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Chapter 18 Chapter Eighteen

lady and detective 莉莎·克莱佩 3910Words 2018-03-18
When Ruoshi followed Janick's whereabouts and came to the roof of the prison, his whole body was already dirty, and he felt that he might never be able to wash it clean.Finally climbed outside.After smelling the stench inside, the air outside was surprisingly sweet.Walking along the eaves, he found that one wall of the prison was connected to another house.At first, Ruoshi couldn't find Janick, and then he saw the black blanket flying in the wind on the stone wall.He growled in frustration.That man has long since fled to nowhere. He bent over to study the wall, stepped on it with his feet, and found that it was as unstable as quicksand. It seemed that it was impossible to continue tracking Janic's escape route.Ruo Shizai would not be foolish enough to try a stunt that even a circus performer would not want to do.He was about to leave when he heard a woman calling him on the ground.

"Ruoshi?" His heart trembled, and he saw his wife's petite figure from the angle of the fourth floor. "Sophie," he growled, "if it were you, I would beat you unconscious." "Jenick and I will wait for you here," she added. "Don't walk past that wallll!" "I don't want to go either," the thought that she didn't listen to him and stay in a safe place, she could hardly suppress her anger. "You stay where you are." It seemed like it took him ages to get back to prison.Ruoshi held back his panic and moved as fast as he could, running as fast as he could, passing through the first floor after another, causing a series of screams and curses.As soon as he burst out of the entrance, he ran with all his strength towards the other building.He saw a small group of bystanders, mounted and foot patrols, and Eddie Sheidi and another detective, all at a distance from Sophie and her captive.

"Sir Ruoshi," Xue Aidi said anxiously, "before we saw him, the lady preempted him—she told us to back off, otherwise—" "You drive the crowd away, and I'll take care of it," Ruoshi said sharply. The police detective obediently asked the crowd to step back a few yards, while Ruoshi walked towards his wife.As soon as Sophie saw him, she showed a relieved expression, and immediately handed him the pistol. "Where did you get that from?" she asked softly, her voice strained as a result of trying not to growl. "From the footman," said Sophie apologetically. "It's not his fault, Ruoshi. I'm sorry, I heard the cell boss tell Detective Xue that Janick had escaped... After they walked away, I looked out of the carriage, just in time to see my brother appear on the roof— "

"We'll talk about it later," Ruoshi interrupted her, wanting to beat her on his lap, but the problem at hand had to be dealt with first. He looked over to Janick, who was observing them with a sneer. "Is this how you take care of my sister?" Janick asked. "Then she is well taken care of, and she walks around Newgate Prison with a pistol at night!" "John," Sophie protested. "He didn't—" Ruoshi pressed her firm hand on the back of her neck, preventing her from speaking further. "It's a good thing she stopped you," he told Janick coldly.

"Oh, I'm such a lucky bastard," Janic murmured. Ruoshi looked at him thoughtfully, wondering if he would make a big mistake.If Shi thinks of a plan, maybe he can save his wife and uncle's life and even benefit Bauer Street at the same time, but this is a big bet.Janick's personality is explosive - daring thief-hunter, villainous king of the underworld, hero and villain at the same time.Janick seems weirdly stuck in the middle, unable to decide which one to be.But if there is proper guidance, let someone with a stronger will transform him... Nobody ever gave him a chance to change, Sophie had said.If only he had a chance to try a different life... just think about what he would be.

Because of Sophie, Ruoshi intends to give Nick a chance.If he doesn't try to help her brother, there will always be a rift between them. "I have a proposal," he told Janick. "I suggest you think carefully." A mocking smile appeared on the young man's face. "This is interesting." "You know there's evidence against you, and I can make it go away." Janick, who was familiar with the negotiation process, stared at Ruoshi and suddenly became alert. "Where are the witnesses who are going to testify?" "That can be handled too."

"How to deal with it?" "How to deal with it is none of your business." Ruo Shi heard Sophie take a sharp breath, but didn't look back.He knew she was amazed that he had disregarded principles for her brother's sake.He has been law enforcement for more than ten years, and he has never done anything that can be compared with depravity.It was totally against his nature to manipulate evidence and witnesses, but he suppressed his misgivings and continued to speak harshly. "But I want you to do one thing in return for my hard work." "Of course," Janick said sarcastically. "It's not hard to guess. You want me to leave the country and disappear."

"No. I want you to be a Bow Street detective." "What?" Janick asked. "Ruoshi?" Sophie also said at the same time. If he hadn't been too attentive, Ruoshi would have found it very interesting that the blank eyes of the two identical blue eyes in front of him were very interesting. "Don't tease me, Kang Ruoshi," Janic said angrily. "Just tell me what you want, and I'll—" "You claim to be the most powerful expert in hunting thieves," Ruoshi said. "We'll see if you're manly enough to play by the rules. Convict the thieves you catch without brutality, lies and false evidence."

The thought of becoming a public servant seemed to freeze Janik. "How did you come up with such a crazy idea?" "I think of what Mo Kainan said...the police detective and the criminal he caught are two sides of the same coin." "Do you think Mo Kainan will trust me?" "Of course not at first. You have to earn his trust day by day." "I don't want to hang out with a bunch of robins, bow down," Janick taunts, referring to the detective's nickname for his uniform of blue jacket and red vest. "If you don't agree, you will die," Ruo Shi told him. "I will keep the evidence related to you. As long as your performance fails to meet Mo Kainan's standards, I will use it against you."

