Home Categories foreign novel The Promise of Weddings and Kisses

Chapter 3 third chapter

Arie sat in his carriage, tapping the time gently.Suddenly his fingers gripped the leather cushion and clenched into a fist.He was extremely angry at himself for constantly thinking about Andrity.Maybe it was because she was so determined not to talk to him—and he always liked a challenge.The memory of that kiss at the Wu family dance still comes back from time to time.Her lips were so soft under his, yielding sweetly under his urgent pressure.He wants more, every minute since that night three weeks ago. After considering various plans to see Liddy again, he asked his mother to invite the Anns to stay with them.She agreed without hesitation, and also wrote to tell him that they had arrived. "What a lovely girl," his mother wrote in her elegant handwriting. "Liddy is very reserved, but very cute. They don't seem to have many clothes and supplies. I really want to give her some of my clothes or Doddy's clothes, but I dare not ask. They seem to have a lot of backbone, I'm afraid I'll offend them. Come and see us, dear..."

Of course Eric will go.He wanted to see if the attraction that existed between him and Lydian was as strong as he remembered it to be.If it was...then what remained to be resolved was breaking down her stubborn fantasies about her former lover.A man who is worthy of her will only leave her when absolutely necessary.In order to know more about Xijiesi, Ai Rui decided to go to the gambling club on St. James Street-Kurt's Club. As a member of the club, Eric would occasionally play a game of two at the table, try his luck, and socialize with friends by the way...but that was not his purpose tonight.The owner of the club, Ke Ruike, knows the famous figures in Britain and Europe. For a Londoner from the lower class, it can be said to be quite an achievement.Creek built the finest gambling clubs in the world, and he knew exactly how to satisfy his patrons.Rumor has it that he scouts out every move of every London celebrity, so he knows everything about their ancestral estates, bank accounts, and physical possessions.

Ai Rui's carriage stopped in front of the building.It was a marble building with many colonnades and pediments, part Greek temple, part tenderness.The Koch Club offers all forms of entertainment, including fine French cuisine, fine wines and spirits, billiards and cigars, lively music and beautiful waitresses.All these are just to stimulate one appetite of the sponsor: gambling!Unimaginably huge amounts of money are spent on the gaming tables in the card room like this every night. Erik stepped down the wide steps, nodded to the butler, and entered the club.Diplomats, aristocrats, politicians, and businessmen gathered together in this prestigious gambling room, with its resplendent colonnades and dark blue velvet carpets.The room has an octagonal design with a domed ceiling.Seeing Kerik's slender, dark figure at the gaming table, Eric walked towards him.Korek greeted him with the kindness he was accustomed to show all wealthy patrons, and told the waiter to bring Eric a drink.

"Good night, sir," Kerrick said in his Cockney English.He was a dark-haired man with a hard-lined face and cold green eyes.His white teeth were slightly uneven, giving his smile a tangled quality. "Would you like to test your skills tonight?" "Maybe," Eric replied, looking at the dice rolling on the green card table.He took a small glass of brandy from a waiter and warmed it with his palm. "Rick," he said abruptly. "I want to ask you something." Rick raised his black eyebrows and asked wordlessly. Ai Rui lowered his voice, not wanting other people around the table to hear. "I'd like to ask you about a man named Sidgers. He's traveling over the Continent at the moment, but I expect he'll be back soon."

Rick gives him an appraising look. "May I ask why you are interested in him? Does he owe you money?" Eric shook his head and took a sip of the brandy. "It's about a woman." "Oh!" Rick smiled again. "She must be a lovely lady, to captivate a gentleman as special as yourself. Is she one of the Viscount's?" "you could put it that way." "I know a little bit about him," Rick admitted. "For the past month, he has reported to the club almost every day." "He returned to England?" Ai Rui asked with some surprise.

