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Chapter 2 Chapter two

eternal magic 莉莎·克莱佩 10225Words 2018-03-18
Mikan's growth rate after turning 18 is astonishing.He grew so fast that Mrs. Fickles was content to think there was no need to lengthen his trousers because they wouldn't be able to fit them next week.And he has a good appetite all day long, no matter how much he eats, he doesn't care how full he is. "You can see the future condition of the young man from the condition of his growth." Mrs. Ficus proudly talked about Mikan with Seth, the head servant of the family.Their voices were clearly transmitted from the first floor to the second floor, and they happened to be heard by Irene who was passing by.She stopped because of Mikan's name.

"Exactly," Seth said. "He's nearly six feet. . . . I'd say he's going to be an athlete sooner or later, tall and strong." "Perhaps think about taking him out of the stables as an apprentice or something," suggested Mrs. Ficus politely, in a tone that made Eileen chuckle.She knew that although Mrs. Fickle's tone sounded casual, she really wanted to turn Mikan from a lowly stable boy into a more promising apprentice. "God knows," continued the housekeeper, "we've got a dozen spare men to carry the charcoal, and scrub the silver trays, and clean the glasses."

"Mm... (I can't find the mother next to the word)" There was a long pause, "You are right, Mrs. Fickles. I will tell the earl and let Mikan be a little kid in the house." Boy or something. If he agrees, you'll have to make him a suit right away." Entering the house to be a servant means more salary and can sleep in the house.But Mikan was in no way appreciative of his new situation in the future.He was used to being with the horses and having his own space behind the stables.For most of the day, he wore his official uniform of black long-pants, a mustard-colored vest, and a blue dovetail coat.What made it even more annoying was that he had to accompany everyone to church every Sunday, clearing the way for them, dusting the chairs, and helping them arrange the Bible.

To Erin's amusement, Mikan also had to endure the teasing of a bunch of girls and boys outside the church.From the white stockings on the trouser legs to the disgusting uniform, they all provide rare material for everyone to comment on.They discussed loudly, discussing whether his strong thighs were really due to muscles or wearing something similar to cushions. In the past, some grooms used cushions to line their clothes to show their graceful figure.Mikan tried his best to maintain an indifferent expression on his face, but occasionally he gave them a warning look of revenge, which caused everyone to scream excitedly.

Fortunately, Mikan was then assigned to the gardening team and had to clean the carriage, so he could finally put on casual trousers and a loose white shirt.He got a darker tan, a tan that clearly indicated his class, but made his eyes more attractive and his teeth extraordinarily white.His appearance had predictably attracted the attention of many ladies who visited the mansion, and one of them even offered to hire him for a higher salary. After weighing carefully, Mikan politely declined his wife's invitation.But the other servants took his refusal very seriously, and used to tease him until he flushed with anger.Erin found a chance for the two of them to be alone and wanted to ask him about that matter.It was noon, and Mikan had just finished his outdoor work, and he had a rare few precious minutes before he had to put on his uniform and go inside to do something.

They walked to the favorite place to meet - the river, and there was a large sloping grass slope next to the embankment.They sat on the stones washed down by the running water, and the tall grass behind them blocked the sight of passers-by.The scent of myrtle in the air and the smell of heather in the sun made Erin feel comfortable. "Why don't you go with her?" Erin asked, her legs tucked up to her chest, her arms wrapped around her knees. Mikan straightened his long legs and propped up his elbows, "With whom?" She knew he did it on purpose, "Ms. Bland—the woman who wanted to hire you, why did you refuse her?"

He smiled slowly, almost fascinated her, "Because I belong here." "Because of me?" Mikan didn't speak, but looked into her eyes.The two were throbbing because of the wordless sharing, and at this time, silence speaks louder than words. Eileen really wanted to curl up next to him like a cat, enjoying the sunshine against his body, but she ordered herself not to move. "I heard that, in fact, you can earn several times the wages—as long as you provide her with a service she is good at." "Must be James' tongue," Mikan muttered to himself. "Damn big mouth, but how did he know?"

