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Chapter 17 Chapter Seventeen

lady and detective 莉莎·克莱佩 10962Words 2018-03-18
Sophie woke up naked, alone among the tangled sheets.She was drowsy thinking that she went to bed late.Lots to do today—meet the interior designer and a well-known gardener, and go to a charity lunch.But strangely, these things didn't bother her as much as usual. A sleepy smile appeared on her lips, she rolled over and lay on her stomach, her mind was full of memories of making love to her with Ruoshi.At night, he stretched out his arms to embrace her countless times, pampering her passionately and single-mindedly. In the end, she begged him for mercy and asked him to stop.Now she was sore all over, feeling the sting of shaving in her private parts, and her lips were swollen from being kissed.She felt completely full and physically content.

She asked Lucy to fill the bath with water, and spent a lot of time choosing what she was going to wear today, a peach-colored satin silk dress with large pleats at the waist and skirt.The bath water was ready, and she sank into the smoking water with a sigh, letting the heat soothe scratched skin and aching muscles.Then she put on her clothes and did a newly trendy hairstyle, parting her hair on the right side and pinning her curls to the left. Just when she was reaching for the hat decorated with daffodils, Lucy knocked on the door in a panic and entered the room. "Are you here to clean up the bathwater?" Sophie asked.

"Yes, ma'am, but... they asked Ernie to send a letter. Sir Ruoshi wants to see you, please go to his office." This request is very unusual, because Ruo Shi seldom sends someone to look for her during the day. "Of course," Sophie said quietly, but her heart throbbed with unease. "Perhaps the carriage is waiting ahead. Go and tell the coachman how many minutes I will be late, will you?" "Okay, ma'am." Lucy nodded humbly and left. Ernie was waiting downstairs to take her to 3 Bow Street. "Ernie," Sophie asked when they walked to the back of the house and across the yard, "do you know why Sir Ruoshi wanted to find me?"

"I don't know, ma'am...but... something big happened this morning. Detective Xue has been in and out of the place several times. I heard that Sir Kennan has asked for troops to be sent to Newgate Prison, and for the Mounted Police to come here." Come!" "They thought there might be a riot," whispered Sophie, cold doubt gathering in her front. The boy writhed excitedly. "It seems so, ma'am!" An unusual number of patrolmen and mounted police were called to 3 Bowle Street.Crowds of uniformed men nodded respectfully or took off their hats as Sophie passed.She said good morning anxiously, and went on to Ruoshi's office with Enni.Leaving the boy in the corridor, Sophie pushed open the half-closed door and saw Ruoshi staring at his desk intently.Sir Mokenan stood by the window with a serious expression and looked out.When she entered, they both turned around, and Ruoshi met her, gluing her gaze.For that breathless moment both of them remembered the previous night's intimacy, and Sophie felt her heart beat faster.

Ruoshi walked towards her, briefly but firmly shook her hand, "Good morning," he said calmly. She forced herself to smile. "I guess you want to explain why there are so many activities in the office this morning." He nodded and answered frankly. "I want you to leave London and go to Silver Hills. Only for a few days, and come back when I feel safe." She looked at him worriedly. "You think there's going to be trouble, I suppose." "Janick has been charged with buying and selling stolen goods. Witnesses have provided strong evidence. I have sent Janik to the king's court and asked the presiding judge to give a fair trial. But if the procedure drags on for too long, the masses Will riot. And it's what makes Gordon's riots like Mayfair riots? Mayfest. I don't want you around London until the event is over." Although Ruoshi has long tried to arrest Nick', he has no No triumphant tone.

Sophie felt as if she had been punched in the stomach.She felt nauseous and out of breath, wondering why her brother was such a notorious criminal.If he hadn't been so ostentatious, he wouldn't have attracted so much attention.But on the contrary, he wants to be famous in his 90s, and he wants to become the focus of controversy, divide the public into two factions, and openly provoke the police who enforce the law.Nick's approach cut off his back, so that no one can help him. She fumbled blindly for the chair behind her.Seeing her shaking, Ruoshi helped her to sit on the chair, and squatted halfway in front of her, her ashen face made him extremely anxious. "What's the matter?" He grabbed her cold hands, and even the warm fingers couldn't get rid of the tingling on the skin. "Are you sick? Baby..."

