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Chapter 13 Confluence and Fusion

barbaric growth 冯仑 5554Words 2018-03-18
In the past three to five years, many changes have taken place in the organizational status of private enterprises in different industries, regions, stages of development, and even with different representatives. mainstream.In the process of converging, mutual influence and integration occurred, which enabled everyone to improve together, and even produced more and more impetus to the reform of China's economic development. These big changes can be summed up in three aspects.The first change is: the maturity of industry organizations is improving, especially the phenomenon of self-organization to protect the interests of enterprises in the industry is becoming more and more prominent, more and more obvious, and the effect is getting better and better.The most typical is what everyone is concerned about. In recent years in Europe, many small commodity chambers of commerce have played an increasingly important role in organizing and coordinating in competition with international counterparts, and have filed lawsuits on behalf of Chinese companies in trade frictions, defending The interests of such domestic industries.

Two years ago, Wenzhou produced a boom in the production of disposable lighters, and gradually formed an industrial chain, accounting for 70% of the global market. Many manufacturers made gears, plastics, and gas refills, and the sales were very good.If the export of this industry is affected, such as by trade sanctions, price discrimination or trade barriers, then it is very likely that this industry will collapse in Wenzhou.Two years earlier, Europe filed an anti-dumping lawsuit against the marketing of Wenzhou lighters in Europe. At this time, the Lighter Industry Chamber of Commerce went to Europe to defend their rights and interests, and finally achieved good results.

A similar phenomenon occurred again in 2006.There is a place in Spain that burned a Chinese shoe city.The Chinese sell shoes there, which are very cheap (of course there are some quality problems), which puts local European manufacturers at a disadvantage in competition, and then the government came forward to protect them, so there was a lawsuit to restrict the export of Chinese shoes to Europe.At this time, Aokang went to Europe to file a lawsuit on behalf of the shoe industry.Wang Zhentao, CEO of Aokang, also said on different occasions that this lawsuit is not his own, but a lawsuit representing the Chinese shoe industry.It is the rights protection of these chambers of commerce that makes the local prestige of these industry organizations continue to increase.

The second change is: In the past five years, taking real estate as an example, industry organizations and leaders in the industry have become more and more influential on this industry, which has brought about great changes in the domestic competitiveness pattern and market.Five years ago, there was only one organization in China's real estate industry, the China Real Estate Association, affiliated to the Ministry of Construction, referred to as "China Real Estate Association".With the market competition and the development of the real estate industry in the past five or six years, a large number of private real estate enterprises have actually exceeded the original scope of the China Real Estate Association.Under such circumstances, two very cohesive industry organizations have emerged that have also made great contributions to the industry, enabling these real estate companies to have very important exchanges, integration and promotion.

A well-known industry organization is the "China Urban Real Estate Developers Strategic Alliance" initiated by a series of companies including Vanke, Vantone, Henan Jianye, and Zhejiang Nandu eight years ago, referred to as "City Alliance". performance.In a nutshell, this alliance is the European Union in the real estate industry. It is a club of good companies and big companies. It has four most important tasks: information exchange, collective procurement, financial support, and joint development.According to these four tasks, there are currently 42 enterprise members in the Midtown Alliance, which are distributed in major cities across the country. They are also the most influential and largest enterprises in the local cities.In addition, Zhongcheng Alliance has also developed an important product called "Alliance New City". At present, it has developed eight products in Zhengzhou, Chongqing, Jinan, Nanning, Kunming and other places.

Midtown Alliance internally manages an investment fund of nearly RMB 1 billion, which is used to help alliance members develop common projects and provide short-term financial support.For example, the allocation of short-term capital positions of various companies, including the issuance of new stocks by member units, and then the funds within the alliance to organize and coordinate the investment in new stocks, all of which have played a very important role.One of the increasingly clear responsibilities of the alliance is to help members maximize their economic interests.The alliance does not undertake some functions of the chamber of commerce externally. It only helps enterprises to maximize their interests internally, so it is regarded as a community of economic interests.Midtown Alliance is currently developing quite successfully. Although the threshold fee is as high as 4.3 million, new members enter almost every month. I think the three most attractive things about it are:

