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Chapter 5 chapter Five

Jace gave her the evil smile he always used to get anything he wanted.His sudden appearance, like a huge black cloud, seemed to fill the room. "I want to talk to you." "It's too late," she said in a low voice. "I used to be very interested in hearing what you had to say—but I'm not interested anymore." He smiled gently. "Don't be mad at me, dear. You have every reason to be angry at what I've done, but I should have had a chance to explain—" "You shouldn't have anything," she said emphatically. "And I don't want to hear your explanation at all."

"Really?" He laughed again, and his gaze seemed to make her breathe faster and her face flushed. "You're not indifferent to me, Liddy, though you're trying to convince yourself." "You're right," she said, her eyes sparkling. "I'm not indifferent. I hate you for what you took from me." For a moment he looked surprised. "What did I take, please tell me?" She shook her head, refusing to explain. "Please don't come close, I hope I will never see you again." "How can you say that? Don't you remember the times we shared? We love each other, Liddy!"

"I used to think so, too," she said, wiping a hot tear that suddenly fell down her cheek. "But obviously, you and I love only 'you'." He sighed and moved closer to her, trying to comfort her.Liddy backed away, nearly tripping over a large basket with spools in it. "Don't come near me!" "Let me remind you of what was between us, and then we'll talk. Come into my arms, darling." However, when he saw her face change, he realized that she was looking over his shoulder. He stopped when some unexpected visitor came. If Lydie hadn't been so troubled, she might have laughed at the way Jace turned so quickly to see Arie.Jace tried in vain to chase him away. "Daily," he said in a cheerful, man-to-man voice. "As you wish, you have intruded into a private occasion. If you don't mind, may I ask you to leave—"

"Get out!" said Ariel, his face as hard as a knife. Jace's mouth fell open in shock. "You do not understand--" "Get out," Ernie said again, staring at him without blinking. Completely terrified, Jess began to hem and fro, and looked at Lydian in bewilderment.She turned away from him, wiping her wet cheeks.She heard him leave and the sound of the door being shut.She had never felt so defeated and devastated.Maybe she'd be embarrassed later that Arie had seen her so humiliated, but for the moment she was silent.She sighed tremblingly, looking up at Ai Rui. "Thank you," she whispered. "If you don't mind, I'd like to be alone for a few minutes."

Strangely, he seemed mad at her. "You know he's a worthless bastard, why can't you ignore him?" Liddy stared at him tearfully. "Jess broke into my life when I was most vulnerable, he wove me all kinds of beautiful dreams, and made me immerse myself in dreams; when he left me, everything withered, and I was more than ever Not to mention nothing. Now I don’t trust my own judgment.” She tried to keep her jaw from trembling, but the effect was limited. "I don't know what love is anymore... I thought I did, but I was wrong. I just know I don't want to be hurt anymore."

"Everyone gets hurt sooner or later, and you can't be so damn weak that someone destroys all your confidence." When Lydie turned to avoid him, Ariel stopped her.He stood very close, his warm breath touched her temple, and she could feel him trying to suppress himself. "You don't understand how much I want to woo you," he said, his tone quiet and fervent. "I can make you feel like you never dreamed...I can make you forget everything but the joy of being in my arms. But I don't want to take advantage of it, that would make me as low as Serges. Etc When you finally let go of your fantasy and decide to go after what you want, you will come to me."

She backed away in displeasure. "You don't have to talk like a child of me!" "In many ways, you are still a child. But that doesn't stop me from loving you." Her mind went blank, her lips parted speechlessly. Ari stared at her bewildered face. "From the moment we met, I fell in love with you. I loved your beauty and intelligence, your stubbornness, the way you took care of your mother, and shouldered the responsibility of managing the house. Other girls would avoid I love you for all the above reasons—and a thousand more that I haven't discovered yet." His mouth twisted with self-repression. "If I watch you suffer for a man like Jayces, I'll never recover. He's useless - you know that better than anyone. You should be honest with yourself, and you should be honest with me .”

