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Chapter 12 Chapter Twelve

eternal magic 莉莎·克莱佩 5809Words 2018-03-18
It was after midnight, and the campfire was almost burnt out.Villagers and tourists walked through the streets in groups, most of them were drunk, some sang loudly, some fought, and some boldly stole sweet kisses while taking advantage of the darkness of night.It was an intimate act that should have been done behind closed doors, and tonight the taboos of the public seemed to be extinguished like flames.The band was playing by the fire, and the sweaty faces of the dancers were shining brightly in the afterglow of the campfire. Erin looked at the fire, her back against Mikan's chest.He supported her, slipped one hand on her waist, and gently supported her elbow with the other.If it were changed to other places, at other times, the standing posture of the two would inevitably cause rumors or scandals.But tonight, all etiquette and norms are thrown into the background.The noisy crowd paid no attention to Erin and Mikan.

Erin's eyes were half closed, and the heat of the flames reflected on her face, "You are much taller." She murmured absently, remembering that his chin could rest on top of her head before. He lowered his head, his voice softly echoed in her ear, "No, no." "No, you have." Alcohol seemed to make her tongue less flexible, "It wasn't at this level before." Heaving teasingly against her firm chest, "It's a better height now. We'll just have to try it out." Eileen smiled, feeling like she almost melted into his arms... oh, she wanted, needed to be on his shoulder, feel his mouth brush against her neck.She stood still, staring blankly at the fire.Mikan smelled of summer nights, and smoke... and pure, masculine masculinity.Surrounded by desire, they are deeply intoxicated by it, blurring the boundaries of reality.The sound of the bonfire crackling and the crisp sound of the wood breaking seemed to echo the disintegration of her inner mind.She is not the reckless girl in the past, nor is she the Irene who was stereotyped by the emptiness in her heart, but another person, a temporary self...a self who yearns for rebellion because of love.

"Don't be in the house." She heard herself whisper. Mikan didn't move, but she felt a tremor in his whole body.After a whole minute, he said softly, "So, where are you going?" "Let's go into the woods," she began impulsively, "along the trail by the wishing well." Mikan knew the road she was talking about—a dark, seldom-traveled path they had walked countless times when they were young.He wasn't surprised she'd choose there. The dark forest is really not the best place for romance, a sad smile appeared on Erin's lips.Intimate, vulgar, flippant, and certainly not comfortable.But she would never have leisurely sex by candlelight and white sheets.If she didn't want Mikan to see her scars, she'd have to find somewhere private and dark so he wouldn't have a chance to notice her legs.This was the day she'd been looking forward to—without grace and gentleness—and the realization shocked her.But that was all she could have of Mikan.Who else will be hurt?Mikan wants a chance to get back what he lost.As far as she was concerned, all she wanted were memories, at least to have memories to accompany her for the rest of her life without him.They all have their own agendas - which, as far as the moment is concerned, can't be better.

"That wishing well..." Mikan murmured, "Are you still going to make a wish?" She remembers as a little girl throwing coins down the well and wishing for something she didn't have. "No," she said, turning to him with a pale smile, "there's no magic in that well, and my wishes never It never came true." With his back to the light source, his face was dark, and his expression could not be seen clearly, "Maybe you made the wrong wish." "Yes," she admitted, with a half-sweet, half-bitter smile. Mikan stared at her intently, then pulled her away from the campfire and walked towards the woods by the stone garden.The two figures soon disappeared into the night.They walked up the path by moonlight and into the hazel oaks.Erin's eyes gradually adapted to the darkness, but she still couldn't walk steadily.He held her hand tightly.Irene recalled the way he used to caress her, the forbidden area that was gently explored by his fingers..., her breathing became unsteady, she let go of his hand, and laughed softly and nervously.

"Am I walking too fast?" Mikan asked. "A little bit." She had walked too much at night - her right knee was starting to stiffen under the scar. "Then let's stop and have a rest." He pulled her to the oak tree by the roadside, and the two of them stood in front of the cracked roots, melting into the rustling, moss-covered wet forest, and the trees seemed to be sighing.Irene leaned against the tree trunk, and Mikan moved closer to her, his rapid breath falling on the hair on her forehead. "Mikan," she said, trying to ask casually, "I want to ask you something..."

