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Chapter 101 On May 18, a "new" New Oriental was created

Yu Minhong Management Log 张翼 640Words 2018-03-18
It should be said that we have created a "new" New Oriental in recent years.In addition to opening more than a dozen branch schools in major cities, New Oriental's business has expanded to many aspects such as vocational education, basic education and higher education, and it has also opened a North American branch. "Even if you take away all my things, I will immediately create another life goal." This is Yu Minhong's personal motto, and it is also another interpretation of the New Oriental school motto "Looking for Hope in Despair". At the end of 2003, New Oriental Education Technology Group Co., Ltd. was fully formed, and the most important management figures of New Oriental were all working in the group company, forming a good situation that can control the whole.Yu Minhong recalled that although 2003 and 2004 were a period of complicated structural transformation and personnel disputes, New Oriental never stopped developing and expanding.That process is called the diversified development stage of New Oriental. In three or four years, New Oriental expanded from one school in Beijing to 11 schools across the country, as well as overseas branches and two schools.At the same time, New Oriental built a primary and secondary school campus in Yangzhou and purchased an office building in Zhongguancun, Beijing.New Oriental's industrial subsidiaries have also flourished, such as distance education companies, software design companies, cultural communication companies, book publishing and magazine companies.

At that time, Lenovo Group planned to invest in a long-distance education network, just saw the vigorous development of New Oriental, and they thought it was a good investment opportunity.One for the brand, one for the funds, the two hit it off.Lenovo Group's initial shareholding was 50%. Later, Lenovo Group shrank its front and reduced its shareholding to 20%.In fact, the only profit from Lenovo Group's Internet strategic investment is this cooperation project with New Oriental. It should be said that New Oriental is seeking to continue to expand while improving its organizational structure in a state of continuous civil strife.Such a barbaric growth method has surprised many people. They think the story of New Oriental is incredible.

Inheritance and reinvention are the responsibility and mission of a high-quality company.
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