Home Categories foreign novel True love is priceless

Chapter 12 Chapter Eleven

True love is priceless 莉莎·克莱佩 15509Words 2018-03-18
London and peaceful Hampshire were so different that Roddy could hardly believe they were in the same country.London is very trendy and offers endless entertainment, rich and poor coexist, and behind the bustling markets and shops there are hidden alleys full of crime.Beyond the bar area was an area called Downtown, and the West End was called Central, and there were plenty of gardens, walks, concert halls, and shops featuring luxuries she could never have imagined. In their second week of marriage, Nick seemed to relish her as a little kid in need of pampering.He took her to the candy store in Berkeley Square and bought her ice cream topped with chestnut jam and lots of sweet cherries.Then go to Bond Street and buy her French powder, perfume, and twelve pairs of patterned silk stockings.Lotte tried to stop him from buying those expensive white gloves and handkerchiefs, and strongly objected to his buying a pair of pink shoes with gold tassels worth a month's tuition at Maystone.However, Nick ignored her protests and continued to buy what he liked.Finally, they came to a teahouse, and he bought six imported teas in beautiful jars in one go.

Thinking of the mountain of bags that would be delivered to the house on Betterton Street later, Roddie begged him to stop shopping. "I don't need anything else," she said firmly. "And I'm not going into any stores again; there's no reason to splurge." "Yes," Nick replied, escorting her into the carriage, which was already piled high with bags and boxes. "Oh, why?" He responded with an exasperated smile.Of course he wouldn't think that these actions could make her sleep with him, because she had already silently obeyed in this regard.Maybe he just wanted her to feel owed him?But why?

Life with Nick has been confusing, sometimes feeling deeply intimate, and other times feeling alien in some ways.She didn't understand why Nick would leave her bed after making love to her and never sleep next to her.After sharing so much of the affair, falling asleep with her didn't seem like it would hurt.But whenever she awkwardly asks him to stay, he refuses, saying he likes to sleep alone and they'll be more comfortable that way. Roddy quickly discovers that certain topics can easily turn Nick into a tantrum.So she's learned to never ask any questions about her teenage years, and just mentioning him before he adopted the name Janick drives him crazy just as much.When he was angry, he didn't yell or throw things, he just left the house coldly and silently, and he didn't come home until she went to bed.She also found that Nick would not show his vulnerable side.He likes to be in complete control of himself and his surroundings.He doesn't think a man is a man who can't restrain his drinking—she hasn't seen him drunk yet.Besides, even sleep was too much of a luxury for him, as if he couldn't allow himself to relax in utterly defenseless sleep.In fact, according to Sophie, Nick never let his wounds trap him either. He stubbornly refused to give in to pain or weakness.

"Why?" Ruodi once asked Sophie in confusion when they went to try on clothes. "What is he afraid of, to keep arming himself like this?" For a moment Nick's sister looked eager to answer.There was sadness in her blue eyes. "I hope one day he will confess to you," she said softly. "It's a heavy burden to bear all this alone. I believe he is afraid of your reaction, so he dare not tell you." "Tell me what?" Lotte insisted, but Sophie refused to answer, much to her frustration. There must be a serious and terrible secret.Lotte couldn't imagine what it would be, only that he might have killed someone in a fit of rage—and that was the worst thing she could have imagined.She knew he had committed some kind of crime and done things that might scare her.He is so discreet and calm that she never seems to be able to fully understand him.

But, in some respects, Nick was a surprisingly gentle and generous husband.Will coax her into telling the rules she learned in school, and then make her -- break every rule.Some nights he would gently undo her shyness, undress her in the dim light, and let her watch him kiss every inch of her body...and then other times he would make love to her in strange ways that made her She felt immensely ashamed yet excited.He could arouse her desire with just a look, a brief caress, or a whisper in her ear.Ruodi often feels as if she spends the whole day in a daze of desire, and her feelings for him are slowly accumulating during these events.

After the box of books she had ordered arrived, she would sit on the bed in the evening and read to Nick while he leaned comfortably next to her.Sometimes Nick would listen and pull her foot up his lap to massage her, rubbing his thumb against the instep of her instep and playing with his toes tenderly.Whenever Lotte paused, he could find him staring at her.He seemed to be able to look at her all the time, never getting bored... as if he wanted to dig out all the secrets hidden in her eyes. One night he taught her how to play cards, and whenever she lost, he demanded gestures of affection as punishment.The result ends with overlapping bodies and clothes lying on the carpet, as Roddy gasps and accuses him of cheating.He only answered with a grin, and stuck his head under her skirt until the question was completely forgotten.

Nick is an exciting companion - a charming and great storyteller, superb dancer, skilled lover.He's playful but not childish, and has a beleaguered look on his face at all times, showing things he's done and seen over several lifetimes.He accompanies Lotte all over London with vigor that dwarfs her. And he seemed to know everyone, and everyone knew him.More than once, at a club dance, a private dinner, or even a walk in the park, Lotte couldn't help but notice the attention he was attracting.In the eyes of different people, Nick can be a hero or a devil, but even so, everyone still wants to be seen with him.Countless men came up to shake his hand and ask him his opinion on various things.The woman, on the other hand, was trembling and giggling beside him, daring to flirt with him even in Ruodi's presence.Looking at these overtures, Ruodi was very unhappy, and was surprised to find that she resembled a jealous wife.