Confused, Lydie tried to argue, but Eric reached out and touched her lips with his fingertips.The gesture may have been gentle, but his face was irritable and sullen. "I can't be here alone with you," he whispered. "My self-control has its limits." "Wait a minute," she whispered, but he was already walking towards the door. Suddenly, Tao Di rushed in. "Liddy, why are you so slow? I just came out of the nursery and—" Because she did not expect her brother to appear here, she suddenly stopped talking. "Ai Rui, why are you here? Have you decided to help us..." When her brother turned abruptly, running his hands through his hair, her voice disappeared. "Oh! God!" Dotty muttered to herself, obviously sensing the tension of the two people in the room. "I hope you didn't quarrel."

Liddy forced herself a smile, though it was a little stiff on purpose. "I'd rather call it a 'heart discussion.' Are we still looking for the emerald bracelet?" "It's not necessary," Dotty replied. "The treasure hunt is over." "Have they rang the bell?" "No...but it's coming soon." Dotty triumphantly raised her wrist, on which was a jeweled but too gorgeous jade bracelet for a young girl. "I found it in the nursery and it's on the fourth doll in the crib." She paused and asked hopefully, "Do you think Mommy will let me wear it?"

Eric glanced at the bracelet. "When you're twenty-five, maybe!" he said mockingly. "Let's go downstairs to declare my victory!" Dotty cheered, holding Airi's arm. "Come on, Liddy!" Liddy shook her head. "I'll wait a while before going down. I want to be alone and collect my thoughts." Taodi refused, but Ai Ruiqiang dragged her out. "What's going on..." Tao Di's helpless voice gradually faded away. Liddy reached out, felt the edge of the door, and closed it cautiously.She paced aimlessly in this small room, her heart was ups and downs.Dai Rui said he loved her.She felt a tinge of joy, but it quickly turned to fear.

