Home Categories foreign novel True love is priceless

Chapter 5 Chapter Four

True love is priceless 莉莎·克莱佩 9909Words 2018-03-18
The way May is celebrated across the UK varies from village to village.This festival originated from the ancient Roman celebration of paying homage to the goddess of spring. Over time, each region has added its own special customs in addition to column dances and celebration songs.Nick has only vague childhood memories of May Days in Worcestershire, but he especially remembers "Green Jack" - a guy who was boisterously hopping around the village covered in fresh plants.Nick, who was still a child at the time, was so terrified by the plant-covered figure that he hid behind his sister Sophie's skirt until the figure walked away.

It had been a long time since Nick had been to a Mayfair celebration.Looking at it with the eyes of an adult now, he only feels that the sexual connotation of this festival is actually very obvious... The villagers dance around the pillars that symbolize male organs, and the king and queen of the celebration go from house to house and pour "wild water" on the residents... …the street is adorned with a wreath with a pair of marigold bulbs suspended in the centre. Nick and the other guests stood on the hill near the mansion, watching the wild dance in the middle of the village.Hundreds of lamps and torches lit the streets with a golden halo.Harsh laughter, music and singing filled the air as the women took turns dancing around the tall Maypole.The clamor was interrupted now and then by the sound of hunting horns.Young men dance on ropes made of oxtail hair, which are then dragged through the night to ensure a bountiful dairy harvest for the coming year.

"I'm so looking forward to tonight's hunt," said a man nearby.It was Viscount Stirney, a lusty and strong young man who spoke, and his companions, Ser Woolson and Ser Gandalf, burst into lustful laughter.Seeing the doubt in Nick's eyes, Stiney smiled triumphantly and explained: "The girls in the village will celebrate until the next morning. If you catch one of them in the woods, she will let you do whatever you want. Even married women will show up In the woods, they are allowed to take off their wedding rings that night." "Their husbands don't object?" Nick asked.

Nick's question made the nobles laugh. "How come?" Steiny explained. "They're so busy chasing young sluts that they don't care what their wives do. A nice holiday, isn't it?" Nick smiled slightly, but didn't answer.Evidently Stiney and his companions thought it a good diversion to spend ten minutes in the woods with a village girl. "Poke, twist and you're done." That's how Jamie describes most of her clients.They have no imagination for real lust, and all they ask of a woman is to spread her legs.The quick intercourse between two strangers may be able to get some vent, but Nick thinks it is too simple and easy to get full satisfaction.Thanks to Camry's tutelage, he has developed a complex hobby.

Ruddy's face, dark eyes, sharp jaw and sweet mouth—this image kept appearing in his mind.Let Stini and the others find something that satisfies them. Nick has someone he is more interested in. "Come on, Ser Sin," the Viscount urged. "As soon as the 'engaged couple' in May is chosen, the girls in the village are free to play." Seeing that Nick didn't quite understand the first sentence, he went on to explain: "Its process is a teenager who reaches marriageable age. Lying on the grass and pretending to be asleep, all the girls who are willing to marry him can run over and kiss him to wake him up. The first girl who kisses him can ask him to be her fiancé." He smiled lewdly and rubbed his palms. "Then other girls who need comfort run off to the woods and wait for someone as ambitious as me to get her. You should see the girl I caught last year - black hair and red lips, ah, what a horse Pretty filly. Come, Ser Sin—you'll catch one too, if you run fast enough."

Nick was about to say no when a group of girls who were pulling the ribbons back on the style caught his eye, and one of them caught his attention.She was wearing a white peasant woman's blouse with a red turban like the others, and it was difficult to make out her face at this distance, but Nick recognized her immediately.Thinking of Ruo Di saying that she would stay in the room and read a book, a resigned smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. The Weskers would not approve of her appearing at the village celebration, so she had to disguise.When his gaze pursued Ruo Di's slender figure, the magic power of lust swirled in his body.She circled around under the style, waving her hands lively above her head.