"How do you know I won't run away?" "Because as soon as you escape, I will personally catch you and kill you. Your sister's life, and of course mine, will be much better without you." There was hostility in the air.Ruoshi could see that Janick almost believed the threat.He waited patiently while Nick weighed his options. The young man gave him a savage look. "You're using me," he whispered. "I'll be your badge, and you'll use my name to advance your plans for Bow Street. The papers will praise you for including Janick as Bow Street detective. You'll make me betray everyone I know, Prove against my accomplices. When men, women and children from Dead Man's Garden to Gin Row despise me, you'll send me to catch thieves and murderers where I'm most hated. Not only that, but you'll pay me a pitiful salary .”

Ruoshi thought about his accusation carefully. "That's right," he said, "that's about it." "God." Janick's laugh was without a smile. "Go to hell, Kang Ruoshi!" Ruoshi raised a black eyebrow. "That means you agreed?" Janick nodded quickly. "I'm sure I'll regret it," he said gruffly. "The executioner can at least give me a good death." "Since we have reached an agreement, I will take you back to the cell," Ruoshi said happily. "You will be released tomorrow morning. I have to make some arrangements during this time." "Ruoshi," Sophie said anxiously, "Does John have to go back there tonight?" "Yes." He glared at her to see if she dared to protest again. Although she really wanted to intercede for her brother, she cautiously kept her mouth shut. "It's okay, Sophie," Janick whispered. "I've been in even the scariest places." He glanced at Ruoshi maliciously and said, "Of course it's all thanks to your husband." In the ten years they had known each other, Ruo Shi had never completely shocked Kenan like this time.As soon as he got back to 3 Bow Street, he went straight into Kennan's office to explain the agreement he had made with Janick. Mo Kainan stared at him completely incomprehensible. "What are you talking about? Janick can't be a detective." "Why?" "Just because he's Janick!" "You can make him a detective." "Oh, no," Mo Kainan said excitedly, shaking his head. "My God, no. I haven't complained about the extra work you pushed me, or the trial you forced me to do. And if the appointment goes through, I'm going to take your place. You're retiring, and you're training Leaving Janick's job to me! If you think he can be a police detective, you can train him yourself!" "To control him, it's better than me. You used to be a police detective - you and he came to the streets. Don't forget, he is only twenty-five years old - still young, there is a lot of room for change." "He's already set, and only a fool would believe that he could change!" "Just take a moment," Ruoshi continued despite his protests. "Jenick may become your most capable assistant. Ask him to do the most terrible and dangerous work, and he will not flinch. I gave you a weapon, Kennen--and a very profitable weapon. " "His recoil might kill me, too," Mokenen whispered.He leaned back in his chair, stared at the ceiling, and muttered angrily.He was clearly imagining the possibility of training Janick.Suddenly issued a mocking laugh. "Maybe worth a try. That little bastard got us into so much trouble, I'd be happy to torture him." Ruoshi smiled and thought of the strong Janick, and thought that only people of Mokenan's stature were qualified to call Nick "small". "Then you will think about it." "Can I choose not to?" Ruo Shi shook his head quickly. "I think so," Mo Kainan murmured. "Damn it. Kang Ruoshi, I hope you retire early." When Ruoshi entered the dark bedroom, Sophie was already lying on the bed.She didn't dare to move quietly, hoping he thought she was asleep.He hadn't vented his displeasure with her on the drive from Newgate Prison.She knew he wanted to wait until he returned to their residence, and now was the time to settle the score.He figured that if he could delay until tomorrow morning, his anger might be lessened. Unfortunately, Ruoshi doesn't seem to want to wait.He lit the lamp and turned it twice to light up the room. Sophie got up slowly, smiling at him reassuringly. "When you told Sir Kennan, what did he say—" "We'll talk about that later," he said tersely, not wanting to be distracted.He sat on the edge of the bed, put a pair of big hands on her sides, pinned her under the quilt. . "Now, I want him to discuss your behavior tonight. You have to explain why you take such a big risk when you know how much I care about your safety!" He continued to bombard and preach.Others might be scared by it, but Sophie just curled up on the pillow.She knew that he was angry because he loved her, so she silently endured every word he said, and humbly agreed.As soon as he had finished—perhaps he was just taking a breath and going on—she immediately began to confess. "You're all right," she said. "I would feel the same way if I were you. I should obey your request and stay in the carriage." "That's right," Ruo Shi whispered, because she obviously wouldn't argue with him, and her anger seemed to subside a little. "You're very experienced so you know what to do in a situation. I'm not only putting myself at risk, I'm putting the baby's wellbeing at risk, and I'm really sorry for that." "You should be sorry." She leaned forward, her cheek on his shoulder. "I will never deliberately make you worry again." "I know," he said hoarsely. "But damn it, Sophie, I don't want to be thought I can't control my wife." Sophie smiled on his shoulder. "No one would think that." She moved slowly into his lap. "Ruoshi...you are so good at making arrangements for my brother..." "I'm not for him, I'm for you." "I know. That's why I love you so much." She tugged at his bow tie and loosened the dark scarf. "Just for that?" he asked, wrapping his arms around her slender body. "And a thousand different reasons." She deliberately rubbed her breasts against his chest. "Let me let you know how much I love you. How much I need you in every way." Ruoshi gave up on preaching, pulled the shirt off his head, and threw it on the floor.When he turned back to Sophie, he saw her smiling sweetly with pleasure and longing. "What's so funny?" he asked, pulling the hem of her pajamas up to her waist. "I just thought of the London saying that a wife is 'the object of trouble and quarrel'" she gasped, his hand pressed against her bare belly. "As far as I'm concerned, that statement is absolutely true, isn't it?" Ruoshi's eyes flickered, he smiled back at her, then bent over and kissed her lips. "It's never going to be too much trouble for me to handle," he assured her, and spent the evening proving it.
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