Fear had been with her ever since Jace left her—fear that he didn't love her; fear that she might not deserve to be loved.For her heart to face more possible pain and risk of rejection... This thought made her feel as if she was standing on the edge of a cliff, ready to jump into the abyss.For the first time, she learned that her self-righteous love for Jace was really nothing more than a long-held excuse to protect herself from heartbreak.But she can't let this fear stop her forever. Lydie sat down at a small sewing table, picked up an empty frame, and drew circles in it with her hands.Ai Rui could press her into his arms at any time just now, and the back of her neck tingled with excitement.How she wished he had kissed her then, embraced her with the warmth she remembered.The wooden frame between her palms was wet, and she realized that she forgot to breathe, so she let out a breath slowly.It was only natural that she should be attracted to him, for he was indeed a handsome man.But her affection for him was deeper than that. She had seen how loving and protective he was to his family and how much they depended on him.He's not one to shy away from his responsibilities; he gives his heart and soul to those he loves.She thought of the night she had broken into the Kirk's Club, the way he had rescued her, how he had turned a sad experience into an adventure she would never forget. "I never promise what I can't do." He once said, and she knew from her heart that he meant what he said.Lidi clutched the wooden frame tightly, feeling a sudden flash of inspiration.She shouldn't have let him go just now, she wanted to be with him, and tell him... tell him what? She raised one hand to her hairline, stroked it, and tucked a lock of hair behind her ear.Suddenly, she was enlightened, as if she had been staring at a pool of rippling water, and now it calmed down and became crystal clear.She wanted to tell Ai Rui the truth: that she dreamed of him at night, and when she woke up, she was thinking about him too.She wanted to know all his secrets, and tell hers too.Her eyes widened, and the wooden frame in her hand fell to the ground.She loved him—and that love made what she had felt for Jace a dark, elusive shadow in comparison.How could she have not seen it before? She got up like a gust of wind, desperate to find Eric and let him know how she felt. "Please, he mustn't have left already!" She murmured a short prayer and hurried out of the room. Dotty showed the emerald bracelet to everyone's appreciation, and everyone praised Dotty for being smart, which made her blush with both joy and embarrassment.The music played by the band in the ballroom began to float in the air, and the Bai couple started dancing with a serene waltz, inviting guests to join them.Ai Rui didn't see Lidi, and decided coldly that he had better leave now.Why should he make things difficult for Lydie when she is doing her best to avoid him. Arrie ordered a servant to fetch his hat and coat, and ordered the carriage ready.He greeted his hosts briefly, telling them he had other appointments.They looked disappointed and tried to convince him to stay, but he refused with a regretful smile.He walked to the entrance of the hall, put on his black hat and overcoat. When the butler opened the heavy door, the cold wind hit him.Ai Rui stopped outside the door, feeling as if there was a soft voice calling him from behind. "My lord." He was surprised to see Liddy follow him out without her coat on.She told the butler to close the door, then folded her arms across her chest and stared at Arie.Her brown eyes were even brighter against her pale face.She seemed annoyed and held her breath, as if she was concentrating on keeping words from pouring out. "What's wrong?" he asked, starting to move closer to her. "I have to talk to you right away." She put a hand on his arm, her fingers gripping his coat. "Please take me with you." The very notion that her reputation would be in pieces before the night was over was out of the question.She must have been extremely depressed to suggest that. "I'll see you tomorrow," he said, trying to send her back into the house. Liddy resisted, shaking her head, and flinched as a gust of wind blew through her thin clothing. "Our family will be there at that time - we won't have the opportunity to speak alone." Ai Rui thought about the possibility of finding another hidden place in Bai's house, but knew that it was impossible. "Your carriage." Liddy suggested when he took off his coat and put it over her shoulders. "No, if anyone sees you getting into the carriage alone with me—" "I don't care." Her tone was calm and stubborn. He mused silently.The longer they stood outside arguing, the more likely they were to be discovered. "Five minutes," he said at last. "Then you have to go back inside." She nodded, her teeth chattering; he led her quickly down the stairs and into the dark carriage, where the expressionless coachman closed the door behind them.It was cold inside the car, but at least it could withstand the biting wind. "Now," he whispered, sitting down across from her. "What is it that is so urgent that you are willing to take such a risk?" "You're right about Jace," she said softly. "He's a scoundrel, and I shouldn't have trusted him at all. When I lost my father and then Jace, I felt as if every man I'd ever loved would just slip by me. I didn't want to Lose anyone else, so I try to defend myself. But now I have no choice—I must take another risk, or lose you." She paused, gathering all her courage to tell him the truth. "I fell in love with you the first time we met. I didn't want to admit it...and I didn't realize how much I cared until tonight." Tears came to her eyes and her lips quivered. "I love you," she said again. "You're the only thing I want." Arie