"Looks like I'm going to join too." Nick murmured, and ran down the hill with the group of impatient prodigal sons. Ruo Di let out a hearty laugh, standing with the group of nervous girls waiting to run to the target boy.As far as she knows, this May's "fiancé" is the son of the village butcher—a handsome, stocky young man with blond hair and blue eyes who is sure to inherit the lucrative family business.Lotte didn't want to run to kiss him, but it was fun to join in, and the excitement of the girls around her was amused. The signal was sent out, and Ruodi rushed forward frantically with the girls in the village.This kind of wildness and noise was so sharply contrasted with her quiet existence in the boulder garden, she felt a sudden ecstasy.Over the years she had learned good manners at the Maystone boarding school, then tried to be old Mrs. Wesker without a vocal companion, and could hardly remember when she had last spoken aloud.

Grasping this moment, she roared and laughed, making a voice as loud as the girls around who were eager to grab the target, and rushed towards the boy.Somewhere ahead, a jubilant yell came through the crowd, and a strong red-haired girl embraced the broad shoulders of her new fiancé, happily waving a bouquet of wildflowers. "I made it!" she exclaimed. "I got him, he's mine!" The villagers gathered around the newlyweds in joy, and other disappointed girls scattered and ran into the forest, followed by a large group of eager men, ready to start tonight's celebrations.

A smiling Lotte paced them at a more relaxed pace, not wanting to be the focus of some overexcited boy's enthusiasm.The pleasure-seekers will be paired in a few minutes, at which point she will slip back to the boulders.She stopped outside the forest, leaned against a large maple tree with dense branches, and sighed contentedly.Her knees were weak from dancing and drinking, but she was content.It was the first time she actually went off to participate in the celebration of May Day instead of just watching, and it was much more fun than she expected.A melody continued to linger in her mind, and she hummed the song softly, closing her eyes and resting against the smooth mottled tree trunk.

Run no more, Maiden of May, Run no more, girl, I beg you, Run no more, or you will stumble... Even though there was no sound or movement around, her intuition still warned her that there were other people nearby.Ruodi stopped the noise, opened his eyes, and backed away in fright when he saw the black shadow around him. "My God!" She staggered back, but a pair of hands grabbed her shoulders just in time to steady her. Shocked and annoyed, Ruo Di punched her captors, trying to fight for her freedom. "Don't be nervous," came a male voice, interspersed with mellow laughter, "Don't be nervous, it's me."

She gasped and stood still, raising her eyes to stare at his dark face. "Sir Sim?" "That's right." "You almost scared me to death!" "Sorry." He grinned, his white teeth gleaming in the dark. "I don't want to interrupt your song." Ruodi pushed him away with a smile, embarrassed by being caught humming like an idiot. "how did you find me?" "That seems to be one of my specialties." Sir Sim let go of her and leaned against the great maple tree, a carefree smile contradicting his watchful eyes. Ruodi raised her hand to touch the turban that came loose in the confusion. "I covered my hair, I don't know how you found out." "From the way you move." She didn't answer, concentrating on experiencing that feeling of happiness and uncertainty.Appreciation is implied in this statement.But he was a stranger... They hadn't known each other long enough, and he didn't know her well enough, as if he shouldn't be able to distinguish between something so inner and so elusive. "Did you like the May festivities, my lord?" she asked as she tied up her turban. "I love watching you." Her eyes narrowed threateningly. "You want to tell other people that you saw me here?" Ser Sin leaned forward, as if to share a secret. "Even if it cost me my life, I wouldn't say it." Ruodi smiled and imitated him leaning on the tree trunk. "Are you going to celebrate like the rest of the guys?" "It depends." There was a provocative light in his eyes. "Would you run into the woods because you wanted to be caught?" "of course not." "Then let me escort you back to the mansion. I don't want you to be stopped halfway by enthusiastic young men from the village." "Oh, I can run faster than them," Ruodi said confidently. "I am very familiar with this forest, and I am small and can easily