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Chapter 10 chapter Ten

eternal magic 莉莎·克莱佩 6738Words 2018-03-18
After Amberley's death, Olivia went to sleep with thoughts and memories of him every night, but last night was different. It was a strange feeling to be preoccupied with a man other than Amberley, especially a different man.Olivia thought of Jayden Sean's thin face, blond hair and gentle touch, and suddenly felt guilty.Yes, he was very different from Amberley. Her fiancé has a less complicated personality.Not so gloomy at heart, he is always ready to give and receive love.He comes from a happy family and is always upbeat even in the face of adversity.Amberley is a very attractive man with dark brown hair and bright brown eyes. He is lanky and likes sports and long walks.

It's hard to imagine them falling in love, but onlookers agree they're perfectly right.Amberley discovers a side of Olivia she didn't even know she had.In his arms, she can have no taboos.Indulge in his flirting style and enjoy everything without any qualms. Now that Amberley was gone, Olivia was alone for a long time.Her mother thought that she should find a husband as soon as possible, before her youth faded away.She was right, Olivia thought bitterly.She was so alone and she missed the safety and comfort of being in a man's arms.But she didn't dare to have any extravagant hopes... She could only wait bitterly, waiting for someone or something to free her from the invisible imprisonment.

It was early in the morning, and the oak and hazel forests were still dark, and the sky was only pale.She strolled up the potholed path, pausing every few steps to kick pebbles in the path.The breeze passed by, startling the nuthatch in the forest and tweeting angrily. There were footsteps coming from behind, and Olivia was startled to realize that someone was behind.She turned around and met a tall man.He walks gracefully, as well in his safari suit as in his formal attire.Olivia held her breath and recognized the person as Jayden Sean. Sean is more breathtaking in the daytime than in the moonlight.A head of blond hair resembling ancient gods, handsome but purely masculine, with a long and firm nose, high cheekbones, and incredible blue eyes.

The eyes of the two finally met.Sean stopped suddenly, as if he had just hit a transparent wall.They looked at each other at a distance of 5 yards, and Olivia felt a slight warm pain in her heart.His expression was very strange... as if he was struggling with something... as if a man was trying to avoid a woman, but he couldn't help being seduced by her. "Good morning, Sir." Her voice seemed to pull him back from his thoughts.He stepped forward slowly, afraid that a sudden rash move would make the beauty in front of him disappear. "I saw you in a dream last night," he said.

Such an opening sentence implied a warning signal, but Olivia smiled, "What did you dream about?" She asked, tilting her head and looking at him, "Maybe this is a dangerous question?" The breeze blew away a lock of hair on his forehead, "It is indeed very dangerous." Olivia realized she was flirting with him, but she couldn't seem to restrain herself, "Would you like to go for a walk with me, Mr. Sean?" "If you have no objection." "The only thing I object to is your absence," she told him, admiring his sudden grin.She turned and walked on, silently gesturing for him to follow.

Sean followed her, his brown leather boots clattering on the fallen leaves and twigs along the path.He put his hands in his pockets and looked at Olivia's profile. "You know," he said casually, "if you don't tell me your name today, I won't let you go." "I'd rather keep it a secret." "why?" She decided to tell him directly, "Because I have had scandals in the past, and until now society has not tolerated me." "What kind of scandal?" His tone was sarcasm, obviously believing that her scandal was nothing more than a trivial matter, "Either she went somewhere without a nurse, or she allowed someone to kiss you in public."

She shook her head and gave a helpless smile, "It seems that you don't know that sometimes the behavior of young ladies is worse than you think." "Then I'm all ears." Olivia remained silent hesitantly, and Sean wisely dropped the topic, his attention was attracted by the small cottage not far in front of him.Layers of honeysuckle flowers are wrapped around the fence next to the house, and the fragrance permeates the air, rich and fragrant.Among the peonies and peonies are butterflies dancing.Carrots, lettuces, and radishes are grown in the fields, and there is a faint row of rice paddies in the middle, leading to the umbrella-shaped greenhouse.

"It's beautiful," Sean commented. Olivia took off her hat and led him to the conservatory, which was a small, private place that could only accommodate two people at most. "When I was a little girl, I used to sit in the conservatory reading, playing with dolls and pretending to be a princess in an ivory tower." "Then you grew up in Shiziyuan," he said. Olivia opened the greenhouse door and looked inside.The house is clean and tidy, the wooden chairs and stools have been recently polished. "Lord Westcliff is my brother," she admitted at last, her voice echoing in the small glass room. "I am Miss Olivia Madden."

Sean stood behind her, clinging to her but not touching her.She seemed to sense the heat between the two of them, and walked into the greenhouse as if avoiding it.But Sean still stayed where he was, with his broad shoulders blocking the entire doorway.Olivia turned to face him, again struck by the stark difference between him and Amberley.If Amberley was still alive, Sean would be at least ten years older than him.A strong, worldly man, like a man sung in bards, with fine lines of cynicism seared in the corners of his eyes.But when he smiled, the charming charm on his face would make her heart almost stop.