At the invitation of friends, Nick and Lotte go to see a play at the Durry Lane Theatre, about the Battle of the Sea, featuring intricate mechanisms and eerie light and sound effects on stage.Actors dressed like soldiers jumped around the "ship" perfectly timed to the cannon fire, and their clothes were covered in red paint to represent blood.The picture displayed on the whole stage was so real that Ruodi covered her ears with her hands and buried her face in Nick's chest, completely ignoring him smiling and asking her to continue watching. Maybe it was the violence of the show, or the drinks at dinner, but Ruodi felt bad when they left the box seat during the first break.The people watching the theater chatted and ate snacks in the hall downstairs, and talked excitedly about the vivid battle they had just seen.The air in the crowded room became stuffy, and Nick left Lotte with a group of friends to fetch her a glass of lemonade.Ruodi forced herself to smile and listen to the conversation around her, but in her heart she hoped that Nick would come back soon, and at the same time, she thought how she had gotten used to it so quickly to feel at ease only when she was by Nick's side.

This is really ironic.She had been told for years that she belonged to Lord Randyll, but she had never been able to accept it.Now it is quite natural to find myself belonging to an almost stranger.She remembered Lord Wesker had warned her. "Can't trust him," was the Count.But he was wrong.Nick's shady past aside, he was very gentle and considerate to her, and very trustworthy. Just as Ruodi looked around to find him, she suddenly noticed a person a few feet away. Lord Randyll, she thought, feeling cold needles prick her body.Every muscle in her body tightened... She felt the same fear as when she was being hunted for the past two years, and her whole body froze immediately.Part of his face was invisible, but she could see his iron-gray hair, his head tilted slightly to one side, and his bushy black eyebrows.Then, he turned his face in her direction, as if sensing her.

Instantly her fear turned to confusion... no, that wasn't Lord Randyll, just someone who looked a lot like him.The man nodded and smiled at her, the way strangers sometimes meet by chance.Then she turned her head back to talk to her friend, while Ruodi lowered her head to look at her tightly clenched hands in light pink gloves, trying to calm down her beating heart.The aftermath of this shock hit... She felt a little sick, broke out in a cold sweat, and couldn't help shaking. "You're so ridiculous," she told herself, disgusted at the mere sight of someone who looked like Lord Randyll for such a reaction.

"Mrs. Jane," came a voice beside her.It was Mrs. Hou, a kind and soft-spoken woman that Ruo Di had only recently met. "Are you ill, dear? You seem very ill." She looked at Mrs. Hou's face. , "It's kind of stuffy in here," she whispered. "And I might be a little too tight tonight." "Ah, yes," said the woman, understandingly, one of the most common complaints about corsets. "We have to endure this pain in order to be fashionable..." Roddy was relieved when Nick appeared beside her with a glass of lemonade.Immediately realizing something was wrong, he gently put his arm behind her. "What's the matter?" he asked, watching her pale face warily. Mrs. Hou answered for her: "The clothes are too tight, Mr. Jane... I suggest you take her to a place that is a little more secluded. Fresh air is usually helpful." Still with his hands behind her, Nick led her down the hall.The night air made Ruodi tremble, and her sweaty clothes became a little cold.Nick carefully led her to the lee of the post, blocking the light and sound from the building. "Nothing," Ruddy told him timidly. "Nothing really. I feel like an idiot for making a fuss." Taking the lemonade from him, she drank it all before putting down the glass. Nick stooped to put the cup on the ground, then stood up to face Lotte, taking out a handkerchief from his jacket with a serious face and wiping the sweat from her cheeks and forehead. "Tell me what happened," he whispered. Rodi blushed with embarrassment. "I thought I saw Lord Randyll in there, but it was just someone who looked like him." She sighed nervously. "It's only now that I realize how timid I am, sorry." "Lord Randyll rarely appears in public places," Nick whispered. "You're unlikely to meet him on such an occasion." "I know," she said sadly. "Unfortunately, that didn't occur to me." "You're not timid." There was concern in his dark blue eyes... mixed with a richer, mysterious feeling. "I