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Chapter 4 Chapter Four

my guardian 莉莎·克莱佩 7929Words 2018-03-18
Kenan deftly unlocked the bronze gate of Wei'an's house. This house is located on the east side of Grosvenor Square, facing the rear of the palace.A house with magnificent colonnades and arched doorways must have cost a fortune in such modest districts. And this once again proved Wei An's professional skills, he thought gloomily. The house was dark and quiet, with a musty smell in the air because the door hadn't been opened in weeks.Kenan lights an oil lamp and a pair of candles on the wall, which illuminate the hand-painted wallpaper.Lamp in hand, he walked through the rooms on the first floor.The house is elegantly and resolutely feminine, with frescoes of pink flowers, French wallpaper on the walls, slim and detailed furniture, and large mirrors over all the fireplaces.

As Kennan stepped up the stairs, he noticed that the expensive curved banisters were beautifully carved at each connecting step, and that the oil lamps were covered with crystal shades.It seems that in order to satisfy Wei An's preferences, the cost of acting is not less than a dime.There was a faint smell of stale perfume in the air upstairs.Following the scent, he found the master bedroom, lit more lights, and looked around intently. Emerald green silk covers the walls, a jewel-toned hue that echoes the rich Brussels moire carpet beneath your feet.Eschewing the fashion for half-hiding the bed in an alcove in the ladies' bedroom, Vianne has made her bed the center of attention, even placing it on a carpeted platform to stand out even more.What caught Kennan's attention most, however, was a portrait of Vivian on the wall opposite the bed.

In the painting, she is nude, half turned inward, revealing her snow-white back and plump buttocks, her eyes are looking back gracefully, and the angle of her upper body is just right so that one side of her round and beautiful breast can be seen. The artist beautifies Vianne, making her more sensual than she is in reality, with slightly longer legs and waist, and uncombed hair so bright red that there are purple tongues of flame jumping between them.In the process of posing and painting so many times, did the artist have sex with Wei An?It looks like it is.Nothing but sex could give her that flushed, smoldering look on her face, the corners of her mouth softened with contentment, her blue eyes set low and catlike.

Looking at the painting, Kenan felt the increasingly familiar feeling that he would have every time he saw Wei'an...a kind of entanglement of fire and ice...a passionate desire slightly balanced by indifferent scheming.He wants Wei'an, not only that, he wants to tame and purify Wei'an.Kenan wanted to use her the way she had used so many men.It's time for Du Wei'an to eat his own bitter fruit. He walked over to the Louis XV-style dressing table topped with inlaid tulip wood and picked up a large crystal perfume bottle.The smell of the perfume is a strong rose scent, reconciled with refreshing sandalwood.The scent immediately brought back Kenan's memory of Vienne at the Wenworth Ball.That's how she smelled then, the sweet scent of warm skin.

Putting the perfume aside, Kenan opened the shallow dresser drawer and saw "a large collection of hairbrushes, jars of petal-toned face creams, and tortoiseshell, ivory, and silver hair accessories. Beneath the clutter, There is a booklet with red Morocco on the cover. Kenan let go of the rope and quickly flipped through it. Inside was a list of men, detailing their sexual preferences and the number and dates of trysts.This booklet is an excellent blackmail tool.He recognized many names, and among them were several men whose careers were firmly married and unblemished.They absolutely don't want the adultery to be exposed, and they will definitely not lend Wei An a large amount of hush money.

Even arrange a murder to silence her forever. "You're so busy!" Cainen said softly, pocketing the booklet and closing the drawer with unnecessary force. With his jaw tensed, Kenan searched systematically and found a suitcase.He stuffed into the trunk the first decent clothes he found... a few brightly colored dresses, linen underwear, silk stockings and shoes, and a box of lace handkerchiefs and three pairs of cream gloves.When the box was almost full, Kenan picked up the lamp and left the bedroom.He'd be back tomorrow to search the balcony well, but right now Kenan wanted to visit his new chick and see how she was doing.

Kennan hired a cab to drive him home on King Street.Bai Dada greeted him at the door, and a gust of cold wind blew into the room, making her shiver.Mrs. Bai took his coat and hung it on her arm. "Good afternoon, sir. Are you going to have lunch at home today?" "I'm not hungry," he replied, looking in the direction of the stairs. "how is she?" Not at all troubled by the sudden question, the housekeeper's wife answered calmly. "She's very well, sir. Miss Du had a thorough hot bath, and Mary, the maid, and I washed her hair. I'm sure she's much better now."