Rick nodded, his face hardened even more. "Sitges is playing crazy and not paying. If this continues, I'll suspend his credit before long. Other than his charming title, he's just a shell. No family name, no money. He doesn't have much to inherit." "Is Jayce here tonight?" Eric asked. "He is in a certain card room at the moment, should I take you to have a look?" With Eric's consent, Rick bid farewell to the people at the table and then led the way for Eric.Eric drank the rest of the brandy and handed the glass to a passing waiter.He walked with Rick through the octagonal room, past the dining area, and then to the long row of card rooms. "The lady in your heart..." Rick mentioned it leisurely. "Is it Sijers' mistress?"

"No, she thought she was in love with him." "Pretty girl, isn't she?" Rick asked, seemingly out of sheer curiosity. Ai Rui gave him all the eyes. "Indeed, a head of black hair and a complexion like fresh milk." Rick made a sound of admiration. "Sounds like good stuff. Good luck, Sir Day, but I don't believe in luck. Luck is something you make." "Interesting insight, especially from the head of a gambling club." Rick smiled and pointed to the magnificent surrounding environment. "I didn't make it all by luck, ser."

They stopped in front of a card room, where a blue velvet curtain opened to reveal a small group of people seated at a round table piled high with chips, cards, and refreshments.One of the players—sweeping a lot of chips while bragging loudly.Arie knew he was Sidges without asking. "It's nothing compared to what I've done in Europe." Sidges was talking, his cheeks flushed with excitement and alcohol.He was a handsome man, black and clean and chiseled. "Everything turns to gold when I touch it. I've always had women around me, watching every game I play...they think it's sexy, you know, watching men gamble—" When he saw When Kerik stood at the door, he stopped, with a smug expression on his face. "Mr. Ke," he said enthusiastically. "I know you're here to witness my success."

"Good night, gentlemen," Rick said, looking across the room. "Do you want me to send you a new deck of cards? Or some more wine?" All five at the table assured him that it was comfortable enough.Ai Rui exchanged greetings with them. Some of them met in the club, and some met each other in recent social occasions.One of them respectfully rose to shake his hand. "Sir Dai," he said with a wide smile. "Please send my regards to your lovely sister." "I will." Eric replied. Jace noticed Ari and stared at him intently. "We haven't seen it."

Rick introduces the two, and Jess flashes Eric a charming smile. "Are you interested in joining, Mr. Dai? I've already drained the pockets of everyone here." Eric shook his head. "I'm going to the dining room." "Are you afraid of losing money?" Jess mocked. Rick smiled back at the question, pointed at Eric and said, "Sir Day has enough money to burn, but he can't buy what he wants." "There's nothing in the world that money can't buy," Jess dismissed. "Even people." "There are always exceptions." Ari replied, finding it hard to believe that this man was the one Liddy had promised her heart to.Jess was everywhere—self-important parasites living on the fringes of fame.Ai Rui nodded politely, walked out of the card room, and coldly wondered why he would be fascinated by a woman who was obsessed with someone like Jess.