The first thing is that it has learned to replace the top leader in a procedural, rational and institutionalized manner.One thing that puzzles a large number of industry organizations and industry associations in China is that when they were launched, they were lively and lively, but membership fees could not be collected, and it became a matter for the promoters and presidents, and finally nothing happened.The Midtown Alliance formulated good rules from the beginning, and replaced the top leader in an institutionalized and procedural way.The first rotating chairman is Wang Shi, the second is me, the third is Hu Baosen, and the fourth is Wang Ruoxiong, every two years.How to rotate, the procedural rules are very clear. For example, when the new term is about to come in February, first all members can sign up.When you sign up, you must make a commitment. First, how much time will you spend, second, what will you do, and third, what advantages do you have in terms of projects, credit, and qualifications.Everyone has equal opportunities. According to the registration situation, the nomination committee will nominate two people as candidates for everyone to vote for.Then, a show of hands vote will be held at the general membership congress, and the person with the most votes will be elected naturally.After being elected, the handover will be carried out immediately, and within three months it will be decided whether to stay on as the former secretary-general and the professional committee, and complete a set of adjustments to his administrative executive team.

The alliance is not for a few people, but for everyone.And everyone can manage this alliance, so the alliance has formed three sets of mechanisms.A set of chairman joint meeting and general manager joint meeting are responsible for formulating the rules of the game for the entire league, and then we have a league agreement, and everyone has to sign and perform their duties according to the agreement.The second set of mechanisms is that there is an arbitration committee. When everyone does not follow the rules, we have a whole set of sanctions, such as moral condemnation, such as lowering the credit rating, or notifying all alliance members to boycott him and not do business with him. You can even sue collectively.The third set of mechanisms is that we have a secretary-general and various professional committees as executive agencies.Professional committees include training committees, financial committees, qualification review committees, etc. These committees carry out regular activities under the leadership of the secretary-general, such as monthly training, including training among secretaries, including procurement, engineering, customer service etc.

Another attractive feature is that it has a set of rescue mechanisms to help member companies survive the crisis, such as corporate trusteeship, or selling companies in crisis to the alliance fund, and the fund will pay for the business to operate. A third attraction is affiliate funds.According to the current development speed of the alliance fund, it will exceed 5 billion yuan in three years. If the fund has such a large scale, then the alliance members can obtain a lot of resources for the development of the alliance. Communication, and more importantly, some financial support, enables these members to develop well.This kind of institutionalization and proceduralization has become a place where the Midtown Alliance can develop well and continue to attract people.In the past few years, the Midtown Alliance has become more and more influential, and its internal cohesion has also become stronger. This is a very rare strategic alliance, and it has certain influence in some important development directions of the industry.

Another industry organization that is also very influential at present is the "Real Estate Chamber of Commerce" under the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce.The real estate chamber of commerce is similar to other chambers of commerce in form, but it has done three things very well, and it has also played a role in integration and promotion in the industry.First of all, on behalf of the industry, it has established a smooth communication and suggestion channel between government policy-making departments.In response to the introduction of real estate policies in recent years, the Real Estate Chamber of Commerce has given timely communication, communication, advice and promotion, and has done a lot of work, and it has been fruitful.Secondly, the Real Estate Chamber of Commerce actively promotes the standards of green technology buildings in the real estate industry, vigorously promotes the standards of technology and ecology in the industry, and has achieved remarkable results.Thirdly, the Real Estate Chamber of Commerce actively participates in and promotes the innovation of real estate finance. Under its contacts, one of its members, Lianhua Trust, has been approved by the People's Bank of China to carry out pilot real estate investment trusts in China.This is tantamount to opening a pilot gap and contributing to the expansion of industry resources.In addition, the Chamber of Commerce has been promoting a research report called RECORD, which is currently the most authoritative research report in this industry, which has attracted the attention of many leaders and has also been applied by many research institutions.

