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Chapter 3 third chapter

eternal magic 莉莎·克莱佩 3352Words 2018-03-18
It's been a long, hard day for Mikan.He helped the gardener build a stone wall outside the orchard.After several hours of carrying and surviving, I was so tired that my muscles ached.He smiled self-deprecatingly, thinking how useless he was to Erin - he was so tired that he was about to collapse.Maybe, though, she'd let him doze with his head on her lap for a while, wrapping him in feminine scents.When he was sleeping, her fingers stroked his hair... Thinking of this filled his tired heart with anticipation. He had to see Mrs. Ficos before he could see Eileen.He took a shower in the servants' communal bathroom and hurried to the kitchen without drying his hair. He smelled of hot soap, which is usually used to scrub floors and clothes, and then used by the servants. Do personal hygiene.

"I heard you were looking for me," Mikan asked her directly.He looked at the housekeeper, puzzled by the shocked look on her face. "It's Lord Heathcliff who wants to see you," said Mrs. Ficus. Ruo Da's kitchen was suddenly not so warm and comfortable, and the rich sweet jam rolling on the stove didn't seem to attract him as much as before, "Why?" Mikan asked cautiously. Mrs. Ficos shook her head, her cheeks flushed from the heat of the kitchen. "Neither Seth nor I know. Have you been doing anything wrong lately, Mikan?" "No."

"Then, according to my experience, you work very hard, even harder than your peers," she frowned thoughtfully, "Maybe the master wants to comfort you, or assign you a special task." Both of them knew in their hearts that this possibility did not exist at all.The earl would not summon a lowly servant for such a reason.If there is a reward or punishment, that is the foreman's business. "Go and put on your uniform," Mrs. Ficus reminded him. "You can't go to the Master dressed like this. And hurry up—he doesn't like waiting." "Damn it," Mikan muttered, the thought of wearing that hated uniform gave him a headache.

The housekeeper pretended to be angry and waved the wooden spoon in her hand, "If you keep your mouth dirty, I will smash your head." "Yes, ma'am." Mikan bowed his head docilely, drawing her to laugh. She patted his face lightly, her eyes were a soft pool of brown, "Go and come back quickly, after you finish seeing the count, try the fresh bread and jam I have left for you." Mikan paced away, his smile disappearing, replaced by a long sigh.It must be all right for the count to call him.The only possibility is that his relationship with Erin has been discovered by him.He felt slightly sick.Mikan's biggest worry was getting out of here, away from her.He couldn't imagine not being able to see her for days, weeks, months... like being told he had to live underwater.He really wanted to go to her now, but time was running out.The Count is waiting for him.

He quickly put on his uniform, white stockings and black shoes, and walked to the study where Heathcliff was.The house was surprisingly quiet, like the calm before the storm.According to the etiquette ordered by Seth, Mikan discreetly knocked on the door. "Come in," was the master's voice. Mikan's heartbeat was too violent, and he was a little dizzy for a moment.He carefully controlled his expression, walked into the room and waited at the door.The room is empty and simple, the floor is made of cherry wood, and one side of the wall is a large rectangular floor-to-ceiling window.The furniture is simple, bookshelves, chairs, and a large desk where Heathcliff is sitting.

Under the Earl's brief gesture, Mikan walked forward and stopped in front of the desk. "My lord," he said humbly, waiting for the disaster to come. The count narrowed his eyes and looked at him carefully, "I've been thinking about what to do with you." "Sir?" Mikan asked questioningly, his stomach sank suddenly.He glanced at Heathcliff's eyes, and looked away instinctively.It is disrespectful for a servant not to look directly at his master. "Shiziyuan no longer needs your service." The earl's voice was like a silent whip, "You will be fired immediately, and I have already arranged other ways for you."

Mike nodded silently. "I know a captain in Bristol," Heathcliff went on, "Mr. Eberly is willing to condescend to hire you as an apprentice. He is a good man. I hope he can supervise you and be your master..." Heathcliff said something else, but Mikan didn't hear a word.Bristol... I don't recognize it, it seems to be an important port city with rich coal and mineral resources.At least not too far away...just close— "You will never have the chance to return to the Stone Area," the count said, drawing his attention back. "You are no longer welcome here. I don't want to mention the reason. If you dare to come back, I will make you regret it."

Mikan knew what he meant.It was the most gracious favor he had ever received, and a servant should be grateful for such a favor, but for the first time in his life, he hated such a favor.He reluctantly swallowed the objection that he wanted to rush out of his mouth, thinking like a needle in his heart, Erin... "I've already made arrangements for you to leave tonight," Heathcliff said indifferently, "The Farhans specialize in delivering goods to Bristol. You can sit in the back of his carriage. Go and pack your luggage right away. Find Farhan in the village, and you can go." He opened the drawer, took out a coin, and threw it to Mikan, five shillings.