acted like a kid who was afraid of the dark." His fingers slid down her chin, forcing her to look into his eyes. "You're bound to meet Lord Randyll some day," he said softly. "But when you meet him, I will be by your side, Ruodi. You don't have to be afraid of him anymore, I will protect you." She was suddenly surprised by the tenderness in his expression. "Thank you," she replied, taking a deep breath for the first time since they left the hall. All the while watching her pale and depressed face, Nick frowned a little, as if it pained him to see her upset.Seemingly unable to control himself, he reached out and pulled her into his arms, hugging her and trying to comfort her physically.The hug wasn't lustful, but it was more intimate than anything they'd ever done together.His arms were strong and possessive, holding her tightly until she felt his wet, hot breath on her neck. "Want to take you home?" he whispered. Ruodi nodded slowly, the loneliness of a lifetime turned into incredible comfort at this moment.A home...a husband...these things she never dared to hope for.Of course, this fantasy couldn't last long—these things would all be taken from her someday.But until then, she will cherish every moment. "Okay," she said, her voice muffled by leaning against him. "We go home!" Just as Ruo Di gradually fell asleep, he suddenly began to hear strange noises in the room.Thinking she might be dreaming, she blinked and sat up slowly.It was late at night, and the bedroom was pitch black.Then she heard the voice again...a growl and some meaningless words...it sounded like it was arguing with someone.Remembering that Nick would sometimes have nightmares, Ruodi quickly jumped out of bed, carefully lit up the oil lamp, covered the lampshade, and walked through the corridor with the oil lamp. She slowly approached the guest room where Nick slept, shadows swaying in front of her.Stopping at the closed door, she knocked cautiously.no respond.After a while, she heard a loud crash from inside.Ruodi immediately turned the doorknob and entered the room. "Nick?" He lay prone on the bed with the sheet wrapped around his waist.Clenching his fists short of breath, he was muttering to himself, his dark face shining with sweat.Looking at him in bewilderment and concern, Lodi wondered what unseen monster could make his body jerk so violently with pent-up anger or fear or both.She put the oil lamp on the bedside table and approached him. "Wake up, Nick. It was just a dream." She reached out and placed her hand gently on his stiff shoulder. "Nick—" Suddenly there was a frenzy of violence.She couldn't help screaming as she was caught and thrown on the bed.Nick immediately grabbed her and pinned her down with his powerful thighs.Hearing a sound of cursing, Ruodi looked up to see his grim and dark face, and saw a big hand ready to punch. "No!" She gasped, covering her face with her arms. The punch didn't come over, and suddenly the room became very quiet.Ruodi moved her arm away trembling, and looked up to see that Nick's expression had changed, the scary expression disappeared, and reason and consciousness returned to his face.He lowered his fist and looked blankly at his fist.Then he saw Lotte's slender form, and the anger and fear in his eyes made her flinch. "I might kill you," he growled, his white teeth shining like animals. "What are you doing here? Never touch me when I'm sleeping, damn it!" "I don't know, I... what did you dream about?" He rolled lightly out of bed, gasped and said, "No, nothing." "I thought you needed something—" "I just want you not to come near me," he snapped.Pick up the clothes on the chair and start putting on the trousers. Lotte felt like he had been hit hard.What she hated him could hurt her so badly.What's more, she felt pain for him and hoped that he would not have to bear this torture alone. "Get out," he said, putting on his coat and coat, not caring whether he had on a vest or a cravat. "Are you going out?" Ruodi asked. "You don't need this. I'll go back to my room and—" "Yes, I'm going out." "where are you going?" "I don't know." He picked up his shoes and socks. "Don't ask me when I'll be back, I don't know." "But why?" Ruodi took a step forward cautiously. "Nick, please stay and tell me—" He gave her a warning look with the ferocity of a wounded animal in his eyes. "I told you to go out." Mu felt that the blood was gone from his face, Ruodi nodded and walked towards the door.Stopping at the door, she said without looking back, "I'm sorry." He didn't answer. Lotte bit her lip, cursing herself and feeling the corners of