In the past five or six years, due to the active role of the Midtown Alliance and the Real Estate Chamber of Commerce, very good contacts have been established between leaders and entrepreneurs in the real estate industry, and at the same time, many good suggestions have been provided for policy development.I think this is an improvement for industry organizations. The third change is: the development of regional industrial and commercial groups and industrial and commercial organizations.The best-developed model at present is Zhejiang. First, the Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce has traveled all over the country. Wherever there are Wenzhou Chambers of Commerce, there are chambers of commerce.The Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce is affiliated to the Wenzhou General Chamber of Commerce. When Wenzhou businessmen encounter problems in doing business across the country, the local Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce will take the lead. If not, the General Chamber of Commerce will come forward.Now, there is almost no city in the country without the Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce. This is a very symbolic trend of expansion of commercial power. Second, the scale of the Zhejiang Entrepreneur Conference held in Hangzhou every year amazes the world. Zhejiang businessmen from all over the world and from all over China return there for the meeting, and Hangzhou hotels cannot accommodate them.The Zheshang Conference brings everyone together every year to exchange ideas and create business opportunities. Third, the Zhejiang Chamber of Commerce contains more powerful enterprises than the Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce. For example, Jack Ma of Alibaba, Guo Guangchang of Fosun, and Shen Guojun of Yintai are all in the Zhejiang Chamber of Commerce.The Zhejiang Chamber of Commerce has a branch in Shanghai; Beijing also established the Zhejiang Chamber of Commerce, the chairman of which is Shen Guojun. The Zhejiang Chamber of Commerce has 500,000 Zhejiang merchants in Beijing alone. Commercial forces began to gather and integrate.The three organizations Zhejiang Chamber of Commerce, Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce, and Zhejiang Entrepreneurs Conference are actually the future commercial forces. Their influence on all aspects of society and the methods of protecting the interests of businessmen will become more and more diverse. Add another change: the activities of cross-industry business groups are also increasing.There are several forms of cross-industry: regular forums, alumni reunions, NGO organizations, horizontal friendship between entrepreneurs, etc. First, look at "regular forums", which became an important means of networking and networking, especially providing an important venue for entrepreneurs to meet and build personal relationships.Generally speaking, a forum has three functions, namely, opinion supermarket, social stage, and leisure and relaxation.At present, there are a few particularly fixed forums in China that have a relatively long time, as follows: "China Business Leaders Annual Meeting".It is held in Beijing International Trade Center in December every year. It has been held for five or six years. The theme of each year is more forward-looking and conclusive. It also releases the influential ranking list of Chinese business leaders every year.In fact, this ranking has promoted everyone's sense of identification with business leaders.For example, Zhang Ruimin and Ren Zhengfei in 2004, Liu Chuanzhi in 2005, and Wang Shi in 2006.No matter how big this list is in the whole country, this list is very unique. Because of its release, people will naturally recognize, follow, imitate, and support this kind of business leaders, and thus promote Chinese business leaders. The communication and gathering between them, and the influence that enhanced their leadership. "Yabuli China Entrepreneur Forum".The Yabuli Entrepreneur Forum was initiated by Tian Yuan and Chen Dongsheng.This forum is a grassroots forum for Chinese entrepreneurs. It has persisted for six or seven years and has become an increasingly important complex for Chinese entrepreneurs. Many young entrepreneurs want to enter China's corporate leaders or important entrepreneur circles. It all started from participating in the Yabuli Forum. "Boao Forum".The Boao Forum is an official non-official stage for non-governmental diplomacy, and it has gradually evolved into a commercial forum, commonly known as the Caojian Forum, that is, people with government background or overseas background.In the Yabuli Forum, Chinese entrepreneurs are the protagonists; but in the Boao Forum, Chinese entrepreneurs are often not the protagonists. For example, when Bill Gates went to the Boao Forum in 2007, he was naturally the protagonist.In this forum, Chinese entrepreneurs will have an opportunity to communicate and discuss with the world's largest entrepreneurs.Interestingly, among the forums in Boao, professional forums like real estate are actually bigger than other forums. There is also a forum organization called "Digital China".This Digital China Forum, organized by some elite entrepreneurs in the IT field, unites and influences some new entrepreneurs in the IT field.The second form of cross-industry is called alumni association.Recently, the training in the business circles, especially the business schools, has developed rapidly, and there are a lot of