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Chapter 11 Chapter Eleven

lady and detective 莉莎·克莱佩 9196Words 2018-03-18
For the dance on Saturday night, if the guests do not wear masks, the venue provides silk black and white masks.But most of them were wearing beautiful masks specially made for the occasion tonight.Sophie dazzled at the many masks decorated with feathers, jewels, embroidery and hand-painted designs.People talked and laughed loudly, unscrupulous because of the cover of masks.It will not be announced until midnight that the removal of the mask will be announced, and then there will be a sumptuous dinner. Smiling contentedly, Sophie peeked at the porch of the living room, and saw the guests dancing gorgeous and formal minuet music, and performing the rituals skillfully and gracefully. men in stunning black and white dinner suits.The freshly waxed and polished floor reflected the blinding light of the chandelier and seemed to bathe the large crowd in magical light. The wind blows it away.

The room behind the living room was also full of guests, playing cards, playing billiards, drinking champagne, eating oyster cakes, lobster tarts, and small desserts like rum. Thinking about the dinner to come, Sophie decided to go to the kitchen to make sure everything was in order. It's proceeding step by step.She slipped cautiously to the side walkway of the house, sighed in relief, and pulled up her dark lapel. Walking through the open greenhouse covered with colonnades, Sophie saw Mr. Kang in a wheelchair inside, watching the dance in progress through the large window.A footman stood nearby, apparently summoned to attend to the ill-tempered old gentleman.

Sophie approached him with a hesitant smile. "Good night, Mr. Kang. Why are you sitting outside by yourself?" "There's too much noise and interruptions in there," he replied. "Besides, there will be fireworks at midnight, and this is the best place to watch them." He looked at her thoughtfully. "Honestly, you should watch it with me," he said rudely, turning to the valet. "Go get a bottle of champagne, two glasses." "Mr. Kang," Sophie said. "I'm afraid I can't—" "Yes, I know. You have a responsibility. But it's my birthday and everyone should listen to me."

Sophie frowned and sat down on the stone chair next to the wheelchair. "If someone sees me drinking champagne and watching fireworks with you, I could get fired." "Then I'll hire you as my escort." Sophie folded her hands in her lap with a smile. "Aren't you wearing a mask, sir?" "Why should I wear a mask? Sitting on this thing, I can't fool anyone at all." Mr. Kang looked at the dancers in the window and hummed mockingly. "I didn't like masquerade balls when they were popular forty years ago, and I don't like them now."

"I wish there was a mask," she said thoughtfully. "Can move or talk at will, no one recognizes me." The old gentleman's eyes moved to her. "Why are you wearing such plain neb clothes?" he asked suddenly. "I don't have to wear fancy dress." She smiled mockingly. "Nonsense, even the housekeeper's wife wears a black satin dress on special occasions." "It's my best dress, sir." "Why? Did my grandson pay you too little?" The valet interrupted their conversation by bringing champagne. "Ah, good," Mr. Kang said. "Is it Reims champagne? Keep the whole bottle, and you can serve others. Miss Xin will accompany me."

The servant bowed obediently and left.Sophie took the champagne from Mr. Kang, held the stem of the glass, and looked at the light amber liquid curiously. "Have you ever had champagne?" asked the old gentleman. "Drink once." Sophie admitted. "In the early years, my cousin and I lived in Chaucer County, and my neighbor gave me a bottle of champagne that was not fully fermented. I was very dissatisfied with the taste. I thought it would be very sweet." "It's French champagne—you'll like it. See the bubbles rising straight up? That means it's a good wine."

Sophie held the shallow wine glass to her nose, enjoying the cool and charming smell floating straight into her nose with the bubbles. "Why is it bubbling?" she asked fascinatedly. "It must be magic." "Honestly speaking, it's a two-fermentation winemaking method." He told her, his plain and hoarse words reminded her of Ruoshi. "It's also called 'the devil's wine,' because of that explosive nature." Sophie took a sip of the slightly astringent and effervescent wine, wrinkling her nose. "I still don't like it," she said.The old gentleman smiled lightly.

"Take another sip, and you will get used to its taste after all." Although it was tempting to say that she wouldn't have a chance to get used to it, Sophie nodded obediently and took a sip. "I do like the shape of the glass," she said, as the champagne slid down her throat. "Really?" There was a mischievous gleam in his eyes. "It is said to have been modeled after the breast of Queen Marie Antony of the King of Law." Sophie gave him a disapproving look. "You are evil, Mr. Kang." She said, and he smiled happily. Another voice joined their conversation. "That's not made of Marie Anthony's breasts. Grandfather is deliberately scaring you." The speaker is Ruo Shi, who is gloomy and handsome in a dinner suit, with a black mask hanging on his fingers, and a relaxed and charming smile on his face , which almost made Sophie unable to breathe.He was the best man of the night, and there was no one else who could match him, or have that kind of masculinity that was as elegant as it was rugged.