Rick followed. "You have seen Viscount Xi, a sane woman would not choose this crowing cockfight, but give up a gentleman like you." "Woman," Arie said sadly. "Who knows what's going on in their hearts?" Rick snorted with interest. "Yes, ser. Still, I thank God for making them." Living at the Days was much more pleasant than Liddy had expected.She had never slept in such beautiful surroundings: a bed covered in pale pink brocade, with a board of fine oak, and furniture of shining oak.The rest of the house is just as lovely, the tasteful rooms are kept bright and spotless. Although Liddy was preoccupied with getting home, she still found herself putting chores behind her when she was with her mother, Julie, and Dotty.Together they headed to London's famous shopping streets, rode in a carriage to the park, and at home sifted through invitations and made plans for the upcoming social season. Lydie hadn't had time to cultivate friendships with other young women in the past few years, and she found herself very fond of Doddy.This girl is smart and kind, and she knows how to laugh at herself and make others disarm. "When faced with immediate problems, I'm too romantic and too emotional." Dody admitted to Liddy with a smile. "I seem to fall in love with a new gentleman every week." "What happened to these relationships?" Liddy asked with a smile. "Withered quickly, and I have yet to meet the man who was destined to spend my life with him." "How did you know you met him?" Dotty bit her lip thoughtfully. "I'll know when I look into his eyes, or when he kisses me. It'll be utterly magical! Do you feel the same way about the man you love, Lydie?" Liddy hesitated for a long time.Whatever magical feelings she had for Jace had faded long ago.A year of waiting and wandering has eaten away all her feelings.Yet there are still many unresolved issues between her and Jace. "I think I did," she said quietly. "But being in love isn't all about magic, Dody. It's something I don't want to go through again." Dotty looked confused and sympathetic. "Uncle Kenley said the same thing. His wife is dead, and his heart is too broken to give to anyone." "Your poor uncle," Liddy murmured earnestly.Although he was surly and irascible, she liked him quite a lot.A few days ago, when he accidentally interrupted her reading alone in the library, she discovered that under his rough appearance, there was an undetectable tenderness.Embarrassed at being caught reading a novel called "A Love Forever Lost," she jumped up and put the book aside. Usually Kenley would have ignored her, but then there was a hint of amusement in his dark eyes and the lines of his face relaxed a little. "What are you reading, child?" Liddy blushed criminally. "A romance," she confessed.It was one of her favourites--read it many times, and brought it here from the Ann family. "You must think it foolish to indulge in wild fantasies, my lord." "No," he interrupted quietly. "Those fantasies can make life very pleasant." He poured himself a drink. "Keep reading your book, boy, I'll be walking away soon." "My lord...you won't tell others, will you?" She couldn't stand people making fun of her for it.She could just imagine how Diary would laugh at her. "Of course not." He actually smiled. "You can call me Uncle Kenley like Dotty if you like." As she was accustomed to calling the Duke and Duchess Uncle Degar and Aunt Julie, Liddy nodded in agreement. "Thank you. But . . . my mother might not approve." Isa was known to have less respect for Kenley than the rest of the Day family.Isha often pointed the finger at him, criticizing his drinking, smoking, gambling, and his elusiveness. "Yes!" Kenley said with difficulty. "Your mother and I don't seem to be quite right." "I think it's a pity." "Oh?" Liddy chose her words carefully, knowing that Kenley hadn't yet seen the loving, charming, vulnerable side of her mother.All he saw was the conservative, critical side of Isa when he was there. "I know my mother may seem stuffy, polite, and rather critical...but she's actually a warm and lively person. She misses my father so much, and since he passed away, she's had to take on a lot of responsibilities. What if you..." Liddy found herself talking too much and kept silent. Kenley's expression was unfathomable, but for a moment, curiosity came into his eyes. "What if?" he asked. "If you'd try to talk to her a little more," said Liddy sincerely. "I think you'll like her very much." He snorted mockingly, nodded to her, and left with the drink in his hand.Will he heed her advice?She quickly concluded that he would not. One evening Kenley brought a guest to dinner with the Dai family, a beautiful woman with light blonde hair, sexy red lips, and a languid, sweet voice.Wrapped in a high-necked black dress, the woman Kenlay had introduced as "Ms. Huo" seemed undignified.During dinner she gazed at Kenley from under her bushy eyelashes, and told the latest gossip in London. "Have you heard the news that Mrs. Meng recently gave birth to her fifth child?" Ms. Huo asked with a cat-like smile. "A sweet