His fingertips brushed her cheeks, brushing over sensitive nerves, "What's the matter?" "The women you know. You were..." Erin paused, searching for the right words. Mikan stopped, "What do you want to ask?" "If you ever loved them." Mikan was silent.Eileen looked at him, and Mikan stared at her so intently that she shivered with heat and cold. "I don't believe in love," he said. "Love is like a sugar-coated pill—it tastes good when you first taste it, but then you know how bitter it is." Well, she's the only one.Erin knew that she should feel sorry for what happened to her afterwards, and that his contact with any woman was purely out of lust.But as always, she also wanted Mikan to focus only on her.He still remembered what he said a long time ago, which made her unable to restrain the joy in her heart... "You will always have my heart... I will love you all my life..."

"How's Sandy?" Mikan asked. "Do you love him?" "Yes," Erin whispered.She loved Adam very much - but not in the way he thought. "But you're with me now," he murmured. "Adam—" she stopped, clearing her throat, "whatever I do...he doesn't mind. You and me...have nothing to do with him..." "Yeah, it's really irrelevant," he said, suddenly full of anger. "My God, he should have rushed up and slit my throat instead of watching you with me. He should have had the urge to kill - damn it, I can't help it - I don't want any man to touch You." His voice was hoarse, "If you think that the marriage arranged by your cold-blooded parents will satisfy you, then you are deceiving yourself. You need a man who can take care of you when you are sick, own you, and share your body Every part of you, every corner of your soul. Now it seems that Sandeli seems to be a good candidate-but you and I know it. He and you are like ice and fire, and they will not mix at all." He approached her, "I'm your kind," he said gruffly, "although my blood is red not blue, and though I swear I won't touch you...but we are of the same kind. If there If necessary, I will break all the rules and beat all the men—"

Mikan stopped abruptly, realizing he had given away too much of his heart. Eileen had been trying to tell him that she had always thought of him as one of his kind and nothing else.But she just reached for the button of his vest and started to unbutton it, "I'll do it," she whispered.Even through the layers of clothing, she could feel the tension in his stomach, the stiffness of the muscles underneath. Mikan couldn't move, his fingers clenched into the oak tree.She carefully unbuttoned a row of buttons, and then undid his shirt.He didn't help her either, he just stood there quietly and let her move.Excitedly, she finally undid her shirt and pulled the hem out of her trousers.The crumpled and still warm clothes were rolled up to the waist.Irene's hand slid into his open clothes, his skin was hot, and there was a salty smell, which made people yearn for it.Her palms moved very slowly across the plush chest, fascinated by his much wider anatomy than hers.Erin made up her mind, found his nipples with her fingertips, leaned forward and lightly wrapped her tongue around his nipples, the hair on his chest brushed her cheek lightly.

Mikan was breathing heavily.His hands went deep under her dress, found the clasp on the back of her dress and began to undo it.His mouth moved to her throat, caressing and kissing her with the tip of his nose, and pulled down her tights.Her clothes fell to her waist, and only a thin underwear remained on her body at this moment.A sense of unreality suddenly made Irene fearless, she pulled the clothes off her shoulders, and her white and tender breasts stood upright in the open air. Mikan's fingers slid to the lower edge of one breast, then lowered his head to cover her breasts.His wet mouth pressed against hers, making her tremble slightly.His tongue traced the edge of the areola, striking the tip, teasing the sensitive muscles.She writhed and panted, desire running through every part of her body.Mikan let go of her nipples and caressed her aching muscles with his heavy, hot breath.Then the tongue covered her and began to flick, causing her to twist and moan.

His teeth clamped down on the throbbing spikes, and the sweet pleasure of delicate teasing and biting spread out until it reached her toes.Erin was so captivated by the skill of his lips that she didn't even notice that he had pulled her dress down to the floor, leaving her only in her underwear.Panicked, she tried to reach down for her clothes, but Mikan pushed her back up the tree trunk and grabbed her mouth with a predatory kiss.His fingers moved to her pants, loosening it and letting it slide down to her lap. She awkwardly tugged on the top edge of the garter for fear that it would fall.And his hands covered her, making her heart twitch like nausea.