wanted to believe her, but pride and caution got in the way. "You're not sure about it. You don't know right now what's true and what's not." She came to the empty seat next to him, and stroked his resolute jaw with her small gloved hand.She leaned in and pressed her soft, searching lips against his. "Is this true?" she whispered. Arie closed his eyes, battling self-control.Being alone with her in this small, private space is dangerous advice.He put his hands on her waist, intending to keep a distance from her.Suddenly the coat fell to the floor and her slender body was in his arms.Her smooth shoulders and throat completely disarmed him.His breathing quickened and blood began to roar in his ears. "I love you," Lydie repeated, wrapping her arms around his neck. "I'll make you believe me... Ari..." Something wild and primal rose up in her: she wanted to have him, to be in love with each other.She found herself as if in a dream, pushing his hat to the ground, kissing his forehead, the bridge of his nose, his thin cheeks until he moaned choked up and took her lips with his own.He kissed her furiously, his mouth hard and demanding, his tall body tightening under hers. His lips slid to her neck, tasting her smooth and soft skin and the rapid rhythm of her pulse.His fingers were inside the neckline of her blouse, cupping her round, bare breasts until her soft nipples rose in his palm.He seemed to enjoy the slight moan that escaped her throat.Then his mouth covered hers again, the tip of his tongue fiercely intertwined. Lydie gasped, feeling his masculinity approaching as he adjusted her body against his strong man.The sense of pleasure climbed rapidly, and she trembled all over, clinging to him tightly until Ai Rui groaned and broke free. "Lydie," he said with effort, even as his hands moved to her back and waist. "I can't go on." She looked up at him and boldly brushed back some strands of hair that had fallen to his forehead.The lines of his face were tense, and his eyes were green and bright with desire. "You must believe me now," she said, her voice sounding deeper than usual. He still pursed his lips reservedly. "I'm starting to believe it," he admits. She rested her head on his chest, listening to the heavy and regular beating of his heart. "Are you going to propose to me, sir?" "Not tonight." "If you propose, I will accept it." Ai Rui suddenly laughed and kissed her soft earlobe. "A quick-tempered little girl. I haven't proposed yet, so you can't accept it first." "When?" she insisted. He lifted her chin and looked into her flushed face, her eyes twinkling in amusement. "When I believe you have determined what you want." "I told you—" He stopped her from speaking with a light kiss, and then helped her put on her coat. "You must go back to the ball," he whispered. "If you're lucky, maybe no one will find out that you disappeared." Satisfied, Yisha came back from the dance at the Bai family with Lidi and the Dai family.She had felt uncomfortable in the crowd when she saw the obnoxious Sidges coming, lest he would attract Liddy's attention again.But Lydie didn't seem interested in him at all, and they didn't even dance together.Maybe it was really over between Lydie and Jace; she had grown up enough to be blinded by his slippery charm.If that was the case, Lydian might see Daryl in a more positive light. Isa was so excited that she couldn't sleep, so she came downstairs after everyone had gone to bed.She decided to have a glass of sherry alone and reflect quietly on the transformation she had observed in her daughter.Her greatest hope is that Lidi can find a good husband and organize her own family.She went quietly into the library, and was relieved to find some wood still burning in the fireplace. She went to the bar, poured a small glass of sherry, and went to the fireplace to warm herself.With a sigh of pleasure and loneliness, she looked up and raised her glass. "Things should all be getting better, John," she said quietly. "Lydie has grown into a beautiful, sensitive young girl. You'll be proud of her, dear." "He will indeed." A voice came from the darkness, frightening her at a loss.Isa turned quickly, spilling wine onto the carpet.She saw Dakinlay sitting on the armrest of the high back.He had a brandy glass in his hand and was sipping slowly. Isa's cheeks burned with embarrassment. "How dare you spy on me here!" "Anyone in this family can tell you I come here every night for my nightcap." "You drink too much." "Indeed." He said flatly, and got up from the seat, taking the cup from her numb fingers. "Allow me to refill it for you, Miss Ann. Sherry, won't you?" "No need." He still went to the wine cabinet and poured sherry from a crystal carafe. "We're going to be a family soon," he said. "It seems that we shouldn't be so tit-for-tat anymore, please sit down and enjoy the fire with me!" "I have no intention of disturbing your solitude, Sir Day." "I shall be delighted to have you in my company, ma'am. In spite of your sharp tongue, you certainly make a scene." "How could I resist such flattery?" Isa asked mockingly, taking the sherry from him.She sat down on the chair next to him and straightened every crease in her skirt with seriousness. Kenley watched, his expression incomprehensible. "Did you often speak to your dead husband, madam?" "No," she gave him a defiant look. "However, doing it once in a while feels comforting." "Maybe I should try talking to my wife, Ao Dai." He smiled faintly. "Although if she sees from heaven how I've behaved these past two years, I guess she'll give me a good scolding." "As far as I know, she died of a fever?" Ken Ray nodded, taking a deep gulp of brandy. "Where's your husband?" "Heart disease." She paused, then said after hesitation, "I thought I would grow old with him forever, but I never