"No." She looked away, trying to sum up her chaotic thoughts into a clear idea. Her bones seemed to have turned into ice, and the cold had spread from the inside to the outside, piercing her skin with pain.Even Ruoshi's familiar and warm hands hurt when touched.She wondered whether to tell him the truth about Nick.The price of her continued silence is unbearable.But telling the truth comes at a high price.No matter what choices she makes, life will never be the same again. Tears welled up in her eyes, and even the face of her beloved Ruoshi was blurred. "What's wrong?" Ruoshi asked again, his voice tense. "Sophie, do you still have the number? Do you need a doctor?"

She shook her head and took a harsh breath. "I'm very good." "Then why..." "Can't you think of a way to save him?" she asked desperately. "Save Janick? God, why would you ask for such a thing?" "There's one thing I didn't tell you." She wiped her eyes on her sleeve until his vision came back clear. "I knew one thing before I got married." Ruoshi remained silent and continued to squat, holding the armrests of her chair with both hands. "Go on," he said quietly. Out of the corner of her eye Sophie saw Sir Morkennen move towards the door, as if to skillfully leave them alone. "Wait," she said, and he stopped on the threshold. "Please stay, Sir Kennan. In your position in Bow Street, you should know about this."

Mo Kainan looked at Ruoshi inquiringly, and walked cautiously to the window, but he acted like he didn't want to get involved in this kind of incident. Sophie looked down at the strong, hairy hands beside her. "Do you remember when you told me that Janick was the one who gave me the diamond necklace?" Ruo Shi nodded. "I knew it before you said it," she said numbly. "Earlier that day, I met Janick at Blue's Fish. He... took me into his carriage and we talked." She paused to see her husband's hands gripping the arm of the chair.His knuckles and fingertips were turning white.The office was as quiet as a cemetery, except for Ruoshi's suppressed breathing.Sophie kept her tone steady and unemotional, and continued with difficulty. "Jenick said she was on the same prison ship as my brother when she was young. He told what happened to John, the torture... and then he told me—" She paused, choking again. "He told me that John wasn't dead. He passed the name of another kid on board so he could—"

"Sophie," Ruoshi interrupted her softly, as if he thought she was crazy, "your brother is dead." She covered his firm and veiny hands with hers, and looked straight at him. "No," she said urgently. "Jenick is my brother. He and John are the same person. I knew it was true when he said it. He couldn't fool me, Ruoshi... We grew up together, and he knew what I knew, and... Just by looking at him, you can tell the similarities. We have the same eyes, the same features, the same..." Ruoshi waved her hand away, striding away as if being scalded.His chest heaved with heavy breathing. "My God!" she heard him say through gritted teeth.