run in the woods, and no one can catch up with me." "I can catch up." "A man as big as you? I don't believe it. You'd run like a rampaging elephant in these undergrowth woods." His body tensed slightly, and he seemed very eager to try this bold challenge. "You might be surprised—" he began, but was interrupted by a female scream from the left of the two. It must be a village girl who was caught by some impulsive man.After a moment of silence, loud groans of joy came from the forest. When Ser Sin turned to Lotte, she was gone. Laughing to herself, she walked quietly among the trees like a ghost, pulling her skirts up to keep them from being caught on overhanging branches.She moved nimbly through the labyrinth of tree trunks and pliable bushes until at last all was quiet and there was no sign of being followed.Ruodi stopped to take a breath, and turned to look behind her.Nothing was moving except for the din of the Mayfest revelry in the distance. Sir Xin had either given up on the chase, or lost it on the way.Her lips parted in a triumphant smile as she confirmed her point.She turned and walked towards the boulder garden - then screamed in panic as she crashed right into the hard male body. She was hugged into a broad chest, and a pair of strong arms restrained her easily.It was Sir Sim, whose low laugh tickled her ears.She leaned against him, dumbfounded, borrowing his support and trying to get back to normal. "My God, how could you overtake me and get in front of me?" she asked breathlessly. "It's all about speed." He gently tried to pull her scarf back, but it still slipped from the thin hair, revealing the braids coiled around the nape of her neck.He let the hood fall to the ground, with a smile in his voice. "You can't escape, you know." There seems to be some warning hidden in the joking words. Rodi stood in the shelter formed by his body, soaking up his warmth and the masculine breath that stimulated the senses.How did she end up alone with him in the dark?She couldn't believe this was happening.This can only be said to be the result of being repeatedly attracted by him... Moreover, this feeling of attraction is counterattacking with all its strength. The two fell silent, and Ruodi began to notice the entangled bodies of a couple near them looming in the bushes, and the faint sound of joy making Ruodi blushed instantly. "Please take me back to Boulder Park," she said. Ser Sing let her go.Ruo Di stood away and almost bumped into the big tree behind him.He followed, pressing her against the broad trunk, shielding her by separating the rough bark with his arms.She caught her breath suddenly and reached for his upper arms, the muscles bulging visibly under his coat.She knew he was about to kiss her, and God help, she wanted it too. He gently stroked the curve of her cheek with the tip of one finger, so carefully, as if she was a wild animal that might escape at any time due to any rash move.Her fingertips came to her jaw, and her breath came in short breaths as she lifted her head into an angle of surrender. His tender mouth dropped down to her lips, kneading and coaxing until she parted her lips and let out a pleasant gasp.The tip of his tongue caressed the edge of her teeth, and brushed the inside of her cheek more boldly with fiery and sensitive exploration.The kiss was so dizzy that she had no choice but to wrap her arms around his neck to keep from falling. He gave her some more weight from his body, anchoring her back firmly between him and the solid oak.She writhed and drew closer in his arms until he made soothing noises and ran his hands up and down her back.The gentle caress only made her need more intense, causing her to arch towards him blindly and instinctively.She felt something against her denim skirt... his swollen cock. His rigidity fit perfectly in the hollow between her legs.His firmness squeezed into her softness, and when he held her close, his mouth drove her wild with wicked skill.Her hands slid into his hair, and she curled her fingers to clasp his scalp. The thick hair shone like silk in the moonlight.He breathed harshly, sliding his lips against her throat.Even if she is as innocent as she is, she can sense his rich experience and his tightly suppressed desire from his carefully selected touch. The blouse worn by village women slid down one shoulder, revealing her fair skin.His fingers quietly invaded the ribbon that tied her neckline and deftly pulled it away!Slips wrinkled linen down.His hands gradually penetrated into her underwear, her cold, soft nipples constricted under his