her eyes fill with tears.She left quickly, returning to the room with broken self-esteem. Nick didn't come back all day.Anxious and confused, Ruodi tried many ways to keep herself busy.But there's no one way to keep her from worrying.She took long walks with her footman, embroidered, read, and made some candles for Mrs. Choi. Bijia and the servants are very respectful to Ruodi.They must have known there had been some commotion, but no one had mentioned the previous night.The servants knew everything that happened in the house, but none of them would admit to knowing the details of their master's life. Wondering where her husband has gone, Ruodi worries that he might do something reckless.She comforted herself with the fact that he was very caring, but that didn't ease her distress.He's such a mess, probably angry because he's afraid he'll hurt her. But, she was his wife, and he shouldn't leave her alone without an explanation.The day became very long, and Roddy breathed a sigh of relief when night finally fell.After dinner alone, she took a long hot bath, put on a brand new white pajamas, and read some periodicals until she finally fell asleep.Exhausted by the constant swirling of questions in her mind and the dullness of the past few hours, she soon fell into a deep sleep. Before dawn, she awoke from a deep sleep to find that the weight of the blanket had disappeared.Moving a little, she found someone beside her, and the mattress sagged slightly.It's Nick, she thought, finally relieved, and turned to him, yawning.The room was very dark and she couldn't see his face very well.The familiar warmth lightly pressed her back on the bed, and a big palm gently rested on her chest... Then, he pulled her wrist above her head. Ruodi whispered in surprise, and when she felt him put things around his wrists respectively, she was fully awake immediately.It was not yet known what had happened, but she was already strapped to the headboard, her body stretched tensely beneath him.She held her breath in surprise.And Nick curled up close to her like a cat, breathing heavily.He caressed her through the cotton pajamas, sliding his fingers under the curve of her breasts, her waist, her full buttocks and thighs, then he shifted his focus, probing her breasts with his mouth, wetting her pajamas, licking her Gradually pointed nipples.He was naked, and the smell and warmth of male skin surrounded her. Ruodi found in a daze that he wanted to possess her by pinning her hand over her head like this.The thought frightened her, she didn't like being tied down.But at the same time she knew what he wanted: her helplessness, her complete trust, and the knowledge that he could do to her what he wanted without any restrictions.He circled her firm nipples with his tongue, slowly licking and stimulating the tight nipples, and then sucked hard through the wet pajamas until she gasped.She writhed as if silently begging him to take off her pajamas, but he only slid further, his strong arms wrapped around the sides of her hips. The thumbs and forefingers of her hands curled up above the immobilized wrists, and Roddy realized that Nick was binding her with her stockings.The tension in her arms seemed to intensify her response, and sensual pleasure flooded her body like an electric shock. His mouth stayed on her pussy, and his hot breath could be felt through the pajamas.He nibbled at her body, caressing her lazily, but the speed of his breathing betrayed his excitement.He parted her legs with his hands and kissed tenderly through the pajamas.She stretched her body to get closer to him, her fingers opening and closing helplessly, her heels pressing hard against the mattress.He teased her calmly, got up again, found her breasts, and kissed and fondled them through the sticky pajamas until she felt that if he didn't take them off again, she would go crazy.Every inch of her skin was hot and extremely sensitive, and the friction of her pajamas seemed to make her almost unbearable. "Nick," she said frantically. "My pajamas, take it off, please..." Nick put two fingers lightly on her lips, motioning her not to speak.When she was quiet, his thumb lightly brushed her cheek, reaching to the hem of the pajamas and pulling it up, and she whimpered in gratitude.Her legs were bent from the cold air, her wrists tugging at the stockings as she twisted to help him pull his pajamas up.Nick pulled the pajamas up to her chest, touching her hard nipples a little. Nick's hand slipped carefully over her pussy and down the soft inner thigh.His fingertips caressed her hair and found a burst of moisture, and