To hide her reaction to him, Sophie lowered her head to sip the champagne, but she choked on the cold drink. "Good night, Lord Ruoshi." She said gruffly, with tears in her eyes, and stood up awkwardly, trying to find a place to put her half-drunk glass. "Ah, grandfather," Ruoshi continued. "I knew you would corrupt Miss Xin as much as possible." "A bottle of fine Reims champagne is not corrupt," Mr. Kang protested. "Oh, that's a healthy drink! The French say that champagne is the panacea of ​​the universe." "This is the first time I've heard you agree with the French, Grandfather/" Ruoshi held Sophie's wrist in a funny way, preventing her from leaving. "Don't hurry and finish the champagne," he said softly. "To me, anything you want is fine."

Sophie blushed and tugged at her wrists.Know that the old gentleman is watching them. "I want to go back and do my thing, sir." She watched in disbelief as Ruoshi pulled her hand to her mouth in front of his grandfather and kissed her palm.It was almost like going on stage to announce their relationship. "Sir!" she whispered in shock. He looked at her deliberately, saying wordlessly that he didn't want to hide his feelings for her anymore. "Please allow me to leave." She left in a hurry, Ruoshi still looked at her intently even though she stayed beside her grandfather.She could feel the hot gaze behind her.

Ruoshi looked at his grandfather, raising his eyebrows expectantly. "How about it?" "Not bad." Mr. Kang said, pouring some champagne with a good appetite. "She's a lovely girl, unpretentious, just like her grandmother. Have you tasted her charm?" Ruoshi smiled slightly because of this abrupt question. "Even if there is, I won't tell you." "I think the answer should be yes," said the old man, looking at him over the rim of his glass. "If she's like her grandmother, you must have had a great experience." "You old fox, don't tell me you and Sophie's grandmother..." "Oh, that answer is also yes." The memory is really sweet.Mr. Kang was immersed in the memory, shaking the champagne glass with his weather-beaten fingers. "I should have fought her harder then. Let nothing get between you and the woman you love, child." The smile on Ruoshi's face disappeared, and he answered seriously. "I definitely won't, grandfather." Sophie strode across the wide hall paved with stone and marble, and saw a dark figure stepping out of the shadow of the circular alcove.It was a man wearing a black silk mask, dressed in the dinner clothes of ordinary guests, young and tall, with broad shoulders and narrow waist, as powerful as a Bow Street police detective.What is this man going to do after leaving the living room?Sophie paused uncertainly. "Sir, what can I do for you?" It took him a long time to respond to her inquiry.He finally came and stopped about an arm's length in front of her.Hidden under the mask are a pair of bright sapphire blue eyes, so focused that they can hypnotize people.When he spoke, his voice was low and slightly hoarse. "I've been looking for you." Sophie looked at him in bewilderment.Something about him unnerved her for no reason, a nervous awareness of danger.The mask covered most of his face, but he could still see his tall nose bridge and fuller lips than ordinary people. His short brown hair was neatly combed, and his complexion was darker for a gentleman. "Is there anything you can do with me?" "What's your name?" "My name is Xin, sir." "Are you the housekeeper here?" "Only this evening, I usually work for Sir Conrose in Bow Street." "You shouldn't be working on Bow Street, it's too dangerous." His voice was a little angry. She thought he was drunk, so she took a step back. "Aren't you married?" he asked, following her slowly. "Yes, I'm not married yet," she admitted. "Why isn't a woman like you married yet?" The question was so weird and offensive that Sophie decided uneasily that she should leave as soon as possible. "Thank you for your concern, sir, but I still have a job, please allow me to resign—" "Sophie," he whispered, staring longingly at her cheeks. She was shocked, wondering how he knew her name.She stared at him wide-eyed, but a noise distracted her. Laughter and cheers were accompanied by passionate music, and incongruous fireworks explosions, and the sky outside the window burst into bright lights and flickered.Sophie thought it must be midnight, the time to take off the mask.She involuntarily looked towards the source of the sound. The stranger moved quickly and silently behind her, and before she could feel him, she found something cold hanging down from her chest.She reached out to feel for the unfamiliar weight, and heard a click at the nape of her neck, something buckled. "Goodbye." A warm whisper leaned against her ear. She turned around and he had left. Sophie, who was speechless due to shock, raised her hand to her chest, and touched a piece of gemstone and precious metal.It was a necklace, but why did this stranger give her a necklace?Confused and frightened, she couldn't help speeding out of the house.She tugged at the heavy necklace, trying to find the