calloused fingers, the tips hardening and warming with each circular stroke. Ruddy squeezed her face closer to the crook between his shoulders and neck.She had to stop him now, before her willpower was completely broken. "No, please stop. I'm sorry." His hand slipped away quietly from her blouse, and his fingers touched her wet lips. "Did I scare you?" he whispered. Ruodi shook her head, even though she wanted to curl up into his arms like a cat longing for the warmth of the sun, she had no choice but to resist. "No... I made myself afraid." Somehow, her confession made him smile.His fingers moved to her throat, tracing the delicate neckline with a sensitivity that took her breath away.Pulling her blouse back over her shoulders, she fastened the frayed ribbon that tied her neckline. "Then I'll stop," he said. "Come on and I'll take you home." He followed her through the forest, occasionally pushing a branch out of the way, or taking her hand to guide her across the bumps in the path.Ruo Di, who is familiar with the forest of Giant Stone Garden, does not actually need his assistance, but she accepts it without any objection. When he stopped again, she didn't protest, his lips easily found her in the darkness.Impulsively he started kissing her again, his mouth hot and sweet...they exchanged quick kisses, feeble kisses, kisses that ranged from passionate need to wickedly flirtatious.Ruo Di was slightly drunk from joy, moving his hands between his thick and messy hair and the nape of his neck that was as hard as iron.Sir Sin groaned softly when the hot enthusiasm rose to the point of being undefendable. "Miss Min..." "Ruodi," she told him out of breath. He pressed his lips to her temples, and hugged her to his strong body. "I never thought I'd find someone like you," he whispered. "I've been looking for you for a long time! I need you..." Ruddy rested her head on his shoulder tremblingly. "It's not true," she said softly. His lips touched her neck, finding a sensitive spot that made her arch her body involuntarily. "So, what is true?" She pointed to the yew fence that bordered the estate. "Everything there." His arms tightened, and he said in a muffled voice: "Let me go to your room, just for a moment." Roddie returned a trembling laugh, knowing what would happen if she allowed it. "Absolutely not." Soft, hot kisses slid over her skin. "You are safe with me, and I will not force you to do things you don't want." Ruodi closed her eyes and felt her head spinning. "The problem is," she said regretfully. "I'm willing to give too much." She felt her mouth smiling on her cheek. "Will that be a problem?" "Of course, there are many problems!" She forced herself away from him, raised her hands to cover her face, and sighed leisurely. "We have to stop. I don't trust myself as long as I'm with you." "You're right to be distrustful," he agreed hoarsely. Their breathing mingled together in the darkness.He was so warm and strong, Rodi could barely keep herself from throwing herself on top of him.She forced herself to think rationally: Sir Xin will leave soon, and the memory of this night will fade with time; she is a strong-willed and wise person, and she will not be tempted so easily. "At least let me walk you back to the mansion," Sir Sin urged. "If someone saw it, you could explain it was a coincidence." Ruodi hesitated for a while, then nodded in agreement. "Are we parting on the patio at the back of the house?" "Okay." Stretching out his arm for her to hold, Sir Xin accompanied her to the double staircase at the back of the mansion.Without a word, the two climbed onto the terrace overlooking the main garden.Lots of light poured in from the hall's glorious windows and French doors, the terrace where guests could smoke and drink was deserted, and almost everyone was either in the village or indoors playing cards or pool. A lone figure sat on a chair by the railing.He was smoking a cigar languidly, the thin wisp of smoke from his exhalation floating in the air like a wisp of a vanished ghost.The smell of expensive tobacco tickled Lotte's breath as she climbed to the top of the stairs. Her stomach churned uncomfortably when she realized who it was. "Lord Wesker," she whispered softly, bowing her knees automatically, wondering what he would think of Sir Sin by her side. The count still maintained his sitting posture and looked at the two of them.The refracted light from the window glinted faintly on his charcoal black hair, and cast a hard shadow on his upright and resolute face. "Miss Min," he began in a hoarse voice, nodding