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Chapter 20 management of people and management of people

barbaric growth 冯仑 1942Words 2018-03-18
about people management.One of the mistakes a manager can easily make is not knowing whether to manage himself or to manage others.After a person prints his business card and becomes the general manager, you will find that he starts to complain about others. It seems that management is to control others and let others do things according to their own ideas, and if the management is not good, it is the fault of others. Intrigue, anyway, I am right.In fact, the initiators of a crowd's behavior are its organizers, that is, the chairman and general manager. They set the goals and organizational structure. They firmly grasp the initiative, so all responsibilities should belong to on them.The behavior of the manager is the most important, just like the relationship between the dealer and the receiver, the dealer is responsible, the dealer plays 3, the receiver plays K, the latter cannot be blamed for playing big.So great people manage themselves rather than lead others.

Backgammon boss Duan Yongping told two interesting stories.An example is that I often hear some leaders complain that there is no one in the company, but looking at his schedule, there is almost no time to meet with headhunters and potential recruits.Where is the problem?While keeping myself busy enough, I complain about incompetent people. If I focus on finding someone, and manage myself well, someone will come.At first, I was like this too. In recent years, I have kept in touch with headhunting companies, looking for people when I have nothing to do, and treating them as making friends.The communication time between entrepreneurs, senior managers and headhunters must be arranged in the schedule, and excellent people need to find them by themselves.

Another example is to be able to distinguish between what is important and what is urgent.For example, a customer complaint is an urgent matter, but employees have no power, only the boss can make the decision; although the problem is solved at once, the boss feels a sense of accomplishment, but he does other people's work.The important thing is to establish a system and set a service charter.To manage yourself is to do important things, which is to manage your own affairs.Urgent matters are usually managed by others or managed on behalf of others.If you learn to manage yourself, you will become very calm, because the important things (company strategy, employee training, system construction) are done well, and the employees can handle the rest by themselves.Six years ago, our company had a lot of customer complaints, and the situation was very chaotic. Later, we decided to establish a three-level customer system to divert the flow smoothly. Now 80% of the problems are solved at the department level, and only 20% at the manager level. There are only one or two customers and emergencies that I need to deal with directly every year.It is always more important for company leaders to manage themselves than to manage others. The key to behavior management and behavior correction is to correct their own behavior.Wang Shi and I went skiing in Hokkaido a few days ago, and I said we want to skate snowboard.He said, no, you have to fall 300 times to skate like I am now.These 300 wrestlings are about managing yourself. You don’t need to emphasize your physical fitness, you don’t need to say that you don’t have enough time, and you don’t have to blame the coach for not teaching well. The coach can’t wrestle for you.

Another thing that is more difficult to manage in the organization is "Chinese characteristics" and "local habits".This is the most difficult part for us to tailor Western theories.Why do many theories need to be changed when they arrive in China? In fact, it is a compromise in behavior and habits.I have talked about the stranger principle and the acquaintance principle before.China is a "acquaintance culture", and restaurants can solve many things more than lawyers.The reason why problems are solved in restaurants or bathing places is to go beyond the rules, and the purpose is to adapt.In China, most of the real estate rental shops are rented out to the catering and entertainment industries.Here, the Chinese people’s personal enjoyment is definitely a small part. Usually here, they treat public affairs as private affairs and private affairs as family affairs, so as to fully soften the other party’s heart, and the purpose is to be flexible.In China, the middle ground between people and me is eliminated, and each other "occupies" each other. What is mine is yours, and what is yours is mine. The degree of personalization is low.

My friend Wang Gongquan encountered an interesting thing.The secretary of Wantong America Company is an American. Gong Quan first went to the United States and asked her to pick him up at the airport.It's normal to pick up the boss in China. The people below are eager to pick up the boss, but they don't pick up.Gong Quan had no choice but to ask a friend to pick it up, and then he was very angry and wanted to fire the secretary.As a result, the American quit. She said that she was not wrong. The employment contract signed with the company did not specify the matter of taking over the boss, which was not her responsibility.If you want to pick up, you can, but you must discuss the number of pick-up times, and who will pay for the fuel and tire wear each time.The boundaries between Americans and people, between things and things are very clearly defined.The Chinese confuse private space with public space, and the human-me boundary is unclear.Therefore, in China, the binding force of the system management of most enterprises is weak, and emotional factors have a great check and balance effect; unless it is a manufacturing industry, when the process regulations are very clear, it is relatively better.

This involves another question, what motivates the enthusiasm and creativity of employees in the organizational structure.In China, sometimes moral incentives are more important than monetary incentives, or the elderly can use moral incentives, but for young people, monetary incentives are more important.Observing our customer complaint data across the country, people over the age of 60 like to use class struggle methods to deal with them, such as giving speeches, gathering crowds, and posting posters; those in their 30s basically settle accounts, go to court, and ask for money; In addition to litigation, he also fights, and even finds the underworld.Different generations have different characteristics, and management must be targeted.Young people talk about performance and interests, while older people talk about feelings and seniority. Culture and customs largely restrict management.In the process of intergenerational change, there will be a change in cultural concepts, or the transition from political culture to business culture and legal culture is very difficult.If there are people of different races, different cultural backgrounds, and people of different age groups, the organization will be very chaotic, which is why it is difficult for large trans-provincial and multinational companies to survive.Therefore, the corporate culture should not be diversified, and the customs should not be diverse as much as possible.Business leaders should pay attention to the relative unity of corporate culture, which is conducive to the guidance and training of human behavior.The high-level board of directors and managers need to be open because they need to make decisions. Openness and complementarity are conducive to reducing one-sidedness and improving correctness; however, diversification at the executive level brings poor coordination, so it should be avoided.

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