clasp, but couldn't get it off. Sophie rushed to the open greenhouse anxiously, trying to find Ruoshi and his grandfather.A group of people surrounded them, and more people were coming out of the ballroom.Fireworks fill the sky with bright colors, take the shape of branches or animals, and sparks fall through the smoke, creating a chaotic and noisy scene. Sophie huddled next to the house, trying to cover the shiny jewels around her neck with her hands.Although it was impossible for Ruoshi to see or hear her, he turned his head as if he sensed her there.As soon as he saw her stiff and pale face, he reacted immediately.He walked through the crowd without taking his eyes off her for a moment, and came to her in a few big strides.The noise made it impossible for them to talk. Ruoshi grabbed one of her hands and pulled it away from her neck, revealing a large string of diamonds.His eyes narrowed immediately, and Sophie tugged helplessly at the heavy necklace, trying to take it off.Suddenly she felt his warm fingers on the nape of her neck, unfastened the clasp, and the weight of gold and jewels left her neck.Ruoshi put the necklace in his pocket, took her hand, and walked into the room. He didn't stop until he walked to the blue hall next to the main hall.After the ear-piercing noise and blinding light of the fireworks, the room was eerily quiet. "What's going on?" Ruo Shi closed the door and asked succinctly. Sophie tried to put things in order. "I was going to the kitchen when I was stopped by a man wearing a mask. He said he had been looking for me. I'm pretty sure I hadn't seen him before, but he knew my name," she recounted in a panic. That strange conversation, and then the stranger snapped the diamond necklace on.She was startled, and the person disappeared. As she spoke, Ruoshi caressed the side of her neck, as if Fufu wanted to erase another man's touch. "What does he look like?" "Brown hair and blue eyes, tall, almost as tall as you. At first I thought he was one of the Bow Street detectives. He was strong, and moved like them—tall but quick. He Dressed in fancy clothes. Like a party guest... but I don't think he is." "Does he have scars or other features?" Sophie shook her head. "I did not see it." Ruoshi took out the necklace in his pocket seriously, and spread it on the mahogany table.Sophie was standing beside him, and the surprised woman stared at it in surprise.She had never seen such a gorgeous, dazzling necklace, with diamond-studded flowers and emerald green leaves. "Is it true?" she asked in a low voice. "These gems are not man-made gems." He replied flatly. "That must be worth a lot of money." "Three or four thousand pounds." Ruoshi assessed the necklace with his eyes. "Your admirer is either rich or a skilled thief." "Why did you pick me?" Sophie whispered. "I didn't deliberately provoke others. What does he want? Why would a stranger do such a thing?" Hearing her panicked voice, Ruoshi leaned forward and kissed her temple comfortingly. "I'll find out. Don't be afraid—I won't let anything happen to you." She closed her eyes, breathing in the familiar smell of him, comforted by his reliable strength. "Come on," he whispered. "I'll take you to the kitchen." "and then?" "I'm going to call the servants to help search around, in case that stranger is still around. But I don't think he's that stupid." Ruo Shi reached for the necklace and put it back in his pocket. "A necklace like this doesn't just come out of thin air...it's unique and expensive, and it's not that hard to find out where it came from. So it's interesting to conclude that your admirer wants you to know who he is, or he wouldn't have given it so easily evidence of discrimination." "Do you think he was the one who gave me the dress?" "It should be." Ruoshi pursed his mouth impatiently, showing that he wanted to find out the mysterious strange person as soon as possible.But as soon as he saw Sophie's nervous face, he stopped and hugged her, holding her close to his body, her toes almost off the ground.One strong arm held the nape of her neck each, and his lips kissed her possessively. At his silent request, Sophie opened her lips, probing passionately at him.The kiss deepened, his tongue plucking slowly, his thigh between hers. All reason, all worries, all vanished.Only Ruoshi, his lips and hands were left, and she remembered the intimacy and passion shared the night before.Her knees trembled and she began to pant as she ran her hands restlessly over the back of his coat.She suddenly wanted to strip off the clothes of the two of them and let each other face each other naked. "Ruoshi?" She moaned, tilting her neck up, letting his tongue slip through the charming blood vessels in her neck. He raised his head, looked at her passionate, soft and full lips and misty blue eyes, showing a satisfied masculine smile. "You are mine, Sophie... I will never let anything happen to you, do you understand?" She nodded blankly, staggered and let him help her, and walked out of the room. To Ruo Shi's surprise, there are no mysterious strange guests around Yinqiu Garden.But