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Chapter 9 chapter eight

True love is priceless 莉莎·克莱佩 14690Words 2018-03-18
Since marrying Lord Randyll was Lotte's most conspicuous nightmare for many years, she inevitably viewed the wedding ceremony with suspicion and apprehension.The ceremony at the Registry of Marriages turned out to be quick and efficient, from signings to exchanging vows to paying, and she took pleasure in the efficiency.There were no kisses, no long stares, no emotion to dress up the businesslike atmosphere, and she was grateful for that.However, she left feeling no more married than she had entered the registry office. She had just become the wife of a man who didn't love her and probably didn't know what love was.By marrying him, she permanently removed all possibility of finding true love for herself.

But there was still some consolation in the union, the greatest consolation being that she was finally free from Lord Randyll.Honestly, Janick is a charming companion.Unlike others, he always deliberately conceals his shortcomings, but instead flaunts them, as if immorality and money worship actually have many benefits. He seemed to her like a foreigner, from a world she only heard about in whispers... a world of scavengers, thieves, outcasts, a world of violence and prostitution.Gentlemen and ladies should pretend that the lower classes don't exist.But Janick answers Lotte's questions with shocking candor, explaining exactly what happens in these London slums, and the difficulties Bow Street detectives have when they try to tackle crime.

"Some of the lanes are very narrow," he said, as their carriage drove up to Ser Rock's house. "Had to go sideways to get through, and many times I failed to catch a fugitive just because he was thinner than me. A large number of buildings have interconnected places - roofs, patios, cellars - so a thief can be like a rabbit in a rabbit hole. The cunning rabbit crawls in and out of it. I often have to accompany new detectives who don't have much experience, because they can get lost in it in less than a minute. Inside the trap." "What kind of trap?" "Oh, a gang of thieves or troublemakers will be happy to bash the skull of a pursuing detective, or stab him. Or they'll put a few rotten boards over a cesspit, and the detective will drown if he steps on it." Into a puddle of sewage, a trap of that sort."

Her eyes widened. "very scary!" "There's no danger if you know what to expect," he assured her. "I've been to every slum in London and know every trick and trap." "You seem to love your job...but you can't!" "I don't like it," he added after a moment of hesitation. "Though I need it." Ruddy shook her head in bewilderment. "Do you mean physical exertion?" "That's part of the reason, it's nice to jump over walls, climb rooftops, and catch fugitives..." "What about fighting?" Ruo Di asked. "Did you like that part too?" He nodded curtly, expecting denial.

"That's addictive," he said. "Challenging and exciting...even dangerous." Ruo Di knelt with his hands on his knees, deeply feeling that he needs someone to tame him, so that he can live a more peaceful life in the future—otherwise, his prophecy that he must have a short life will soon come true. The wagon drove along a driveway lined with arbors whose thick, intricate foliage gave dense shade to cedar grass and prickly green-stem dogwoods.They stopped in front of a mansion. The rustic and magnificent house looked very beautiful. The entrance of the gate was guarded by cast iron railings and curved lampposts.Danny and George, the gallant porters, helped Lotte out of the car and announced their arrival to the house.Finding the shape design of Kang's initials cast on the iron railing, Ruo Di stopped to trace it with his fingers.

Nick smiled sarcastically. "The Kang family is not noble, but you can't tell when you see them." "Is Sir Ruoshi a very traditional gentleman?" "In some ways yes. But politically he's a reformist, fighting for women's and children's rights, and supporting every reformer's bill you can name." Nick sighed shortly. , leading her towards the main entrance steps. "You'll like him, every woman likes him." Roddy was surprised to find his arms wrapped around her back as they climbed the stone steps. "Hold my hand, the steps are not level." He guided her carefully across the irregular surface, making sure her balance was fine before letting her go.

They entered a wide, pale yellow hall with a high ceiling trimmed with gilt.In the foyer, six corridors lead to the six main rooms, and a horseshoe-shaped staircase leads upstairs to private suites.Ruodi barely had time to appreciate the beautiful interior design of the house, when a charming woman had already stepped forward. The woman's shiny hair was much darker than Ruodi's, the color of aged honey.This must be Mrs. Kang, whose face is a dainty replica of Nick's stern good looks.Her nose was less prominent, her jaw was defined but not as hard as her brother's, and her complexion was fair instead of tan.Yet her eyes were the same peculiar blue; deep, rich, and undulating.Mrs. Kang was so young in appearance that no one would have guessed that she was four years older than her brother.

"Nick," she called with a lively smile, stepping forward and tiptoing to receive his kiss.He circled her for a brief hug, rested his chin on the top of her head, and then stepped back to look at her carefully.In that moment, Ruodi saw a very deep bond between the two, a bond that lasted even after years of separation, loss, and deception. "You're pregnant with another baby," Nick said a moment later, and his sister laughed. "How do you know? Sir Kennan must have told you." "No, but your waistline has grown—or else your corset straps have come loose."