"I'll do it," muttered Mikan, who thought she was going to take off her garter. "No." She quickly grabbed his hand and placed it on her chest. To her relief, Mikan was immediately distracted by her actions, his thumbs gently brushing the tip of her breasts.Erin lifted her face to kiss him, her lips parted eagerly to meet him.She felt the heavy pressure against her thigh, the hard erection hidden behind the buttons of her trousers.Eileen hungrily reached down and unbuttoned, her fingers digging into the smelly fabric.She eventually finds him, and both start to gasp.His hard part pressed against the black cloth.Erin began to caress him delicately with trembling fingers. With a low growl, Mikan pulled her wrists and fastened them to the tree trunk above her head.He kissed her mouth, exploring her with his tongue, and moved his free hand to her belly, groping the hair between her legs.He put his feet on the soles of her feet, forcing her legs to spread further apart. His fingers followed the swollen folds of her slit, and he pulled her away very gently.Erin felt his fingertips slide into her body with her wrist clasped.Mikan's fingertips teasingly brushed her soft entrance, making a pleading moan in her throat.He let go of her hand and placed an arm behind her bare back protectively.His mouth feeds on her lips, fingers still moving, feeling the small peaks at the top of her soft folds have risen.The kiss turned savage, wet, and intense, in stark contrast to the soft, graceful technique of his fingers.He tormented her little hump with gentle, smooth nudges, teasing and jabs until she thrust her hips out of control.Come closer...closer... her tender flesh throbbed and twitched, hissing with sensation.She twisted under his fingers, feeling that she was on the verge of release, and the feeling was so good that she couldn't think or breathe.He leads her across the border, and she convulses and floats on an air of pleasure. Mikan bent down and rolled up the hem of her tights.Tongue stuck to her belly, Erin leaned weakly against the big tree, only his head could be seen. "Mikan," she said, feeling him kneel down and breathe into her womanhood.Suddenly remembering her scar, she struggled to push him away and pull the garter up. "Wait..." But his mouth was covered.The tip of the nose caresses the wet crack, and the tongue brushes the thick curly hair. Erin's legs trembled violently, and if it wasn't for the support of the oak tree behind her, she might have fallen to the ground already.She reached for his head with trembling hands, fingers locked in his hair. "Mikan," she murmured, unable to believe what he'd done to her. He licked deeper, his tongue invading the slenderness, until she held her breath.Tension builds with the pressure of his mouth. "I can't take it," she gasped. "Please, Mikan...please..." Yes, that was exactly the word he had been waiting for.He stood, lifting her easily.One hand was protectively between the trunk and her back, the other was deep under her hip.She was completely helpless, unable to move or squirm.Her scar tensed and pulled, and she raised her knees to cushion the pain. Mikan kissed him, hot breath filling her mouth.She felt the blunt pressure of his penis, thrusting hard into her vulnerable parts.Her muscles tightened, resisting the slight pain.His tip entered her, and Mikan felt his desire swell a hundredfold as soon as he touched her hot, tender wrap.He pushed on, bearing Erin's weight on his blood-swollen spear.Irene gasped intermittently, and her body parted to accept the firm intrusion.Suddenly he was inside her, tearing, filling, stretching the suffocating muscles in one go.Erin was stunned by the pain, and pressed her hands into fists against his back. The lustful Mikan froze at her sudden pain.He knew what her body was resisting, and gasped in shock, "My God, you're not supposed to be a virgin, you can't be." "It's okay," she gasped, "don't stop. It's all right now, don't stop." But he didn't move, staring at her in the night, holding her tightly in his arms, making it hard for her to breathe.In this last inevitable movement, guided by her life, he finally becomes a part of her...every part of her encloses him, draws him deeper, binds his pleasure.Mikan felt the rhythmic squirming and squeezing of her inner muscles, and he began to lean down and kiss her hard, his tongue touching her teeth, exploring the dark sweetness that followed.Erin wrapped her legs tightly around his waist, and he began to pump slowly and endlessly.The stinging had lessened, but hadn't gone away—but Erin didn't care.What mattered was that she possessed him, wrapped him up, and was forever changed by his violent intrusion. He gritted his teeth and