the evidence left by the strange man is still enough for Ruoshi to find him.Ruoshi couldn't wait to return to Bow Street and start an investigation.The thought of someone approaching Sophie so unceremoniously and surreptitiously called out his most primal protective male instincts.He must catch that bastard himself.He will be satisfied only if he is brought to justice and every detail is forced out. Fortunately, the dance will end tomorrow, and Ruoshi ordered the servant to tidy up most of the things and prepare to leave early in the morning.The servant folded his clothes and put them neatly into the suitcase, while Ruo Shi walked around in the big dark house.There are still some sporadic activities going on, a couple is embracing in a dark corner, there are people playing cards in the billiard room, and there are people smoking cigars in the study. Sophie might already be in the room now, Ruo Shi wanted to find her very much.He has never been in such a frustrating and disturbing situation. He hurt his loved one, but he doesn't know how to make it up. He knows that no matter what he does, he can't make it up unless he can bring John Xin back to life. Although Sophie forgave him, he was not at ease. He knew very well that his previous behavior would be between them forever, so he sighed hard, and Ruoshi walked aimlessly, thinking back to the past twenty-four hours.His feelings for Sophie were so strong that all he wanted was to own her completely.The fact that he wants her will never change.As long as she accepts, he will do everything to make her happy, so that the memory of her brother will not affect their mutual feelings. He found himself standing in front of the door of the butler's room next to the kitchen, in the small room where Sophie was.He raised his hand twice to knock on the wooden door, but put it down again.He knew he should go back to his room, wait patiently until he found out the truth about the past, that he should be thinking about her needs, not his.But he wanted her so badly that doubts and conscience no longer mattered.He struggled between responsibility and desire, and stood in front of the door with his fists clenched tightly, his body burning with lust. Just as his unwilling conscience urged him to leave, the door opened, and Sophie's blue eyes with thick eyelashes looked straight at him.She was wearing a demure nightgown that buttoned all the way down.He wanted to slowly undo those buttons, and then followed each button with his tongue to reveal the pearly white skin. "Are you going to stand here all night?" Sophie asked softly. Ruoshi rested his hands on the door frame.His eyes scanned her whole body.Desire exploded in his body, making it difficult for him to think clearly. "I'll see if you're okay." "I'm not good," she said, grabbing the front of his vest with a small hand, and pulling him forward. "I'm very lonely." Ruo Shi couldn't breathe and let her pull him into the room.He closed the door and looked down at Sophie's serious face.Under the gentle candlelight, her lips were burning red and soft. "There are too many reasons why we should wait," he said gruffly, giving her one last chance to repent.But the rest of the words were stuck in his throat as her slender body leaned closer, tiptoeing to get closer to him. "Just this one time, don't be a good person again." Sophie whispered, wrapping her silky arms around his neck.He felt her teeth biting his earlobe lightly, whispering softly. "please." Under Ruoshi's deliberate provocative caress, Sophie's memories of some words she didn't like about her first love quickly disappeared in the air.He took off each other's clothes leisurely, and stopped to kiss her fascinated.Sophie wondered in bewilderment how a man like him, who was always in a state of tension, could make love so slowly, as if time had stopped. He finally took off his underwear, leaving her naked, and she moaned against his body.His skin was warm and silky smooth, and the thick black chest hair scratched her breasts lightly, and she felt his erect male against her stomach.Still new to the art of making love, she touched it with care.It is covered with blood vessels, firm and hard beneath the silky surface.Her fingers held it hesitantly, and the heavy organ seemed to have its own will, beating slightly.Sophie held her breath. "Oh." Ruoshi's voice was full of desire, and seemed to be slightly chuckling. "Don't be afraid," he guided her fingers to the tips. "This is the most sensitive place." She stroked the huge top and the tiny slit in the center gently, feeling the goo bubbling up, making his skin even slicker.She circled her fingers around the top and slid down, exploring the hard, cool pouch. He suddenly grabbed her wrist lightly. "Here for now." He gasped. "why?" "Because I'm about to lose control." "That's what I'm here for," she said, and he chuckled. "We'll do it my way," he whispered, picking her up and placing her on the narrow bed. "And I want to do it for a long, long time." Ruo Shi lay down next to her, over six feet tall, every inch of such a strong male body, she trembled