"Your monthly salary, although you haven't done it all this month," Heathcliff added, "I don't want people to say that I'm underpaying." "No, my lord." Mikan whispered.With the addition of the five shillings, everything in his room came to about two pounds.He has to keep the money well, knowing that apprentices may not be paid. "You can go, leave the uniform, you won't need it in the future." The earl turned his attention back to the few documents on the table, completely ignoring the existence of Mikan. "Yes, my lord." Mikan left the study, his thoughts fluctuating.Why didn't the count ask anything?Why not severely ask them how far they have progressed?Maybe the earl doesn't want to know, maybe Heathcliff made the worst plan and decided that Irene had recruited Mikan to be his lover.Will Erin be punished?

The answer will never be found here.He can no longer protect her, look after her... He has been completely expelled from her life, but before he goes, he must see her.The numbness was gone, replaced by a burning pain in the chest and throat, as if the lungs were breathing in flames. Irene heard the sound of anticipation... the sound of Mikan Sisuo climbing up the balcony, and she was in a state of disarray.Her fists clenched against her churning stomach.She knew she had to do something.Even if her father hadn't intervened, things between her and Mikan would have ended in tragedy.Mikan should have a fresh start and make a clean break with everything in the past.He'd find another girl, someone who would love him with all his heart and without bondage, which she couldn't.There is no doubt that he will definitely attract many red sleeve moves.

Erin just hoped there could be another way to set him free—something less painful for both of them. She saw Mikan already climbed onto the balcony, silhouetted against the lace curtains.The door opened slightly...he opened it with his foot.But as before, dare not cross the threshold half a step.Irene carefully picked up the candle beside the bed, and her figure was projected on the glass door, overlapping his figure perfectly.The door opened and the overlapping shadow disappeared. Irene sat on the edge of the bed closest to the balcony, deliberately keeping a distance from him, "You have talked to the count," her voice was calm and dull, but a drop of sweat dripped down her back due to tension. Mikan stood quietly, reading her graceful silhouette, noticing the distance she deliberately left.She should have jumped into his arms long ago. "He told me—" "I know what he told you," Erin interrupted softly. "You're getting out of here. It's a good thing, really." Mikan shook his head in confusion. "I want to hug you," he whispered, stepping into her room for the first time.But under Erin's stop gesture, he stopped. "No," she said, feeling her breath stop, "it's over, Mikan. All you have to do is say goodbye to me and go back." "I will find a way to come back," he said in a thick voice, "I will do as you wish—" "That's not a wise thing to do. I..." She forced herself, suppressing her hatred for herself, and continued, "I don't want you back. I don't want to see you again." Mikan stared at him blankly and took a step back, "Don't say that," he murmured in pain, "I'll love you wherever I go. Tell me you feel the same way I do, Eileen. God… …I don’t want to live without some hope.” It seems that 'hope' is his Achilles' heel.If there is hope, he will come back and be tortured to death by his father.The only way to save Mikan is to let him go away...to extinguish all love for her.If she couldn't, then there was nothing in the world that could make him go. "I've apologized to my father," said Erin bitterly, "and I begged him to get rid of you so I could avoid the embarrassment of showing up. Of course, he was very angry--he said I should at least pick someone better than the stable." The boy is a more senior man. He is right, next time I have to choose carefully." "next time?" "You did make me happy for a while, but now I'm bored. I think it's better for us to be friends, after all...you're just a servant. So we'd better make it clear, it would be better if I didn't say it." Before you get upset, you'd better go, Mikan, I don't need you anymore." "Irene...but you love me..." "That's a joke. I've learned a lot from you, and now I can play seriously with a gentleman." Mikan was silent, looking at her like a mortally wounded animal.Erin screamed desperately in her heart, she didn't know how long she could last. "How could I fall in love with someone like you?" she asked, each sarcasm sticking in her throat, "You're a bastard, Mikan... no family, no blood, no money... you use What do you want me to do? Please, let's go." Her nails sank deep into her palms, leaving bloodstains. The room was silent, and Erin lowered her head, tremblingly praying to God not to let Mikan come over.If he touched her and said what she had just said again, her willpower would shatter, and she forced herself to breathe, over and over again.She opened her eyes and looked at the empty doorway. He's gone. She got up from the bed, ran to the washbasin, clutched the rim with her fingers, and vomited violently until her stomach was empty, her knees shaking feebly.She walked slowly to the balcony and leaned against the railing, her fingers gripping the handle of the railing. The back of Mikan walking away alone on the road...the road leading to the village.His head drooped and he didn't look back once. Eileen stared hungrily at his figure, knowing she would never see him again. "Mikan," she whispered.She waited until he completely disappeared into the night, and then buried her cold face in her pajamas, crying silently.
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