Sophie slumped in her chair, convinced she had lost him.She should have told him before they were married that he would never forgive her for hiding such a thing.She numbly continued to recount other conversations with her brother, and the materials he asked her to take from the archives.Ruo Shi kept his back to her, clasping his hands tightly. "Sorry," Sophie ended stiffly. "I wish I could turn back time, I should have told you as soon as I knew Nick was my brother." "Why did you tell me now?" Ruoshi asked hoarsely. There is nothing left to lose.She fixed her eyes on the far floor and replied. "I always hoped you could save him." He let out a sarcastic laugh. "Even if I could, it wouldn't help. It won't be long before Janick commits another crime and I'll have to arrest him again. We'll probably have to go through the same thing every month from now on." "I don't care about next month. I only care about today." Ruo Shi would not know how much she would have to pay to say the next sentence, but she forced herself to say it. "Don't let them hang him," she begged. "I can't lose John again. Save him." "How to save?" He growled. "I don't know," she replied frantically. "As long as I find a way to keep him alive, I will talk to him and convince him that he must change, maybe he..." "The country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change." "Just save my brother this time," she insisted. "Just once. No matter what happens in the future, I will never ask for it again." He didn't move or speak, his shoulders arched high under his shirt. "Madame Sophie," Mo Kainan said softly. "I shouldn't have spoken, but I must point out the risk that Sir John Rock is going to take. Bow Street is in the middle of nowhere and the way we handle this matter is highly scrutinized. His reputation and all his efforts in the past will be in vain. What's more, all kinds of questions will be asked, once the fact that Janick is Sir Ruoshi's brother-in-law is exposed, the entire Kang family will be affected." "I see," Sophie replied.Her head hurt more and more, letting her nails dig into her palms instead of crying herself.She fixed her eyes on her husband; but he still refused to face her. There seemed to be nothing more to say between them.She leaves the office quietly, realizing that what she's asking is something he simply can't do.What's more, she had hurt him so badly that he couldn't forgive her. There were only two men left in the room.It took a long time before Kenan spoke. "Ruoshi..." During the many years they had known each other, Kenan had never called him by his first name. "Do you think it is possible for her to tell the truth?" "Of course it's true," Ruoshi replied distressedly. "The news is damned amazing, so it must be true." After Sophie left 3 Bow Street, she wasn't sure what to do.She suddenly felt exhausted, as if she hadn't slept in days.Alone, it wondered what Ruoshi would do to her.Given his wide circle of people in the political circle and his great influence, it might be easy to get a divorce.Maybe he'd just put her somewhere in the country, out of sight and out of mind.No matter what decision he made, Sophie would not blame him.But she couldn't imagine him rejecting her completely.Maybe he still has some residual affection for her, which can be used as a fragile cornerstone to rebuild their relationship.It doesn't matter if the new relationship is nothing like their previous intimacy. She wandered blankly into their shared bedroom and changed into her pajamas.It was only noon, but she was so tired that she lay down on the big bed, closed her eyes, and let the darkness occupy her consciousness. After a long time, she was awakened by the sound of someone entering the bedroom.Drowsy to find that she has slept the whole afternoon.It was much cooler in the bedroom, and through the half-drawn curtains, she could see the sun gradually setting, and the night was approaching.She sat up, saw her husband coming in from the door, and closed the door decisively. They looked at each other like two gladiators thrown into the arena, but unwilling to fight. She spoke first. "I miss you...you must be very angry." The room was lonely for a long time.Sophie thought they would discuss in a civilized manner, but he rushed in front of her with two strides and hugged her rudely, which shocked her.He grabbed her hair with his hands and held her head up, pressing his lips to hers.He kisses roughly, not to provoke passion, but to punish.Sophie gasped, surrendering completely, opening her lips to meet