Pulling away, Mrs. Kang laughed and patted him on the chest. "You don't know how to be smooth. That's right, my waistline has become thicker, and it will continue to grow until January. At that time, you will have an extra nephew or niece to hug and love on your lap." "God help me," he said affectionately. Mrs. Kang turned to Ruodi, her face became more gentle. "Welcome, Roddy. Nick sent me a message yesterday about you—I can't wait to see you!" She smelled like tea and roses, a scent that was both soothing and seductive .A slender arm wrapped lightly around Lotte's shoulders, and she turned to Nick for advice. "What a lovely sister you have brought me," she said. "Remember to be good to her, Nick, or I'll ask her to live with me. She seems too well-bred to be with someone like you."

"So far, I have no complaints about Mr. Jian's treatment of me." Ruodi replied with a smile. "Of course, we're only married for an hour." Mrs. Kang frowned at her brother. "Where's no place, you're marrying this girl in the marriage registry! I wish you'd let me arrange the wedding here. Why, you didn't even give her the ring department! Seriously, Nick—" "I don't want to wait." He interrupted abruptly. Before Mrs. Kang could answer, a child staggered into the hall, followed by a nanny in an apron.The little black-haired girl with blue eyes and dimpled cheeks was probably under two years old. "Nick Jiujiu (Uncle)!" she screamed, rushing at him, her beard and hair flying wildly.

Nick caught her and held her up in the air, grinning at her screams of delight.His close embrace, evidence of his unmistakable strong affection for the child, seemed to be untrue to his earlier description of "a tolerable little fellow". Her chubby little arms were wrapped around his neck, and the little girl growled playfully, kissing him and pulling his hair. "My God, what a savage little thing." Nick laughed.He turned her on her head, causing the child to let out a long, high-pitched cry of excitement. "Nick," his sister reprimanded, though she was laughing too. "Don't do this, you will let her fall down." "Of course I won't." He lazily straightened the child back up and hugged him to his chest. "Tangtang." The little girl questioned, putting one hand into his coat and busy like a ferret.Having found what she was looking for, she pulled out a small paper bag, giggling excitedly as her uncle opened it for her. "What did you give her this time?" Mrs. Kang asked helplessly. "Caramel taffy," he said cheerfully, as his niece suddenly poked a chunk of candy into her cheek.His eyes were still twinkling when he looked at Lotte. "Would you like some?" She shook her head, her heart skipping an unusual extra beat.At this moment, his face was gentle, his smile came quickly and easily, and he was so handsome that Ruodi felt a pleasure from the back of his neck to his toes. "Amy," Nick said in a soft voice, leading her towards Lotte. "Say hello to your Aunt Ruodi, whom I married this morning." The little girl suddenly became shy, put her head on Nick's shoulder and smiled at Roddy.Ruodi also smiled back, not sure what to say.She didn't have much experience with children because she had lived away from home for many years. Mrs. Kang came to hug her sticky daughter back, and smoothed back her knotted curly hair. "Honey," she murmured. "Go let the nanny comb your hair." The round chin sticks out stubbornly. "No." She said with a mouth full of taffy, emphasizing her refusal with a drooling grin. "If you don't let her comb the tangles, they get so nasty they end up having to be cut." Nick added persuasion in a coaxing tone. "Let the nanny brush your hair, sweetheart. Next time I'll bring you a pretty blue ribbon." "And dolls?" Amy asked hopefully. "A doll as big as you," he assured her. Twisted from her mother's arms, the little girl stumbled to the waiting sitter. "She is a beautiful child," Ruodi stated. Mrs. Kang shook her head with a regretful smile, her eyes full of pride as a mother. "And spoiled for no reason." Turning her attention back to Ruodi, she took her hand. "You have to call me Sophie." Her tone was kind. "Let's forget about the formal titles." "Yes, hubby... yes, Sophie." "My husband will be in the living room with us soon—" "Oh, great." Nick's grumpy voice came from behind them. Sophie continued as if she hadn't heard it. "—I'll have some tea. I've just ordered