Eileen watched in fascination the flush on his face and the straight bridge of his nose.She suddenly understood that the woman wanted Mikan to sleep with her, a woman who was at least a round older than him.Eileen felt her face burn, and her eyes wandered to his broad shoulders, looking down at his big palms propped on the grass. "She wants you to sleep with him," was a statement rather than a question, and a tense silence froze in the air. Mikan just shrugged, "Looks like it's just her wishful thinking." Her heart was beating violently. It seemed that Mikan had received such an invitation more than once.She hadn't thought about Mikan's sexual history in the past—because the future of the two was bleak.And, the thought of someone else falling into the arms of the man she longed for was unbearable.if...if...

Irene looked at Mikan's thick and calloused palm with taste.There were women who knew Mikan better than she did, places she had never known.They hugged his body, knowing the sweetness of his lips and the pleasure of his fingers freeing his skin. She carefully pushed back the hair that had fallen over her eyes, "You... when was the first time you—" she said, her tongue tied.For the first time, she asked him about his sexuality—a topic he had been careful not to talk about. Mikan didn't speak.Erin peeked at him. He was staring at a crawling beetle in the grass, seemingly lost in thought. "We shouldn't be talking about this," he finally said, his voice soft.

"I'm not blaming you, in fact, I hope... I..." Erin shook her head in distress, and finally decided to go all out, "I just hope that person is me." She blurted out, feeling the lump in her throat disappear. Mikan bowed his head, the sun hitting his black hair.He sighed, touched the hair on her cheek with his fingers, and helped her brush it back.His fingertips brushed her mouth, and there was the little dimple that he had been fascinated by for a long time. "It won't be yours." He whispered. Eileen nodded, the corners of her mouth wrinkled with unfamiliar emotion, and began to fight the tears in her eyes, "Mikan—"

"Don't," he warned sternly, withdrew his hand abruptly and clenched his fists in the air, "Stop talking, Irene." "But whether I say it or not, the fact will not change. I need you and I want to be with you." "No-" "Imagine, what would you think if I slept with another man," she said desperately, "he will give me the pleasure you can't give me. He will hold me in his arms, and meeting-" Mikan snarled angrily, and quickly pinned her to the ground and pinned her down.His body was solid and heavy, sunken even further by Eileen's spread legs. "Then I'll kill him," Mikan said grimly. "I can't take it." His eyes moved from her tearful face to her throat to her heaving chest.Erin gleefully read the heat of sexual desire in his eyes and felt his possessive male body.He was hard-on - she could feel the hard, hot thrust between her legs.Mikan closed his eyes and fought hard, "I have to get you up," his voice was tight. "Not yet," Erin whispered.She twisted slightly, bringing her hips up toward him, triggering a surge of pleasure in her stomach. Mikan groaned, his whole body hanging above her, his fingers sinking deep into the mud beside him. "Stop." His voice was a mix of anger, restraint, and...it sounded like...like excitement. Erin moved again, feeling an urgent desire that she couldn't explain.She wanted his mouth...hands...body...wanted to possess him and be possessed by him.Her body was swollen, the delicate part between her legs aching with pleasure from rubbing against his stiffness. "I love you," she said, and she wanted him to be sure of her heart. "I'll love you to death. You're the only man I want, Mikan, the only—" Her words were lost in his sudden grabbing kiss.She moaned contentedly, welcoming the gentle visit, and the tip of his tongue searched every inch of her lips.The way he kissed seemed to steal the secret from her mouth, destroying her with exquisite tenderness.She slid her hands hungrily into his shirt and climbed up his back.Feeling the twitching muscles, the strong body, silky smooth and iron-like tough—the perfect body made her feel awed. His tongue penetrated deeper, causing her to sob with pleasure soaring.He wrapped his arms around her protectively, adjusting his angle and weight to keep from crushing her, and continued to love her with sweet, soul-stealing kisses.His breathing was unsteady and fast, as if he had just finished running and had no time to rest.Eileen pressed her mouth to his throat and found that his heart was beating as fast as hers.They both knew that behind the forbidden pleasures came an unbearable price.Furious at this realization, Mikan reached for the button of her blouse, then hesitated to fight his own sanity. "Continue," Irene