his aggressive thrusts, responding to his angry passion with utter submission.She said with her lips and her body that whatever he wanted from her, she would hold nothing back.Finally her lack of resistance soothed him, and the kiss relaxed, but still probing deeply, cupping her head in her hands. However, the embrace was fleeting.As suddenly as wanting to hug her, Ruoshi also let go of her suddenly, and stepped back a few yards.He looked at her frustrated and angry, his eyes bright and piercing on his flushed face. Sophie understood now, as if she and his thoughts and feelings were one, understanding.She lied to him, withheld the truth, abused his trust, and yet he longed for her.He will forgive her for anything, including murder.He loved her more than glory, even more than dignity.For a man who had always been steady and self-possessed, this realization came as a shock and a displeasure. She was desperate to find a way to assure him that from now on, she would be worthy of his trust. . "Let me explain," she said gruffly. "I've been trying to tell you about Nick, but I can't. I'm so afraid that if you find out—" "You thought I would leave you." She nodded, her eyes stinging. "How many times do I have to prove my heart to you?" His face contorted with anger. "Did I blame you for something you did wrong? Did I ever treat you unfairly?" "No." "Then when will you be able to trust me?" "I really trust you," she whispered. "But the fear of losing you is even greater. I am afraid that I will not be able to bear it." "Unless you cheat on me again, you won't lose me." She blinked, her heart beating wildly in her chest.His words were implying... "Is it too late?" she asked reluctantly. "Have I lost you?" Ruoshi had a stern face, pulling the corners of his mouth. "I'm still here," he said sarcastically. Her lips trembled, and she could hardly speak. "If you still want me, I-I promise I will never lie to you again." "Nice change," he said briefly. "And... I won't keep a secret from you anymore." "good idea." Until he was willing to give her a second chance, she was full of hope.Although he was angry, he was still willing to forgive her.There was only one reason he would let himself take such a big risk. She walked cautiously towards her husband, the buildings and steeples of London blocking out the setting sun.The room was also darkened.She put her hand on his chest, resting gently on top of his beating heart.His body stiffened, but he didn't move. "Thank you, Ruoshi," she whispered. "Thanks for what?" he asked back, expressionless. "Thank you for loving me." She felt that these words shook his heart, knowing that before this, Ruoshi had never even admitted Guo's feelings for her to herself.He didn't try to define that feeling.She met his gaze, and saw the flames of hatred in those eyes... and the burning desire that could not be concealed. She just wanted to figure out a way to appease his anger, reassure him, and appease his wounded ego. Sophie's sapphire-colored eyes were very serious, and she stretched her hand towards Ruoshi's neck, trying to open his scarf with her fingers.She works intently, as if it's the most important thing at the moment.The scarf was untied, and she pulled the warm dark silk scarf from his throat.Ruo Shi——The body is as stiff as a marble statue, but the thoughts are churning.She shouldn't have thought that messing up the bed would solve the problem, but her deliberate actions implied that she was trying to express something. She undressed him slowly, coat, vest, shirt, then knelt down to undo his shoes. "Sophie," he said succinctly. "Let me do it," she whispered.Standing up, brushing his fingers through his chest hair.Her fingers gently penetrated into the black hair, searched, and brushed the hot skin underneath.Her thumbs found his nipples and circled them lightly, making them hard.Bending down, she ran her tongue around the dark circle, making the nipple slippery and sensitive.Her hand slid towards his stiff, swollen erection.Sliding slowly past it, he couldn't help but let out a primal grunt. Only then did she look into his face. "Does loving me make you regret it?" she asked in a low voice. "No," he said gruffly.When her slender fingers penetrated into the waistband of her trousers, he was still able to hold back. "I want you to know one thing," the first button popped open, revealing his swollen male tip.Her fingers moved to the next button. "I'm controlled by you, Ruoshi, more than I can control you. I love you." These words made his whole body tremble. "I love