chocolates—do you like chocolate, Roddy?" Ruodi walks into a luxurious living room with the aunt she just met. On one side of the room is a row of inlaid glass, allowing people to enjoy the lush greenery. "I haven't." She replied.Maystone never had the drink—and even if it had, Lord Randyll would never have allowed her to drink it.Of course, the servants of Jushiwei rarely enjoy this luxury.Cream and eggs are not often distributed to servants, let alone something as precious as chocolate. "Never? Well, then you should try it today." Sophie smiled mischievously. "I happen to be a very authoritative expert on that topic." The living room is decorated in warm shades of burgundy, gold and green, with heavy mahogany furniture upholstered in brocade and velvet.Small leather-covered tables are scattered throughout the room, holding fascinating books, novels and newspapers.According to Sophie's instructions, Ruo Di sat on the soft and thick couch, leaning against rows of pillows embroidered with animal and flower patterns.After Sophie settled into a chair near Roddy, Nick sat next to Roddy. A maid walked towards Sophie, accepted a few soft-spoken instructions, and cautiously left the room. "My husband will come right away." Sophie told calmly. "Then, Ruddy, tell me how you met Nick. The note he sent was only a few words, and I'm eager to hear more details." Like a stranded fish, Ruddy's mouth opened and closed, I can't answer.She didn't want to lie to Sophie, but this—their marriage was a cold, practical arrangement—was too embarrassing to admit.Nick answered for her, wrapping his big hands around hers at the same time. "We met on an investigation in Hampshire," he told his sister, explaining as he played with Lotte's fingers. "Rappie was engaged to Lord Randyll, and she hid from him. Randyll hired me to find her, and when I found her..." He shrugged, letting Sophie draw her own conclusions . "But Lord Randyll is at least thirty years older than Ruddy." Sophie wrinkled her nose.She looked at Ruodi with undisguised sympathy. "I've met him once or twice and thought he was rather queer. You've got to be a mismatch." She glanced at Nick. "And when you found her, you were immediately attracted to her?" "Who wouldn't?" Nick brushed off the question with a poised smile.He drew slow circles on Rodi's palm, stroking the insides of her fingers, his thumb brushing lightly over the delicate veins in her wrist.This subtle exploration made her feel hot and difficult to breathe, and her whole body's feeling was concentrated on the fingertips lightly brushing the soft muscles on the upper edge of the palm like feathers.Most embarrassing of all, she knew that Nick was unconscious of his actions.He fiddled with her hand lazily, absently, talking to Sophie while the chocolates were carried into the living room and spread out on the table. "Pretty isn't it?" Sophie asked coquettishly, pointing to the tableware with floral patterns.She poured out the dark, aromatic liquid from the long, narrow jug, pouring a third of it into the small cup. “Most people use cocoa powder, but the best finished product is whipped cream mixed with liquid chocolate.” She deftly scoops a tablespoon of sugar into the steaming liquid. "You have to pay attention, it's not like a fruit wine or a spirit. The chocolate syrup is squeezed out of the bean flap after the beans are roasted and peeled." "Smells so good!" Lotte commented, gasping as Nick's fingertips studied the plump softness at the base of her thumb. Sophie started pouring out other glasses. "Yeah, and it's delicious. I like a cup of chocolate in the morning more than coffee." "So, is it a refreshing drink?" Roddy asked, finally pulling her hand away from Nick.Deprived of something to play with, he gave her a questioning look. "Yes, it has that effect," Sophie replied, pouring a large amount of fresh milk into the sweetened chocolate drink.She stirred the contents with a small silver spoon. "Even if it doesn't boost your spirits like coffee, chocolate has its refreshing effect." She winked at Roddy. "Some claim that chocolate boosts the erotic instinct." "What an interesting statement," said Lotte, ignoring Nick as best she could as she took the glass.Appreciatively inhaling the mellow mist, she took a small sip of the shiny black liquid.The powerful sweetness slides down the tongue and touches the depths of the throat. Ruodi's