expected to lose him so early." "That's right." They exchanged mutual understanding gazes for the first time, and Isa discovered that Dekenley had beautiful eyes, which were thick black. "Now, your daughter will be well taken care of," he said slowly. "What are your plans for your future, ma'am?" "Go back to the countryside and spend the rest of your life peacefully." "Interesting," he remarked slightly mockingly, shaking his brandy. "And what do you intend, ser? To continue living in your brother's house?" He looked both good-natured and funny. "No, my eloquent friend. I will get a house of my own in due course, and at this stage I very much need the company of Deja's family." Isha immediately regretted her quick talk. "I don't mean to blame you," she said. "I'm pretty sure it's difficult being alone - and each of them is such a wonderful person." He smiled at her reassuring words. "I would like to make an invitation to you, madam." Issa tensed up, wondering if his invitation was similar to the insulting proposal she had made the first day she arrived at Dai's house. "As long as you like," he went on. "Come and have a nightcap with me anytime." Isa nodded in acceptance, looking at him demurely from the top of the crystal glass. "Maybe I'll come once in a while...as long as you can stay approachable." "I can do that," he said, and smiled at her—not in his usual insulting way, but with a friendly gleam in his eye. Isa was amazed that she accepted Kenley's offer, not just once, but many times, until it became a habit every night.The rest of the family was ignorant of their secret meeting, and they tacitly kept their nurturing friendship a secret.Their conversations gradually shift from memories of Ao Dai and John to more intimate topics about their own childhood, personal feelings, personal likes and dislikes, etc. In the calm darkness, only the small fire in the fireplace illuminated, Isa could easily pour out some things that she would never have confessed during the day.Ken Lay did the same, letting her know a side of him he usually didn't know.He is very different from her husband.John had always been a gentleman, quiet and refined, with the gentlest of natures.Ken Lay is a completely different person, with colorful and even crude life stories to tell.He had a rough, masculine quality that amused and shocked her. Isha found herself enjoying these intimate episodes a little too much.So, two nights ago, she decided they shouldn't go on.When he was describing Paris, the city she had always dreamed of visiting, she exclaimed, "Oh, how I want to see it!" "I'll take you to see it some other day." His casual tone seemed to be a place just at the end of the street, rather than a foreign country.After they said their goodbyes, Isha spent the night wondering what exactly he meant.Did he hint that they would travel to Paris together?Did he take her for one of those frivolous women he hangs out with?In his eyes, she may be a hungry widow.Well, she couldn't allow such misunderstandings to continue.She stayed in her room last night and didn't go down to chat with him.And toss and turn sadly for hours before falling asleep. In the morning, when she was going downstairs for breakfast, she met Kenley by the stairs.As soon as she saw him, she stopped, feeling very bewildered. "Mrs. An," he said with an unfathomable expression. "I didn't see you last night." Standing in the middle of the aisle, Isa replied uneasily, "Yes, I... I think our late-night conversations have become too personal. I've decided to end this kind of gathering." He frowned, and stared at her for a long time. "I understand." Isha felt the need to explain further. "I did enjoy our discussion, ser. In fact, I look forward to this moment every night, and yet..." She stopped, not knowing how to explain it. He came forward and took her hand, which startled her.There was a strange thrill of excitement in those big, warm fingers. "Mrs. Ann," he said calmly. "Please tell me if I have offended you in any way." "No, really," Isa replied, suddenly having trouble breathing.He was so close to her that the smell of him wafted into her nostrils, the smell of sandalwood mixed with cigars, which had become familiar and familiar to her. He looked down at her hands, her fair skin contrasting sharply with his darker complexion.His voice was unusually soft, and he seemed to choose his words with extreme care. "I assure you, ma'am, I have great respect for you. I value all your trust, and I hope you value mine." "I will." Isa raised her eyes to meet his gaze and said with effort. His eyes are deep and warm. "Don't deprive yourself of the enjoyment of your company, ma'am. I miss your face terribly at the end of each day." Isha blushes like a freshman.She nodded in agreement, and took his outstretched arm to the restaurant.A thought flashed across her mind—would John object to her associating with such a man?No, she thought, looking sideways at Deckinlay's characteristic profile, John might even like him.Kenny might be blunt, but he's a good guy.Inside he is kind and honorable: it is only loneliness that makes him rude. Shortly after the Whites Ball, Liddy, Dody, and the rest of the Days join a rafting and picnic on the Thames hosted by friends.It was a fine spring day, and the cool spring breeze blew across the water, making the bright flags of the ships flutter in the wind.Ladies dined on thin roasts and salads of all kinds, while men sat in boats of all kinds. "Where's Arie? Uncle Kenley, and Dad?" Dody and Liddy asked chattingly as they strolled past a row of colorful tents. "Are they already on a ship?" Liddy shook her head. "I believe they're still on shore, in the midst of that huge crowd talking about politics." Dotty said in a derisive voice, "Ery told me once that when men pretend to talk