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Chapter 13 Chapter Thirteen

eternal magic 莉莎·克莱佩 5905Words 2018-03-18
Mikan walked to the platform behind the house in a daze, feeling unconscious like taking drugs... There is no doubt that Jayden Sean felt like this when he drank too much, no wonder he fell into the stormy sea.What happened tonight made Mikan completely dumbfounded.He always thought he could control the whole process.He has experience with women, both identifying his own needs and paying attention to how his bed partner responds.He knew what to do with Irene, how the whole process would unfold.But Erin changed everything. Mikan sat on an outdoor table, cupped his head in his hands, and closed his eyes.A faint mixture of oak, tree sap and female bodily fluid remained on his hand... He greedily inhaled the aroma, and his groin began to arouse hotly again.He remembered the silky feeling of her inside, the tightness of her delicate muscles around him, the gasp in her throat, the taste of her lips mixed with wine and ginger.She had brought him more satisfaction than any he had ever had before, and he already longed for her again.

A virgin...damn her.She made him feel confused, suspicious, protective and sexual, damn it.He had bet what he had that she must have had dozens of lovers. But he was wrong. Mikan squeezed the palm of his head, trying to shake off the faintest thought of disapproval.She was no longer the girl he had loved, he reminded himself grimly.That girl never existed.But that's okay too.Erin was his spell, his destiny, his burning desire.He would never stop wanting her, no matter what she did, no matter how many oceans and continents lay between them. God... Her body is so sweet, wrapping him warmly and tightly... There is a salty taste on her skin, and a light fragrance on her hair.The moment he possessed her, he lost his mind.At the moment of ecstasy, he had lost all reason and thoughts.Maybe she'll be pregnant, and the thought fills him with raw satisfaction.She was helplessly puffing out her belly, pregnant with her own seeds, relying on him every moment... yes, he was seriously thinking about the possibility.He wants to possess her with hard muscles, and tie her to him with endless chains.Eileen might not have realized what he was thinking, but he would never let her go - not even by force.

"It's been a terrible night," commented Susan Chamberly, Jayden Sean's older sister, sharply.The village feast had just gotten better, and they had turned back.For urbanites like Xiao En's family, doing fortune-telling, reading palms, watching acrobats roll, drinking old local wine and other behaviors are absolutely unapproved by them. "Yes," echoed her husband, Mr. Chamberley, "the novelty of the country wears off very quickly. If I had to choose, I'd rather be by myself than in the company of those who are as intelligent as sheep and goats."

Olivia was annoyed by his comment, and she couldn't help retorting, "You're very lucky, Mr. Chamberley, then. It seems like the best life for you right now is to be alone for most of your life." The Chamberleys stared at her, and Jayden Sean laughed heartily. "I love village dances," he said, his blue eyes bright.He looked at Susan, "You seem to have forgotten, dear sister, the blood of those country people is purer than that of the Xiao En family." "How could I forget?" asked Susan Chamberly sharply. "You never forget to remind me."

Olivia pursed her lips to avoid laughing, "I'm afraid I'm going to rest, everyone, good night." "Wait," Sean said softly. "It's still early, miss. How about we play a game of cards, or a game of chess?" She smiled and asked him directly, "Do you like playing cards, Mr. Sean?" His eyes were technically seductive, but his tone was serious, "It's nothing to worry about." Olivia bit her lower lip with her teeth.Amberley used to say that she was awkward in this gesture.It was strange—it had been a long time since she had done this before she realized how much she wanted to seduce Jayden Sean.

"I don't play cards unless I'm sure of winning," she told him. "In this case, I have a suggestion. We can go to the gallery. You can look at the portraits of my ancestors. You may be interested in the pirate status of your ancestors." .It is said that he is a murderous guy." "So was my grandfather," Sean stated. "Although we respectfully call him the captain, his actions would make a pirate blush." His sister Susan interrupted abruptly. "I don't think I'll be able to go, Miss Olivia. My brother always likes to go out of his way to tarnish the name of his ancestors. God knows why."