said in a thick voice, her heart beating wildly in her chest.She kissed the sharp corner of his jaw, kissed his cheek, kissed every part of his face.She found a sensitive spot on the inside of his neck and continued to lick until his whole body shook. "Don't stop," she whispered, "don't stop now, no one will see. Mikan, please love me... love I……" Her desire shattered his insistence, he sighed hoarsely, and quickly undid a row of buttons with his fingers.She didn't wear a corset, and only a piece of underwear was covered over her round and plump breasts.Mikan peeled off the underwear and pulled it down, revealing pink tender breasts.Irene watched his nervous expression carefully, admiring his focused eyes, eyes narrowed with passion.He touched her nipple, holding one soft in his hand, rubbing his thumb on the nipple until it was tight and straight.He lowered his body, circling his nipples with his tongue in a lazy rhythm.Eileen gasped with pleasure, and she felt herself being burned to ashes when his mouth was all covered.He pulled and licked steadily until every part of her was hot and her legs throbbed with desire.Breathing shakily, Mikan buried his face between her breasts. Erin couldn't help but run her fingers down the waistband of his trousers, brushing the buttons of his suspenders.The muscles in his abdomen were tangled and smooth to the touch, and the belly button was sunken due to the vigorous breathing.Her hands trembled to the first button of her trousers. "I want to touch you," she begged in a low voice, "I want to feel where you—" "Damn, no." Mikan murmured, grabbing her wrists and pulling them over her head.The turquoise-like eyes are still staring at her hotly, browsing from her mouth to her ru. "For god's sake, I'm running out of control, and if you touch me, I won't be able to stop." She wriggled helplessly under him, "I just want you to be like this." "I know," Mikan said softly, wiping sweat from his brow on his sleeve, but still gripping her wrist. "But I can't do that. You have to keep your virginity." Irene yelled angrily under his imprisoned arms, "I can do whatever I want, no one can control me!" "Courage is great," he quipped softly, "but what I want to know is, how do you explain the loss of your virginity to your husband on your wedding night?" The word "virgin" made Erin sad and angry.Being a virgin... is the only expectation the world has for her.She relaxed and stopped struggling.She looked straight into his eyes, as if everything in the world ceased to exist and only him was left in her eyes. "I won't marry anyone but you, Mikan," she whispered, "and if you leave me, I'll die alone." His black head bowed, "Irene," his voice was prayerful, "unless you tell me to go, I will never leave you." His mouth dropped to her bare breast.Eileen rushed forward eagerly, offering herself without hesitation, crying out as he sucked a nipple.He moistened the pink protuberance with his tongue, circled and plucked until she moaned brokenly, "Mikan," she said brokenly, "I need you... please, do something, I've already..." He briefly lifted his upper body and pulled her shirt up.His penis was thick and long, tightening his trousers and pressing on her waist.Eileen really wanted to touch him, to explore his body the way he had done before, but he wouldn't allow it.He reached under the layers of clothing, found the knot at the waist, and stopped, looking into her half-covered eyes. "I should have stopped." His big warm hand was falling on her belly, at the waist of her skirt. "It's too dangerous, Irene." His forehead was pressed against hers, and their breaths fused together warmly. "Oh God, I love you so much," he said gruffly. The force of his hand made her tremble.Instinctively, she spread her legs apart and thrust forward violently, trying to bring his fingers where she needed them most.Carefully he reached under the muslin and touched between her legs.He tugged at the curly hair, and gently touched the raised mound with his fingertips.He parted her swollen flaps and soft folds, finding the entrance to her body, eliciting Erin's gasps.Feeling both pleasure and embarrassment, she turned her head to the side in embarrassment while he continued to explore gently. He is very aware of a woman's anatomy and her sensitivities.His fingertips slid with incredible softness to the core of her pain.His thick calluses rubbing against the wet folds felt so sweet and strong that she shuddered and cried out. "Hush." ​​Mikan whispered, caressing the part around the granulation of the erection, he raised his head, and carefully looked at the movement outside the lush grass, "It will be heard." Irene bit her lower lip obediently, but there were still intermittent moans in her throat.Mikan continued to watch outside warily.His