gently brushed her burned and delicate parts.She spread her thighs, her body throbbing in anticipation.She whimpered and begged when his hand moved away.The tip of his middle finger traced the edge of her sensitive upper lip.His fingers were wet with the cum from her body and smelled everywhere they touched.Suddenly, her nose was filled with the scent of her own desire, reaching deep into her lungs with each breath. Nick slowly laid her on her side, feeling her arms to check the tension, while he lay behind her and fondled the nape of her neck with his mouth.Roddy stretched back, buttocks against his man.She wanted to touch him, to stroke his rough, bushy chest hair, to hold him and feel his silky touch.But in such a position she could not move, and could only wait helplessly for him to make a move. He hooked one arm around the leg above her and lifted it slightly, and she felt his front end enter her.He only enters and teases slightly, not giving her all she desires.Ruodi trembled violently, pleading with wordless panting as he kissed the back of her neck.Although he only entered with the front end, his hands moved on her body at the same time... lightly pulling her nipples and drawing circles around her navel.His caresses gradually became purposeful, exploring her thick hair with gentle, intelligent fingers. Xiang sweated profusely and groaned, Ruodi's body twisted along with his provocative fingertips.Then she felt him drive straight in, filling her so completely that she screamed, her body shaking with a thrill of pleasure. Nick waited for her to calm down and began to throb inside her, his movements steady and deliberate, overwhelming her with pleasure.She gasped for breath with her mouth open, tugging hard at the stockings with her wrists as she came again with a moan.Then he pushed forward harder, breathing hard through clenched teeth.The bed shook with his movements, and Rodi felt vulnerable and strong at the same time, possessing him as surely as he possessed her, her heart beating through his large hands and her body surrounding him.Then, he tightened inside her, the masculine figure twitching and throbbing, sucking in air with parted lips against her neck. She lay next to his huge hard body for a while, moaning softly when he let go of her wrist.He rubbed her wrists tenderly, stroking her private parts with one hand.His breathing slowed, and Roddy shivered with longing at the thought that he would sleep next to her.Suddenly, there was nothing more desirable in the world than that he could stay in her bed all night.But, finally, he got up and bent over to kiss her breast, his tongue around the soft top. After Nick got out of bed, Ruddy bit her lip and did not ask him to stay, knowing that he would reject her as before.After the door closed, only the lonely Ruo Di remained.Though her body was content and tired, her flesh throbbing with pleasure, her eyes filled with tears.She was sad, not for herself, but for him; and longing... dangerous longing to comfort him, even if he would resent her for doing it.Most, however, is tenderness, a heartfelt tenderness for a man she barely knows and who needs to be rescued even more than she does. One morning, they received a package from Sir Ruoshi, which contained a document with a beautiful seal and an invitation to the ball a week later.As soon as Ruodi walked into the dining room, she saw Nick sitting at the table alone, with a half-eaten breakfast in front of her.Nick's gaze shifted from the document in his hand to her, and his eyes immediately dimmed.He stood up and kept looking at her. Ruodi felt the blood rushing to his face.After a particularly passionate evening, Nick would usually tease her the next morning or ease her discomfort by saying something innocuous with a smile.However, today, his face was tense and his eyes were cold.Something has changed between them—the formerly comfortable interactions are gone. She compared the documents in his hand awkwardly. "Is it sent?" It is not necessary to say exactly what she is referring to. Nick nodded curtly, turning his gaze back to the document in his hand. Trying to maintain a normal expression, Ruodi went to the sideboard to get a plate of breakfast.Nick pulled out the chair for her, helped her sit next to him, and then sat back in the chair.He was still intently watching the rest of the breakfast while the maid brought Ruddy a cup of hot tea. They waited quietly until the maid had left before speaking. "The dance is next Saturday," Nick said without looking at her. "Have you any proper dress to wear?" "Yes, I've gone to try