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Chapter 3 Conquer: A Pleasant Adventure Game for Men

barbaric growth 冯仑 3137Words 2018-03-18
The practice of misappropriating money and profiteering actually includes a large number of local private enterprises involved in the vortex of smuggling, real estate, and stocks, such as Xiamen Yuanhua (Lai Changxing) in Fujian, Delong (Tang Wanxin) in Xinjiang, and Nande Group in Tianjin. (Mou Qi) and so on.So, why do these companies take reckless risks and continue to gamble when they know that there is no way to do it, and they even clearly feel the danger?Observing closely, I also found some very interesting psychological processes, including some purely male humanistic processes.At that time, many private enterprises had some characteristics of the rivers and lakes period.

In the era of the private arena, private enterprises seem to be gangsters, or like rangers, because we have been restricted for a long time in the old system in the past. Once we leave suddenly, we actually have a particularly relaxed and free happiness.The rivers and lakes can be regarded as informal organizations, which belong to a marginal structure between the imperial court and the people; people in private enterprises are free in the marginal structure. And feel a lot of happiness, and will be very happy in spirit, like a knight. In the early days of private enterprises, even though they were under the heavy pressure of "original sin", why did so many people continue to struggle?One is that escaping from the original system can gain a sense of freedom, which can satisfy people's desire to conquer; at the same time, there is also a sense of accomplishment, because in the arena, we all have a heroic spirit, which is easy to breed heroic aesthetics, and also gain The satisfaction of being a hero; moreover, enterprises (companies) can also gain a sense of identity equivalent to gangs in the arena.This is a state of mind that I find interesting.

Hormones determine that all men have the desire to conquer, especially for business men. The most satisfying thing in the process of doing business is the desire to conquer. Of course, the objects of this conquest are women, but in fact the greatest pleasure is to conquer the outside world. world. At the beginning of 1994, Vantone wanted to build a "21st Century Plaza" in Xi'an.One morning, Pan Shiyi and I strolled in Xi'an to a place that was about to be demolished, squatted in front of a small restaurant and ate noodles, thinking, after eating this bowl of noodles, your fate will change; The fate of everyone in this area has changed since then.And this is the most prosperous place in Xi'an, and it is the place I yearn for very much.It was that time that Pan Shiyi told me that his greatest dream was to go to Xi'an.Now all of a sudden, the two of us have become the masters of this land by spending money on demolition, can we not be proud and ecstatic?When we wanted to acquire the Beijing Film Studio, every time we passed by the gate of the factory, we thought to ourselves: "We will do such an awesome place today!" In the film studio, it was very emotional to listen to the reports from the people who sat in a room, old and young, to us.

The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection reported that Yan Jianhong from Guizhou was the wife of the Secretary of the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee and also the chairman of Guizhou International Trust at the time.When we went to acquire Guizhou International Trust, she sent a boss who didn’t talk to us in the hotel, but dragged the power to the suburbs, and said, “Send 2 million to the Hong Kong account.” After we came back, we thought about it and thought it was dangerous. , did not do it.Later, the old lady was shot, and her husband, who was the secretary of the provincial party committee, was slapped with double regulations, dismissed from his post, and then arrested. Her son went into exile overseas with the stolen money.When I went to Philadelphia, I learned that her son used money to support a young actor. The actor found a job after finishing school, got married with someone else, and part of the money was given to him when he divorced.The stolen money was lost in this way, and the silly son completely declined.

The air-raid shelter in Harbin is very large and the air-defense system is very good. We once thought of converting it into a subway.I went to see Suo Changyou, the deputy mayor. He is from Heilongjiang University, and the locals jokingly call him a "gangster".There is a man from Heilongjiang University in our company who found Suo Changyou through the "gangster" and waited for a long time before meeting him in his office.It didn't work out, and Suo Changyou was arrested later. Men enjoy the feeling of rushing here and there, much like being hugged by front and back during a rapid march in the middle of the night, the feeling is the best.

In January 2007, I went to the Shenzhou VI base, and I especially experienced the artistic conception of a man who has no time, no right and wrong, and no space.We were on the Gobi Desert, sitting on the frame of a cow carcass, holding a razor blade in our hands, and cooking soup next to it, and the heat rose to the sky. I suddenly felt that I and the people around me were very similar to Jin Yong’s novels The hero in the middle, enjoy it.Heroes must be free, have no identity, no time, everything can be done according to one's inclinations.With a heart to a person, a chivalrous man wants to kill someone or save someone, it all depends on his heart.Xia must be "running wild".

We traveled to 13 cities at that time, and we didn’t bring any money with us. There were brothers everywhere, and someone sent money just by making a phone call. Although the money was all borrowed, it felt good.This process is in line with man's desire for conquest and creativity, and society also satisfies his vanity.Most people can't stop. The big contrast is that when we reached 1 billion, the brothers all broke up, and no one came to call the big brother.Now I take taxis everywhere, and I am used to it. I don't take the company's car.Freedom, freedom without yelling and hugging.