trainings.Then the alumni associations of various business schools have become the best platform for communication between business people and business leaders. For example, China Europe Business School and Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business have opened MBA classes, EMBA classes and CEO classes.I have participated in the CEO class of Changjiang and CEIBS, and these students in the CEO class formed a classmate association.Many of the students from Changjiang and CEIBS intersect, so we organized and established the Huaxia Alumni Association, with nearly 50 people, and there are alumni association activities twice a year.This kind of class meeting has become an important form for China's most influential business leaders to seriously discuss business competition issues and inter-company cooperation.The issues discussed by the Huaxia Alumni Association are deeper than those discussed by all media and business schools.For example, during the discussion at the Huaxia Alumni Association in September 2007, the CEOs of all the most important IT companies, such as Cao Guowei of Sina, Robin Li of Baidu, Ma Huateng of Tencent, and Jack Ma of Alibaba, were called together and asked them to discuss The future trend of IT enterprises.In China's current IT business activities, it is the first time that these four people can be brought together. They usually compete with each other, and they always stand together.The host of this event is Liu Chuanzhi. This classmate will have some very interesting rules, for example, if you don’t come, you will be fined, and all the fines will be donated to the Huaxia Charity Foundation.Every class reunion will report on the work of the charity foundation at the same time.This is a very important form of alumni reunion. The third form of cross-industry is NGO organization, that is, non-governmental organization.The most typical NGO is the "Alxa (SEE) Ecological Association". There are nearly 100 entrepreneurs participating in the Alxa (SEE) Ecological Association, almost including the most active entrepreneurs in China. Some are local entrepreneurs, some They are returnees, and some are Taiwanese entrepreneurs (more than 20 of them).In non-governmental organizations such as Alxa (SEE) Ecological Association, we expand the horizontal connection and promote integration through common public welfare undertakings. We learn from each other and learn from each other on the stage of public welfare undertakings. Discover how you can give back and practice corporate social responsibility. Recently, Ma Mingzhe, chairman of Ping An Insurance, established a Mingyuan Fund. He invited entrepreneurs, including Wang Shi and Ma Weihua, to be directors.Through a large number of NGOs and charitable organizations, different entrepreneurs have established their horizontal connections in public welfare, and at the same time increased the communication between many entrepreneurs. Another one is the Huaxia Charity Foundation just mentioned, which was initiated by Wang Bing, Li Dongsheng, Zhu Xinli, Feng Lun, Yu Feng, Zhu Yicai and other entrepreneurs. After more than three years of operation, it has been recognized by the Ministry of Civil Affairs as the best private equity in China. Fund, currently it has become the largest non-governmental foundation in Asia to help congenital heart defect diseases.The Huaxia Charity Foundation has raised nearly 30 million yuan, all of which are used to help treat patients with congenital heart defects, and more than 1,000 people have received treatment.Through the charity activities of NGOs, entrepreneurs have found a common language in fulfilling their social responsibilities and giving back to the society, and at the same time enhanced their cooperation and mutual understanding. The fourth form of cross-industry is similar to a club, which is a horizontal contact and fellowship organization between entrepreneurs, such as the "Taishan Club".The Taishan Club has a history of more than 10 years, and there are less than 20 members, but the personal relationship is very good. We gather once a year in China and have 5 days of collective vacation abroad.In principle, Taishan Club does not develop many members, and sometimes develops one member every two years. There is also a "Jinding Club", which was initiated by Chen Feng, chairman of HNA, and Zheng Yuewen, chairman of Kerui, and is a club characterized by learning and communication.This club is composed of nearly 30 of the most influential entrepreneurs in China. They have a fixed form of activities every year, and a very good personal relationship has been established among the members. Another example is the "China Entrepreneur Club", initiated by Liu Donghua's "Chinese Entrepreneur" magazine.This club has just been established for one year. The council and participants are all the most influential entrepreneurs in China. In the future, this club will also be a good stage for Chinese entrepreneurs to communicate, learn from each other, discuss problems and develop together. . In short, in the past three to five years, Chinese business circles, especially business leaders, have gradually formed their own style and style through consciously participating in public welfare and charity and actively cooperating with the government's development and maintaining the order of industry and market competition through government channels. influence and played an increasing role.
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