on a ball gown and there are only a few minor changes that need to be made." "very good." "Are you angry?" Ruodi asked. He picked up the knife and watched sullenly, scratching his thumb with the point of the blade. "I have begun to resign myself to my fate. Now, the news has spread from the Royal Office. Everything is in place, and no one or anything can prevent it from happening. Sir Ruoshi will use the identities of Lord and Mrs. Xin at the ball Introduce us... After that, Janic will disappear from this world." Ruodi watched him intently, shocked by his strange statement. "It's just that you don't use that name anymore," she said. "And you'll live on as Lord Singh. Should I start calling you John privately?" He put down the knife frowning. "No. To the world I am John Sheen, but at home I wish to have a name of my choosing." "Okay... Nick." Ruddy put a large lump of sugar into the hot tea and took a sip of the very sweet tea. "A name that's been with you for years, hasn't it? I bet you've added more to it than the original Janick." Her offhand words made him look at her with reproach and pleading at the same time.She suddenly understood in her heart-the real Janick, the boy who died of cholera on the prison ship, had a lot to do with the secret that had been tormenting her husband.Ruodi looked at the hot tea absently, and tried to maintain a normal tone of voice when speaking. "What kind of person is he? You never told me." "He was an orphan whose mother had been hanged for stealing. He lived most of his life on the street. He started off as a food crook and formed a gang of 10 men headed by himself." "Food liar?" Lodi repeated in confusion. "A person who steals food to survive. That's a very lowly type of person, just a little better than a beggar. But Janik learned quickly and became a skilled thief. Eventually, he was arrested for robbing a house, and Sentenced to a prison ship to serve his sentence." "Then you become friends," Lodi said. Nick's expression became alienated, and he went back to the past with the long-buried memory. "He's strong and smart...and his instincts and instincts are sharp from being on the streets. He taught me things I need to know to survive on a prison ship...and sometimes protects me..." "Why should I protect you?" Ruodi whispered. "So as not to be mistreated by the guards?" Nick pulled himself back to reality, and the alienation in his eyes disappeared.He looked down at the hand that was clutching the knife, then he carefully placed the knife on the table and pushed back his chair. "I'm going out for a while," he said, without emotion in his voice. "Should be back by dinner time." Ruodi replied in the same cautious and neutral tone: "Okay, have a nice day." For the next week there was a great and bewildering difference between day and night.Ruodi spends his days doing trivial things.She was never sure when she would be able to see Nick, because he could come and go according to his mood.At dinner they would discuss his meetings with investment partners and bankers, or he would occasionally go to Bow Street, as Sir Kennan sometimes had to discuss some old cases with him.During the day, the interaction between Ruodi and Nick is respectful, and the conversation is pleasant but a bit cold. However, it was a very different situation at night.Nick made love to her in a way that was intensely longing.He had done some things that surprised her, and he had loved him from head to toe.Sometimes their lovemaking is eager and raw, other times it's deliberate and slow, making neither of them want it to end.There are also unexpected or amusing moments when Nick teases, teases, cajoles her into trying some immodest pose, and she succumbs with an embarrassed laugh. However, no matter what kind of pleasure they get at night, the time is getting closer to the day when Sir Ruoshi announces his identity, and the status quo of their lives will have a huge change.Lodi knew that her husband dreaded the prom and that the next few months would be very difficult as he had to adjust to his new surroundings.However, she was pretty sure she could be of some help to him.When I married him back then, I didn't think that he would need her, nor did I think that helping him would give me satisfaction.But she felt more like his partner...partner...maybe just once or twice, like a wife. Prom night finally arrives, and Lodi happily accepts Sophie's advice at the tailor.Sophie helped her choose several young and elegant dresses, the soft colors perfectly set off her complexion.The dress chosen by Ruo Di was made of light blue satin with