you," she repeated deliberately, undoing the fourth button. She continued down, letting his trousers come loose completely, exposing his erection.She held it carefully with both hands, stroking the hard man up and down.She moistened her fingers in her mouth and stroked them around the taut purple tips.As the ignited passion rushed through his body, the muscles in his thighs tensed and his breathing began to accelerate rapidly.Sophie lowered her head, stopping just above the towering throbbing. "Enough," Ruoshi held his breath. "God, I can't..." "Tell me what to do." Her breath blew by. Ruoshi's remaining sanity disappeared without a trace in an instant.He gasped and began to explain, clutching her head with trembling hands. "Lick the front end with your tongue...yes...now hold it in as much as you can...oh my god..." Sophie's enthusiasm made up for what she lacked in experience.Pulling at his sore spot, she did what Irene didn't even dare to try, twirling and licking with her velvety tongue.Ruoshi knelt down, pulled and tore her clothes, she just panted and chuckled at his roughness.He greedily kissed her lips, and she twisted her body to help him push the torn pajamas to her feet. Seeing Sophie's naked body at last, he made a raw and contented sound and carried her to bed, pausing only to take off his trousers and join her.She moved eagerly between his legs, mouthing his man again, and refusing to let him lift her face. Moaning, he succumbed to her service, his fingers wrapped around her long hair.But soon he couldn't be satisfied - he wanted more, longing to taste her.Impatiently, he grabbed her hips and moved her towards his mouth.He buried his face in the private hair, and she started and tried to move away, but he grabbed her thighs with both hands. He searched for her with his tongue, licking deeply into the moist crevices of the petals.He greedily searched for the tiny swelling, staring at the tip of her orgasm.Once he found it, he nibbled, stroked, and tongued it, feeling her stiffen and about to cum.But he backed away, slowing down, and she moaned and begged at his cock.He brought her to the critical point twice in a row, she was tortured in pain, and she couldn't help pulling her mouth in despair. Every time Sophie approached him, Ruoshi's tongue would penetrate deeply into her body in accordance with her rhythm.Finally she finally reached the climax of violent orgasm.She cried against his groin, still holding him in her mouth.He was also close to orgasm, so he reached out and pulled her head.But she didn't want him to move away, the silky touch of her tongue made him unbearable anymore.The orgasm ran through his body, and he arched, breathing pure white flames. Sophie finally turned and climbed on top of him, resting her head on the center of his chest.Ruo Shi hugged her tightly.Pressing her lips against her throbbing temples, she spoke. "I don't care who your brother is. Even if he was a demon reincarnated, I'd still want you. I love everything about you. I never expected to find happiness like this. I love you so much that I can't stand anything coming between us between." Sophie curled her slender, wet body against him. "Right now, there's nothing between us," she said lowly. Ruoshi spread his legs so that she was between them, his man briefly moving against her belly. He sighed in relief, clasped his hands behind his head, and looked at her thoughtfully. "Sophie," he whispered, "I can't think of any way to save Janik from the executioner. I don't really want to try. Even though he's your brother, I can't do anything to him. The crime was ignored, and frankly, Janik wasn't worth saving. He has a lot to prove in the past." She shook her head in protest. "My brother's life has been hard—" "I know," he interrupted her as gently as possible.Obviously a quarrel between them would only frustrate both of them when it came to Janick, but Sophie would never give up hope of saving his and her brother's fallen soul.He smiled slightly and stroked her delicate chin. "Only you will continue to love a younger brother who threatens you." "Nobody ever gave him a chance to change," she said. "If only he had the chance to try a different life... just think about what he'd be like." "I'm afraid I can't think of it," Ruoshi replied mockingly.He rolled over, pinning her under him, his strong legs straddling hers. "Stop talking about Janick. He's been on my mind for so long today, enough." "Okay," Sophie agreed, but clearly wanted to continue the discussion with him. "How are you going to