Home Categories political economy barbaric growth

Chapter 14 Build a dream

barbaric growth 冯仑 1949Words 2018-03-18
After 30 years of reform and opening up in China, private enterprises and the private economy have accounted for more than 50% of GDP, and more than 50% of the employed population has become more and more influential in the national economy; a good mechanism has been established, and at the same time Create increasingly influential representatives of business and enterprise leaders.Nevertheless, in the face of China's huge social economy and the institutional transformation of Chinese society, I believe that as an industrial and commercial enterprise, it will still face very big challenges in its future development.In order to enable industrial and commercial enterprises to become a positive force for the continuous progress of society, I think there are several aspects that should be paid special attention to:

First, industrial and commercial enterprises must have a good cooperation with the general public and most people, and devote more time and energy to public welfare activities, because public welfare itself is something related to the public, such as environmental protection, safety, public security, education , medical treatment, etc.In the long-term competition, industrial and commercial enterprises are efficient and have certain financial resources. Through public welfare organizations and public welfare funds, they can give back to the society, express goodwill, support and care for other groups of people, so that industrial and commercial enterprises can better play an active and active role in society. Positive role.

Second, pay more attention to vulnerable groups and participate in charitable activities. You should not show off, but be sincere, persistent, and serious. Donate not only money, but more importantly, donate time and energy, personal experience and ability .Many businessmen only stop at donating money for charity, which I think is irresponsible.Because it is the easiest thing for a businessman to get money, but what the society needs most is not entirely the money of the businessman, but the time and energy of the businessman.So I think the biggest advantage of Huaxia Charity Fund is that it continuously asks everyone to donate their time and energy, and everyone has to take specific responsibilities.For example, I am in charge of Northwest films, and I am responsible for raising at least 1 million yuan every year.Once, I drove from lunch until 8:00 p.m. to the cave dwelling of a peasant family to visit their sick child. It was past one o’clock in the middle of the night when I returned to Xi’an in the dark. All in the car.I think this kind of personal participation is very important. It can contribute more to the society to help the disadvantaged groups, pay attention to the places that the current society and the country have not paid attention to or have not paid enough attention to, and change their living conditions.

Third, industrial and commercial enterprises should pay more attention to their own environment, because industrial and commercial enterprises are builders on the one hand, and destroyers on the other hand, such as causing pollution, generating construction waste, including traffic accidents and production accidents.While we promote economic development, we have also caused the deterioration of some social environments.In this case, we should pay more attention to the social environment, and not to deteriorate the ecological environment and living environment because of our development, our construction, our operation, and our profits, so that we can win more social benefits Understanding and support, as well as the cooperation of our surrounding environment.Therefore, paying attention to the environment and ecology is the most important aspect for entrepreneurs to win future healthy development and social respect.

Fourth, I think we should pay attention to the community.As an entrepreneur, no matter how great you are and how much you contribute, you still have to return to one place and live in one place.As a leader of an industrial and commercial enterprise, you live in a community and should play a good role and participate in the construction of the community, including community greening, self-government, elections, and management of property, safety, security, community medical care, and community education etc.If an entrepreneur can work hard in these four aspects, then I believe that industrial and commercial enterprises will receive more and more positive recognition from the society in the course of economic development, and will also receive positive support from all social strata and aspects. support.I think this is a very good cooperation with the society.

Fifth, industrial and commercial enterprises should cooperate more actively and proactively with the government to ensure economic development and be in sync with the national economic strategy to ensure national security, macroeconomic stability, and the healthy development of the entire national economy. Sixth, with the gradual democratization and legalization of China's social management system, cooperation with the government has actually become the mainstream of future social progress.In this case, different types of institutions and organizations, such as villages, towns, and counties, will hold more diverse elections.Then in all kinds of elections, some people from industrial and commercial enterprises will be able to participate in grassroots elections, and expand their influence and management of public affairs through grassroots elections.This is the second aspect of working with the government.

Seventh, in fact, private enterprises, especially industrial and commercial leaders, should better establish the legitimacy and moral advantages of wealth in the future.In the past, the first generation of private enterprises created wealth on the one hand and were criticized and criticized by different angles of society on the other hand. This is actually quite normal.The reason we have discussed in the book is because of the so-called "original sin". There is such a common phenomenon all over the world. Among the first generation of wealth-creating class, the legitimacy of their wealth will always be questioned by society, so that they are morally dwarfs, and it is difficult for them to take more social responsibilities. It often takes generations to change this situation.

China has been reforming and opening up for 30 years, and the most influential leaders of industrial and commercial enterprises are now approaching 60 years old, or even older.Future business leaders and leaders of business enterprises should have overcome the inherent deficiencies of the earliest generation of entrepreneurs. First, there is no "original sin". Second, they will actively pay taxes and create sunshine wealth in a legal environment. Wealth is easy to get support from all aspects of society and the future government, allowing them to play an important role in social life.With the 30 years of reform and opening up, the personality traits and cultural qualities of entrepreneurs involved in wealth creation have been greatly improved.In this case, the personality traits of entrepreneurs have changed a lot, they have high moral cultivation, and their personalities are becoming more and more normal and perfect.I think that the second and third generation of new entrepreneurs in the future, especially their business leaders, will become the leaders in social politics, social economy, social life and social culture after having the legality and moral advantages of wealth. The most important force in social development will shape and influence China's future.

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