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Chapter 11 "Fool" Nian Guangjiu

barbaric growth 冯仑 3807Words 2018-03-18
After being named by Deng Xiaoping, Nian Guangjiu's fate changed dramatically. The peddler who could only write five characters ("Nian Guangjiu" and "Tongyi" - referring to "agreed") was hailed as "Nian Guangjiu". China's No. 1 Merchant".In the following ten years, whenever the reform situation changed, his fortune would fluctuate accordingly. Before the Spring Festival in 1986, Fool's Melon Company took the lead in launching prize-winning sales in the country, with a Shanghai brand car as the first prize, and realized a profit of 1 million yuan in three months.But the good times didn't last long, the country stopped all sales activities with prizes, Nian Guangjiu was in chaos, and the company lost all its money. At the end of 1989, the private economy once again became a gray term. Wuhu City suddenly opened a case for investigation of Nian Guangjiu's economic problems. The charges were that he "corrupted and embezzled public funds" during his joint venture with the Wuhu suburban government.Nian Guangjiu is illiterate and can't understand the standardized ledgers made according to the accounting system, so the financials in the enterprise are a mess of books.He said: I only know how much money goes into my pocket and how much goes out of my pocket.The case dragged on for two years. In May 1991, the Wuhu City Intermediate People's Court ruled that Nian Guangjiu's economic problems were not established, but he was sentenced to three years in prison with a three-year probation for committing hooliganism.According to Nian Guangjiu, during the court investigation, the judge asked him: Have you raped 10 female workers in the name of solving the problem?He replied: Not 10, but 12.He later said to the reporter: If you make up enough Grand Slams for me, I might as well make up a dozen for you. In 1992, Deng Xiaoping made his name famous in the South, and he was acquitted a month later.

Nian Guangjiu married four times. In 1987, at the age of 50, he married a young female college student in her early 20s for the fourth time, and staged a shocking emotional drama.At that time, his marriage became a notarization that people despised the nouveau riche.After Nian Guangjiu had money, he hoped that his neighbors and the public would look at him differently.He wants to earn society's respect for him by donating money.When my son was in middle school, he was introduced by the head teacher to donate a scholarship to the school. When the school was discussing this, many teachers raised objections: Isn’t it discrediting the school to award outstanding students with “fool” scholarships?

Nian Guangjiu has always been used to working in a family workshop. Until he was in his 50s, he would go into battle shirtless and fry melon seeds in front of a red-hot iron pot.When the market is big, he will be too busy.When the melon seeds were not enough to sell, he went to other workshops to buy them and put them in his own packaging bags. As a result, the brand was greatly damaged due to the uneven quality. In 1998, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of China's reform and opening up, reporters from "Nanfengchuang" searched many places and finally found 61-year-old Nian Guangjiu in Wuhu City. They used the following words to describe this year's "China's No. 1 merchant": He Some disheveled hair obviously showed the traces of getting up in a hurry, and the dark blue suit was not neat and straight, and there were long nails on the hands that were yellowed by smoke, and a huge gold ring looked like a bony finger. He is particularly eye-catching, and his thin face reveals the shrewdness unique to market businessmen.

Nian Guangjiu's evaluation of himself is: Don't make big mistakes, but keep making small mistakes.And many people who have had dealings with him say that he is cunning in small things but confused in big things. I met Nian Guangjiu in June 2007, chatted with him for a while, and carefully looked at the living fossil of this self-employed individual, which completely confirmed the media's description of him. The second generation of private enterprises, which I call the "corporate era", is actually from the early 1990s to 2001.The so-called company era means that since the "Company Law" was established, all entrepreneurial and business activities are carried out in the form of companies.At this time, self-employed people were no longer popular. Since it became easier for private companies to register companies, everyone started doing business in the form of companies.In the past, self-employed and million-dollar households were operated on the basis of individuals and families.

In the early 1990s, there was a wave called doing business for all, and people went to sea to set up companies one after another, thus starting the "company era".In the company era, the business scope of enterprises has expanded a lot. The business forms include not only the traditional simple service industry, but also large-scale domestic and foreign trade, and even individual smuggling.Some are speculating in real estate, some are engaged in futures and stocks, some are engaged in manufacturing, and some are engaged in other business activities.After entering the corporate era, the scope of business has become wider and wider, and there are more and more market-oriented factors. For example, land has also become a market-oriented production factor, and other fields, including securities and banks, have also become more and more It is becoming more and more commercialized, and the financial industry is slowly opening up.

At this time, the people participating in the market economy changed a lot.Among the two types of people mentioned above, self-employed people still exist, and in fact there are still a lot of them now, but people no longer pay attention to them because their weight in the economy is getting lighter and lighter.No matter how big a self-employed person is, it is not worth your company. A company may make hundreds of thousands, millions, or tens of millions of profits. Most self-employed people basically only maintain their personal life, and cannot accumulate wealth and develop rapidly. The children of cadres are not very popular at this time, but the officials are gone. Why are they gone?Because now all the government monopoly resources are less and less, and most of the resources have been marketized; power and the relatives of the power holders do not have much advantage, and doing business requires more and more entrepreneurial spirit, professional knowledge and management Ability, these things are not possessed by many children of cadres.Therefore, in this case, the children of cadres have become some rich people left over from the first stage. They have money, but they have no chance to become entrepreneurs.In the company era, it is rare to see the children of cadres.

The people who came out to do business at this stage were mainly government cadres who went to sea, rural capable people, college students, graduate students, and people who returned from studying abroad. These parts became the main body of business operators in the entire company era.These people understand policies better, have stronger organizational skills, professional skills, learning skills, stronger sense of competition, and stronger awareness of risk-taking.Therefore, the company era quickly eliminated self-employed and government-owned companies, and at the same time gave birth to a large number of large-scale and high-level good companies.