spend the rest of the evening?" "I'm so hungry," Ruoshi whispered, leaning over her bare chest, "I want dinner...I want more of you." His mouth covered a swollen nipple, and he gritted his teeth . "Does it sound okay?" Fortunately, Ruoshi prepared early, so far, the agitators did not cause violent demonstrations in the name of Janick.But he feared there would be some open skirmishes the next day, so the front of Bow Street was manned by troops.A team of three detectives and a dozen or so patrol officers were busy clearing up onlookers who tried to gather at Newgate Prison.The sheriff's family were all warned to put a fence outside their home, and employees from banks, wineries, and all walks of life were assigned loot to help deter possible looting.Sophie vehemently rejects Ruoshi, refusing to let him send her to the countryside to wait for the incident to end.She didn't want to be driven to Silver Hills to sit helplessly with Kailin, Oona, and Ruoshi's grandfather while her brother's fate was being decided. As the day wore on, Sophie sat in her private drawing room at 4 Bow Street, obsessively wondering what else she could do for her brother.Thinking of her having a headache, the pain burst into bursts.Ruoshi didn't eat lunch, but just kept sending people to get coffee, and visitors came in and out of the sheriff's office intermittently.As night fell, armed patrols on foot could be seen everywhere in London, controlling the boiling slums and bandits' dens.Ernie was about to deliver a letter to a judge in Finsbury Square, and came around to four Bowle Street to brief Sophie. "I heard Sir Russ and Sir Kennan say that they were surprised that the public reacted so calmly to Janick's arrest. Sir Russ said that it means that many opinions no longer support Janick." Ernie told the public The Disloyal shook his head. "Poor black dog," he whispered. "They're all bloody ungrateful people." If Sophie hadn't been so upset, she might have laughed at the lad's immediate defense of his dusty hero. "Thank you, Ernie," she said. "Be careful when you go out, I don't want to see you get hurt." He blushed and grinned at her concern. "Oh, no one can touch a hair of my head, ma'am!" He hurried out, and Sophie was alone in thought again.As the sun went down, London was shrouded in scorching darkness.The unreturned air mixed with the foul-smelling east wind was very pungent.Sophie was thinking about changing out of her pajamas and getting ready to go to bed, Ruoshi strode into their private living area.He took off his sweaty shirt one by one as he walked over the threshold. "Any news?" Sophie followed him into the bedroom. "How is my brother? Has there been any report? Is there a riot near the prison? No news is driving me crazy." "Everything is calm," Ruoshi poured water into the washbasin, bent his slender back, and splashed some water on his face, chest, and under his arms. "Bring me a clean shirt, will you?" She hurried to do it. "Where are you going? You must eat something first, at least a sandwich..." "No time," Ruoshi said softly, put on a fresh linen shirt, tucked it into trousers, fixed the collar deftly, and tied a bow tie. "An idea occurred to me a few minutes ago. I'm going to Newgate Prison - I should be back soon. Don't wait for the gate, I'll wake you up if there's any important news." "Are you going to see my brother?" Sophie quickly went through the closet and took out a gray vest with spun patterns, and held it up for him to put his arms on. "Why? What's your idea? I want to go with you!" "You can't go to Newgate." "I'll wait outside in the carriage," she insisted desperately. "You can give the footmen (porters) and coachmen pistols. And the prison is surrounded by patrolmen, isn't it? I'm as safe as I am here. Oh, Rock, if I stay here and wait any longer, I'll go crazy You must take me. Please. Is he my brother?" After a burst of anxious verbal attacks, Ruoshi stared at her hard, a small bunch of muscles on his cheeks twitched.Sophie knew he was going to refuse.But he also understood her concern for her brother. "You swear to stay in the carriage," he ordered. "I swear!" He looked at her for a moment, cursing under his breath. "Go get your cloak." Fearing that he would change his mind, she quickly brought the cloak. "What's your idea?" she asked. Ruoshi shook his head, not wanting to explain. "I'm still thinking about it. I don't want you to have too many expectations, so as not to fail." Newgate Prison - often called the Stone Prison - housed those awaiting trial or execution.Anyone who