and turned to him eagerly.He pushed her to lie down, bent over her, and breathed hot breath on her chest.The tip of his tongue teased her nipples, she grabbed his shoulders and pushed them up beggingly.He nibbled, savoring the hard nipples, then moved to the other side, letting her writhe beneath him. "Ruoshi." She said desperately. "Ok?" He looked up, eyes sparkling with passion, "I want... more..." She felt his hands move to her belly, and she arched her hips expectantly. He looked up to see her flushed cheeks with satisfaction, and she groaned as he ran his fingers through the triangle of hair to find the sweet, aching feminine petals, then disappointed to see that he had only brushed past. "Oh, Ruoshi, don't go, please—" "I want something else." He moved lower, kissing her body all the way until his shoulders stopped between her legs. Sophie felt his tongue slide over her inner thigh, and suddenly understood what he was trying to do, and she struggled to half sit up. "Wait," she gasped, tugging at his dark hair. "Wait, not there." His hand moved to the outside of her thigh, caressing it. "Haven't you done it?" "Of course not—I can't even imagine anyone—" She paused, frowning at him in bewilderment. "I even doubt that Anton knows about this kind of thing." Laughter rose from his chest as he kissed her knee. "The first day I saw you, I wanted to do this." "Really?" she asked in shock. "In my office. I want to push you down on the desk and bury my head in your skirt." "Impossible." Sophie said suspiciously, unable to believe that he had such thoughts under his indifferent appearance. "You are serious there. I can't find another adjective." "A man with a swollen erection pretends to be serious." "Really? But how—" She gasped as he dropped his head between her legs again. "Oh, Ruoshi, wait, wait, wait." "After tonight," he whispered silky. "You'll completely forget about Anton." She felt him spread her swollen petals with his fingers, his tongue touching the sensitive tip.Her elbows gave way, and she lay back on the bed moaning, staring blindly into the darkness.Oh god, he was licking her, in slow, zigzag twists that made her whole body shudder with excitement. Her hips couldn't move, and kept arching upwards.His hand slid under her body, guiding her rhythm, his tongue still caressing, soaking, teasing.Just when the passion reached an unbearable peak, Ruo Shi raised his head, got up and moved on to her. "Oh my God." Sophie sobbed, hanging on the verge of orgasm. "Please, please!" He thrust his hips into her.Sophie cried out, her muscles instinctively wrapped around the gentle but violent penetration. She stretched barely, but couldn't take more, anxious and desperate to accommodate him, but it seemed impossible. His lips brushed against hers, whispering. "Don't worry, I won't hurt you, relax sweetheart." His hand slipped between their bodies, and she felt him caress her.Slowly push forward on one side.Each penetration made a moan in her throat, and she had to bite her lip to suppress the sound.Suddenly he was completely inside her, sliding in deeply, burying every inch of maleness. He was almost at the top, before coming all the way in very slowly, chest hair teasing her breasts, belly brushing hers.She wriggled her hips up and lunged at him in deep pleasure, pleading frantically. "Don't be so gentle, don't, don't, try harder, please—" He kissed her mouth to silence her cry.Her body convulsed and trembled violently, enveloping the hard organs in her body, making Ruoshi moan, holding her buttocks with both hands, pouring out his passion. Her body was still twitching with pleasure, Ruoshi hugged her with both arms, and kissed her again.His tongue and cock filled her, giving her another rush of pleasure, moaning and trembling for a second orgasm. After a long time, Ruoshi turned over and lay on his side to avoid his weight from pressing on her.Sophie clung to him lazily. "Ruoshi..." she whispered sleepily, "I'm going to tell you something, even if you don't believe it, it's true." "Oh?" "I can't do it at all." "You mean the part that's going to break my heart? Well, I know." "real?" He smoothed her messy, thick hair and let it fall over his chest. "It's not in your nature to hurt others, and it's impossible for you to let yourself betray me." Sophie was surprised that he believed her so much. "How can you be so sure?" "It's easy for you to understand." He gently played with her earlobe. "I knew you cared about me a long time ago. But it wasn't until yesterday morning, when you saw me again after a week apart, that I was sure how much you cared. Your thoughts are all written on your face." This disturbed Sophie, and she sat up and leaned against him, her bare breasts covered by her disheveled hair. "If I'm that easy to understand, what am I thinking?" Ruoshi looked at her for a while, a smile slowly appeared on the corner of his mouth. "You're wondering when I'm going to have sex with you again." Before she could answer, he had pulled her onto him, with her legs straddling his waist.She was surprised to find his man alive and