"Miss Irene did mention that she has a younger sister," Sean said, "I thought you lived somewhere else." "No, I'm just reclusive in Shiziyuan. You know about the scandal." "No, I'm afraid I don't know." There was a relaxed smile on the corner of his mouth, "Tell me, Princess Olivia...why do you keep staying in the tower?" The soft inquiry almost melted Olivia.She laughed uncertainly, judging whether she should trust him or not.But the idea of ​​self-reliance still prevailed.Olivia shook her head and approached him, hoping he would clear the way.But he only took half a step back, his hand still blocking the door.

"Mr. Sean—" she began, looking at him—she had made a mistake. "Jaden," he whispered, "I want to know your secret, Olivia." There was a bitter smile on the corner of her lips, "Sooner or later, someone will tell you." "But I want to hear from you." Olivia stepped back, and Sean quickly grabbed the belt of her dressing gown, hooking the narrow fabric with his slender fingers. She spoke again, her voice hoarse, "I can't do this, Mr. Sean." To her surprise, he seemed to understand what she meant. "You don't have to do anything," he said softly, "just let me come close...stay there..." He lowered his head and easily found her lips. The coaxing heat of his lips made Olivia dizzy, and he pressed her tightly.She was being kissed by Jayden Sean, the loose rascal her brother had warned her about.But oh, he kisses so well.She hadn't thought there was anything like Amberley's kiss...but the man's lips were warm and patient, unhurried but tinged with wicked sensuality.He tasted her tenderly, gently pushed her lips away, and the tip of his tongue almost brushed hers before he could withdraw. Olivia began to lean against him, breathless, anticipating more silky pleasure.His proficient skills aroused the excitement in her heart, making her completely overwhelmed.What surprised me even more was that her arms had automatically wrapped around his neck, and her chest was pressed tightly against his firm chest.His hand slid down the back of her neck, tilting her head back to show more of her throat.He still kissed the smooth skin softly and self-controlled, all the way down to the lower part of his throat.She felt the warm, firm swirl of his tongue, making her moan softly. Sean raised his head, rubbed the tip of his nose lightly on her cheek, and swam his hands on her back.Their breath melted into warm heat, and his chest rose and fell beneath hers. "My God," he finally said, leaning on her cheek, "you're such a problem." Olivia smiled, "No, you are." She retorted back at him, welcoming his second kiss. The morning's hunt was impressive, with at least 20 grouse and a half-dozen birdies bagged.The ladies join the intimate breakfast party by the lake, chatting and laughing leisurely, while the servants dutifully refill the guests' glasses and plates.Afterwards, the guests were divided into several groups, some got into the carriage to visit nearby, and some went into the main house to write letters or play cards. A great deal of untouched food was sent back to the kitchen, and Irene and two other maids were responsible for packing the food into jars or baskets and sending it to poor families in the Stone Crossing.Irene, who was the hostess because her mother was away, was always on the lookout for people in the village to see if they needed food or household items.It has become her obligation, at least one full day a week.She would go door to door, sit by the fireplace, listen carefully to their complaints, and lend a helping hand when necessary.Irene always felt that with her intelligence and ability, she might not be able to do the job.But on the other hand, she has a deep understanding of the sufferings of the poor, and she is moved by their hard work and life. Over the past few months, Erin had often asked Olivia to go with her, and with her sister in her company, a full day's work was done quickly.But this afternoon, Olivia couldn't be found no matter what.Irene wondered anxiously whether her sister was still with Mr. Xiao En, because he was also missing.Of course not - Olivia hadn't spent so long with a man in all these years.But having said that, only Sean has the ability to save Olivia from hell. Is this good or bad?Erin struggled internally.According to common sense, Olivia should focus on more decent gentlemen.Thought sadly, she hoisted the heavy basket on her arm and walked to the carriage.The dishes in the basket clinked and the smell of salted ham and eggs rushed to her nostrils. "Oh, miss," said the maid behind her, "let me get it for you." Erin glanced at her with a smile, noticing that the maid herself was carrying two heavy baskets. "I can do it myself, Gawen," she replied, lifting her legs slightly up the steps.The twined scars stubbornly tore the muscles in her right knee, and Eileen gritted her teeth in pain, stretching her legs vigorously, opening the stiff joints. "Miss," Gawen insisted, "Go to the side to rest first, I'll be right back—" "It's okay. Just load it all up and go, I've already—" Erin's words were interrupted suddenly, and she saw Mikan at the door of the servant hall.He was leaning his shoulder against the wall, making a maid giggle.It seems that his ability to seduce women has not disappeared at all... He is smiling at the red-haired maid, reaching out and lifting her jaw provocatively. Although Irene didn't make a sound, Mikan seemed to sense her presence immediately.He looked straight at her, his eyes became alert. The maid walked away