middle finger touched her virginal spot, pressing gently until it softened.Erin closed her eyes and let Mikan spread her thighs further apart with his knees, her insides tensing and straightening.He entered with his fingers, felt her muscles tense and stopped.His mouth touched her forehead, whispering against her sweaty skin, "Honey... I won't hurt you." "I know, but..." She forced herself to relax, accepting the deeper sliding of his fingers.Her voice was dull and short, "But this feels weird..." Mikan reached into the second knuckle, feeling the silky passage, and her body tensed up instinctively to resist the gentle invasion.He groaned as he felt the intensely contracted muscles, and pressed the base of his palm against her numbing female stamen.He began to move slowly, steadily, his fingers deeper, nudging her rhythmically. "Oh..." Under the stimulation of his hand, Irene's body arched eagerly like a slave, "Oh, Mikan..." He slid his free arm behind her back, pushing her breasts high, and kissed her breasts again, tongue licking the hard nipples.It caused her inner perception to rise rapidly, and she moaned excitedly.Mikan continued to fondle her steadily, biting the nipple with his teeth until it was dark red and hard.Eileen's whole body was focused on his deep slippery fingers, the way he circled, making her waist and spine feel pleasure, until she lost all consciousness in her mind, only felt his hands, his mouth, his Put your weight on her. She imagined his penis rushing into her, poking, stretching, filling her...suddenly a spasm of sensuality swept through her body...she cried out from the unleashed wave, and his mouth hurriedly closed Her lips, covering her voice.Trembling, she climbed to the top of the vertigo, and then slowly floated back to the ground. Mikan whispered softly, leading her to relax under him.Her limbs were heavy and warm.His fingers were drawn from the sodden pussy, but she covered him with her own. "Get into me," she whispered, "I want you, Mikan. Please, get in—" "No." He squeezed out the words between his teeth, and stepped aside, his fingers digging deep into the soil. "Get dressed. I can't touch you again, or I'll uncontrollably—" he broke off, the struggle in his voice revealing. "Pull the shirt off, please." "I want you," she said breathlessly. "Now. I mean it, Erin." She didn't dare to disobey, at least not under his stern expression.She sighed deeply and straightened her clothes.Mikan watched her from the sidelines, his self-control seemed to be regained, but his eyes were still bright with unsatisfied passion. Erin showed a loving smile, "No one will look at me like you just now, as if you love me with every inch of your body." He slowly stretched out his hand and brushed back a tuft of hair that had fallen from his ear, "You looked at me in the same way just now." She held his hand and kissed his knuckles, "Promise me that we will be together forever." But he was silent, because he could never fulfill this promise. Erin knew that the best thing to do was to pretend that what happened at the river never happened.But it doesn't seem to work.Her whole body tensed whenever Mikan was around.The emotional tumult inside her was so strong she almost doubted that anyone else would see it.If there were other people present, she would never dare to look at Mikan because she was afraid that her eyes would betray her feelings.Mikan was not much better, he always tried his best to put on an indifferent expression, but several servants who knew him well, such as Mrs. Fickles, wondered why he had been so abnormal these weeks.Those who know him know that he must be surrounded by things. "Adolescence must be at work," Mrs. Ficos told Seth. "Young people are either alive and well one moment, and melancholic and rebellious the next." "No matter what kind of temper Mikan is, he'd better do his job well." Seth commented pertinently, "Otherwise he will be sent back to the stable, and he will be a low-level servant for the rest of his life." Erin told Mikan the exact words she had overheard, and he laughed.It was afternoon and he was busy cleaning the carriage.Irene turned the bucket upside down and sat on it, beside him. The carriage was cleaned, and the horses were unbridled and led to the stables.Mikan scrubbed the car body hard, sweat soaking his white shirt and clinging to the muscles of his back.He waxed and polished the black lacquer, his shoulders rising and falling.Irene suggested to help earlier, but he refused, "This is my job," he told her directly, "just sit by and watch." Erin obliged, admiring his toned physique.Mikan is very careful in everything he does.As a child he had been taught face-to-face that he was only rewarded for his work - which, combined with his lack of ambition, made him an