coldly to her protector. "Sir Sim. The timing is very good. I have something to discuss with you." Her employer must be angry, Roddy looked down at the flagstone terrace. "Forgive me, my lord. I went to watch the festival in the village, and—" "It seems you're doing more than just watching," Sir Wesker remarked lightly, his piercing gaze sweeping across her in peasant girl attire. "Yes, I joined the Pole Dance. And Ser Sin offered to escort me back—" "Of course he will," said the Count sarcastically, taking another drag on his cigar.Blue-gray smoke lingers and spirals upwards. "Don't be so distressed, Miss Min. As far as I know, you are not forbidden to seek entertainment in the village—although the smartest thing to do is never mention these activities in front of my mother." He flicked his cigar. "You can leave now, I have something to discuss with Sir Xin." Ruodi breathed a sigh of relief, and nodded cautiously. "Yes, my lord." As she walked away, she was shocked to feel Sir Sim's hand lightly on her arm, preventing her from going. "Wait." Roddy stood still in utter bewilderment, and flushed.She could not believe that he had dared to touch her in the count's presence. "Ser Sin," she protested in a low voice. Ser Sin did not respond to her glance, but stared intently at the earl's stern face. "You'd better explain what you want to talk to me before Miss Min leaves." "It's about what you call 'family'," said Lord Wesker softly. "And what you call the 'past'." There was an alarm bell of condemnation in the calm voice.Ruodi knew from the earl's expression that the matter was very serious.Any enthusiasm that still remained from that enchanted moment in the forest was completely gone now. Lotte stared at Sir Sin in bewilderment.He didn't know why his face changed, and the original handsomeness became cold and ruthless in an instant.Those who see him now will believe that this man can do anything. Suddenly, she couldn't believe that minutes ago she had kissed that stern mouth, that his hands had caressed her so intimately.When he spoke, even his voice changed, his accent slightly rougher.Completely stripping off the appearance of aristocrats, exposing the ruthlessness underneath. "I would prefer to discuss this matter in a more private place," he said to the count. Wesker tilted his head and agreed coldly. "There's a study in the area where my family lives, okay?" "Yes." Sir Xin paused calmly, and added: "Miss Min must also participate." Ruo Di stared at him blankly, his request was confusing.Suddenly she felt cold all over, and a shiver ran down her spine. "Why?" She opened her dry lips and asked. "She has nothing to do with this matter." Lord Wesker's words were curt and rude, and he got up from his chair. Sir Sim's face was dark and calm. "She definitely had something to do with it." Ruodi felt her face turn pale.The skin of her body was burning and stinging, as if she had fallen into a frozen pool, and a kind of immobile suspicion made her feel creepy, and she could hardly speak. The Earl dropped the cigar on the terrace floor and stomped it out.A rare impatience made his tone sharper than usual. "Miss Min, can you accompany us? It seems that we have to solve a little mystery." Ruddy nodded obediently, and followed the count into the mansion, even though her instinct was screaming, asking her to escape as soon as possible.She doesn't have much choice, however, but to keep playing.Forced to be calm, she followed the two men to the private study, where the sandalwood panels glowed red in the light.The room was stark and forbidding, minimally furnished and mostly sharp-edged, with no decoration save a row of austere stained-glass windows. Ruddy wanted to stay away from Sir Sin when Earl Wesker closed the door, and the ominous premonition made her almost want to vomit.She couldn't look directly at Sir Sin, but still felt his presence strongly. "Would you like to sit down, Miss Min?" Ruodi shook her head silently, afraid that she would collapse if she moved. "Very well," said the earl, turning his attention to Sir Sin. "Let's start with the news I received today. Immediately after you came to Boulder Park, I launched an investigation on you. I suspect that you are not telling the truth about something, even if I can't guess what it is." Sir Sin seemed relaxed but alert, his blue eyes meeting the Earl's gaze forcefully. "Then what is the result of your investigation, my lord?" "Viscount Xin doesn't exist at all." West said bluntly, ignoring Ruodi's panting and continuing. "The bloodline of the family was cut off