about politics, they're usually talking about women." Liddy smiled. "I'm not surprised." She saw an archery range in front of the tent, and watched as women deftly shot arrows into hay-stuffed archery targets. "Do you want to try it?" Dody asked, noticing that she was interested. "It may seem difficult, but it's not." For the next half hour or so, Dotty tried to teach Liddy the skills of archery, but both of them couldn't help laughing at her flying arrows.So after Lidi missed more than half of the targets, she handed the bow to Dody and smiled helplessly. "I'd better let it go, lest I accidentally skewer someone into a barbecue." She raised a hand and touched the colorful whistle that she decided to wear around her neck today on a whim. "I wear it for luck, but it doesn't seem to work, luckily archery is not a daily skill." "But archery is fun!" Dotty wound up the arrow and aimed carefully.At this moment, a handsome young man came towards her, and Dotty caught a glimpse of him from the corner of her eye.She deliberately let the arrow miss the point, and didn't even touch the edge of the target. "Mr. Bao," she said sheepishly. "Can you teach me how to aim? I can't seem to get the hang of it." Liddy wanted to laugh.Dotty is extremely proficient in archery, and she can shoot hearts with ease at any time. "I want to be with my mother," Liddy said, and left with a smile. Passing behind a certain tent, she enjoyed the comfort of the cool spring breeze blowing on her cheeks and throat.She was wearing a blue cardigan dress and a light hat, and her black hair was braided at the nape of her neck. "Liddy." Following a man's voice, she turned around and took a look.She was surprised to see Sidges standing there.He wore a dark suit with a black silk tie fastened with an ornate brooch studded with gold and diamonds.His trousers were cut too tight, accentuating his masculinity like a male peacock displaying its feathers. Liddy frowned. "What are you doing here?" "I'll come and see you." He said lightly. A contemptuous smile appeared on the corner of her lips, she passed him without saying a word, and continued on her way.He grabbed her wrist and held it tightly. "You can't really ignore me," he said. "Especially every woman in London wants me!" She shook her head in amazement at his ego, and tried to take her hand back. He refused to let go. "You've been quite accomplished," he judged. "Caught the wealth and social status that Dai's family and women most desire. Does he know that you were originally my man, dear?" "I was never one of yours." "That's easy to remedy," he replied.Before she had time to react, he had already smashed her mouth with his hand, hugged her waist with one hand, and dragged her backwards at an alarming speed, while she was struggling to get free.Jace dragged her past a line of trees, out of sight of the boaters.A cab was waiting by the side of the road nearby.In a daze, Lidi seemed to hear Dotty call her name, but that might just be the echo of the bang in her heart. Jace threw her into the wagon rudely and gestured to the driver.The vehicle started looking sideways, then sped down the street, taking her away from her family and friends.Lydie slumped on the seat opposite Jace, panting with anger and terror. "Why did you do this?" Jace's self-satisfaction was almost maddening. "It's very simple, dear," he replied calmly. "I'm going to fight Dairy." She stared at him in bewilderment. "Why...why?" "You must have heard of my reputation in London. Every important person has heard my name, but I still don't get the respect I deserve. People like Deary despise me and think contemptuously I'm not qualified to be with them. So I came up with a plan to fix it." "Using to kidnap me?" "Exactly. Once everyone knows that I have stained you, Dai Ai Rui will challenge me to a duel. You know, my swordsmanship is quite good. In Europe, I have also learned from the best swordsman. This year I've killed a man in a duel, a lowly landowner sworn to defend his wife's name." A self-inflated smile spread across his face. "When I beat a nobleman like Daryl, everyone will be in awe and praise me - and then I'll be one of the most admired people in London." Liddy stared at him as if he had gone mad. "You're willing to destroy me, and you'll do anything to hurt or kill the man I love just to improve your name? My God! This isn't a game, Jace!" "Life itself is a game," he said softly. "You're not human at all," Liddy said through gritted teeth. "You're nothing but a cowardly peacock. It's the meanest, nastiest thing to attack a woman you said you loved—" "I loved you." He smiled and shook his head as if she were a child. "Liddy, don't you understand a man's nature at all? Everything I said to you is sincere." "Then why do you always break your promise? Why didn't you come back to me when you said you wanted me?" Jace shrugged. "Time goes by... I forget what a charming little thing you are. But I do care about you, in my own way." "In your own way?" Lydie repeated blankly, a sneer escaped from her throat. "God, what an idiot I am!" She glared at him, and Jace's smile disappeared from his lips in such a cold look that he moved uneasily. "Take me home," she said. "I'm afraid it will be difficult to follow." Liddy's voice was very soft. "If you dare to touch Sir Dai, I will definitely make you pay the price. If you really invite him to fight you, and he doesn't kill you...I will. I swear on my life." Jace looked at her in surprise, then laughed. "What a bloodthirsty woman! I never expected you to have such a passionate side, and this looks like a pretty interesting episode." Lydie sat back in her seat, praying silently that Dody might have caught a glimpse of the moment Jace forced her into the carriage.
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