excellent servant.This was the only flaw Erin found in him-he accepted everything that fate arranged, and instinctively believed that everything was meant to be.She thought with a little guilt that if it weren't for her, Mikan would be very satisfied with his fate.She was the only thing he couldn't reach.She knew it was selfish to force him to stay by her side, but she couldn't let him go.To her, he is as indispensable as air, water and food. "You don't want to be a low-level servant, do you?" She emphasized her tone, pulling back her wild travel thoughts. "I'd rather choose that than put on a uniform and work around the house," he retorted. "Mrs. Ficos believes that you will be a first-class servant one day, and you may still be a servant." What Irene didn't say was that the housekeeper felt regretfully that although Mikan was good enough to be a servant, the chances were slim. Because he is so handsome.Just imagine, which master would like a servant who looks better than himself?So the best way is to be a servant, "and your pay will be greatly increased." "I don't give a shit about that," he murmured, pouring more wax on the front of the wagon. "Even if you take more money, what's the use?" Irene frowned and thought, "In the future, I can buy a small house and enclose my own piece of land." Mikan stopped polishing and waxing, a dangerous light flashed in his blue-green eyes, "Hey, who will live in it with me?" Irene met his gaze, smiled and replied with satisfaction, "Of course it's me." Mikan put the rag on the headlight bracket and approached her slowly.Seeing his face, Irene felt a knot in her stomach, "It seems that I have to work hard to make money," he whispered, "it's a lot of money to support you." "I'm not that delicate," she protested angrily. He looked at her suspiciously, "Your headband alone will make me poor, wife." That whispered "wife" made her heart blossom like drinking honey. "I'll tie my hair with something else," she promises. Smiling, Mikan pulled her up and moved his hands to her body, arms, the back of his hand brushing her breasts.She smelled musky male body odor and salty sweat and found it difficult to swallow.She took out a handkerchief embroidered with roses from under her clothes, and helped him wipe the sweat from his forehead. Mikan took down the exquisite fabric, carefully studied the green and pink silk embroidery on it, and asked with a smile, "Did you embroider it?" His thumb lightly brushed the blooming roses, "It's so beautiful." She blushed happily because of his compliment, "Yes, I did it in a hurry at night, ladies can't just sit around." Mikan tucked his handkerchief into his trousers and looked around warily.After making sure no one was around, he wrapped his arms around her.His hands gently fixed her back, and his hips moved forward, making the two of them fit together precisely, "Then you will wait for me in the cabin every night?" He asked in a low voice. She nodded and leaned towards him. Thick black eyelashes hang down, like two fans cast on the cheeks, "If I come back from work and I'm tired and dirty, will you also rub my back?" Erin pictured his muscular body lying in the big wooden tub...sighing with pleasure from the heat of the water...bronze back gleaming in the fire. "Yes," she held her breath, "and then you started soaping, and I told you about the quarrel with the miller who skipped flour today." Mikan chuckled softly, stroking her throat with his fingertips, "that profiteer," he murmured, his eyes sparkling, "I'll go talk to him tomorrow—how dare you break ground on my wife's head. Then we'll go to bed , I want to hold you all night." Eileen trembled with longing at the sight of his naked body intertwined in his comfortable bed, "but you'll fall asleep as soon as you hit the pillow," she said, "farm work is tiring— You'll be exhausted." "No matter how tired you are, I will never let you go." His arms wrapped around her, and his nose rubbed against her cheek.His lips were like warm velvet, whispering on her skin, "I will kiss you, from head to toe, without letting go of an inch. Kiss until you cry and beg me, and then I will satisfy you and make your energy go away." Exhausted." Eileen ran her fingers to the nape of his neck, guiding his mouth against hers.His mouth covered hers, pressing gently until she parted obediently to meet the exploration of his deft tongue.She yearns for the life he just described... She wants to put aside her own fate and be with him.But everything he just said belongs to another woman.The thought of having someone else to share his days and nights, his secrets and dreams filled her with bitterness. "Mikan," she whispered, moving away from his lips, "promise me..." He hugged her tightly, patted her back comfortingly, and stroked her hair with