"Very good." Kenan looked at the butler carefully, feeling that she could tell him more things. "Mrs. Bai, I think you are very good at judging a person's character." She proudly accepts the compliment. "I believe so, sir." "So, tell me... what kind of person do you think Miss Du is?" Mrs. Bai seemed impatient to answer this question, and her excitement and enthusiasm drove away her usual calmness.She lowered her voice so that the passing servants would not hear her. "Miss Du's behavior is very strange, sir. I brought her breakfast in the morning and went to supervise the preparation of the bath water below, but Miss Du got out of bed and tidied up the room by herself. She even made the bed. I think it must have hurt her Terrible. I can't figure out why Miss Du would go to such trouble, especially since she is not in good health now. Then in the bathroom, she wanted to help pour the hot water brought up by the maid into the tub. Of course I grabbed it right away But Miss Du kept apologizing for increasing our workload. She doesn't seem to want to cause trouble for anyone, and she's not used to being waited upon."

"I see." Kennan's face was completely blank, as it always was when he was troubled by conflicting facts.Mrs. Bai heated up the topic again. "Miss Du can be said to be the most considerate and gentle young lady I have ever met. No offense, sir, but I doubt very much what you said about her last night is true." "It's true." Kenan said succinctly. Could it be because Wei An lost her memory that even her personality changed?Had she forgotten how to do her usual superior bossing...or was it just him playing tricks on everyone?Kenan impatiently handed the suitcase to Mrs. Bai.

"Find a maid to put away Miss She's clothes." "Yes, sir." The butler put the suitcase on the ground and looked at Kenan with calm brown eyes. "My lord, Mary lent her the best pajamas because there was no clothes for Miss Society." "Thank you. Being nice to Ms. Du is like doing me a favor. Ask Mary to make a set of pajamas and matching morning wigs, which will be counted in the family account. You don't need to save money if you make a good one." Bai Da smiled appreciatively at him. "Let me say so, you are a very good master." Kenan frowned. "It's clear to both of us that I'm a badass."