expression made Sophie laugh happily. "Now I know you like it. Great—I've found a way to get you to come and walk around here more often." Ruodi nodded while drinking.By the time she bottomed out her glass, her head was a little dizzy and her nerves were throbbing from the mix of heat and sugar. Nick took a sip or two and put the glass aside. "I think it's too strong, Sophie, though I have to compliment you on your concoction. Besides, my erotic instincts don't need to be fueled." He smiled at the insight, letting Lotte be lulled by the last few drops. Chocolate choked. "Would you like some more, Rodi?" Sophie suggested. "Oh, yes, thanks." Before Sophie could pour more of the miraculous liquid, however, a tall, dark-haired male entered the room.He spoke in an unusually peculiar voice, deep and slightly hoarse, with a precise and refined accent. "Forgive me for being so late, I have to make some business decisions with my estate agent." Ruodi once thought that Sir Ruoshi should be a middle-aged man with a rigid, strong body and pretentiousness.After all, he was already in his early forties.However, Sir Ruoshi appeared to be healthier and more vibrant than most men half his age.He has a kind of indifferent handsomeness, and the natural sense of authority is a powerful force, making Ruodi retreat into the pillow instinctively.Tall and lean, he possesses a combination of confidence and vigor that makes immature youth appear rough and awkward.His innate elegance made him stand out even in his rough peasant attire.Here he is wearing a neatly tailored black coat and matching trousers, and a charcoal silk scarf around the collar is neatly knotted.He scanned the scene intently, pausing for a moment on Lotte, a little longer on Nick, and then concentrated on his wife.He had strange eyes... so bright, sharp gray, it reminded her of lightning trapped in a bottle. Surprisingly, Sophie speaks to this remarkable figure as if he were an ordinary human being, and her tone is tinged with frivolity. "Here you go, I guess we're about to start talking about some tedious topic of political or judicial reform." Sir Rock leaned over to kiss her cheek.It was the usual gesture of an average husband, except that he ended the kiss with an almost imperceptible nub of his nose against her.Sophie's eyes closed briefly, as if the feel of his mouth on her skin reminded her of some tantalizing memory. "I'll try to make it as interesting as possible." He muttered aloud with a doting smile.As he straightened, the light shifted on his ebony-black hair, picking out strands of silver at his temples. Nick stood up impassively and shook hands with his brother-in-law. "Sir Kenan said you wanted to see me," he said without the preface. "What are you planning, Ruoshi?" "I'll talk about that later, first of all I want to meet your brave young bride." Roddy laughed at Sir Rock's implication—any woman who dared to marry someone as notorious as Janick was brave.Roddy curtseyed as the former sheriff came around the table to her.Taking hers in his large, warm hands, Sir Rock spoke charmingly and kindly. "Welcome to this family, Mrs. Jane. If you need any help, you just ask, and I will do my bidding." Their eyes met, and Lotte knew intuitively that he would keep his promise. "Thank you, Sir Rock. I regret that our kinship cannot be made public, as I would be quite proud to claim you and Mrs. Kang as my kin." "On this point, we may think of something." He replied mysteriously. Ruddy suddenly felt Nick's hands close around her waist, pulling her away from Sir Ruoshi. "I don't agree," Nick said to his brother-in-law. "Because I would never let such information become public." Sophie came forward soon. "Since it's too late for a wedding breakfast, I thought we'd have a wedding lunch. The cook is preparing carpaccio, fresh asparagus and salad, and pineapple crème fraîche for dessert." "That's great," Ruddy said, joining Sophie in her efforts to maintain a calm atmosphere.She sat down on the couch again, carefully arranging her skirt. "I've never had asparagus, and I've always wanted to try it." "Never eaten asparagus?" Sophie asked in disbelief. While Roddy searched for some way to explain why she was unfamiliar with these delicacies, Nick sat down beside her and took her hand again. "I'm sorry to say that my wife's diet at school was pretty Spartan," he told his sister. "She