Home Categories foreign novel Summer Night's Secret

Chapter 5 third chapter

Summer Night's Secret 莉莎·克莱佩 2953Words 2018-03-18
Annabelle's cousin occasionally served as her older companion, sending her home.She stepped into the slate-floored, empty hall, and the first thing she saw was a hat on the ruffled half-moon wall table.It was a tall gentleman's hat with a crimson ribbon.Compared with the ordinary black hats worn by most gentlemen, this hat is very special.Annabelle had seen the hat coiled like a weary snake on the table countless times. A stylish cane with a diamond-studded handle leaned against the table.Annabelle had a strong urge to deflate the crown with her cane - preferably while its master was wearing it.However, she could only climb up the stairs with a heavy heart, her brows furrowed.

When he was about to reach the second floor, which was the floor of the living room, a stout man appeared around the corner.He looked at her, and couldn't control the smirk on his face. His face was flushed from exhaustion, and a strand of hair slanted down from his well-combed head, like a rooster's crest. "Lord Hodgham," Annabelle yelled bluntly, forcing the humiliation and anger down her throat.Hodgham was one of the few people in the world whom she genuinely loathed.A so-called friend of her late father visited several times, but never during the regular visiting hours.He always came at night, and with total disregard for etiquette, he was alone with her mother, Philippa.After each of his visits, Annabelle found their most urgent bills mysteriously paid and their ill-tempered creditors appeased.Philippa, on the other hand, would become extremely irritable, difficult, and reticent to talk.

Annabelle couldn't believe that her unruly mother would allow anyone to trade her body for money.However, this was the only reasonable explanation, which filled Annabelle with shame and anger.Her anger wasn't just at her mother—she hated their situation, hated herself for not marrying herself.It took Annabelle a long time to realize that no matter how beautiful she was, no matter how much interest a gentleman showed in her, no one would propose to her.At least no decent person would speak. Ever since she first entered the world of society, Annabelle has been gradually forced to accept the fact that all dreams of a handsome and elegant suitor who will fall in love with her and solve all her troubles are just innocent fantasies.That disillusionment took root in a long third social season full of disappointments.Now that Wan is in her fourth social season, it looks like the image of Farmer's Wife Annabelle will soon be a reality.

Annabelle remained expressionless, trying to walk past Hodgham quietly.He stopped her and put a fleshy hand on her arm.Annabelle backed away in disgust, so much that she almost lost her balance. "Don't touch me," she said, staring angrily at his rosy face. Hodgham's eyes were blue against the ruddy complexion.He grinned and put his hands on the banister to keep Annabelle from going up. "It's not hospitable." He muttered, his voice was the uncoordinated tenor voice of many tall men: "I have helped you so much" "You didn't help us with anything," said Annabelle briefly.

"If it weren't for my generosity, you would have been thrown out on the street." "Do you think I should be grateful to you?" Annabelle asked, her tone full of disgust, "You are a dirty carrion animal." "I'm not forcing anyone to give me anything." Hodgham reached out to touch her cheek, his sweaty fingers instructing Annabelle to retch. "Actually, it's a dull pastime. Your mother is too docile for my taste." ’” He leaned close until the smell of his body—sweat mixed with perfume—filled Annabelle’s nostrils. "Maybe I should try you next time."

he whispered. "No doubt he expected Annabelle to yell or blush or plead with him. Instead, she just stared at him coldly. "You pompous old fool," she said quietly, "even if I were to be someone else Mistress, don't you think I could find someone better than you? " Hodgham eventually turned his mouth up into a smile, but Annabelle was glad it had taken him a while. "It's unwise to be my enemy. I just need a few words to ruin your family's reputation forever." He stared at the worn fabric of her dress and smiled contemptuously, "If I were you, I wouldn't Shame on standing there in rags and fake jewelry."

Annabelle's face flushed, and she angrily knocked off the hand that was reaching for her chest. Hodgham smiled to himself and went down the stairs, while Annabelle waited in silence.As soon as she heard the door open and close, she hurried downstairs and locked it.Anxiety and lingering anger made her breathe heavily, and she leaned her hands out against the heavy oak door, her forehead resting on the panel. "Enough," she murmured, trembling with rage, no more Hodgham, no more unpaid bills . . . enough of their suffering.She must find someone to marry at once, she must find the best candidate at the Hampshire banquet, and then settle everything.If not possible...