has ever visited or been imprisoned in this place swears that the terrain is not so scary.Prisoners were chained to their cells like wild animals, their roars and jeers echoing from the ancient walls.Neither the large cell nor the single cell had any furniture or blankets.Jailors meant to maintain order are more often corrupt, brutal, perverted, or a combination of all three.Once, Eddie Xue sent a sentenced person to Newgate Prison, and when he returned to Bow Street, he said that the guards were more disturbing than the prisoners. Although the prisoners would be unbearably cold in winter, it would not compare to the terrible stench that accumulated in the hot summer.Ruo Shi ordered the captain of the jailer to take him to Janick's cell, and saw cockroaches rushing across the floor in the cell.That cell is located in the center of the prison, nicknamed the "Devil's Wardrobe" because there is nowhere to escape. They scurried through the maze of iniquity, with lice squashed under their feet, squeaky rats scurrying about with the advance of heavy shoes, and faint, mournful cries came from the cells below.Ruo Shi was disturbed to think that he had allowed his wife to wait outside in the carriage, and regretted bringing her here.He consoled himself that she was guarded by an armed valet (porter), coachman and two detectives with daggers and pistols. "That Janick, it's quiet," Warden Eldraine said.His body was huge, squat and spherical.He smelled almost as bad as the prisoners.His head was already bald, but his long, greasy hair hung down his sides and down his back.Eldraine was the rare warden, a job he seemed to relish, perhaps because he made a fortune selling Newgate Prisoners' experiences, including their final confessions before execution, to London newspapers.No doubt he'll cash in on the notorious Janick's story as well. "He hasn't made a sound all day," Eldraine complained. "You said, he keeps his mouth shut, how can I have a story to sell?" "He's really out of character," Ruo Shi agreed mockingly. Ruoshi's approval obviously made the warden very happy, and the warden led him to the entrance of the devil's wardrobe.The heavy oak iron door has a fifteen-centimeter window that allows prisoners to talk to visitors. "Jenick!" Eldraine yelled into the hole. "Visitors are here!" No response. Ruo Shi frowned. "Where are the guards?" Ai Zhuo turned away. "No guards, Sir Kang. No need." "I specifically ordered that there must be a guard standing in front of the door at all times," Ruoshi said briefly. "Not only to prevent Janick from escaping, but also to protect him." Eldraine let out a laugh from deep in his throat. "Escape?" he said mockingly. "No one can escape from the devil's closet. And in this cell, Janick is locked in handcuffs, shackles, and chains weighing three hundred pounds. He can't even touch his own nose. No one in the world can get in and out This cell, unless there is this." He took out a key and unlocked the door. When the heavy oak iron door was pushed open, the iron door let out an angrily protesting murmur. "Look," Ai Zhuo said with satisfaction and walked into the cell, the lamp in his hand making a sound as it shook. "See? Janick is..." His huge body shook from being too surprised. "God damn it!" Seeing that there was no one in the devil's closet, Ruoshi shook his head. "My God," he murmured, both admiring and angry at his brother-in-law's resourcefulness.A bent iron nail gleamed on the floor, next to a mass of chains.There was an iron railing missing from the inner window at the other end of the room. It was hard to imagine that Janic could loosen the iron railing and squeeze his tall body through such a narrow space, but he did.He will likely have to dislocate his shoulder to do it. "When was the last time you saw him?" Ruoshi yelled at the bewildered warden. "An hour ago, I think," Eldraine murmured, eyes popping out of her sweaty face. Looking through the inner window, Ruoshi saw Janic knocking through the bad wall of the next cell, perhaps using the window rail.He tried to recall the details of the floor plan of Newgate Prison pinned to the office wall. Then he gave the warden a murderous look. "Does that key open every cell?" "I... I think it should be possible..." "Give it to me. Now move your fat ass downstairs and tell the detectives at my wagon that Janick has escaped. They know what to do next." "I obey, Sir Kang!" Aizhuo, who was fat, galloped away at an alarming speed, took away the lamp, and left Ruoshi in the dark. Ruoshi grabbed the key, left the