well, clinging to her fragile muscles. "The answer is now." He whispered and pulled her head down. The noisy weekend made Sophie very tired, and she dozed off on Ruoshi's lap for most of the drive back to London. Staring at the sleeping face on his shoulder, Ruoshi was surprised that his life had changed in such a short period of time.He was used to being alone, and he had long forgotten the need for another person.Now, all his previously repressed desires for sex, love, and companionship have been liberated by a single act of revenge.It bothered him that Sophie had so much power over him, but that was what he had given her.God bless him, don't let her know.However, he couldn't refuse her anything. Every time the carriage bumped, her body would bounce off his knees, making him so excited that his mind was full of thoughts and fantasies.He gently lifted Sophie's head against his chest, and watched her changing expression in sleep: dark brows were slightly frowned, and the corners of her mouth quivered uneasily.Her dreams seemed less peaceful.He caressed the side of her face and murmured softly, so she stopped frowning.Ruoshi couldn't help reaching out to her chest, holding the plump curves.Even though she was asleep, she still reacted, murmuring and arching her body.He pressed his lips to her forehead, and she stretched and yawned. "I'm sorry," he looked into his deep eyes that were still drowsy, "I didn't expect to wake you up." She blinked sleepily. "Are we almost there?" "Maximum half an hour" Her eyes became wary "what about tomorrow" she asked. "I'll find out if I'm the one who sent your brother to the prison ship all those years ago." Her fingers slid into his vest, searching for his body temperature. "It doesn't matter what you find out." "Of course it matters," he said gruffly. "No." She straightened up, wrapped her arms around his neck, kissed him with her lips, and explored sweetly, with her tongue sticking into his mouth.Ruoshi only persisted for five seconds, then hummed and surrendered under her gentle motorcycle force.Her smell mixed with his, and he immersed himself in her sweetness, making the kiss long and intense. "Sophie," he said, pulling his mouth away, unable to help blurting out. "I want you to marry me." Everything stopped suddenly, and her face stopped a few feet away.She obviously didn't expect him to propose, she blinked her eyelashes uneasily, and put the tip of her tongue on her upper lip. "A gentleman like you cannot marry the man you employ." "It's happened before." "Yes, but those who make mistakes are made a laughingstock, and sometimes even ostracized. And you're the one in the spotlight—oh, people can be ruthless in your criticism ! " "I have been criticized by the public for countless times," Ruoshi said firmly. "I'm used to it. Listening to what you say, it seems that I'm some kind of prince or nobleman, but I'm actually just a professional." "A professional with well-to-do family and aristocratic connections." "Then, if we want to compare status, I can also point out that your father is still a Viscount." "I didn't grow up. I haven't had an education since my parents died. I can't ride a horse, dance or play an instrument. I haven't learned etiquette or aristocratic etiquette." "None of that matters" She smiled incredulously. "Maybe it's for you, but it's important for me!" "You can always learn if necessary." Sophie fiddled with his shirt. "I can't marry you." "Because you don't want to?" His lips brushed her silky hairline and moved to her temple. "Your family won't approve of our marriage" "Yes, they will" He kissed her throat. "My mother made it very clear that she would accept you with open arms, and that the rest of the family - aunts, uncles, cousins ​​- would follow her example. My grandfather already clearly ordered me to give you my all" "No way"!Sophie yelled in shock. "He said you were a beautiful young lady once in a lifetime. According to him, your fertile soil needs tilling, and I'd better hurry." "Master" Sophie didn't know whether to laugh or get angry. "I can't imagine what else he said." "He told me he loved your grandma all his life and wished so badly that he had had the courage to kidnap your grandma and elope with her. He's regretted it for decades. Heaven have mercy on me, don't make me have to do that too" Sophie began to think deeply on her delicate face. "I'll stay with you as long as you want me, and maybe I'd better be your mistress." Ruo Shi shook his head resolutely. "I don't want that, Sophie. I'm not the type to have a mistress, and you're not the type of woman who would be happy to accept such an arrangement. There's no need to shame our relationship. I want you to be my wife." "Ruoshi, I can't" "Wait" he whispered, knowing he was pushing too fast.He should wait patiently until the proper time. "Don't answer, just think about it for a while." "I don't need to think about it," she replied. "I really don't think—" He kissed her mouth and made her silent for a long time, forgetting what he wanted to say.
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