his cheek, "I promise you anything." "If you marry someone else in the future, promise me that you will always love me the most." "Honey, wayward lover," he murmured softly. "You already have my heart—you're the only one in this life." Irene wrapped her arms around his neck, "Will you hate me?" She buried her face in the hollow of his neck, her voice muffled. "I should have hated it. If it wasn't for you, I'd be happy with my situation and marry an ordinary girl long ago." "I'm so sorry," she said, hugging him violently. "Are you really sorry?" "No." She confessed, and Mikan laughed, tilting her head up and kissing her. His mouth was firm and commanding, his tongue relentlessly sliding deeper.Erin's knees were weak, and she approached him feebly until there was no space between them.Mikan easily supported her, spreading his legs to hold her body in place, his hands on the nape of her neck.The pressure on his lips changed to a flirtatious lick, and she let out a broken moan.Just when she thought she couldn't bear it and would fall to the floor, Mikan suddenly left her lips. "What's wrong?" Her voice was thick. Mikan caressed her lips with one hand and squinted his eyes toward the porch. "I seem to hear movement." Irene frowned worriedly, watching him walk up to the flagstone front porch and look around the empty courtyard, but there was no one there, he shrugged and went back to Irene. She wrapped her arms around his waist, "Kiss me again." "Oh, no." He smiled resignedly. "You've got to go inside—I can't work without you here." "I promise not to make a sound," she pouts beggingly, "you won't even notice me." "No, I'll notice." He looked down at the aroused part of himself, "Usually it's hard for a man to concentrate on work under such circumstances." "I'll take care of everything." Her hand secretly touched the protruding thing under his crotch, "Just tell me what to do." Mikan stole a kiss from her lips with a wry smile, then pushed her away, "I already told you what to do—just go back to the house." "Ok." She turned angrily.Mikan shook his head helplessly and chuckled, and continued to scrub the carriage. They carefully hide their love affair from each other, looking for every possible opportunity to be alone.In the woods, by the river, on the balcony under the moonlight.Mikan insisted on not stepping into Erin's room, saying that if he got to her bedside, he would be out of control.Although Eileen knew his heart and how much he wanted her, she had to admit that his self-control was much stronger than hers.He pleases her twice more, kissing, hugging and fondling, making her shudder with contentment.Then one afternoon, during their date by the river, Mikan finally agreed to allow Eileen to lead him out.This was the most unforgettable sex experience in her life. Mikan gasped and called her name. The stiff penis in her hand was silky smooth, and her strong body was limp and watery under her touch.Eileen liked his orgasm more than her own, excited that she could bring him the same pleasure. If this is the last good time in Eden, their time is numbered.Erin knew that her affair with Mikan couldn't last forever, but she didn't expect it to end so quickly under such circumstances. Her father called her to the study one night—something that had never happened before.Privately, the Earl never spoke to his two daughters.Only Max, his son, is the only heir he cares about... None of the two girls envy their brother's good luck.The earl was very strict with his heirs, demanding perfection at all times, scolding more than praising.For all the harshness Max received, he was a good boy at heart.Irene hoped that he would not be like his father in the future, but it seems that the earl has been working hard for many years. As Irene approached the study, her stomach felt as uncomfortable as ice.The chill invaded the whole body, and the limbs and fingertips became icy cold.She knew why her father was looking for him in particular, the earl must have found out about her and Mikan.If it was anything else, he would have told her mother or Mrs. Ficos to tell her.But this time he talked to her personally, and it seemed that the matter was quite serious. Her intuition told her that the following conversation would never be pleasant, and she was anxiously thinking about how to respond and how to protect Mikan to the greatest extent.She would do anything, promise anything, to save him from the count's wrath. The air was chilly, but she was sweating as she entered the room, which stood in the middle of a huge mahogany desk.The door was open and a lamp was burning.She walked into the room and saw her father standing by the desk. The count was not handsome--his face was flat and broad and rough, like a sculptor who was too busy to refine it.If only he