moaned, using his legs as a fulcrum, pumping in more violently, exploring deeper, sweating profusely from satisfaction and exertion.He ends up shooting inside her in a raw, intense, endless ecstasy.Erin wrapped him tightly, her half-parted lips moved towards his face and neck, greedily licking every drop of his sweat. Mikan gasped and shuddered, staying inside her for a while.Erin's body slowly relaxed, leaving only the exhaustion after the passion was exhausted.Mikan pulled away from her, and she felt hot fluid dripping down the inside of her thigh.She suddenly said anxiously, "Please let me go." Mikan carefully lowered her to the ground and held her with both hands.She fumbled up the garter and pulled the straps of her bodice back over her shoulders.After barely covering her body, she reached out and patted the mud off her skirt.Oh, how she wished she could lie somewhere else with him, sleep comfortably next to him, wake up with his arms in the morning sun.But that's never possible. Eileen turned her face away, straightened her clothes awkwardly, and asked Mikan to help her tie the back of her corset.Her shoes... must have been kicked off during the passion just now.Mikan searched carefully for a while before he saw it at the root of the tree. He handed the shoes to Irene, and her mouth curled into an unnaturally humorous smile, "Thank you." Mikan didn't smile.His body was as stiff as a stone, and there was a hint of danger in his eyes. "What the hell is going on here?" He asked with suppressed anger, "Are you still a virgin?" "It doesn't matter." She murmured softly. "It's important to me." His fingers squeezed her jaw hard, forcing her to look at him. "Why do you never let any man in your bed?" Erin licked her dry lips, thinking about how to give a satisfactory explanation, "I...I decided to stay until the wedding night." "In the five years you've known Sundry, you haven't let him touch you?" "You don't have to make it seem like a sin," she said defiantly, "it's about respect, mutual decision, and—" "This is a crime!" His temper exploded. "This is not normal at all, damn it, tell me why! And you have to explain to me why you chose me to take your virginity!" Eileen was racking her brains for a reason to deceive him...anything to cover up the truth. "I...I think I owe you this, after all, I drove you out of Shiziyuan many years ago." Mikan grabbed her shoulders tightly, "And you thought it was paid off now?" He asked incredulously, "No, Miss. We have to make things clear... Your atonement hasn't started yet. Next you wait Make it up, more than you can imagine—and have fun." Erin stiffened in alarm. "That's all I can give, Mikan," she said. "Just for one night, no promises, no regrets. If you want more, I'm sorry, it's impossible." "Damn impossible." He murmured, "Miss, you should learn a lesson for your poor way of doing things. As long as I stay in Shiziyuan, you have to make it up to me...your back, your knees, whatever I do Where it's needed." He pulled her away from the oak tree.Her clothes were dirty, her hair was disheveled, and there was a little bark on her cheek.He pressed her mouth against him, a kiss that wasn't flattering, more like a declaration of possession.Irene knew she shouldn't submit, but his kiss was so urgent that she had no room to refuse.She couldn't break free from his embrace, nor could she avoid the pressure on his lips, and soon she melted into his arms, trembling in response to him. Mikan looked up, ending the kiss before her response affected him.His breath mingled with hers, "I'll go to your room tonight." Irene pushed him away abruptly, and staggered onto the forest path, "I will lock the door." "Then I'll kick it out." "Don't be stupid." She said angrily, and strode away regardless of the soreness in her legs. There was silence on the way back to the main house, save for the salad sound of stepping on leaves and dead branches.Erin's discomfort became more and more severe, and the pain intensified, not to mention the sticky feeling between her legs.Her scar was pulling again, burning like fire.Never in her life had she longed for a hot bath as much as she did now.She only hoped that Mikan was so focused that he didn't find himself faltering. The house was dark and silent, save for a few rooms with lights on for the few guests who continued to revel.Mikan followed Irene up to the entrance of the servants' hall, and few people noticed the remote doorway.One need only look at Erin's disheveled appearance to know what a good thing she's done tonight. "Then, tomorrow." Mikan reminded her softly.He stood at the door... watching her move slowly and deliberately up the stairs.
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