It was great to be alone with Sean, and Olivia tried to hide her delight, but the blush on her face seemed to reveal her thoughts. "Yes, Mrs. Chamberley. Good night again." If the Chamberleys answered, it was almost inaudible.Olivia couldn't restrain the joy in her heart, she only heard her own heavy heartbeat in her ears.She wondered in bewilderment what other people would think of her being alone with Sean, but then decided to leave it alone.The night is still young, and for the first time in a long time, she feels that her youth is also young. " Olivia led Sean to the gallery, raised her eyebrows and glanced at him, "It's too bad for you to tease your sister like this." She accused seriously.

"A brother is born to torture his sister." "But you choose to be downright intimidating," she said, and his smile deepened. They entered a narrow gallery lined with six rows of portraits on either side reaching to the ceiling, purely for display rather than art exhibition.A pair of huge Gothic thrones stand at the end of a far corridor.The back of the chair is about 8 feet high, and the seat cushion is harder than solid wood. The topic of the two quickly turned from their ancestors to personal matters, and Sean seemed to have intentionally or unintentionally led Olivia to talk about his affair with Amberley.Olivia had countless reasons to avoid the subject, but she didn't, she didn't want to keep any secrets from Jayden Sean, no matter how shocking or disgraceful it was.She even talked about her miscarriage...they kept talking and Olivia had no idea she was being pulled onto one of the thrones, and by the time she realized something was wrong, she was sitting on his lap.

"It can't be," she whispered anxiously, looking at the empty doorway of the gallery. "If anyone comes in and sees—" "I'll watch the door," Sean assured her, wrapping his arms around her waist. "It's more comfortable to sit in, right?" "Yes, but—" "Be awkward, dear, or you and I will be embarrassed. Now... tell me..." Olivia remained motionless on his lap, her face flushed.His physical contact was so comfortable and natural, his eyes full of sympathy and intimacy, it made her feel weak.She tried desperately to recall what had just been discussed.Oh... miscarriage. "The worst thing about it is that everyone thinks it's a good thing to lose a child," she said. "No one says it directly, but it's obvious."

"I have to say, raising a child without a father alone while unmarried is indeed very hard work." Sean said softly. "Yeah. I know. But I'm still sad. I didn't keep a part of him, I felt like I let Amberley down. And now when I think about him, I can't remember exactly what he was like and what he was like." voice." "Do you think he would be willing to make you a martyr?" "What's the meaning?" "In India, after the death of a husband, the wife must be cremated alive to accompany him, so as to prove her loyalty to him."