had a little more warmth, intelligence, or kindness, he would seem extremely attractive.Unfortunately he is completely humorless and considers his life a total failure.He is not interested in anything, especially family, which is more like a burden to him.The only time he recognized Irene was when he reluctantly praised her appearance under the admiration of his friends and everyone.As for her thoughts, character, hopes and fears - he didn't care at all and didn't want to know, but one thing must be sure, she had to marry a good family he recognized. Irene faced her father, and she was puzzled that she had no gratitude for the person who raised her.She and Mikan have many similarities, one of which is that neither of them really enjoyed the love of their parents.If it hadn't been for Mrs. Ficus, they would not have been in the least impressed with their parents' kindness. Erin read the disgust on her father's face and remembered that it was the way he looked at Olivia.Poor Olivia, although her father is the countess' lover, she is not at fault. "Did you call me, Father?" Her voice was low and dull. The light cast jagged shadows on Heathcliff's uneven face.He looked at her coldly, "At this moment," he asserted, "I'm sure of one thing: women are troublesome women." Erin tried to keep her face impassive, but her breathing quickened and her legs flinched a bit. "You were seen with the stable boy," the count continued, "kiss, your hand still on..." He stopped, his jaw twisted, "it seems that you have got your mother's true biography. She likes it too." Bitch . . . the difference is that she likes grooms, and you seem only interested in stable bastards." Erin felt a surge of rage at his words, and she wanted to slap him in the face, beat him, tear his soul apart...if he still had one.She stared at a corner of the floor, standing erect.Her father grabbed her chin, pressing his fingers hard into the muscle. "Did he take your virginity?" he growled. Erin looked straight into his eyes, "No." You could tell he didn't believe it at all.Her jaw was gripped even tighter, "If I call the doctor to examine you, will he admit it?" Irene didn't blink, but just stared back at him, "Just check." The words seemed to be torn out, "But I keep my virginity, and I will only give it to Mikan—only he can get it." The count let her go and slapped her hard for her rebellion.The force made her instantly numb and her head turned to one side.Erin reached out to cover her swollen cheeks, and stared at him with wide eyes angrily. Her shock and pain seemed to calm the Earl a little.He took a long breath, sat in the chair, and then looked at her, "That kid will pack up and leave tomorrow. You must promise not to see him again. If I find out——I will abolish him immediately. I can tell you It can be done. Wherever he goes, I will find him, and I will happily watch him cornered. This is what my daughter deserves." It never occurred to Erin that in her father's eyes she was just a property, and her feelings meant nothing to him.She knew what he meant—he would trample Mikan underfoot like he would hunt an animal.It couldn't be allowed to happen, he couldn't be punished like this for having the guts to love her. Bitten by fear, she finally said bitterly, "If I ask Mikan to go, he won't come back." "Then go tell him to go." Irene replied without hesitation, "I want you to give him a way out. A better way out—make him an apprentice—a way out for him to make a living." Her father winked at the rude request, "Why did you ask me for this?" "I'm still a virgin," she said softly, "for now." Eyes closed tight vigilantly. "I understand," murmured the count, "that if I do not grant your request, you will find any man, whether a pauper or a pig-keeper." "That's right." Irene's answer was straightforward.She is serious, if Mikan can find a good home, then there is no need to miss everything, even her own body. Irene's rebellion seemed to arouse the count's admiration, but he still loathed her. "It seems that you do have my blood on your body," he whispered, "although you are very similar to your mother. Very well, I will Find a good home for the illegitimate son. You also have to promise me that he will leave the stone garden." "So you agreed?" She insisted quietly, her fists clenched by her side. "yes." "Then I promise you too." He snorted contemptuously, "I'm not asking for your permission, daughter. I'm not trusting you—I assure you, absolutely not. I just know that a woman's honor is as worthless as a mop on the floor. " Eileen stood silent until he waved her out.She walked numbly back to her room, her mind frantically noisy.One thing is absolutely certain - if Mikan believes she still loves him, then he will never leave her.
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