"That's right, sir." The housekeeper's wife pretended to be serious. Kenan walked up the stairs.Some kind of indescribable feeling is entangled in and involved in my heart.Du Wei An plays the sweet girl who suffers from misfortune...he is not prepared to put up with this kind of thing.In a few minutes, he was going to reveal what a liar she was.If she couldn't remember what an unprincipled whore she was, he'd definitely remind her.He wanted to tell Wei'an that all the cunning and shameless aspects of her dissolute character, let her have a good aftertaste first, and then see how she continued to play the innocent girl. Walking to his room, Kenan opened the door without knocking, expecting to see Wei An sniggering alone, happy that he had deceived everyone.He walked into the room...and froze on the way.Wei An was sitting on an armchair in front of the fireplace, with her bare feet nestled sideways in the chair, and an open book on her lap.When she raised her head to look at Kenan, golden flames danced on her fragile face.She was wearing a high-necked white pajamas that were a little too big, and a fine blue wool lap blanket wrapped around her waist and thighs. Putting the book on the ground, Wei An pulled the lap blanket up to her chest.The tugging in Kenan's heart rose to painful heights.Her face was like that of an angel, but her hair was like that of a devil's maid.Her long, freshly washed hair hung like a waist-length curtain in waves, a mixture of shades of red, from cinnamon to golden red.Usually nature only bestows such hair on ordinary women to compensate for their lack of beauty. However, Wei'an has a face and posture that can only be seen in Renaissance paintings, but in reality her delicate and freshness cannot be conveyed by any paintings.Now that Wei'an's eyes have subsided, her pure blue focused gaze is fully focused on him, and her soft rose-colored lips are a masterpiece of nature. He's having trouble breathing.His lungs were not working properly, his heart was beating fast, and his teeth were clenched.If he wasn't a civilized man, if he didn't take the self-control he's famous for so seriously, he'd have her right here, no matter the consequences.Kenan wanted her so badly. Seemingly completely unaware of his silence and turbulent struggle, Wei An hesitated to give him a welcoming smile.He almost hated her for that smile, a smile so gentle and kind that it touched something deep in his chest. He responded with a confident smile. "Good afternoon, Miss Du. It's time for us to talk." Wei An still wrapped her body in the blanket and looked at the man in front of her.Many emotions were churning inside her, the most obvious of which was curiosity.The servant had told her that Mokenen was the Bow Street detective, and the most famous of them all.A servant also said he was the bravest man in England, and Vianne now knew why. He is such a giant.In all the fear and discomfort of the past twenty-four hours, she hadn't felt that hoarse voice and thoughtful green eyes belonged to such a... er, gigantic being.He's not just tall, he's big in every way.Now that Vianne had recovered from the shock of nearly drowning in the Thames, she could finally get a good look at him.His shoulders were as broad as a cathedral door, his tall frame was surprisingly muscular, with muscular legs and powerful arms that filled the sleeves of his coat. He was not handsome in general terms.The man's face was as expressionless as granite.Wei An looked at his hands, recalling the gentle touch of these hands, she felt her cheeks were engulfed in flames. "Yes, I'd like to talk," she murmured. Kenan brought an armchair and placed it beside her, as if it would be easy and effortless.Looking at him, Wei An couldn't help wondering what it was like to have such infinite power.He's just human here, with a fresh manliness and energy that fills the room.Now he sat there, watching her with brooding green eyes, not emerald green with long lashes, but a darker shade that reminded Vianne of beech leaves or antique wine bottles. "Mr. Mo," she said, helplessly looking away from those alluring eyes. "I don't know how to thank you enough for all you've done...so kind and generous, and..." She felt the color on her face focus on two hot spots on her cheeks. "I owe you my life." "I wasn't the one who got you out of the river," Kenan said, seemingly less than pleased with her gratitude. "It was the pilot who saved you." Vian had to let him know how she felt. "Even so, I'm still going to die. I remember lying on the steps, cold and sore, so sick I didn't care if I lived. And then you came." "Do you remember anything else? Anything about you or your past? Do you remember fighting or arguing with someone?" "No." She stretched out her two hands to her neck, touching the painful place, and looked at him suspiciously. "Mr. Mo... Who did it to me? " "I didn't know it, it would be so damn easier if you didn't lose your memory." "Sorry." He shrugged. "this is not your fault." Where were the gentle strangers who had nursed her last night and this morning?It was hard for Wei An to believe that this was the person who had hugged, comforted her, applied medicine to her bruises, and even tucked her in a blanket like a loving father.Now he's so stern and distant.He was angry with her, but she didn't know why.This kind of experience made Wei An feel more confused and confused than before.He was all she had, and his indifference made her unbearable. "You're very upset," she said. "What happened? Did I do something wrong?" The question seemed to soften him a little.Still not looking into her eyes, he sighed deeply, as if releasing some pent-up unpleasant emotion. "No," he whispered, shaking his head. "It's nothing." Maybe he found something about her that he didn't like, Vian thought, anxiety made her whole body tense, and her muscles trembled. "I'm scared," she said, clasping her hands in her lap. "I'm trying to remember things, anything about myself. It's all so foreign, it doesn't make sense. And the thought of someone hating me enough to kill me—" "The man thought you were dead." "man?" "No woman is strong enough to strangle you with her bare hands. Besides, you haven't known many women in your past life. Most of the people you're related to! They're all men." "Oh." Why didn't he just say it straight, but asked her to keep asking questions?It was torture to look at his stony face and wonder what secrets there were in the past that had put me in this unbelievable situation. "You said... I might not like what you have to say about me." She urged slightly trembling. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a booklet bound in crimson leather. "Look for yourself." He said succinctly, and put the booklet in Wei'an's hand. "What is this?" she asked feebly. Kenan didn't answer, just kept looking at her with impatience in his eyes. She carefully opened the booklet and found that every page was in neat female handwriting.Inside was a list, with names and dates... About half a minute later, she read a very explicit section, and she closed the booklet with a shy cry.Shocked eyes looked up at him. "Why on earth are you showing me this kind of thing?" She wanted to return the booklet to him, but he refused to take it.She threw the booklet on the ground, like seeing a coiled poisonous snake. "Whose property is this, and what does it have to do with me?" "That's yours." "Mine?" A cold feeling ran through her body, and she pulled the thin woolen blanket tighter. "You are mistaken, Mr. Mo. ’ Her voice was loud and cold with anger. ‘I didn’t write that, I couldn’t have written something like that. " "how do you know?" "Because it's impossible!" Surprised and humiliated, Wei An looked at him condemningly. His voice was flat and calm when he spoke. "You're a courtesan, Vianne, and one of the most famous in London. Your talent has made you a fortune." Wei An felt that her face had turned dead white, and her heart was beating wildly in her chest. "It's not true!" she yelled. "This booklet must belong to someone else." "I found it at your house, in your bedroom." "How could I, . . . I mean! How could any woman write something like that?" "As an instrument of blackmail," he cites mildly. "Or, that's the only way you can remember." Vian jumped up from the armchair as if driven away, and the thin woolen blanket fell to the ground.Pain rushed through her bandaged ankle, and she flinched and jumped back a few steps, feeling the need to put some distance between them. "I haven't done anything that's written in it!" She was very annoyed to see that Kenan's eyes were scanning her, only to realize that the firelight clearly reflected all the details of her body through the thin cotton clothes.She hastily grabbed the loose dress and covered her body with its folds. "I'm not a whore," she said excitedly. "If I were, some part of me would know, but I don't, because there's no such thing. You're totally mistaken. If that's your investigative ability, I don't think you're that good at all! Now... now you go out, ask more questions, do what you need to do, and find out who I am." Kenan rose from his chair and followed her. "I can't change the facts just because you don't like it." "Not only do I not like it," Vian said, breathing heavily. "I refuse to accept it at all. You're mistaken, understand? "She shook in embarrassment, her weak ankle could no longer support her. "Do you want me to take you to parade to see how many people are willing to put their hands on the Bible and swear that you are Du Wei'an?" Kenan asked sternly. "Or do you want to go to your house to see your nude paintings hanging in the bedroom? I brought some of your clothes back, would you like to try them on to see how they fit? I can dig up a lot of evidence " Wei'an tried to step back, but he grabbed her and clasped her arms tightly behind her back. She sobbed as Kenan pulled her to his chest.She put her arms between them, her head thrown back so she could see his face aloft.Under her cold hands, his ribs couldn't be pushed like big wooden bars.He trapped her in his strong thighs and hugged her tightly. "Even if I'm Du Wei'an," she said stubbornly. "You can't prove that I did the things written in the brochure, it was all made up." "That's all true, Wei An, you sold your body for profit." He seemed no happier than her about this matter. "You've been going from man to man, taking what you want from each one." "Oh, really? And who was my last lover? Where is he? Why didn't you send for him?" "Who do you think that is?" Kenan asked softly. These words made Wei An dizzy for a while.She was dumbfounded, and suddenly collapsed in his arms. "No." "Since you left Lord Gerald, we have been lovers. I have visited your house many times to find you. We have been keeping it secret, but we are preparing to make a more formal arrangement." Cainan said without guilt lie.With her filthy life, this deception can't hurt her, and can achieve his purpose.He wanted Vivian, and this was the easiest way to get her. "Then you and I are..." She couldn't say that sentence. "That's right." "You liar!" Wei An tried to break free, pushing and twisting, but his arms were like steel bars.Soon she collapsed from the useless struggle.She couldn't help noticing how excited Kenan was by her movements.His rigid masculinity was high against Vivian's pussy, and the astonishing heat scorched her.How could she have had an intimate relationship with this man but didn't remember it at all? She fell tremblingly on top of Kenan, leaning against his long, muscular body.She was too tired to move.He smelled pleasantly of linen and slightly pungent shaving, and my sister took a deep breath of this aroma.Her head hung on his chest, her ear against his loud heartbeat. "You're mistaken," she said, too weak to cry. "I'm not that kind of woman. I can't be." He didn't answer, Wei An knew that he was so skeptical about this matter, so she felt that there was no need to argue.A wave of anger cut through her confusion.great.She would not go to such lengths in vain to deny the accusation...time would prove him wrong. "What do you want from me now?" she asked in a heavy voice.Feeling his hands move on his back, a shudder ran through him, the heat of his palm