boy with curly black hair?" "That's great," Julie replied sincerely. "Sir Meng must be very happy." "He should be happy," Ms. Huo giggled. "As long as the boy looks like him. Unfortunately, the boy looks exactly like his good friend Blue Sir!" Kenley smiled faintly.Dotty and Deja were serious, looking down at their plates, and Liddy felt herself flushing.She took a quick glance at her mother, and Isa's lips were pressed together as if they were sewn together. Mom, please don't say anything - Liddy thought to herself, but Isa said in a determined but well-controlled voice: "Madam Huo, I'm afraid that's not the kind of thing to say in front of impressionable girls. .” Ms. Huo's red lips curved into a weird smile. "They've got to know the truth about life, my dear." "Maybe yes," Isa replied. "But it's not now...and it's not up to you to teach." Madam Huo's smile faded away in embarrassment, then she turned to Kenley and whispered something in his ear while Julie hurriedly changed the subject. Later that night, Issa poured out her feelings to Liddy as she unloaded her bobby pins at the dressing table. "Dackinley's offenses are too numerous to count," Isa exclaimed angrily, tossing the hairpin away.She picked up a silver-encrusted comb and brushed her black hair heavily. "I can't figure out why Dejia and Julie allowed him to live here and bring some dubious women to dinner... How could such a noble family create such an unreasonable monster! Have you seen him let That woman is so boneless on him? And in public!" Liddy squeezed out a smile, she knew that Isa would never admit that she was jealous. "He's not useless either," she said softly. "You have to admit, for a man in his forties, he was quite attractive." "Really? His head is always covered in cigar smoke. I can never see his face clearly." Liddy laughed. "Poor man. He's in dire need of a fix, isn't he?" "No woman has the strength and patience to reform him," whispered Isa, setting the comb on the table. "Of course not the woman surnamed Huo!" "Maybe Uncle Kenley needs a woman like you to influence him, Mother," Liddy ventured, looking at her mother's face in the vanity mirror. Isa seemed to be taken aback by these words. "I...I wish I could stay as far away from that man who was born evil as possible!" "I think his bad behavior is probably a result of loneliness," Liddy pointed out. "Loving someone for too long and then losing her suddenly and unexpectedly is hard. You know what it's like better than anyone, Mom." "I don't want to talk about him anymore." Isa said in a disdainful tone, and Lidie had to obey. Sitting at a mahogany desk in the Dyer's library, Liddy wrote numbers in a ledger.The account book was sent by their temporary manager.She was so engrossed in the numbers that she didn't notice that someone entered the room until she heard a familiar voice. "Miss An, what a pleasant surprise!" Lydia stood up frantically, almost knocking over the ink bottle on the desk.She glared at Ariel, who was tall and breezy in his riding clothes.Although she had mentally prepared for their meeting again, she still found herself struggling to breathe involuntarily.When he stood there with a nonchalant smile, his confidence was unmatched.Suddenly, she remembered the way he kissed her, the warmth of his lips, and the lightness of his hands on the nape of her neck.A blush stained her cheeks, and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't restore her wit. "I'm sure you're not surprised at all," she said finally. "You must have known that my mother and I live at your house." "Are you happy with your stay, Miss An?" His tone was extraordinarily polite, almost like a deliberate mockery. Liddy nodded cautiously. "The house is magnificent and everyone is very kind." "It was a lucky coincidence that our mothers were reunited." "Lucky for whom?" She deliberately avoided.As Ari approached, she backed away. His eyes scanned her from head to toe, examining her brown cardigan dress carefully.I don't know if she is careless, or is he really staring at her chest?The turtleneck dress was extremely ill-fitting three years ago, but as she has matured, the upper body has become a bit too tight.Helpless, she is shy and can only make one or two more new clothes every season.Liddy stared at Arie defensively, wishing she could fold her arms over her chest. "Every time I see you, you are more beautiful than the last time," he murmured. "Sir Day . . . I want to make myself clear," said Liddy uneasily, deaf to his compliments. "I came to live here because of my mother's insistence. I really hope you don't think I have any plans for you." Ari looked at her thoughtfully, and put his hands in his pockets. "I happened to find this after you left at the Wu's dance. They belong to you, don't they?" When Liddy saw the pair of white gloves in his hand, she blushed up to her ears.Those were the pair of long gloves she left in the room after she fled in a hurry after being kissed by him.She had to get them back before he could use them to ruin her reputation. "Sir...you wouldn't