"What if the wife dies first? Will the husband do the same?" Sean gave a sarcastic smile, "No, he will remarry." "I knew," Olivia said, "men always only look out for their own interests." He mocked softly, "You are so young, you shouldn't be disheartened." "how about you?" "I was born that way." "No, it's not," she said firmly. "There must be some reason. Tell me." Narrowness flashed in his eyes, "Why did I tell you?" "To be fair, I told you about Amberley, and my scandal." "I'm afraid I could spend the whole evening talking about my scandal, miss." "You owe it to me," she said. "As a gentleman, you don't break your word to a lady." "Oh, of course I'm a gentleman." Sean said sarcastically, reaching into his coat pocket and pulling out a silver vial.He put his arms around her and pressed her into his arms, and pulled out his other hand to open the bottle cap.Olivia gasped at his movement, feeling his hard muscles.He uncapped the bottle, arms relaxed, and brought the bottle to his mouth.Olivia smelled the expensive wine and looked at him fascinated. Sean swallowed the liquid with a sigh. "Very good, Princess Olivia... tell me, what do you think of your scandal... is it easy to deal with or difficult to deal with?" "Probably somewhere in between." Sean smiled and took a second sip.They sat in silence for a long time.She saw him thinking carefully, weighing how much to reveal, and in what way to express it... Then his shoulders shrugged, "Before I tell you, you must first understand the creed of the Shawnees—no, yes Confidence—nobody can match that." "Who do you mean by the Sean people?" "Most - especially my parents. I have three sisters and two brothers. Believe me, anyone in my family who wants to marry has to work hard to get my parents' approval. They think their children should find a good family, and the blood is equivalent. , partners with a certain financial background, whether they like each other or not.” "Or love." Olivia added softly. "Yes." Sean stared at the silver jug, stroking the warm and smooth metal surface with his thumb.Olivia looked away, startled by the sudden wish that his palm would caress her body.Fortunately, Sean was immersed in his own thoughts and did not notice the sudden tension of the female body on his lap. "I...was...the second son," he said. "My older brother, Frederick, was in the line. I was the dark horse in the family. When I reached marriageable age, I fell in love with a In all aspects, she is very close to the woman requested by the Sean family, which makes her even more attractive." Olivia listened carefully, and he gave a self-deprecating smile, "I warned her once," he continued, "I told her that they would most likely deny me, that they would be cruel, and would not accept them Pick someone out of range. But she said her love for me will never waver. We will always be together. I know I might be disinherited but that's okay. I've found my true love for the first time in my life This is my first chance to prove myself and get by without the Sean family wealth. It's unfortunate that when I took her to meet my father, the meeting between the two of them was just humbling." "She was completely crushed by your father." Olivia guessed. Sean laughed darkly as he flipped the silver jug ​​into his coat pocket. "I wouldn't use the word 'beaten'. The two of them had a terrible fight. My father gave her money, told her to forget my words and leave, and she started haggling. The two of them were like street vendors, and I stood by and listened. When the two finally came to an agreement, my lover walked away without looking back. Marrying someone who didn't inherit the Sean family was not as ideal as marrying a check. Long after that I didn't know which I hated more—her or my father. My brother Frederick died shortly after, and I was the heir to the family. My father made no secret of his disappointment with me until his deathbed." Olivia was careful not to show pity or sympathy, lest he might misunderstand.She had a dozen platitudes running through her head, like Shaun would find love one day, that his father was doing it for his own good... but at the moment, she couldn't say such nonsense.She sat quietly, looking into his face.He didn't look bitter or disheartened, but smiled at her oddly. "What were you thinking?" he asked. "I just realized how lucky I am. Although my time with Amberley was short, at least I know he really loves me." His fingers wandered to her jaw, stroking the delicate curve.The gentle touch made Olivia's heart pound.He caught her gaze, teased her skin with his fingertips, and slid to the hollow behind the earlobe, "Anyone will fall in love with you." Olivia couldn't take her eyes off him.He was a dangerous man who gave her security and passion, not protection.She never believed that she would have anything to do with someone she didn't love.But there was something about him that she yearned for, a wicked pleasure, a pleasure she couldn't resist. Impulsively, she leaned towards him, touching his with her lips.His lips were as smooth as silk satin, they were cold at first, and then warmed instantly.As before, he kissed with playfulness, with gentle curiosity, then with intent to build up the pressure.He parted her lips seductively, his tongue entered gently but firmly, and began to take a peek. Olivia squirmed close to him, feeling the tightness of his body, the firm muscles in his chest and abdomen... and then down, a surge of pressure made her blush suddenly.His hands circled lazily behind her back, causing her to arch her body closer to him.Her hand touched the rim of the silver jug, and the cold metal blocked her exploration, reluctantly reminding her to return to reality. Olivia stopped kissing, trembling with a smile. "Don't go," Shawn murmured, feeling