about twenty years ago. After the death of the real Sir Xin, there is no male heir who can legally inherit the title. This is the problem... Who are you? What is the purpose of coming here?" "I'm Janick." Ruddy may never have heard the name, but Lord Wesker seemed to recognize it. "I see," he said softly. "That explains the involvement of Sir Conrose. You are here, then, on a mission from Bow Street." After knowing the identity of this stranger, Ruodi gasped in surprise.She knew that this small elite police force was dedicated to solving murders, even serving as bodyguards for the royal family, and they were famous for their ruthless efficiency and courage, even in high society.No wonder this man looked so different from the other guests here. "I hunt," he had told her once, conveniently omitting that his quarry was actually a two-legged human. "Not always," Nick answered Wesker's question. "Sometimes I also accept private commissions." His gaze moved to Ruodi's tense face. "Two months ago, Sir Lando hired me to find his escaped fiancée, He Ruodi. She has been missing for two years." Ruo Di couldn't move at all, as brutal pain exploded in her chest and seeped into her whole body.Her mouth trembled with denial, and nothing came out.All she heard was a high-pitched, incoherent cry, which she later realized was coming from her.She moved involuntarily, and suddenly rushed across the room, rage and panic attacking her like a vulture, and she reached out to grab Nick's dark face. A savage curse appeared in her ears, and her wrists were forcibly restrained with enough force to crush them, but she did not and could not stop struggling.Sweat and tears flowed down her face, and she cried out with her breath, fighting for her life and her deprived freedom.She knew in her heart that this lunatic behavior wasn't helping the situation, but she couldn't seem to stop herself. "Don't do this, Roddy," Nick growled, shaking her hard. "Calm down...God" "I'm not going back!" she screamed, panting with rage. "I'll kill you first, oh my god, I hate you, hate you—" "Rhodi." The cold, rational voice cut to her distorted pain neatly, it was Lord Wesker's voice.He put an arm around her from behind and dragged her away from Nick.She leaned back against him like a terrified animal. "Enough," Wesker whispered in her ear, his arms clenched like bars of steel. "He won't take you, Roddy, I swear. You know I always keep my promises. Now take a deep breath, and another." Only the count's stern, calm voice reached her, and she found herself obeying him.He led her to a chair and forced her to sit down.He knelt down and fixed her with steady and deep eyes. "Calm down, continue to inhale and exhale." Ruodi nodded while twitching, tears still running down his face. "Don't let him come near me," she murmured. Wesker stood up, his obsidian-like eyes shot at Detective Bauer Street. "Don't go near her, Janick. I don't care who pays you to do errands, you are now in my property, and any action must be approved by me." "You have no legal rights to her," Nick said softly. "You can't leave her here." Wesker responded with a haughty snort.He went to the sideboard and poured some amber liquid into a glass.Bringing the wine to Roddy, he forced her trembling fingers around the container. "Drink it." He ordered concisely and forcefully. "I don't—" she began, but he cut it off with absolute authority. "Drink it right away, every drop." She showed a bitter expression, drank the spirits in a few gulps, and then coughed continuously because her lungs and throat seemed to be filled with velvet-like fire.Her head began to spin, and she looked at the count with teary eyes.He took out a handkerchief from the pocket of his coat and handed it to her. The linen handkerchief still had his warmth still on it.She covered her face with it and sighed tremblingly. "Thank you," she said hoarsely, her eyes fixed on him, unable to look at Janick.She had never imagined such a way of destruction... A handsome man with cruel eyes and charming debauchery brought her destruction, the only man she had ever kissed.The pain and humiliation of being betrayed was too great for her to bear. "Then," Wesker said calmly, sitting in a chair beside Ruodi. "Your reaction to the facts revealed by Mr. Jane seems to confirm that you are Lord Randyll's He Ruodi." After she nodded briefly, he continued. "So you were really engaged to Lord Randyll?" The Earl's dominance reassures Ruo Di, knowing that only his presence can stop the predators around him.She stared intently at Wesker's blunt features, trying