white tulle outside, with a bold cut neckline and bare shoulders.Roddy stood in the middle of the bedroom as Mrs Choi and Hayley pulled the puffy gown down over her head and helped her pull her arms out of the sleeves.The gown was as beautiful as any she had seen at a Hampshire banquet—no, more beautiful.Thinking of the dance she was going to, and Nick's reaction to seeing her, Lotte was a little dizzy with excitement. Her dizziness was of course also related to the corset which was tied so tightly to fit the well-fitting dress.Ruodi looked in the mirror, where white silk roses were embroidered on the transparent white tulle.Finally, white satin shoes, goatskin gloves and embroidered tulle silk scarves.Ruodi felt like a princess.The only downside was her long straight hair, which couldn't be turned into curls no matter how hot the tongs were.After several failed attempts, Ruodi opted for a simple hairstyle, braiding her hair on top of her head and adorning it with white roses. When Hayley and Mrs. Cui took a step back to inspect the fruits of their hard work, Ruodi smiled and spun around quickly, making the blue skirt twirl under the white tulle that fluttered. "You look so beautiful, ma'am," said Mrs. Cui with obvious satisfaction. Halfway through the circle, she stopped and looked at Mrs. Cui with a surprised smile.Nick refused to tell the servants about regaining the family name and title, so Ruddy had to come forward and explain that their master had noble blood.After the initial surprise wore off, the servant seemed very happy with the turn of events.It seems that they become servants of noble families, and their social status will be greatly improved. "Thank you, Mrs. Cui," Ruodi replied. "As always, you helped a lot tonight. We'd have a lot going on without you, and we'll need you even more in the future." "Yes, ma'am." The housekeeper's face was full of expectation.There was going to be a brand new mansion in Worcestershire, and at first it would need at least thirty servants.Mrs. Choi will be responsible for selecting and hiring new servants. Ruodi walked out of the room, the dress on her body rustling with her movements.As she descended the stairs, she saw Nick already waiting in the hall, his body tensed like a leopard ready to attack.His broad shoulders were accentuated by a perfectly cut formal dress, a dark coat, silver vest and dark gray silk neckerchief.His dark brown hair was neatly combed, and his face was smooth from the fresh shaven, making him look strong and graceful.He turned his head in her direction and suddenly his expression changed from impatient to deeply fascinated. Ruodi was excited by his eyes, and deliberately slowed down her pace. "Do I look like a Viscountess?" she asked. A smile formed on the corner of his mouth. "I have never met a Viscountess like you, Ruddy." she smiles. "Is that a compliment?" "Oh, yes. Actually..." Nick took her gloved hand and helped her down the last step.He looked intently into her eyes, held hers tightly with his fingers, and answered her casual questions with a seriousness that surprised her. "You are the most beautiful woman in the world." He said hoarsely. "In the world?" She repeated his words with a smile. "When I said you were beautiful," he whispered. "That's the only way to describe it. Except I might add that you're more beautiful when you're completely naked." She laughed at the bold words. "I'm afraid you'll have to compromise. I'll be fully dressed tonight." "Not until after the dance," he retorted.Then he tugged at the fingertips of her left glove, loosening them. "What are you doing?" Rodi asked, suddenly feeling breathless. His blue eyes teased her. "Remove your gloves." "What to do?" "Appreciate your hands." After pulling the glove away completely, hanging it on the back of the chair next to him, he lifted her slender fingers to his mouth.若笛看着他——地吻过她的手指,感觉到他嘴唇的温度。当他最终亲吻她的掌心时,她整只手臂微微颤抖。放下她的手,尼克若有所思地看着。 “你的手上缺少某种东西。”手伸进口袋中,他低语:“闭上你的眼睛。” 若笛微笑地顺从。然后她觉得有个冰凉且沉重的东西滑上第四只手指,且服帖地停在手指末端。知道那是什么后,她张开双眼屏住呼吸。 戒指上有一颗巨大的半球形蓝宝石,其颜色几近深蓝,跟她丈夫眼底的光很像。这颗宝石的底座是黄金做的,周围绕一圈小钻石。但是,让这颗蓝宝石如此与众不同的是在其光滑表面上可以看到星星在上面跳动,看起来像是随着光线而滑动。若笛震惊地抬起头看着尼克黝黑的脸。 “你开心吗?”他问道。 她说不出话来,手指紧握住他的,嘴巴数度张合。“我从来没看过这么美丽的东西,也从来没想过会收到这种东西。喔,你真慷慨!”她冲动地抱住他的脖子并亲吻他的脸颊。 尼克也抱住她,她可以感觉到他灼热的呼吸吹在颈子上,而他的手温柔地放在她的背上。 “你不知道任何你想要的东西我都愿意给你吗?”他轻柔地说。“任何东西。” 害怕让他看到脸上的表情,若笛仍紧紧靠着他,且别开她的脸。这话并没有经过他的大脑,不然就是她想太多,它们并没有她认为的那些意思。此时尼克突然全身僵硬,好像发现自己刚说了什么,并快速地后退一步。偷偷地看他一眼,若笛看到他小心地装作面无表情,因此她保持沉默,让他决定接下来的情况。 尼克摇摇头,努力恢复沉着的态度。再次看着她的眼睛,他眼里因自我嘲弄而发亮。“我们可以出发了吗,辛夫人?” “好的,尼克。”她低语,并伸手挽住他的手臂。 若石爵士说服一位最上阶的贵族朋友新堡公爵来主办这场将消失已久的辛子爵公开介绍的舞会。公爵与公爵夫人是一对很有名望、受人尊敬且已结婚四十年的夫妻。