went to Maystone for several years." Sir Ruoshi occupied a chair next to Sophie and looked at Ruodi intently. "A well-known institution known for nurturing perfect young ladies." His tone changed to gentle encouragement. "Tell me, do you like your time there, Mrs. Jane?" "Please call me Ruodi." She asked with a shy smile.Sir Rose listened intently as she began to describe her experiences at school, although Rose had no idea why the subject was so interesting. Lunch was soon served in the conservatory, on tables set with gleaming crystal ornaments and fancy china, and served by two footmen.Ruodi likes the delicate fragrance in the air of the trees in the room and the scattered, seemingly delicate perfume roses.Even Nick's emotions were relaxed in this joyous atmosphere.Slouching back in his chair, he kept them entertained with stories from the Bow Street office, including descriptions of detectives being ordered to inspect the dirty laundry of prisoners in the holding cells.It appears that prisoners used to pencil in secret messages on their clothes, which were then handed off to relatives who brought their new clothes to the sheriff.Prisoners' laundry was usually so dirty that the Bow Street detectives had to draw lots to decide who would do the nasty job.Even Sir Rock laughed when Nick described the indignant virtue of a certain detective who was always drawing lots. Finally Sir Rock and Nick started discussing the "new police force" that had been formed about ten years ago.After that, the relationship between Bow Street and the new police force was separated. The police officers and detectives under Sir Kennan were better trained than those "lobsters", and their performance was far better than them. "Why is the new police force called 'Lobster'?" Ruo Di couldn't help asking. Sir Ruoshi replied with a faint smile. "Because fresh lobsters are blue - the same color as their uniforms - and lobsters can pinch people." This comment made Nick laugh. As they continue to discuss the issue of policing, Sophie approaches Lotte. "Now that you are married, do you think my brother will continue to work in Bow Street?" "He gave me the impression that he had no choice," Lotte replied cautiously. "That's what he promised Sir Ruoshi..." "True, but that arrangement will not last forever. Also, Nick is now married, and perhaps Sir Rock will break his engagement." "Why should our marriage have any effect on Mr. Jane's work in Bow Street?" Sophie cautiously looked at the two men opposite. "That answer is too personal and too complicated to discuss right now. Can I see you soon, Lodi? We can have a good chat—maybe we can go shopping together." Ruddy smiled.She never expected Nick's older sister to be so easy to get along with, and it seemed Sophie was quite willing to shed some light on Nick's mysterious past, which would help Lotte get to know him better. "Okay, I'd love it very much." "Great, I think we'll have a good time." Overhearing his sister's last words, Nick raised a thick eyebrow. "What are you arranging, Sophie?" "Oh, just for a walk in Oxford Street," she replied cheerfully. Nick snorted. "There are at least a hundred and fifty shops on Oxford Street, and I guess you don't just walk around." Sophie laughed. "You'll have to open accounts for Lotte with the draper, the Wedgwood china, and of course the jeweler, the bookstore—" "Oh, ma'am...uh, Sophie." Ruodi interjected uncomfortably, wondering why she didn't think that they were not as rich as the Kang family. "I don't believe it is necessary to open an account for me." Nick raised a very shallow smile and spoke to Sophie. "As long as Ruo Di likes, she can keep accounts in that shop, but first take her to your tailor. As far as I know, she has no wedding dowry." "I don't need any new clothes," Ruodi objected. "Maybe a decent dress would be nice, but that's enough." The last thing she wanted was for Nick to pay a fortune for her dress.The extravagant spending habits of her parents, as well as the ending of sitting and eating, are still vivid in her mind.She has an instinctive fear of spending large sums of money, and she knows better than anyone that even a modest fortune can be squandered in a short time. "I have to insist, please don't—" "It's all right," Nick interrupted, touching her shoulder.His gaze communicated that now was not the time to argue. Ruodi blushed and fell silent.His