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Chapter 6 Chapter Six

Isa was circling among her friends, when Dotty suddenly turned pale, ran towards her out of breath, and pulled her aside, really startling her. "Aunt Isa," she said urgently to herself. "Something's wrong. Liddy she... I think she's in trouble." Yisha suddenly felt a chill and stomach cramps. "What's going on? Tao Di, tell me quickly!" "A minute ago, I saw her leave here with someone." "With whom? Your brother?" The girl shook her head, looking sad. "A dark-haired man, I think it might have been Sedgers. He pushed her into his cab, and they didn't see me calling them."

"Jesus!" said Isa, turning pale.It was obvious that Xi had put Liddy in some disrepute, and this matter had to be dealt with as quickly and carefully as possible. "Taoti, you must help me find your brother and tell him all this immediately." "Okay, Aunt Isa." Dotty hurried away. Isa stood as still as a statue, frozen from fear for her daughter, unable to believe that such a catastrophe could have happened.After a minute or two, she became aware of a man walking towards her.She raised her eyes, and when she saw Dekenley's unreadable expression, she made a lisp. "Sitges took Liddy away." Her voice trembled, and he squeezed her hand firmly and supportively.

"I was there when Dody told Ai Rui about it." He said calmly.They made their way to a grove that was sufficiently sheltered from other people's eyes. "It's going to be okay, Isa. Ai Rui has already followed, and he will take care of her." "If Sidges ruins my daughter, I'll...I'll kill him," she murmured. "I'll kill him for you," Kenlay said, no joke. He was so strong, so capable, so caring, Isha's terribly controlled emotions nearly collapsed. "I thought Mr. Xi had nothing to do with us at last." Ken Ray frowned. "I never expected Liddy's judgment to be so bad that she would associate with a man named Xi."

"She's a good girl!" Isa burst out in a burst of defensive rage. "I raised her with the highest moral standards and she has always been honest and unselfish." Tears rolled down her cheeks. "If you don't believe me, you and your family should go to hell." Kenlay pulled her into his arms, pressing her against his broad chest. "I believe in you," he said softly, as if comforting a frightened child. "Don't cry, Isa; you brought her up wonderfully—she's almost as perfect as you. Shh, don't cry." But Isha had no intention of stopping her tears.For the first time in years since her husband's death, she was being held and comforted... and it was strange how appropriate it felt. "Stop teasing me," she said sadly. "Of course you don't think I'm perfect."

He dabbed at her wet face with his knuckles, catching a tear or two. "I'll tell you exactly what I think, Isa, later. When your daughter comes back safely, you and I will have a long talk." "What are you talking about?" "Talk about that, and other things." Before Isa could respond, Kenley had bent over her lips and kissed her earth-shatteringly.When he looked up, she was almost speechless in shock. "You... you," she tongue-tied. "It's the most inconsiderate and shameless thing I've ever seen... even at this juncture..." "Yes, I know." He reached into his coat and produced a handkerchief. "Here, wipe your nose."

She wiped her eyes and stared at him round like buttons. "You have no conscience, Kenlay," she said, her voice low and deep through the kerchief. "My daughter was right—you need someone to fix you up." "Only you can carry it out," he said, hugging her again. "Don't worry." He whispered. "Eri will get her out in time." "Get out of that window," Jace ordered as Liddy peered out. "There's nothing to see...and no one will come to your rescue." Liddy ignored him, leaning against the window of the closed car and staring at the road behind them.Her heart skipped a beat when she saw a horse and rider galloping toward them, the distance between them rapidly closing.That must be Arie, she thought, and called out, shaking her wrist frantically to get his attention.Suddenly she felt Jace grab his hand and pull her into the wagon.Liddy slumped back into her seat and glared at him contentedly. "You're wrong," she said breathlessly. "He's come for me—and you'll pay the price."

Realizing that he was about to lose his chance of controlling her, Jie Duan slammed on the roof of the car in a rage to warn the coachman. "Don't stop the carriage for any reason," he cried. But in less than a minute, there was a scream from outside the car, and then the sound of the horse's hooves and the sound of the wheels began to slow down.Lydie tried to look out the window again, but Jace pushed her back into the seat again. "Don't move!" he ordered urgently. The taxi leaned to one side, stopped, and was quickly opened with a "bang".Lidi hurriedly climbed out of the car and threw herself into the arms of the man who reached out to pick her up.When she felt Ai Rui pinch her waist forcefully and connect her to the ground, she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank God!" she choked out.Hold him tightly with both hands.He hugged her hard for a short time, then let her go, and the sun shone on the back of her shoulder. "I'm fine," she said to him, smiling, and raised her hand to touch his face, trying to make sure he was standing before her alive.It was Arie...but the expression on his face was something she had never seen before, so cold and murderous that she cringed.His gray-green eyes were hard as ice as he watched Jace step out of the wagon. Liddy's smile disappeared, and she broke the silence with a trembling voice. "He... wants to fight you."