devil's closet, and opened the lock of the next cell.He cursed again and again, crawled through the hole in the wall, and traced the escape route of his wife and uncle. "Damn you, Janick," he cursed repeatedly when he heard the creaking insects as soon as he climbed in. "Don't catch you for me. Just because you made me do this kind of thing, I should hang you with my own hands." Janic breathed heavily, brushed away the wet hair in front of his eyes, and climbed onto the roof of Newgate Prison.Cautiously, he stepped on the wall connecting the building next door.The wall is about twenty centimeters wide, so old that the top of the wall is weathered.However, that's the only way to freedom, and once he gets to the other side, he'll enter another building, find his way back to the street, and no one can stop him anymore.He knew London better than anyone—every alley, every corner, every hole and crack.If he does not want people to find him, no one will find him. Nick walked slowly along the wall like a cat, not thinking at all that he might fall to the ground and be smashed to pieces.There was not even a ray of moonlight in the pitch-black sky, so he could only squint his eyes and try his best to see clearly.Step by step, he tried to clear his mind.But a thought broke his concentration - Sophie.As soon as he left London he could not see her again.Nick doesn't think his feelings for her are love because he knows he's not capable of loving.But he felt a rift in his soul, and realized that leaving her forever would mean that the only bit of conscience he had was gone.She's the only person in the world who still cares about him, and no matter what he does, she continues to care about him. One step, another step, right foot, left...Nick pushed away his thoughts about his sister, thinking about going there after he was free.He could start anew elsewhere, with a new name, a new life.The idea should have cheered him up, but instead made him more frustrated.He was tired of being forced to perpetually tense and walk a tightrope.He was well, tired as if he had lived a hundred years instead of only twenty-five.The thought of having to start over made him want to throw up.But that was his only option, and he never fretted or sighed over something he couldn't change. Part of the wall gave way under his right foot, and a chunk of plaster and a cloud of earth and rock fell to the ground.Nick quietly maintained his balance, his arms stretched out, and he gritted his teeth and took a deep breath.After regaining his balance, he proceeded more cautiously, walking across the walls in the dark, more intuitively than visually.There wasn't much activity on the ground below, save for a few foot patrols who occasionally shuttled back and forth.Some demonstrators were driven away by the district just as they were about to gather.That group is very small.Much less protest than Nick expected to come to his aid.He smiled sarcastically, knowing his supporters were rapidly dwindling. "Ungrateful bastard," he whispered. Fortunately, no one noticed a figure standing high on the prison wall.Perhaps by some divine miracle—or perhaps a demonic whim—Nick finally made it to the building next door.Unable to avoid the nearest window, he spotted a carved lion's head protruding from the stone wall.With one hand on the ornament, he deduced that it was not real stone, but artificial stone for reinforcement and decoration.Because real stone is too expensive.Nick didn't know what was going to hold up to his weight, but he had no choice.He smiled wryly to himself, grabbed the tattered blanket hanging from his shoulders, and tied it to the lion's head.Tightening the knot tightly, he looked intently at the window three feet below.Great, the window was open, and he didn't really want to break the glass. 屏住呼吸,尼克抓住毯子,稍稍迟疑了一会儿,随即毅然决然地从墙上一跃而下。他荡尽敞开的窗户。整个过程容易到连他都吓了一跳,因为他原本预测多少该有些困难,尽避是脚先着地,但冲力让她往前冲,并在撞到地上时发出痛苦的哼声。他诅咒设着,站起来抖抖身体。这房间应该是个办公室,感谢某个粗心的员工忘了关窗。“快成了,”尼克低语着跨过办公室,寻找让他可以下楼的楼梯。 两分钟后,尼克穿过自在这栋原来是家具工厂的建筑物的侧门,他拿起一支用来削木头的旋转叶片集一根粗木棍当武器,沿着阴影前进。 听到手枪上膛的喀哒声时,他顿时全身静止。 “不要动,”一个女人的声音平静地说。 他惊讶地急吸一口气。“苏菲?” 他姐姐独自站在那里,手握着闪亮的手枪,目光坚定地瞪着他。“不许动。”她一脸紧张地发出警告。 “你到底在这里做什么?”他不可置信地问。“这里很危险,而且——看在老天的分上,把那个拿开,你会伤到自己。” 她没有移动。“我不能。我一拿开,你会逃走。” “你不会开枪射我的。” 她轻柔的回答。“不试试看怎么知道呢?” 尼克感觉到一股全然的绝望。 “你难道不关心我,苏菲?”他以粗哑的声音问。 “我当然关心。所以我才要阻止你。我丈夫会来帮助你。” “他会帮我才有鬼。不要傻了!让我走,该死的你!” “我们要等若石爵士来,”她固执地说。 尼克从眼角看到巡警及两位警探正朝他们而来。太迟了,他姐姐毁了他逃脱的机会。尼克认命地强迫自己放松,丢下临时的武器。好吧,他就等康若石来,苏菲就会知道她心爱的丈夫对她说了谎。等康若石露出本性,苏菲就不会崇拜他,那几乎就值得了。“好,”他平静地说。“我们就让你的丈夫来帮我——直接上绞刑台。”
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