他们无可指责的名声非常有用,因为一个像尼克这么恶名在外的人绝对需要一些任何人都不敢挑剔的保证人。 鲍爵在伦敦的宅邸一向是个地标,规模之巨大常使访客在一区区的房间中迷失方向。有数不尽的起居室、早餐室、晚餐室或咖啡房、图书馆、饭厅还有狩猎厅、阅读室、抽烟室以及音乐室。客厅仿佛铺着几英亩非常光亮的拼花地板,反射着高挂在两层楼上的六个精致吊灯所发出的光亮。上下两排各有阳台的走廊,这个房间提供许多可以进行流言辈语及阴谋诡计的隐密空间。 今晚至少会有五百位宾客前来,有许多是因为其闪亮的社会地位而获选。苏菲曾嘲讽地告诉尼克,这场舞会已经变得像是上流社会的象征,收到邀请函的人都不敢不来,以免被认为没被邀请。 当他被介绍给以前认识他双亲的公爵及公爵夫人时,尼克装出一副面带感激的表情。“你和已故的令尊非常相似,”尼克亲吻她戴手套的手时,公爵夫人说。她是一位娇小但很优雅的女士,银白色的头发上别着钻石头饰,巨大的珍珠项链很像会让她失去平衡。“就算没有人告诉我,”公爵夫人继续说。“只要看到你,我也可以马上知道。这双眼睛……是的,你的确是辛家的人。同时失去双亲真是一件巨大的悲剧。船上的意外,是吗?” “是的,夫人。”就尼克所知,他的母亲在一场水上宴会中因为翻船而溺毙。他的父亲则因为要去救她而被淹死。 “真是很大的损失,”公爵夫人说。“而且就我记得,他们是一对挚爱的夫妻。但是,也许从另一个角度来看,可以一起离开人世也是神的恩典。” “的确,”尼克藏起心中的恼怒温和地说。双亲去世后,他们听过无数次这种安慰——命运多么慈悲,让他们可以一起离开人世。不幸地,辛家的小孩都不理会这种浪漫的说法,反而希望至少父母其中一人活下来。尼克看看和若石爵士站在一旁的姐姐。听到公爵夫人的话,苏菲稍微眯起眼睛,和尼克交换了一个微妙而无情的微笑。 “夫人,”若笛低语,缓和一下气氛,“您真仁慈提供我们如此热情的招待。辛爵爷与我会永远将您的慷慨铭记在心。” 显然非常高兴的公爵夫人与若笛多聊了几分钟,而公爵则给予尼克一个恭贺的微笑。“你选择了一个好妻子,辛约翰,”年长的公爵说。“泰然自若、不装腔作势,而且很美丽。你真是非常幸运。” 没人会反对这些评论,尼克更不会。今晚若笛吸引了很多的注意,她的礼服时髦但不俗气,微笑落落大方,流露出不亚于一位年轻皇后的气质。壮观豪华的环境与上百双好奇的眼光,丝毫没有影响她的沉着。她非常地优美且毫无瑕疵,没有人会察觉在她柔美的外表下有一颗坚毅的心。没有人猜得到她是敢反抗双亲且独自在外生活两年的年轻女子……更曾勇于对抗一个无情的鲍尔街警探。 鲍爵继续欢迎其他宾客时,公爵夫人仍与若笛在交谈,灰色发丝和浅金色发丝的头互凑在一起。 苏菲走到尼克身旁,用扇子遮住嘴巴并向他低语:“看,我告诉过你吧。” 尼克苦笑,想起姐姐曾说若笛将成为他最大的资产。“这是英文中最讨人厌的一句话,苏菲。” “她是一个可爱的女人,跟着你真是可惜了。”他姐姐眼中充满兴味地告诉他。 “这我倒是从不反对。” “而且她似乎很喜欢你,”苏菲继续说着。“所以,如果我是你,我不会把一这种好运视为理所当然。” “喜欢?”尼克小心地重复着,意识到自己的心跳突然加速。“你为什么这样说?” “嗯,前几天她——”苏菲因看到一对刚抵达的夫妻而突然住嘴。“喔,那是方爵爷!不好意思,亲爱的,因为方夫人过去这个月都不太舒服,我想去询问她的健康情况。” “等一下,”尼克命令着。“说完你刚才要讲的话!”但是,苏菲已经和若石爵士一同走开,只留下尼克独自因沮丧而心情翻腾。 等公爵夫人终于放开若笛离开,她挽着尼克的手并陪在他身边与不同的宾客聊天。对于简单的应酬聊天她很熟练,友善地闲聊着,但并不会太深入地讨论,优雅地穿梭于宾客间,而且记得每一个他们以前在别的场合见过的人。看来,尼克如果想和其他朋友一起去抽烟与撞球室,若笛也不会不自在。但是,尼克看到好几双垂涎的眼神盯着妻子的一举一动,所以一直待在她身边,手偶尔放在她背上,每个男人看到这个动作都了解那是在宣示所有权。 悠扬的音乐充满了整个房间,来自一个隐藏在楼上阳台整片植物后面的管弦乐队。当他们走过拥挤的舞厅,若笛偷偷与尼克调情,手放在他胸前挑逗地触碰他、踮起脚尖在他耳边低语,让嘴唇刷过他的肌肤。处于半兴奋状态且完全着迷的尼克闻着她发间散发的白玫瑰香,且因近距离站在她身边而看到些许芳香的蜜粉集中在她胸脯间的低凹处。 突然间若笛的目光被一小群女人吸引住,其中有两个人明显兴奋地看着她。“尼克,我看到几个自从离开梅史东学校再也没见过的朋友。我一定要跟她们说说话——你何不去找你的朋友?你一定不想听我们聊学生时代的事情。” 尼克对于妻子明显希望摆脱他而不高兴。“好,”他简短地说。“我去撞球室。” 若笛挑逗地用睫毛浓密的眼睛看了他一眼。“答应我你会来找我跳第一支华尔兹?” 发现自己已经被很熟练地驾驭着,尼克咕哝着同意,看着若笛向那一群正在等她的女人走去。他很惊讶地发现自己无比失落地站在那里,竟因一个小女人如此迷惑,而至完全无法思考。他,一个总是很有自信的男人,现在陷入被妻子牵着鼻子走的危险。 郁闷地沉思这个惊人的发现,尼克听到他姐夫低沉的声音。 “不管我们多厉害,这种事就是会发生,约翰。” 尼克转身面对若石爵士。奇怪地,若石爵士似乎完全了解他的感觉。他灰色的双眼中闪烁着兴味,继续用同情的语调说:“不管我们的决心有多强,最终还是发现自己被某个女人所征服。你被逮住了,我的朋友。最好还是认命吧。” 尼克并没有试图否认。“我一定会比你做得更聪明。”他低语。 若石爵士露齿微笑。“我想这和聪明与否没有关系。因为如果一个人的智力是以他如何不被爱所感动来衡量,那我就是世界上最笨的人。” 听到“爱”这个字使尼克吓一跳。“要怎样才能闭上你的嘴,若石?” “一杯一八O五年的葡萄酒可能有用,”他友善地回答。“而且,如果我没搞错,他们刚拿了一箱到撞球室里。” “那么,我们走吧。”尼克说完,两人一起离开舞厅。 “若笛!”两个年轻女子冲过来紧紧地与她握手,忍不住满脸的喜悦。如果不是受过梅史东严格的训练,她们三人会很不淑女地尖叫出来。 “蔓莎,”若笛亲切地说,看着眼前高就动人、肤色健康的美女,若笛一直拿她当姐姐“还有贝拉!”马贝拉看起来和在学校时几乎没有两样……美丽且有点丰满,额前有着整齐略带金黄的红色鬈发。 “我现在是雷夫人了,”蔓莎骄傲地告诉她。“他是一位伯爵,而且很富有。”环住若笛的腰将她稍微转身。“他站在温室的门边,那个高高有点秃头的男人。看到了吗?” 若笛点头,看到一个表情严肃,年约四十出头的男人,一双眼睛和他瘦长的脸比起来似乎有些太大。“他看起来很和蔼可亲。”若笛说,而蔓莎笑了。 “你说话很有技巧,亲爱的。我必须承认伯爵并不怎么好看,而且也没有幽默感。但是,有幽默感的男人通常使人紧张,而且他并没有缺点。” “我好开心,”若笛由衷地说,从以前和蔓莎的谈话中知道这样的婚姻正是她想要的。“那你呢,贝拉?” “我去年嫁进施家,”贝拉笑着透露。“我相信你应该听过他们家……你还记得吗,他们家其中一个女儿比我们早一点进入学校……” “没错,”若笛说,想起施家是一个没有爵衔但拥有许多肥沃土地的家族。“不要告诉我你嫁给她哥哥哈利?” “正是如此!”她额前的鬈发开心地舞动着,又继续热烈地说:“哈利很英俊,虽然我们结婚以后他的身体越来越圆,但他还是很迷人。当然,我永远也不会有爵衔,但还是有一些补偿……我自己的马车……一个真的法国女仆,不是那种偶尔会说出几句不标准法语的伦敦土女仆!”她因为自己的风趣而优笑着,然后用好奇的眼神看着若笛。“亲爱的若笛?你现在真的是辛夫人了吗?” “是的。”若笛看向丈夫,发现他正和若石爵士一起离开舞厅,两人步伐一致。一看见他,她突然感到很骄傲,他是那么强壮、优雅,身上那套高雅的礼服将他的英气完全突显出来。 “非常的英俊,”蔓莎顺着若笛的目光看去。“他真有别人说的那么坏吗,若笛?” “一点也不,”若笛撒谎。“辛爵爷就像随处可见的绅士那样脾气温和又有礼貌。” 这时不巧地,尼克刚好看向她的方向,灼热的眼神包围着她,好像要把她的衣服烧成灰烬。知道他的眼神代表什么,以及舞会之后会发生什么事情,若笛心灵深处感到很兴奋,并尽力保持冷静。 同一时间,蔓莎及贝拉打开扇子并用力地插着。“天啊!”蔓莎低声惊叫。“他看你的样子非常不合宜,若笛。” “我不懂你在说什么。”若笛假装认真地说,虽然感觉脸颊发烫。 贝拉用色彩艳丽的扇子掩嘴而笑。“只有在一盘约克郡布丁摆在哈利眼前的时候,他脸上才会有那种表情。” 蔓莎热烈的眼中充满了兴趣。“我记得你是蓝道爵爷的,若笛。你怎么逃离他的?还有过去这两年你在哪里?最重要的是,你是怎么找到一个像简尼克这样的男人——还有关于这个消失已久的爵爷的事情是某种诡计吗?” “不是,”若笛马上说。“他真的是辛约翰子爵。” “你们结婚的时候你知道他是子爵吗?” “嗯,不知道。”若笛试图给一个最简单的解释。“一开始的时候,你知道,我离开学校是为了不要嫁给蓝道爵爷——” “这是梅史东最后的丑闻了,”贝拉插话。“我听说到现在还有人在谈论这件事。没有一位老师或教职员能理解那甜美听话的何若笛会就这样消失。” 若笛因短暂的尴尬而不说话。对于自己的行为她一点也不骄傲——那只是因为她没有别的选择。“为了不被找到,我换了一个名字并在汉普郡工作,当卫斯克夫人的伴从——” “你工作过?”贝拉惊讶地重复着。“天啊,你一定遭受很多痛苦。” “并不会很严重,”若笛苦笑地回答。“卫家的人都很亲切,而且我很喜欢那位伯爵老夫人。我就是在那里工作的时候,认识了简先生——哦,辛爵爷。我们相遇不久后他很快就向我求婚,而且……”她停顿一下,心中闪过那晚在卫斯克伯爵的书房里,尼克低头到她胸脯时火光洒在他脸上的样子…… “而且我也接受了。”她很快地说,感觉脸颊变得绯红。 “嗯。”蔓莎因若笛的不自在而微笑,似乎猜倒原因。“那显然是一个难忘的求婚。” “你的父母有没有很不高兴?”贝拉问道。 若笛点头,想着“不高兴”根本不能够描述她家人的反应。 蔓莎因了解而脸色沉重。“他们不会一直生气,亲爱的,”她务实地说,这远比同情更能安慰她。“如果你的丈夫有像传言中一半富有,何家的人会非常乐意有这样的女婿。” 渴望再次熟络起来的她们又再聊了一会儿,并约定很快就去互相拜访。若笛完全没注意到时间的流逝,直到她听见管弦乐队演奏最近很受欢迎、名为“春天的花朵”的华尔兹舞曲,这个旋律很快地就吸引一对对男女翩然起舞。想知道尼克是否还记得要和她跳第一支华尔兹,若笛决定去找他。从朋友身边走开后,她沿着一楼走廊走去,走廊边以雕花木头栏杆和装饰着绿色植物及粉红色玫瑰的棚子作为与舞池间的分隔。有几对男女半隐藏在花丛后面专心地交谈,若笛经过他们旁边时,略带微笑地移开目光。 因为手臂突然被碰了一下使她吓一跳,然后她期待地停下脚步,以为是尼克来找她。但是,当她低下头看着戴手套的手腕上渐增的力量,并没有看到尼克的大手。几只细长且骨瘦如柴的手指抓住她的手腕,因恐惧而惊愕,她听到这几年来一直在噩梦中纠缠她的声音。 “你认为可以一辈子躲着我吗,若笛?”
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