Jace managed a cocky grin. "I'd rather say there's reason for a duel at present, don't you, Day?" "No duel," Ariel said slowly. "While I'd enjoy tearing you apart, I wouldn't let her reputation be ruined." "Then how should this be resolved—" Before he could finish his sentence, Ai Rui took a big stride towards Jace.His fists hit Jace hard and repeatedly, and Jace snarled in resistance, trying to defend himself.The two tangled and fought each other, fell to the side of the street, and fought while cursing.Ari hit Jace in the head, and as he fell to the ground, Ari continued to attack him relentlessly, even as Jace began to lose his mind.

Liddy ran to him, calling his name hastily. "Eri, please...you have to stop!" Ari stopped, breathing heavily, and looked down at Jace's crooked face. "Don't come near her again," he said emphatically. "Otherwise I'll finish my unfinished homework tonight." "Don't dare." Jess yelled, his eyes swollen into a slit.Ari wiped the blood from Jace's fist on Jace's coat, then straightened up.Jace sat up slowly, touching his face with extreme care, moaning. "I knew you would come to save me." Lidi said with a smile.Ai Rui looked at her blankly, and then led her into the carriage.She followed his instructions and got into the car, not understanding why he looked so gloomy.

"I'm not going back to the boating party," he said. "You must go back alone." "Wh-what?" Liddy was completely confused. "You...you seem to be angry with me. Ai Rui, don't you think it's my fault? You can't believe that I left with him voluntarily!" "I don't know what to believe," he said grimly. "I love you, not Jess!" "Not so long ago, you would have liked to be with him no matter what." "But it's different now, and I thought you understood." She climbed out of the carriage, and he was walking up to the sorrel horse he was riding. "where are you going?" "I don't know," he said over his shoulder. "At this moment, I don't care." Hurt, scared, anxious, Liddy struggles to think of ways to keep him.He had to understand how much she loved him, that she couldn't go anywhere willingly with Sidges. "You have to listen to me—" "I'm not in the mood to talk right now." She watched him in disbelief as he took the reins and leaped easily onto the horse's back. "Eri." She called, but he didn't seem to hear.Suddenly she remembered the whistle around her neck.He had promised that whenever she blew the whistle, he would obey her.She stroked the little thing, then managed to put it in her mouth, and blew as hard as she could, and the whistle made a sharp, loud bang. Ai Rui stopped at the sound.He turned his head slowly, so their eyes fixed on each other deeply.Liddy couldn't breathe when he came towards her.Eric looked at her with a look of frustration, anger, and half-smile on his face. "what do you really want?" "Just want to be alone with you." The tension builds up in the ensuing silence. "In the future!" Airi finally said. "Now." She insisted softly. He studied her for a while, then finally reached out a hand, and she grabbed his strong wrist.His fingers clasped her arms and pulled her onto the saddle in front of him. Liddy was completely relieved when she felt his arms wrap around her to hold her still, and then he clamped his legs and ordered the horse to move forward.For the next few minutes, they didn't speak, each with their own worries and problems.After riding for a short time, Ai Rui took the reins in front of a house with Greek-style ivory carvings on the front. "Your house?" Liddy asked. He nodded, stepped off the horse, and helped her off the horse.A servant came out to take over the horses, while Eri put a firm hand on her elbow and ushered her into the house.The interior is cool and eye-catching, with cream and pale yellow walls, French-inspired furniture and green and gold drapes.Liddy met briefly with a calm footman, who went about their work politely and showed no sign of their master bringing in an unaccompanied girl. Arie led her into his private wing, a cream and dark blue-gray living room with a bedroom easily glimpsed through the porch. "Okay." He raised an eyebrow and gave her a questioning look, waiting for her to speak.But his expectant, slightly narrowed expression suddenly faded when he saw Liddy take off her cloak and unbutton the first button of her blouse.Her fingers were clumsy with tension, but she went on to undo a second button, and then a third.She paused to see if he was looking at her, and found herself completely drawn to his gaze. "Jace made me go with him," she said, still undoing the other buttons. "It happened so suddenly that I didn't have a chance to ask anyone for help. I was powerless during the whole incident." Her upper body began to slide from her snow-white shoulders.She carefully removed the blue ribbon around her neck, and the whistle fell to the ground. "Jace is a vain, cold, superficial man, and I was stupid enough to think I loved him. You are the only man I want...the only man I trust, love, and desire." She pulled her hands from the The blouse sticks out, and her upper body is only left with a thin layer of underwear, the shadow of the cleavage and the top of the twin peaks are looming.Ari stared at her intently. Noticing that he seemed to be breathing hard, Liddy found enough courage to reach up and pull the pins out of her hair.Her hair fell over her shoulders like a river of black silk, with slightly curly waves reaching to her waist. "I want you to know exactly how I feel about you," she said. "After today, there will be no more doubts." Ari walked across the room, taking her small body in his arms, pressing her soft, delicate body against his strong, aroused body.He leaned his head toward her shoulder, his lips in smooth, white curves. "Lydie," he said gruffly. "My sweet love...you don't have to." "Do you finally trust me?" "Yes," he sighed, running his palms over her shiny hair. "You don't need to prove anything." He