Her hand slid across the door, leaving palm prints on the wood.If no one can find someone to marry her, she can be someone else's mistress.Although no one wanted to marry her, there were countless men who wanted to take her as a lover.As long as she is smart enough, she can make a lot of money, but she can't help but shrink back when she thinks that she will never be able to enter and leave a good social circle... being too scorned, rejected, and only her bedtime skills are valued.The other option, which was far more dangerous, was to live in poverty, to take up some sewing or laundry work, or to be a governess—a young girl in such a position was at the mercy of everyone.And what he earns is not enough to support his mother or Jeremy, and he will have to do servant work then.Look no one of the three of them can afford Annabelle's morals.They lived in a house made of paper... the slightest shock would have tipped it over.

The next morning, Annabelle sat at the breakfast table, her china cup tightly clutched in cold fingers.She had finished her tea, but the china cup was still warm.There was a small nick in the glaze, and she rubbed it repeatedly with her thumb.She heard her mother, Philippa, enter without looking up. "Tea?" she asked cautiously, and when Philippa agreed in a low voice, she poured another cup from the pot in front of her. Annabelle added a mountain of sugar to it, and poured in a lot of milk to relieve the astringency. "I don't drink sugar anymore in my tea," Philippa said. "I like it tasted unsweetened now."

If one day her mother doesn't like sugar anymore, unless ice water starts to be served in hell, "We can afford to add sugar to your tea," said Annabelle, giving the glass a few quick swirls with the spoon.She looked up and pushed the cup and saucer into Philippa's hands.As she had expected, Philippa looked sullen and haggard, her bitter face contorted with shame.For a moment, she could not believe that her radiant mother--the mother who was always prettier than everyone else--could have such an expression on her face.She gazed at Philippa's tense face and realized that his face was almost as world-weary as well, and that there was a similar gloomy look in the corners of her own mouth.

"How about the dance?" Philippa asked, putting her face close to the cup and letting the steam fill her face. "As bad as usual." Annabelle said honestly, with a deliberately light smile to ease the atmosphere, "the only man who asked me to dance was Mr. Hunter." "Christ," muttered Philippa, taking a long gulp of hot tea, "do you accept it?" "Of course not. It's pointless. He looks at me in the most obvious way. Marriage is absolutely not on his mind." "Even a man like Mr. Hunter will marry one day." Philippa retorted, looking up from her teacup. "You would be an ideal wife for him...you can soften him and help him enter decent society" "Holy shit, Mom—it sounds like you're encouraging me to accept his intentions." "No..." Philippa picked up the spoon and stirred the tea casually, "It's fine if you really dislike Mr. Hunter. However, if you can make him satisfactory, we'll all be better off... " "He's not the type to marry, Mom. Everyone knows that. No matter what I do, I'll never get him to ask me to marry me." Annabelle put a handful of tarnished silver sugar in the sugar bowl Pulling and pulling, looking for the smallest piece of candy.She took out a small piece of brown sugar and threw it into the cup, then poured fresh hot tea. Philippa took a sip of her tea, carefully averted her eyes, and turned to a new topic.Annabelle felt that this topic had an unpleasant connection with the previous one, "We have no money to send Jeremy to school next term. I haven't paid the servants for two months. And the bill—" "Yes, I know that," said Annabelle, blushing a little with annoyance, "I'll find a husband, Mom. Soon." She finally managed a small smile on her face, "You want to go to Hampshire?" Are you having fun in Summershire? The social season is coming to an end, and many people want Yusheng to find new fun in London Twelve To be exact, Lord Westcliff is going to hold a hunting event at his suburban manor." Philippa looked at her with a hint of alertness, "I don't remember we ever received an invitation from the count." "Not yet," replied Annabelle, "but we will... and I have a feeling good things are waiting for us in Hampshire, mother."
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