piercing through the cotton material. "I want you to stay here," he replied. "For your safety, but also for my convenience." For his convenience?The only explanation is that he wants to continue their relationship even if she loses her memory.She looked back at the big bed that had so far looked like heaven.If he wanted it tonight, she would absolutely not be able to bear it.She would have run screaming all the way down the street in her pajamas. "Even if you want tonight, I can't do what you want." She rebelled. "Not tomorrow. Later..." "Shh." For the first time there was a hint of amusement in his voice. "I'm not the kind of jerk who insists on you when you're sick. I'll wait until you feel better. " "Never! I'm not a whore." "You will. That's in your nature, Vianne. You can't change your nature." His matter-of-fact remarks made her very angry. "I won't want any man from now on, especially you." Her rebellion seemed to activate something within him, unleashing an unwavering determination to prove something to her... and to himself.Before Wei An had time to think or react, he quickly pulled her into his arms.He carried her to the bed and placed her on the neatly made bedspread.When he bent down to her, his dark face hid the flames. "No." Vian said while panting. The lines of his lips were cruel, but when he touched hers, the kiss was so soft, slow, and soul-destroying.His hands were placed on the mattress on both sides of Wei An's head, except for his lips, there was no other place on his body that touched her.She could easily roll over and leave if she wanted to.But she stayed under him, fixed by the rapidly spreading, sweet and fiery blooming feeling, and the delicate hair all over her body couldn't help but stand up. She raised her hand to his face, trying to push him away, but he moved his head and kissed her harder, making all the thoughts of resistance disappear instantly.He stuck his tongue into her mouth, teasing and caressing.He tasted of coffee, and other pleasantly masculine scents, inviting a timid response from her tongue.This feathery touch seemed to excite him even more.Taking a deep breath, he wriggled on her lips, imprinting deep and demanding kisses, each time more tender and more intimate.Vianne sagged helplessly beneath his body as a heavy, sweet pain gathered in her chest, stomach, and between her legs.Her bewildered heart could no longer comprehend what had happened, nor did she care at all.All that was left was the feeling, and her whole body was focused on the engulfing heat on his lips. She moved her lips suddenly, which startled Wei An.His hot eyes fixed on him. "Understood?" he said hoarsely. "Now tell me what kind of woman you are." It took Wei An a long time to understand what he was talking about.Embarrassed and angry, she turned around. "Go away," she sobbed, pressing her hands to her ears, not wanting to hear anything he might say. "leave me." He did so immediately, leaving her curled up in silence on the bed. He didn't know where he was going, he went downstairs unknowingly, his heart was full of doubts and passion... "Weian." He whispered the name more than once, cursing and praying at the same time. He found himself in the study, a leather and oak haven with comfy old chairs and specially designed bookcases.The bookcase has beveled glass fronts and the bottom drawers have brass latticework.He was an avid collector of books, any book with two covers.Stacks of newspapers piled up on desks and other tables often made Boda complain that this was the most fire-prone place in London. Whenever Kennan sat down quietly, there would always be a book or newspaper at hand.He reads when he's not sleeping or working.No matter what, as long as it makes him forget the past.On some nights, when regret haunted him like a ghost and kept Kenan completely awake, he would come to the study and drink brandy and read until the words blurred before his eyes. Prowling among the chests of leather-bound talismans, Kennen sought something to distract him.Fingers lightly followed the cold and shining glass doors, opened one, and drew a row of books.But this time, the touch of leather couldn't comfort him either... His hands yearn for women's soft skin, silky hair, round breasts and buttocks... He saw his own reflection on the glass, his face was lonely and desolate. Growling and turning away, Kenan walked to the sideboard between a pair of small cupboards.One of the cupboards serves as a wine cabinet.Cainen rummaged through the cabinets until his hand finally came upon a diamond-shaped brandy bottle, rippling with a dark liquid.Uncapping the bottle, he drank directly from the bottle, the richness brought by the expensive French brandy flowing down his throat.Looking forward to the familiar warmth spreading in the chest, but only get emptiness. Kenan's thoughts drifted back to the image of Wei'an, the sweetness in her mouth, and the innocent response.It seemed that she was not used to kissing, like a clumsy but enthusiastic apprentice in the hands of an experienced master.Everything is fake. "Innocence!" he murmured mockingly, downing more brandy.Vianne is definitely a class, but she's still a whore.He must be a fool to want to protect her, desire her, and worst of all, like her. He sat down in the armchair, crossed his legs over the edge of the desk, and quietly admitted the truth to his shame.If he didn't know who Wei An was and what kind of person he was, he would definitely be crazy about her.Which man can't?She is so beautiful, intelligent and lovely.Her reaction to hearing that she was a courtesan was utter anger and bewilderment, just as a woman of good family would react.Kennan's intuition and mind rarely gave him such contradictory messages, and when they did, he usually fell back to trusting his intuition.But this time he won't do it.Kenan is too aware of Wei'an's unique method of pretending to be innocent.It doesn't matter how she behaves now, sooner or later she will show her true colors. So, don't let yourself be occupied by her. It's just, damn it...it's never going to be easy.
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