to find a few words to let him understand her situation. Seeing her disturbance, the count surprised her and stretched out his square hand to hold her catkin. His strong and reassuring grip seemed to drive away the fear that made her weak.Lodi was amazed at his kindness, he had never shown such thoughtfulness to her... in fact, he had never paid her much attention. "Being engaged to him was never an option for me," she said. "It was decided when I was a kid, my parents wanted to trade me for financial support from Lord Randyll. I tried very hard to accept this situation, but Landau was irrational - I think he was insane Normal. He never hides his plans - in his eyes, I'm just an animal that can be trained to satisfy him. I truly believe that even death is better. You have to believe me, otherwise I will never Would not resort to this method—” "I believe in you." Still holding her hand, Wesker looked at Nick. "I have known Miss Min for a considerable time, and I can only think that her reasons for refusing to marry Lord Randyll are well founded." "Indeed," came the plain reply from the police detective, and he leaned against the fireplace with a feigned laziness, with one hand on the marble mantelpiece, the red light of the flames reflecting on his dark face. "Randau was a scumbag, but that's beside the point. Her parents approved of the marriage, and money—a lot of money changed hands in the process, and if I didn't get her back, Randyll would still have sent lots of people like me People like that do the work." "They won't find me," said Lodi, finally meeting him. "I can go abroad, I will disappear" "You little fool." Janick's low voice interrupted her. "Are you planning to run away for the rest of your life? He will send others to find you, one after another, and you will never have a moment of peace. No matter how hard you run, you can't run fast enough or far enough." "Enough." Feeling a tremor on Ruodi's body, Wesker rudely stopped her. "No, Ruo Di doesn't need to go abroad, and doesn't need to keep running away from Ran Dao. We will find a way to let her live a normal life." "Oh?" Nick raised a thick eyebrow mockingly. "This should be interesting. What are you going to do, Wesker?" The count fell into silent thought. Ruodi continued to stare at Janick, trying hard to transcend this mess of emotions and think clearly.She would find a way out, she would never be dragged like a lamb to the butcher.Her thoughts must have been obvious, for Janick's sudden appreciation for her gaze. "The way I see it, you have only two choices," he said mildly. The voice of her answer was slightly shaken. "What choice?" "A good enough reason to convince me to let you go, but you must continue to hide until the hunter sent by Landau catches you again; or... you can escape his clutches forever." "what do you mean?" Lord Wesker intervened in a tense silence. "He means marriage. Once you are married and legally under the protection of another man, Randyll can only end his pursuit of you." Ruodi lowered her eyes, staring at the pair of strong hands covering them. "But that's impossible, I don't know any man who would..." She stopped, feeling bitter and nauseous. "It's possible." The count retorted calmly. When Lodi stared at Wesker suspiciously, Janik's calm taunt cut straight to the point. "Are you going to make her your countess, my lord?" The Count was expressionless. "if needed." Ruo Di was greatly shocked, first squeezed his hand tightly, and then slowly pulled it out.It's unbelievable that Wesker would be willing to make such a sacrifice.Maybe she should convince herself to accept this loveless marriage, after all, any choice is better than being Mrs. Randyll.But the count was a noble and honest man, and she would not use him in this way. "You are very kind, my lord," she told him. "But I would never marry you, and you don't deserve a marriage that's compromised just to help other people. It's too big of a sacrifice for you to be worth it." "It can't be called a sacrifice," he said self-deprecatingly. "It's a reasonable solution for your situation." Ruodi shook her head, her fine eyebrows were slightly frowned because of a new thought. "I thought of a third way." "What is it?" A powerful and cold heavy feeling took shape in Ruodi's heart, and suddenly she felt that she was pulled away from the scene and became a more impartial bystander than the person involved. "I don't want to explain now. My lord, if you don't mind, please let Mr. Jane and I spend a few minutes alone."
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