immediately, and Mikan continued to look at Erin. Mikan didn't belong to her, she reminded herself.After all, she is no longer the 19-year-old girl who fell in love with the stable boy obsessively.But there was still a surge of anger, because she was beginning to understand that she was not the only woman Mikan had seduced.Her face was stiff, and she continued to walk to the front hall. "Let's go," she whispered to Gawen, and the maid followed obediently. Mikan caught up with Irene in a few strides, with an unfathomable expression about to take the basket, "I'll get it." Erin avoids him. "No, thank you." "You can't even stand up." His keen observation made her stomach feel a pang of alarm. "I twisted my foot on the stairs just now." She explained briefly, insisting that he would not let him carry the basket. "It's okay, I don't need your help." Regardless of her insistence, Mikan took the basket easily and raised his eyebrows, "You should ask Mrs. Ficos to bandage it for you, otherwise it will deteriorate." "It's all right now," Erin said exasperatedly. "Go find someone else to play with, Mikan. There are plenty of women to keep you busy today." "I didn't seduce her." She returned a look, and his eyebrows were raised mockingly. "You don't believe me?" he asked. "Of course I don't believe it. Since you can't get me, you pull her as a substitute." "First of all, I didn't intend to seduce the maid for sex. I just wanted to ask her a little bit about you. Secondly, I don't need a substitute." His arrogant comment completely angered Erin.She had never seen such a hatefully self-assured man—fortunately, there was no room for more like him in civilized society.Overcoming her stuttering caused by anger, she finally spoke clearly, "What interesting information can a maid give you?" "I know she came in right around the time you were sick, so I thought she might know about your mysterious illness." Irene's eyes were fixed on his triangle scarf, her whole body was tense, "What did she tell you?" "Nothing. Looks like someone ordered all the servants to keep your secrets secret." Irene was greatly relieved by his answer. She relaxed and replied, "There is no secret. I had a high fever. Others don't want to tell it, and there may be other reasons. I have recovered and passed." He looked at her solemnly and replied, "I don't believe it." Although this expression is unfamiliar, its meaning is obvious. "You only believe what you want to believe," she said. "I've told you the truth." He raised his eyebrows because of her anger, "Based on my past experience, miss, you always like to mention it briefly, without going into details." Erin frowned, and had to admit that she had done so in the past, but she couldn't tell him more details, details that she never wanted him to know. Before she could answer, Mikan blocked her in the narrow passage.He put down the basket and looked straight into her face.Although the bodies of the two hadn't touched yet, Eileen's hunger for sex was already welling up.Instinctively, she backed away until her shoulders touched the wall. Mikan stood so close she could see the base of his beard.Half shade gives him a more masculine look.His lips were pursed sternly.Irene imagined that she could kiss his hard lines, soften with the tip of her tongue, and taste every corner of his lips... She desperately put these thoughts aside, lowered her head, and avoided looking at his mouth. His voice was low and commanding, "I want to know what happened to you many years ago, why are you still single? What's the matter with men in Hampshire, don't people want to marry you? Or the problem is still on you?" His question was almost to the point, and Irene trembled all over, "Are you demonstrating flirting, Mikan?" She asked crisply, "Blocking a lady in the corridor of the servants' hall for interrogation?" He suddenly grinned, and his expression changed quickly, "No." He admitted, "I can do better." "I hope so." She wanted to go around him, but he took a step ahead, pinning her to the wall without any room for retreat.Erin gasped from the heat of his body, the soft breath against her ear against her strong thighs.He didn't want to kiss her, just hugged him carefully. "Let me pass," Erin said in a thick voice. He didn't seem to hear. "On you..." he murmured. With her back against the cold wall and her warm and solid body facing her, Irene's senses were extremely keen.His body was very different from what she remembered, not thin and narrow, but huge and heavy, containing the strength of a man.Memories of Mikan's appearance were striking...and now he was a different person altogether.Strong and powerful, ruthless and brutal.Irene caressed his coat fascinatedly, and her fingers lightly touched the muscles of his chest, which bulged strongly.Mikan remained motionless, forcing himself to stay where he was in the face of pleasure rushing through his limbs. "Why are you still single?" Eileen whispered, immersed in his smell, salty and sunny, making her heart skip a beat, "You should have been married long ago." "I haven't met the woman I really want yet." Mikan murmured.Her hand swam to his waist, and his whole body was stiff, "The shackles of marriage will only make me—" Irene brushed his belly lightly with the back of her finger, causing him to suddenly break off the conversation, panting like a racehorse . Enjoying this moment of power mixed with excitement, Eileen deliberately stretched out the time, slowed down, almost disappointed that she would never touch him like that