by bin Laden.They just lead with values ​​and religious sentiments.There are many shrimp companies in Zhongguancun, which are also base-based organizations. This organizational form has scattered and low costs, unified interests, and huge returns.

The special forces specialize in precision strikes, and Al Qaeda is the fleas. In the end, it becomes a contest between the two, and a show of precisely killing fleas is staged. In this situation, enterprises are also faced with a choice, how to make the organization more efficient?How to refine and specialize the front desk and make the back office bigger and more systematic? How can private enterprises progress?Many people say that the management level of private enterprises is low, the governance structure is unreasonable, hard-earned wages, corruption, etc.In fact, from the perspective of management, it is very simple, it is a problem of organization and people.Entrepreneurs of private enterprises generally have a transformation, that is, the difficult process of transforming from a natural person into a businessman and from a businessman into a leader. During this period, the rules of the game need to be changed in this direction, and all thoughts, emotions, and behaviors are directed towards this direction. direction change.

The biggest problem for private enterprises is the organizational structure, which requires different organizational forms at different stages.At first, it was a partnership system, and then it became a joint-stock system. It is possible that international capital will intervene after listing.An organization is sometimes like a piece of clothing. It should be made first and then grow flesh. The volume of business and the size of the organization should change accordingly.In the early stage of entrepreneurship, private families definitely take advantage, with low cost and good coordination.After digging the first pot of gold, the private family will die.When I met Li Ka-shing a while ago, he emphasized that Cheung Kong is not a family company. Li Zekai returned to Hong Kong to start a business and worked in another company. After a few years, he returned to Hutchison Whampoa and started working with a very low salary.I understand what he means, his company is a formal organization. Fifteen years ago, New World was about the same size as Li Ka-shing's company, but New World is completely family-owned and does not need professional managers. Now the business has shrunk to a very small size.These are the two results caused by the tension of the organization.

Private enterprises must plan in advance to allow the organization to develop in advance, even beyond business development.Private enterprises are vigorous in the early stage; but when the whole society is vigorous, self-discipline is very important, and motivation without restraint becomes a disadvantage.However, many state-owned enterprises are constrained and unmotivated.Our company has adjusted its resources and system to maintain motivation and add the binding force of state-owned enterprises to itself. The organizational forms that private enterprises can copy are government agencies, families and rivers and lakes.The documents issued by some private enterprises are the same as red-headed documents, and the articles written by the boss are the same as magazine editorials.The other type unknowingly runs the company like a family or a rivers and lakes. This is an unconscious organizational copy, which is too Chinese.I often see the slogans of some companies closely follow the political climate, and the inscription is "××× Company Announcement", which is completely institutional style.Now private enterprises can copy foreign commercial organizations and non-profit organizations, and they can also innovate while copying.In the past, the leaders of private enterprises especially ignored this point. They were only interested in selling things, but did not pay much attention to the organizational structure. They only thought of introducing strategic investors and shareholders very late.

The significance of introducing capital is to transform the organization, transform the behavior pattern of people, revise the goal, and accelerate the development.A few years ago, several film and television companies encountered a good opportunity and foreign capital entered.Enlight Media was always afraid of selling cheap, and felt that it was a loss, and missed the opportunity; the two sold cheaply, one was Huayi Brothers, and the other was Zhongbo Film and Television.Foreign capital has also helped us invigorate many large and medium-sized private enterprises.In fact, the significance of organizational change is greater than the haggling between 10 million and 20 million.Making money is a lifetime thing, don't expect to make enough at once.The oxygen that cannot be breathed for a lifetime in one breath, whether private enterprises can develop and grow, whether they can make progress, the focus is on organizational reform and the health care of the company's body.

Private enterprises should manage their own desires well, clarify their goals, rationally structure their organizations, and earnestly pursue performance.No matter what industry, as long as these points are achieved, this private enterprise will develop very well.
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