hand lingered on her shoulder for a moment, then slid to her elbow and squeezed it lightly. Thankfully, the silence at the table was eased by the presence of the footman, who was clearing the trays while another set out a dessert plate and small glasses of rum.Delicate biscuits lined the dessert plate, and pineapple crème fraiche was served in dainty little glazed jars. Sir Ruoshi brought up a new topic about the Poor Relief Amendment, which both he and Nick supported.Surprisingly, Sophie also offered her views on that topic, and both men listened intently.Lotte tried to hide her shock, because she had been taught over the years that a well-behaved lady should never express her opinion in a mixed-sex situation.She certainly couldn't say anything about politics, an inflammatory subject that only men are entitled to debate.Here, however, a man of status like Sir Ruoshi does not seem to think there is any problem with his wife expressing her opinions.Nor was Nick offended by his sister's outspokenness. Maybe Nick would allow her the same freedom.With this delightful thought in mind, Roddy ate her pineapple crème fraiche, a rich, tangy custard dessert.When she got to the bottom of the jar, she thought wistfully about another serving.However, good manners and the fear of appearing gluttonous kept her from asking for another serving. Seeing Ruddy cast a longing glance at her empty plate, Nick smiled softly and distributed his untouched portion of dessert to her plate. "You even have a bigger sweet tooth than little Amy," he whispered in her ear.His warm breath made the hairs on the nape of her neck stand on end. "We don't get dessert at school," she said with a shy smile. He took his napkin and gently tapped the corner of her mouth. "Looks like I'm going to spend a lot of time making up for all the things you've been deprived of, I'm guessing you'll be asking for dessert with every meal now." She paused in picking up the spoon, Ruodi stared at the warm blue eyes so close, and suddenly felt surrounded by heat.It's absurd to say that as long as he speaks in that caressing tone, she is completely irresistible. Sir Ruoshi saw everything without omission. "Nick, I have something to talk to you about. There must be a better way to talk about your future, but I can't seem to find it. Your situation is a bit special," he paused and smiled regretfully. "Of course, this statement is too conservative. Those turning points in your life can only be described as extremely grotesque." Nick sat back with lolling elegance, seemingly relaxed, but Lotte could sense the uneasiness in his heart. "I never asked you to think about my future." "But I still did, and for the past three years I've been following your work closely—" "Keep an eye on it?" Nick interrupted mockingly. "It's more like manipulation, interference, and obstruction." Sir Ruoshi shrugged his shoulders based on the eloquence he had acquired over the years of administrative experience. "I do what I think I should do. You have to remember that I treat you with Sophie in mind. She is the only reason I didn't hang you because she believed you were still alive. An underlying goodness. Even if I didn't agree with it then, I'm willing to admit now that she was right. You're not the complete villain I thought you were." Nick smiled grimly, knowing that he was trapped by this small compliment—people say you are good, and of course you can't be bad. "As for you, let me just say, you're not the hypocritical icefish I thought you were." "Nick!" Sophie scolded, placing her slender hand on Sir Ruoshi's big hand. "There was no hypocrisy in my husband's life. As for whether he's an icefish, I can assure you he's not. And—" "Sophie," Sir Ruoshi cut her off gently. "You don't need to argue with me, my love." "But you're not!" she insisted. He flipped his palms up and squeezed hers tightly, and at that moment the two of them stared at their intertwined fingers with a shared satisfaction, seemingly indescribably intimate.Ruodi felt a special pain in his chest.How would it feel to love someone like that?The two of them seemed to take great pleasure in each other. "Okay." Nick said impatiently. "Let's get to the point, Ruoshi. I don't want to spend the first day of my wedding with you." That statement made the former sheriff grin. "Very well, I will try to be as brief as possible. Sir Kennan has reported to