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Chapter 5 historical sky

barbaric growth 冯仑 1797Words 2018-03-18
Facing the turmoil of "original sin" actually requires a great wisdom of history, and we must look at it from a longer and broader perspective.For example, if we look at the history of reform and opening up in the context of 100 years, the fundamental change that our current reform needs to solve is to transform the economic operation model from a single public and state-owned to a privately owned and privately run market economy.Such a big change actually involves the transfer of a property.Human history tells us that there are only three forms of this property transfer or fundamental change in property relations.One is war and violence. For example, the Communist Party fought against the Kuomintang in 1921 until 1949. During the 28-year struggle, there was also the War of Resistance in the middle. Tens of millions of people died before the private property was transferred from the bureaucratic ruling group of the Kuomintang, namely the Big Four. In the hands of the family, it was transferred to the country led by the Communist Party, from private to public and state-owned.This is a way of transferring property.

The second method is an unexpected gift.For example, the kings of small principalities in Europe gave gifts to each other, and Kilimanjaro was given to the French by the Germans and Austrians as birthday gifts.But this kind of gift is rare in history. The third method of property transfer is through the market and transactions, through thousands of scattered behaviors of the people, reasonable but illegal, legal but unreasonable, or reasonable and legal, and so on. Using the first method, the Communist Party and the Kuomintang have fought for 28 years, making the transfer of bureaucratic capital to the hands of the party and the state.We are now in another 28 years of reform and opening up, doing business, and dumping part of the property into countless private hands through the market and trading methods. In this process, the value of state-owned assets and public interests has also greatly increased. The growth rate of assets in recent years is not slower than that of private assets.Obviously, this is the most successful win-win approach, perhaps we should understand the so-called "original sin" from such a perspective.If we cannot tolerate even this so-called "original sin" from the first ten years of reform and opening up, then we will never be able to complete this historic transfer of property, nor will we be able to establish a market economy, let alone a private property rights system competition and markets.

After 28 years, we have actually gradually established a market economy with private property as the core within one generation.Then how to establish private property?It must be that the first generation has some "original sin" relatively speaking, and the second and third generations don't have it.The first generation is called "primitive accumulation", the second generation is called "capital accumulation", and it will be perfected later.Therefore, we must have the great wisdom of history, that is tolerance, which is actually not only forgiving some private capital, but also forgiving the price paid in the reform and opening up, and forgiving the old policies and rigid systems that managed the economy in the past.Because only by allowing private capital to go through five to ten years of primitive accumulation, can we make a stable transition to the current market economy.If we don't even have this wisdom, we will block the way of social progress by ourselves.

From another point of view, why do we say that the country is tolerant to itself?Because the laws of the country at that time were not perfect, it was the responsibility of the country. If you don’t pursue it now, it is tantamount to admitting that the laws and regulations you formulated at that time had loopholes and were not perfect, and that’s fine.If you pursue it now, it means that the law at that time was correct. Doesn’t this mean that there is no need for reform, and you deny yourself?For example, there is no "Company Law", the country did not formulate it at that time, and there is a gap in the law, so why blame others?Therefore, part of the "original sin" of tolerating private enterprises is actually to allow the market economy to gain a space for development in the early stage and solve its own redemption problem. In other words, this problem will appear in any process of property transfer.If we had not allowed private capital to "cross the river by feeling the stones" and go through such a process in developing a market economy, it would have been impossible to achieve the great results of today's reform and opening up.

Therefore, I think it is the wisest choice to use tolerance and historical wisdom to gradually dilute the issue of "original sin" in a futile way.Today, people can see that the so-called "original sin" problem no longer exists for all newly established enterprises, and the market is regulated.Now all new enterprises must have capital, and if you violate the law, you will be prosecuted, and the enterprise will be governed according to the law, and you will be punished now.Therefore, if we continue to talk about the issue of "original sin" today, we are actually talking about a historical issue rather than a practical issue.

If "original sin" is still discussed as a practical issue today, then our society will be very troublesome. We will quarrel every day, and we will never fight against landlords or shovel farmers.If it is a historical issue, let us all use a historical attitude and time to solve historical issues.Just like Wantong, Wantong's "original sin" problem was solved by the wisdom of time and history.As of today, we have repaid all historical debts, and the legal disputes with others have disappeared. The capital has grown, and the company's business has returned to normal.How many years did it take us to solve the "original sin" in history and become a normal enterprise?It took us 15 years, 15 years, to get the company right, and naturally there will be no such "original sin".

In short, I think that in the face of the early history of private enterprises, we need to use great wisdom to resolve historical contradictions, and we must not judge right and wrong based on a simple moral standard.Today, with the gradual standardization and improvement of our country's market economy, the "original sin" of private enterprises actually no longer exists, and the existing problems have become an old topic. I hope it will become an outdated topic and will no longer be It's a new right and wrong.
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