Wu Xiaobo wrote such a story when studying the history of contemporary enterprises: "Influenced by the speeches of the Southern Tour, there was a craze for doing business among middle and low-level government officials. Later, they called themselves the '92 faction'." Hong Kong "Asia Weekly" Citing data from the Organization Department of the Liaoning Provincial Party Committee, 35,000 officials in the province resigned and went to sea around 1992, and another 700 officials 'suspended their jobs' to start businesses. According to the statistics of the "China Business Times", the national At least 100,000 party and government cadres have gone into business, the most famous of which is Bo Xicheng, the son of Bo Yibo, a veteran of the Communist Party of China, who was then director of the Beijing Municipal Tourism Bureau.

Chen Dongsheng is the inventor of the term "92 School". In 1992, he did macroeconomic research at the Development Research Center of the State Council, and also served as the executive deputy editor-in-chief of a management magazine "Management World".For a long time, he has been enthusiastically planning an evaluation system, trying to imitate the model of the American "Fortune" magazine and create a ranking list of China's 500 largest companies.At this time, the State Restructuring Commission issued the "Opinions on Regulations for Joint Stock Companies" and "Opinions on Regulations for Limited Liability Companies". Chen Dongsheng believed that the promulgation of these two "opinions" was "a turning point for real changes in Chinese enterprises."He later said: "At that time, I wanted to start a business, but I didn't know where the capital would come from. With these two documents, I could raise funds and find investors to invest in based on a business model." In May of the same year, Chen Dongsheng resigned and went to sea. He chose the auction industry that was blank in China at that time, and established Guardian Auction Company. I will ask you about that tomorrow, and I will go to Hong Kong to record the auction process, and everyone will watch it together when I go home." Chen Dongsheng, who is very academically literate, believes that "innovation is the first to imitate", "To do an auction, you have to be like Sotheby's (the world's largest Auction house), for a first-class enterprise, it is necessary to follow it, learn from it, and follow it.”By 1996, Guardian had grown into the leading large-scale auction company in China.In this year, Chen Dongsheng raised funds to establish Taikang Life Insurance Company.

The third generation of private enterprises, from 2001 to the present, has actually entered an "era of wealth creation", and the most important accelerator of wealth creation in this period is the capital market.At this time, many companies are no longer ordinary companies in terms of business and scale. Many of them have become national or even global industry leaders, and some large and super-large companies have begun to appear.Due to the emergence of these large companies, coupled with the amplification effect of the capital market, the leaders of large companies, including shareholders, have become rapid wealth aggregators.They quickly became the third generation of businessmen and became a dominant force in private enterprises in the market economy.For example, Tian Suning and the AsiaInfo company he founded opened the entrepreneurial history of China's Internet era and successfully landed on NASDAQ.

The most important feature of this era is the Internet companies that represent the new economy. The market value of Alibaba has reached 10 billion U.S. dollars, and the market value of Baidu has exceeded 6 billion U.S. dollars.Several real estate companies have been listed recently, with a market value of US$10 billion.Therefore, in this era of wealth creation, it is not uncommon for private enterprises to become leaders in a certain industry, and even become monopolies.For example, Gome has become a monopoly in the field of home appliance circulation.So the private economy has developed into an era of wealth creation.In this era, the status of businessmen began to improve, and business ethics became a mainstream value.For example, today's children are very accepting of doing business, and they don't think it is a bad thing to be rich.In addition, many people are increasingly becoming economic animals, the whole society has become a consumer society, and buying houses and cars and high consumption have become a fashion. After 2001, it was also the era of sunshine entrepreneurship, the market was more open, there was no "original sin", the society became rich, and overseas venture capital began to enter; entrepreneurs entered all fields, especially the IT field, the corporate governance structure was relatively clear, and wealth began to appear. Explosive accumulation has entered the era of globalization and wealth creation; the structure of participating personnel is also changing, with a large number of returnee elites and local educated young people entering, entrepreneurship has become an active life, and wealth has become healthy.The wealth of this era is called sunshine wealth, and the rich are the sunshine rich.No one will be jealous of how much money others make, but envy.Earning money from knowledge is becoming more and more mainstream. The second generation of enterprises must transform, otherwise they will die on business skills. This era needs business talents. The evolution process of private enterprises took nearly 30 years, almost every 10 years, and finally completed.Let’s talk about private enterprises today. The previous problems basically don’t exist, but the problems of the relationship with the government and the relationship with foreign capital still exist in the future.The first stage relies on father to make money; the second stage relies on courage to make money; the third stage relies on strategic management and talents to make money.Relying on different things, the characteristics and culture of the companies in the three eras are completely different.The market is becoming more and more sound, the third generation of private enterprises will be the mainstream, and the first two generations will be less and less.In the face of change, the first generation must learn to organize, and the second generation must turn a vague company into a transparent and sunny company before entering the third generation.The first generation died because they could not run a company, the second generation died because the original sin had not been cured, and the third generation died because of business skills. In short, after so many years of reform and opening up, the private economy has gone through three stages, forming three generations, and the people involved in each stage are different.The first stage is the marginal population plus the children of cadres; the second stage is the business of the whole people, with a mixed bag of fish and dragons, and everyone goes into the sea; the third stage is the stage of wealth creation. In fact, the most important thing is some elites, industry leaders selected from the market.These people are equivalent to coming to the Juyi Hall in Shuibo Liangshan.One hundred and eight generals, everyone has a unique skill, for example, Shi Qian is a unique skill in stealing things, and Zhang Shunlang's Bai Tiao is a unique skill.Today, everyone possesses unique skills and extraordinary achievements, and they gather together to become the main body of the business community and the mainstream of private enterprises.
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