me your achievements since you joined the ranks of the Bow Street detectives; the conduct of the investigation, the work with the low-level rangers, the perilous pursuit. But it was not until the Baijia fire incident that I realized how much you have changed." "I haven't changed," Nick replied alertly. "You have learned to value other people's lives as your own," Sir Ruoshi continued. "You accomplished the challenge I threw at you three years ago, and you've done a great service to society. You're even married now. Interestingly enough, she's exactly what you would have done if you hadn't lost your title and The kind of wife you would marry when you were in your position." Nick's eyes narrowed. "I never cared about titles, and God knows I don't need them now." The older man plays with his spoon and has the expression of a chess player during a lengthy match. "There are things about titles that you don't quite understand. A title is yours, whether you want it or not. A title doesn't disappear just because the person chooses to ignore it." "If that person chooses to be someone else." "But you are not another person." Sir Ruoshi retorted. "The real Janick died fourteen years ago. You are Viscount John Sim." "No one knows about that." "Things are about to change." Sir Ruoshi said calmly. Nick remained still as he digested the statement. "What the hell does that mean?" "After much deliberation, I have decided to begin the process of reinstatement for you. I have recently explained your special circumstances to the Crown Office and the Lord Chancellor. Not only have I assured them that you have indeed been long gone Viscount John Sim, it is also confirmed that you are financially qualified to exercise this title. In about two weeks, the clerk of the Royal Office will issue a notice to summon you to the House of Lords. At that time I will publicly introduce you as Lord Sim, and Throw a formal ball for you." Nick jumped up from behind the desk, his chair fell backwards and hit the floor. "Go to hell, Kang Ruoshi!" Ruddy was taken aback by this outburst of hostility.Nick reacted like his life was being threatened.However, the danger he faced was not the physical danger he was used to facing...it was invisible, lurking in the dark...from which no individual could escape.Ruodi noticed that his thoughts were churning behind the frozen expression, his alert mind was analyzing the sudden predicament, and at the same time thinking of various ways to escape. "I'll deny everything," Nick said. Sir Ruoshi put his fingers together and stared at him firmly. "If you do, I will have myself, Sir Kennan, your sister, and even your wife to come and testify on oath that you have privately confessed to be Lord Sheen. , such as missing funeral records and your inconsistent death report, the so-called "rare but not impossible event" in English law will still stand." Nick looks like he's going to kill the former Bow Street Sheriff. "I'll appeal to the House of Lords and ask for their permission to have the title abolished. God knows they'll applaud my removal." "Don't be stupid. Do you really believe that they will let you renounce your title? In their minds, such a renunciation statement is tantamount to questioning the very essence of the aristocracy. They will not allow the distinction of social class-no, the royal family itself- being threatened." "You never believed that privilege came from birth," Nick snapped back. "Why force a damn title on me? I don't want it!" "This has nothing to do with my ideas about politics. It's all about a simple fact: You are Viscount John Simjohn, whatever you call yourself. You cannot overturn the law of hereditary succession for more than seven hundred years, and you will never again Avoid the responsibilities and obligations that should be borne by Lord Xin." "What kind of obligation?" Nick sneered contemptuously. "A territory whose ownership is still pending for fourteen years?" "You have a duty to these subsistence tenant farmers on government-handled land. Your seat in the House of Lords has been vacant for twenty years. As to your sister, you have forced the secrecy of her relationship with her brother;你的妻子,尊称她为辛夫人会比简太太更受尊敬,更有社交上的优势。为了你的父母,还有你自己。你活到现在,有一半的日子躲藏在一个假名之后,承认自己是谁的时候已经来到。” 尼克握紧了双拳。“那不是你能决定的。” “如果我不逼迫你面这个问题,你会花一辈子的时间逃避。” “那是我的权利!” “也许是。但无论如何,你会发现你不能再当警探了。凯南爵士同意我的看法,所以他不再需要你在鲍尔街服务了。” 一阵红潮在尼克脸上扩散。