her want to slide off his lap. His hand was still on her waist, and she reluctantly pushed it away, "I can't do this in front of my ancestors, Mr. Sean." She pointed to the row of portraits on the wall. Xiao En slowly broke into a smile, "Why not? Afraid they will object?" Olivia pretended to be thinking, "Of course they will object. Maybe they should get to know you better." "No." He replied without hesitation, "I'm not used to close contact." She raised her eyebrows, wondering whether his words were serious, unintentional, or just black humor.The conclusion is that we don't know.She smiled helplessly and shook her head, "Actually, the closer I get to you, the more I like you." Sean didn't answer, but held her head in his hands, pulled her closer, and pressed a passionate kiss on her lips.His lips were urgent, hardly romantic - so hard, so fast, with a frenzy.This very different kiss also made Olivia more intoxicated. Sean let her go and let her slide off his knees.The floor seemed to be tilting, and she had a hard time finding her balance.Sean sat back on the throne, and the way he looked at her made her stomach shudder deeply. "What are you thinking?" Olivia asked softly, quoting what he said earlier. His answer was straightforward, "I was thinking, how can I get in touch with you without hurting you." Olivia immediately understood the meaning of his words: Before Jayden Sean returned to the United States, they were about to become lovers.She read the message in his eyes, trembling at the anticipation.She took a few steps back with a blushing face, said good night softly, and left, but stopped on the road again, turned and looked at him, "I'm not afraid of getting hurt." She said softly. He smiled slightly, "In this world, you are the last person who arouses my desire to hurt." Erin saw that the door of her room was half-closed, and a golden light came out from the crack of the door and shone onto the corridor.With a desperate effort to compose herself, she entered the room, and saw Mrs. Ficus sitting by the fire with a look of hesitation.The bathtub she usually uses is placed in the center of the room, with a kettle of hot water beside it. Mrs. Fickles understood everything as soon as she saw her. Erin closed the door, not daring to look at the housekeeper. "Good evening, Mrs. Ficos. Can you help me untie my skirt, I'll take care of it myself, I don't need your help." "Oh, you need it," said Mrs. Ficus, coming up. Eileen, who was bitter in her heart, suddenly felt a little funny. She didn't say anything, and the housekeeper already knew what happened tonight.Mrs. Fickles helped her take off her dress, and took the kettle to add some hot water to the tub. "I thought your scar might hurt," she said. "The hot water will help you." Erin blushed and took off her tights.Dazed by the flood of oxygen, she waited until she could stand before continuing to remove other clothes.There was a deep red mark on the edge of the garter, and she took it off with a sigh.Fearing that her body would show traces of her love with Mikan, Erin hurried into the water basin, humming softly because of the pleasure brought by the water. Mrs. Fickles tidied up the room, deep wrinkles appeared between her brows. "Did he see the scar?" she asked softly. Erin touched the water with the top of her right knee, "No, I planned it, so he didn't notice." A sudden stabbing pain hit her leg, and she narrowed her eyes, hoping that the pain would pass quickly. "Oh, Mrs. Ficos, what a mistake, but so wonderful. It's like a soul found after years of wandering away." She made a self-deprecating face after the last few dramatic descriptions. "I understand," said the housekeeper. "real?" Mrs. Fickles had a rare look of humor in her eyes. "I was young too, though it's hard to imagine." "who is it--" "I don't want to mention this again," the housekeeper said firmly, "and it has nothing to do with the predicament between you and Mikan." The word couldn't be more appropriate.It's not a difficulty, it's not a problem, it's not a dilemma, it's a dilemma. Erin frowned, drawing circles on the water.Mrs. Fickles brought the medicated oil and put a few drops into the tub. "I was like a playful child," Erin said sadly, "taking what I wanted without thinking about the consequences." "Mikan's behavior isn't much better, either," said the housekeeper, sitting back in her chair by the fire. "Now you've both got what you wanted, and it looks worse than ever." "The worst is yet to come," Erin said. "I drove him away without explaining anything." She paused, patting her cheeks with her hands, and added, "Again." "It shouldn't be," Mrs. Fickles remarked. "Are you suggesting I tell him the truth? You know how he's going to react." "You can't know people's hearts like the back of your hand, miss. I've known you since you were born, but you still surprise me sometimes." "Did what Mikan and I did tonight...surprise you?" "No." Mrs. Fickle's quick answer made them both laugh. Erin leaned her head back against the edge of the tub, relaxing her knees, hoping the heat of the water would soften the scar. "Is my sister back?" "Yes, she came back with Mr. Sean and Mr. and Mrs. Chamberley. They have been back for at least three hours." "How is she? Does she look happy?" "Overjoyed." Erin smiled slightly, "Will anyone be too happy?" The housekeeper frowned. "I just hope that Miss Olivia understands what Mr. Sean really is. There is no doubt that he has flirted with at least a hundred women before, and he will continue to do so after leaving Stone Word Garden." Erin's smile disappeared, "I'll talk to her tomorrow, maybe we can figure it out." "It's not a priority," Mrs. Ficus reminded her, and Eileen made a face at her.
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