paused, then added reluctantly, "We can wait until the wedding day." "If this counts as your proposal, I accept it." She murmured, kissing his ear.She boldly brought his hand up to her breasts, stroking her through the thin layer of underwear. Ari moaned softly, stroking the heavy roundness, his touch tender and loving.A self-deprecating smile twisted his mouth. "Why wait?" he murmured, stripping her clothes and underwear completely.Lydie, trembling with a peculiar excitement, stood before him naked, a blush spreading from head to toe.Arie closed her mouth with his mouth while his hands groped around her breasts and buttocks. Impatiently, he took off his clothes, threw them on the floor, carried Liddy into the bedroom, laid him on the velvet coverlet, and stretched his long body over her.He kissed her breasts all over, nibbling tenderly at the sensitive peaks, and sucking deeply.Trembling with pleasure, she drew the solid muscles of his back with her hands, and put herself close to him, marveling at the strength and beauty of his body.He whispered love words in his mouth, and kept praising her, enthusiasm and restraint were fighting each other. "I've wanted you for so long, Liddy... I've tried so hard to tell myself to be patient..." "You don't have to be patient now," she murmured, touching his chest.His chest was hard and flat as marble, warming under her small palm, feeling the pounding of his heartbeat.His hand ran across her belly, to the soft spot between her legs.She could hardly breathe when she felt his fingers move intimately there.His eyes were as clear as two gray-green lakes, looking deeply at her, while touching her in a way she had never imagined.He spread her legs apart and lowered his hips into her position, beginning to penetrate her.First a hard, wet probing, then a deep drive right into her core.She doubled in pain and surprise, but he whispered soothingly and kissed her until she relaxed. They were completely one, so connected physically and beatingly that it was almost as if they were not two individuals.Lydie wrapped her arms around his neck, completely surrendering to him. He gazed at her face and ran his unsteady hands through her hair.Deep inside her, he began to move, causing her mouth to part slightly in silent surprise.She clings to him, squirming beneath him, needy, pushing herself further apart until suddenly a frenzied burst of force at the point of climax. After a long time, she moved in his arms and said drowsily: "The family will worry about us, we have to leave." Eric pressed his lips to her forehead. "I'm tired of you." "It doesn't matter if you don't get tired," Liddy agreed, leaning lazily on his chest.A smile played on her lips. "I hope you finally believe how much I love you." "Convince me again," he murmured, drawing her closer again. "You are so beautiful." Isa dabbed her eyes with a lace handkerchief.Together they stood in the small room at the back of the chapel and waited while the wedding guests took their seats.Liddy straightened the skirt of her wedding dress, which was made of layer upon layer of delicate white silk with silver trimmings.The curvaceous neckline, and puffed sleeves, were also flecked with sparkling silver; while the veil was a simple, transparent silk, held in place by white roses in her hair. "I guess you and Uncle Kenley will be walking into the Great Hall soon, too," Liddy said. "It's still early." Isa replied seriously. Liddy smiled. "Anyone can see that you two adore each other, mother. I hope you won't keep him waiting too long." Isa returned her smile. "We did seem to hit it off," she admits. "And I'm glad you asked him to walk you down the aisle at church, Liddy." There was a light knock at the door, and Isa walked over and opened it a crack, then opened it wide enough to let Dakinlay in.Kenley looked extraordinarily handsome in a black frock coat and cream trousers. Kenley smiled when he saw Lydie in a gorgeous bridal gown. "Eri will be so awed by your beauty that he will probably be speechless." "He'd better be able to talk," Liddy said with a strange expression. "At least he can say his oath." "Eri asked me to bring this to you." Kenlay handed her a small velvet box. Lydia accepted the gift in surprise.What could please her more than a wedding present from him?He has promised to help her rebuild the ancestral home and restore it to its original glory.At that time, she rushed into his arms overjoyed. "Just so you know how eager I am to see it restored," she said, snowing kisses on his face. "It's the best present I've ever had... well, it's probably the second best." "What's the best?" he asked softly. "It's you." She replied with a smile, looking up at him with sparkling eyes. Kenley looked at Isa admiringly as Liddy opened the velvet box.His gaze moved over her slender body wrapped in peach silk. "I can't tell which of you is which," he murmured. Isa rolled her eyes. "There must be something wrong with your eyes." Liddy opened the box and took out a whistle of gold trimmed with diamonds and strung on a long gold chain.She smiled knowingly, understood its meaning, and kissed it emotionally. "What an extraordinary trinket," said Isa, looking at the whistle in bewilderment. "But of course you can't wear it with your wedding dress, dear." "I'll take it with the bouquet as a good luck charm." Lydie cupped her bouquet and put her hand in Kenlay's arms. "I'm ready," she said, and her mother gave her a hug before she left. While waiting with Kenray at the back of the room, Liddy said quietly to him, "I hope you're planning to marry my mother, Uncle Kenley." "Indeed," he assured her. "The men from the Dai family seem to be very fascinated by the women from the An family." "Thank God for this arrangement." She said with a smile, and then walked to the altar with him, where Ai Rui was waiting at the other end of the red carpet. ——End of the book
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