当他领悟到自己当警探的日子已经告终,他的喉咙剧烈地蠕动。“那么我会用自己的时间接办私人的案件。” “那会成为一件鲜事,不是吗?”若石爵士讥讽地问道。“打击犯罪的子爵?” “尼克,”苏菲温柔地开口。“你知道那将会是爸妈的希望。” 他看来苦涩不满、痛苦抑郁,尤其更是愤恨难消。“我当简尼克太久,变不回去了。” 苏菲非常小心地回答,似乎了解他为何认为这不可能。“这会有其困难,没有人能否认这点。但你有若笛帮你呀!” 尼克瞧也不瞧若笛一眼,只发出一个轻蔑的声音。 “若笛,亲爱的。”苏菲的声音温和坚定,透露出她娇弱的外表下有着坚强的意志。“你在梅史东读了几年?” “六年。”若笛说道,朝她丈夫严厉的侧面留意地瞥视一眼。 “如果梅史东的名声实至名归,这六年来的教育应该都是严格的训练,包括仪态、风度、高雅的待客艺术、编列和管理家庭预算的能力、时尚的要素与好的品味、上午的拜访及晚餐后的聚会礼仪……从社交圈内的层级中区别出最上位者这些一条条、数目成千的小辨则。我猜想你可以轻易地管理一个家,不论房子大小及人数多寡。你一定也学过跳舞、骑马、吹奏一种乐器、能说法文也许还能说一点德文……我有说错吗?” “没有。”若笛回答得简短,痛恨她成为包围尼克的陷阱之一。他被强迫成为他不想变成的样子,而她太了解这种感受了。 苏菲满意地点头,转向她愤怒的弟弟。“若笛会是你重要的帮手。她对帮助你适应新的生活,会是非常重要、无法取代的” “我不要去适应天杀的任何事!”他咆哮地说,用含着命令的目光瞧了若笛一眼。“走,我们要离开了。” 她自动地起身,若石爵士也站了起来。觉得紧张不安,若笛看了若石爵士一眼,他的眼中并没有胜利的光芒。她不相信他有任何复仇或恶意的动机。她确定若石爵士——还有苏菲——认为尼克恢复真正的身分是必要的。她很想和他们多讨论一些,但尼克的自制力显然即将失控。其他的任何人对恢复爵衔、领地以及家族的财产都会感到高兴;然而,对尼克而言,这明显地是一场噩梦。 在搭马车回家途中,若笛维持沉默。她的丈夫则是完全地动也不动,极力控制着随时可能爆发的愤怒,也更像是竭力想去理解生命中突然的改变。她不禁嘲讽地想,多像她离开巨石园那时的心情。 他们到达贝特顿街的房子时,尼克几乎是从马车上跳下的,留下若笛接受脚夫的协助走下马车。她走到前门时,他早已不见踪影。 女管家站在门厅中,困惑的神情显示她才见到尼克怒气冲冲地进了屋子。 “崔太太,”若笛冷静地问。“你有见到简先生到哪里去了吗?” “我相信他在图书室里,小姐。呃……简太太。” 老天,这称呼真奇怪。而比这更教人奇怪的是,不久以后她会被称为辛夫人。苦着脸,若笛从阶梯扫视到通往图书室的走廊。有部分的她想要退到自己那安全且与外界隔离的房间。但是,另一部分的她却无法抗拒地想去找尼克。 崔太太接过她的帽子与手套之后,若笛发现她走向图书室。她在进去前敲了敲关着的房门。图书室的墙壁是深色的樱桃木镶板,铺着织成棕底、饰有圆形图案的地毯。多格的玻璃窗户延伸至天花板,高度至少有十八英呎。 尼克肩膀宽阔的身形就站在其中一扇窗户前,她走过去时看得出他的背部绷得很紧。他的手中紧握住一只白兰地酒杯,这脆弱的器皿看来随时会在他修长的手指捏握下碎成片片。 若笛在一座高耸的樱桃木书架旁停住,注意到图书室的藏书量可说是令人奇怪地少。 “你的图书室几乎是空的。”她说出评论。 尼克站在窗前,他的眼光抑郁且空洞。他仰头喝下剩余的白兰地,手腕的动作僵硬。“那就买些书吧。你要喜欢,尽可以把书从地板堆到天花板。” “谢谢你。”他没叫她离开是个鼓励,若笛大胆地走得更近。“简先生……” “不要那样叫我。”他恼怒地爆出话来。 “对不起,尼克。”她更近了。“我希望能更正若石爵士说的某些话——你并没有义务要让我成为辛夫人。就像我之前告诉你的,我一点也不在乎你是贵族还是平民。” 他问不做声好久,最后才吁出一口紧绷的叹息,大步走到餐具柜倒了另一杯白兰地。 “有任何办法能阻止若石爵士执行他的计划吗?”若笛问道。“也许我们可以找些法律顾问——” “太迟了。我了解若石爵士——任何可能的反抗行为,他都已经预想到了。而他的影响力无远弗届;司法机关、执法单位、议会、皇家办公室……上议院的通知即将会来,不管我如何避免都没用。”他说出一个听来相当恶毒的陌生字眼。“我想要打断康若石身上的每一根骨头,那个让人受不了的笨蛋。” “我能做什么吗?”她静静问。 “你听到我姐姐的话了,不是吗?你将要扮演女主人,帮助我扮成一位子爵。” “你在巨石围的时候就相当得心应手啊!”她指出。“让人真的以为你是个贵族。” “那只有几天,”他苦涩地说。“但现在看来,我的余生都得扮演这个角色了。”他愤怒而不敢置信地摇着头。“天啊,我不想要这样。没过多久我就会宰人了。” 若笛偏着头思索地打量他。难怪当他处于这种情绪时她会怕他。他的确是一副看来要杀人的样子,他的双眼闪现杀戮的欲望。但奇怪的是她满怀同情,而更超越同情的是一种同为天涯沦落人的感觉。他们都身陷泥沼,都要面对他们未曾计划或不曾想要的人生。 “你在巨石园介绍自己是辛约翰子爵的时候,有什么感觉?”她问他。 “起先觉得很有趣,因为扮演我本人的讽刺性。但第一天过后,它变成我肩上的沉重负担,只要提到这个名字就让我不舒服到极点。” 若笛不懂他为何会对自己生来所取的名字这么反感,这当中一定有他到目前还没有说出来的理由。 “尼克,若石爵士为何说你的财力够资格行使这个爵衔?” 他的嘴扭起。“他指我负担得起一处领地的花费,还有一位贵族所应有的生活方式。” “他怎么会知道这种事?” “他并不确定。” “他的想法当然是错误的。” “不,”尼克低声含糊地说。“他的想法并没有错。我加入鲍尔街之前做过几项投资,还到处持有一些股份。总体说来,我存了大约两百左右。” 若笛无言地想着,有两百英镑的存款还不坏,但还无法提供一个人想要的生活保障。她只希望他的投资没有亏损。“呃,看来相当让人满意。”她不想伤他的感情。“我想如果我们节省的过,应该没有问题。但我不觉得情况能让我去采购嫁妆。目前暂时不用,也许将来——” “若笛。”他打断她的话。“我们没有节省的必要。” “两百英镑相当多了,但会有困难,当你要负担一屋子——” “若笛,”他神情古怪地瞧她”眼。“我指的是以千为单位计算,两百个一千镑(二十万英镑)。 " “但……但是……”若笛大吃”惊。这是一笔巨大的数字,对任何人来说都是一笔巨富。 “还有每年五千英镑来自投资与私人任务的收入。”他又补上这些话,让她更加瞠目结舌。他的脸色阴郁下来。“但是看来我接私人任务的日子也结束了。” “哦,你一定跟蓝道爵爷富有。”她茫然地说。 他摇了摇手,好像比起远为重大的问题,金钱根本不值一谈。“大概吧!” “你负担得起十座房子的支出,你可以要什么有什么——” “我不需要十座房子。我一次也只能睡在一个屋檐下,我一天也只能吃三餐,我根本不在乎有没有人注意我。” 若笛惊讶地领悟到他并不喜欢追求财富。他的财富来自于在下层社会到鲍尔街以智慧赢过每一个人,而他现在失去了执法单位的工作,他迫切需要做些其他的事情。他是一个极端静不下来的人,并不适合高雅平静的贵族生活。他到底该如何去适应并像个贵族那样? 他的思绪必定和她相同,因为他发出一声无助的愤怒呻吟,粗鲁地伸手扒过头发。一绺发束落在他的额前,若笛震惊地发现自己很想拨弄那束浓密的巧克力色发丝,将它们顺回,把她的手滑进温暖的绢丝里。 “若笛,”他粗暴地说着。“我要出去一下,可能早上才会回来。你今晚得到缓刑。” “你想出去做什么?” “我还不知道。”他焦躁难安地退开,举止之中带着一种不知所以的恐慌,好像一层厚重的罗网已经迎面将他覆上。 若笛知道自己不该在乎他是否要出去痛饮一番、或找人打架、或做一堆男人找乐子时会干的蠢事。她不该想去平抚他几乎无法克制的狂怒,但她真的很想。 她对自己的行为没有多加考虑,只是走过去碰触他上好呢外套的绒面翻领。她的手顺过布料缓缓地滑进里面。他的背心颜色与外套一样墨黑,但质料更加丝滑柔软,略带滑溜地覆在肌肉坚实的胸膛上。她想到他的肌肤该有多么炙热,能从衣物里传出这样的温暖。 尼克突然间静止不动,他的呼吸调成一种较为缓慢而深沉的节奏。若笛没有看向他的脸,反而专注于他灰色的领巾,手指同时探索他雪白衬衫上蕴藏香气的衣褶。 “我不想要缓刑。”她到底还是说了出来,拉扯领巾让它松开滑落。 他的自制力似乎随着领巾被解开而瓦解了。他的呼吸更加沉重,双手紧握在身侧。她不熟练地松开衬衫硬挺的衣领,将领口摊开,展现他带黄褐光泽的喉咙部位。她往上瞧了他的面容一眼,看得自己紧张地打了个抖,他的愤怒正迅速转化成全然的情欲需求。红潮在他的颊骨及鼻梁处蔓延开来,闪亮的白热让他的双眼变成蓝色的火焰。 他的头非常缓慢的降下,仿佛他正给她一切的机会逃走。她站在原地,感觉到他的嘴轻若羽毛地轻触脖子的一侧,她合上了双眼。他的双唇轻刷过敏感的肌肤,嘴唇分启,然后他丝般的舌尖爱抚地画着炙热美妙的圈圈。颤抖地叹口气,双腿摇晃的若笛倾身向前靠近他的身躯。他没有用双手碰触她,只持续好整以暇地细细探索她的颈项。她攀着他,双臂圈锁着他精瘦的腰部。 他的双手来到她的肩上,轻柔地夹住。他似乎仍未决定是要拉她靠近,还是将她推开。当他开口发问时声音是粗哑的:“你在做什么,若笛?” 她的心是如此狂野地捶击,使她几乎挤不出呼吸来说话。“我想我是在鼓励你完成在卫斯克爵爷的书房里起了头的事。” “你要确定这真是你的心意,”他粗暴地说道。“我已经有六个月的时间没有女人。如果你突然决定要停下来,我是不会那么容易接受的。” “我不会要你停下来。” 他目不转睛地看着她,他的目光狂热且灼亮,但面容严厉。“既然昨夜不肯,为什么现在想要?” 她似乎也无法解释。经过今天下午的事件,她突然觉得他其实很脆弱。她开始看出他以独特的方式需要着她,并感觉到这此需求远超过性的欲望。还有那个将他的野性加以驯服的挑战;这将需要发挥她所有的意志力,才对抗得了他超强的意志力,然而这个诱惑也大到她无法抗拒。 “我们现在已经结婚了。”她捉住想得到的第一个借口。“而我宁可……做完它,省得一直的惧怕它。” 她看到他眼中闪过掠食性动物的幽光。He wants her.他没有再浪费时间多问,只伸出他的手。 “那么,上楼吧。” 若笛小心翼翼地将手放到他的手中。“尼克,只是有件事……” "What's up?" “天还没黑。” "anything else?" “在下午做这种事合宜吗?” 这问题招来一阵无从定义的大笑。“我不知道,而我也该死的不在乎。”他仍握着她的手,领着她从图书室走到门厅,登上主楼梯。
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