again.His whole body was excited and hot.She longed for the real feel of the muscles under the clothes.Erin made a bold move that surprised even herself, running her fingers over the outside of his trousers until they beautifully outlined his erect growth.Joy flowed through her body, and her palms were numb when they touched his hard muscles full of tension.The memory of the physical reaction caused her sensitive body to shudder, and her whole body tensed up in anticipation. Mikan moaned weakly, put his hands on her shoulders, and spread his fingers apart, for fear that too much force would hurt her.She caressed his swollen, twitching body...up...the thumb gently massaged the top...then down...fingers stretched and retracted tentatively, he clenched his teeth hard, and the sound of breathing hissed through the teeth to go out.Up, down... She wanted him to enter her, to be penetrated by an absolute male organ... Erin felt a warm current in her abdomen and waist. Mikan lowered his head and kissed her face lightly like a dragonfly.She was amazed by the respect he contained.His lips touched the corners of her mouth, lingering, probing across her jaw, his tongue touching her soft earlobe.Eileen blindly brought her mouth to him, craving his full pressure.But he deliberately slowed down, occupying her with tormenting steps, and she moaned in protest before he finally completely covered her mouth.Irene leaned against him feebly, parting her lips to meet the penetration of his tongue.He tasted her tenderly, hit the soft part of her mouth with skillful and delicate technique, and completely shattered her thinking power.Her breathing became irregular, her muscles tensed with delicious urgency.She wished to envelop him, to welcome him deep in, until he possessed her completely. Mikan pressed her tighter, sliding one hand up her hip to lift her up.His mouth turned to her throat, and then drifted back to her lips, kissing her over and over again, as if to find every suitable place for lips to kiss.His lips grabbed her at a special angle, and a soft moan rose from her throat, squirming close to him, wanting all of him.Her breasts rubbed back and forth against his, causing him to gasp, and he suddenly cursed under his breath, breaking the kiss. Erin wrapped her arms around herself and watched him silently.She knew he must have noticed her trembling...just as she had noticed his trembling. Mikan folded his arms across his chest and stared down at the floor. "Self-control... there's only so much," he murmured, jaw clenched. He could barely contain himself - and he admitted that fact - and Erin felt a surge of joy in her. It took them a long time to recover, and Mikan stooped to pick up the basket, motioning wordlessly for her to lead the way. Erin wandered into the front hall, distracted, and met Gawen, who was covering the last basket of food. Mikan didn't hand the heavy object in his hand to the maid, "It's okay," he said lightly, "I'll help you carry it—just tell me where to put it." "Okay, sir." He turned and exchanged glances with Erin, blue-green eyes piercing and dark.A wordless message... a moment later... and he strode away. Irene was still standing there, gathering her mind, her brother suddenly appeared without warning, and walked in through the door frowning.Max had shed his morning safari suit for pearl gray trousers, a navy blue vest, and a blue patterned silk tie. "Where's Olivia?" Max asked directly, "I haven't seen her all morning." Irene hesitated for a while, and finally said in a low voice, "She may be with Mr. Xiao En." "what?" "He went for a walk with Olivia this morning," Erin said, trying to keep it light-hearted. "As far as I know, I haven't seen either of them since." "You just let him go with her?" Max whispered gruffly. "For God's sake, why didn't you stop him?" "Oh, don't worry about it," Erin said. "Trust me, Max. If Olivia wants to be alone, she has the means to tell him to leave. If she likes Mr. Sean's company, she has the right to do so. Besides, his debauchery aside, he's a gentleman at heart." "He's not the kind of gentleman Olivia knows. He's an American." The last word was accentuated and sounded insulting. "I thought you liked Americans!" "If they don't think about my sister." Max narrowed his eyes suspiciously and looked at her carefully, "Then why did you go?" "I..." Irene put her hands on her throat vigilantly, because his eyes were fixed there. "Why are you looking at me like that?" "You look like you've got a beard on your neck," he said darkly. Irene decided to play stupid to the end, she looked at him pretending not to understand, "Don't be stupid. It must be scratched by the jewel on my hatband." "You don't have a jeweled hatband." Erin tipped her toes with a smile and kissed his face.Knowing that although he is blowing his beard and staring at his eyes at the moment, he is actually just afraid that his sister will be hurt. "Olivia and I have grown up," she said. "There are a lot of things you can't predict, Max." Her brother accepts her kiss without complaining.Erin turned away and heard him say to himself, "Oh, I'll know." That night, Eileen found a rose beside her pillow, the buds were half-open, and the thorns on the stem were carefully picked off.She took the flower and held it to her cheeks and lips to feel its fragrance. Dear Madam: The flowers are already here.Nocturne came later.As for the love poems... please allow me to write them when I feel more inspired. Yours, M.
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