However, when we started to sell assets to pay off debts in 1996, we lost once if we sold one.I remember the Northeast Hualian project. When we bought it in 1994, 70 million was negotiated. An official insisted that we give 8 million extra money to help a little brother he designated.Gongquan went to talk to him, and the official put the approval document under the wine table, saying that I will give you the money if you call.Gongquan called back and said, "It's fucking disgusting. 70 million has already been paid, what should I do, will the 8 million be agreed or not?" I said, "Tell him, I will bring the check tomorrow." He gave the approval to us.The next day I brought half of it, 4 million, thinking I could save as much as I could.That person got angry and said that I could send another post to cancel it.Gong Quan and I also got angry, and told the person who got the money: "You tell him the shit, the social atmosphere is bad, you know it and I know it too..."

The next day I went to his hometown with Gongquan.In the snowy day of Sanjiu, I saw the environment where he lived when he was a child, and his half-stupid sister lived with his uncle, and the old uncle lived with the animals.In the evening, we drank a lot of wine facing the ruins.There was a sense of sadness in my heart, a kind of grievance and righteous indignation, and I felt that fate was too cruel.In the early morning, when we returned to the hotel at dawn, the person sent by that person sat in the hotel and waited for us. But he later spread rumors that we had no credibility.I was very angry, and I used an analogy. I said that it was like a woman from a good family walking in a dark alley. When I met a raper who blocked the way, I had no choice but to admit it.But when he was about to "do it", a figure flashed at the entrance of the alley, I yelled, and that person was arrested. Is it because I have no credibility or is he a bad person?Many people will understand after hearing this parable.

He was very upset when he found out, and tried to stop us when we sold Hualian two years later.We have found a Shanghai company, the contract has been signed, and we can still make some money.But he organized a study group to visit Shanghai, and came back to say that doing business with Shanghainese was hopeless, and he could not sell to Shanghainese, but to locals.In the end, a man came out. There were a few brothers in the Jianghu who sold medicine. He wanted to buy it, but he only paid half the money of Shanghainese.We really didn't want to recruit, and we were annoyed, so we sold it.

On the day of the sale, it was another winter, twenty degrees below zero, and we drank with the boss in the restaurant.We asked him, what do you do to approve such an official who is so difficult to "serve"?He said, "It's simple, if you don't do it, send two people to follow his wife; if you don't do it, send two more people to follow his daughter." Then it was done very quickly.We lost 40 million. So the process of selling is also very painful, and it took us several years.From conquering to admitting defeat, a man's vanity is completely wiped out. Every time he sells, he fails. The pits he dug have to be filled with soil (money) later. Around 2000, in order to tell his own story, and to prove the rationality of morality and the rationality of gambling, Delong made up many stories, the so-called "industrial integration".It turned out that the story deceived themselves. For men, the determination to admit defeat and actively shrink is difficult.We are more rational people. After self-reflection, we actively made the decision to shrink, not passively.We generalize ourselves as short-term loans and long-term investment; coincidentally, Delong later called this short-term financing and long-term investment. The financial crisis caused by "original sin" is high debt, high profits, and high risks.Therefore, the probability of success of private enterprises is very small.Compared with our history, Delong is short of such a hurdle of conscious revolution. We also thought about why it was accepted at that time, but many people did not accept it and did not admit failure?In fact, it is the man's arrogant and conquering nature and the vanity of wanting to be a hero for the first time that mislead the direction of his career. In 1997, we began to say: "Husbands are the only ones who don't compete, so the world cannot compete with them." The pursuit of freedom is human nature. The reason why we absorb Lao Zhuang's ideas is to adapt to the needs of the environment, and there must be a step for men to compromise.Great men say to conquer the world, but there are also great men who say to fight without fighting.In fact, the only secret to solving the crisis is sacrifice.Every crisis has interests to weigh, and there is no victory if you dare not sacrifice; middle-aged men must maintain this spirit of sacrifice, and insisting on ideals is the only psychological support. I am very grateful to Wang Luguang, who passed away in 2005. He told me to "keep upright and amazing", and these words are still hung on the wall of my office.In the most difficult days, these four words reminded me not to keep thinking about exciting things, but to control the fundamentals.The ancient law says that the arts of strangeness and righteousness work in conjunction with each other. If a person is always strange, if there are too many strange things, he will become evil. It is necessary to combine righteousness with strangeness to win.I read Laozi and Zhuangzi in this state of mind, not books that are superficially powerful (such as "Four Books" and "Five Classics"), but books that are ultimately powerful (such as "Laozi").Lao Zhuang is actually very powerful, such as playing hard to get, doing nothing.Confucianism mostly pays attention to form, not as strong as Lao Zhuang.
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