tell anyone about that night, would you? You must keep silent—" "I will." "Thank you," she said with relief, reaching out to get her glove back. Ari moved closer, fingers touching her chin, and lifting it slightly until her eyes met his directly. "However, my silence has a price." "The price?" she replied in confusion, taking her hand back. "Another kiss...and it doesn't end in a slap." Liddy was so angry that she hurriedly backed away. "You are the most shameless, nasty, immoral—" "Do you want to return these?" He interrupted her, and waved his gloves seductively in front of her eyes. "Or should I return it to you in front of the whole family at dinner one night, and let you explain everything?" Liddy tried to grab the gloves, but he held them up over his head, laughing like a maniac. "How is it, Miss An?" Her thoughts swirled and swirled.The thought of letting him kiss her, through the midnight dreams of these days... the thought made her paralyzed with anxiety.But maybe this time it will be different.This time she might not feel it.oh!How she wanted to let him know that he had no ability to influence her!After a moment of frustration, she replied, "Oh, kiss it! Make it quick and go!" She closed her eyes and waited, her lips tightly shut, her nostrils flaring with rapid breathing. Ai Rui hesitated for a moment, admiring the look of her upturned face, with fine black brows wrinkled together.He held her cheeks in his hands, stroked the soft pores on the skin with his fingers, and just touched her silky hairline with his fingertips.It was an indescribable joy to hold her in my arms again.She flinched slightly under his touch, as if the heat of his palm frightened her; she also felt the pulse in her throat on her wrist. He kissed her tenderly until her lips parted in refusal.He explored, teased, tasted at his leisure until his heart pounded and his body ached with desire.He felt her grip the collar of his riding suit to compensate for the loss of balance.After the kiss, he stared into her eyes, feeling as if he was submerged in that pool of soft darkness. Liddy finally found the strength to pull herself apart. "I hope you enjoyed yourself." She tried to say in a cold voice, as if the kiss hadn't affected her at all... as if she hadn't been dazzled and agitated by each other's breath and lips, the intertwined enthusiasm. Arie smiled and handed her the glove. "Sitgers is a lucky man." "How did you know his name?" she asked precariously. Ai Rui said in a cold but overtone voice: "Miss An, the halo you put on Jess's head is hardly a secret. A friend told me about it the night of the Du's dance." For a moment Liddy's mind went blank with astonishment.Then a wave of anger hit her.How dare he suggest that she was an object of ridicule or pity!She twisted the glove in her hand, twisting it into a twist.It doesn't matter what Dai Ai Rui and his gang talk about her right and wrong!Just let them make fun of her liking for Jace - she doesn't care what people think of her.She turned to the ledger on the desk. "I have work to do," she said briefly. But Ai Rui still did not intend to leave. "Actually, Miss Ann, I saw Jess last night." It took Lydian a while to figure out what he was talking about.She turned to face him, opened her mouth in shock and asked, “what did you say?” "Viscount Sidgers seems to have returned from the Continent. I happened to meet him at the club last night. He was playing cards, and telling of his 'Travel of the Century' experience—" "you are lying!" His eyes locked on her face, noticing the subtle turning of her expression.There was a sudden coldness in his eyes, which could also be said to be anger. "No," he said slowly. "Your true love is in London, and he obviously hasn't had time to come to you yet." Liddy felt like someone had punched her in the stomach. "I do not believe you." "He gambled most nights at the Kirk's Club—" "Don't you dare to make him up again," Liddy's voice came out from between her teeth. "I will hate you forever!" He stared at her, trying to remain silent, but his eyes were menacing. "Ai Rui?" A soft female voice came, and then Dotty suddenly appeared by the door. "I heard voices here. Sure enough, you are back! You will stay for dinner..." When she saw Lidi's defensive posture and Ai Rui's stiff face, the smile faded from her lips. Ai Rui's expression quickly cleared up and returned to a natural smile.He walked over to Dotty and planted a kiss on her cheek. "Little sister," he murmured. "I can't bear to miss dinner! I want to hear about your recent history of conquest." Dotty smiled and took his arm. "Save your charms to Mum and Isa! They're drinking tea in the drawing room." She threw Liddy a hopeful glance. "Are you coming too?" Liddy shook her head and walked straight to the desk. "I have to deal with these ledgers." Dotty's face was full of disappointment. "Oh dear. I hope you can finish it soon, Liddy." She put her hand in her brother's arms, and left the room with Arie; Arie walked away without looking back. "She's really good at numbers." Dotty's voice floated in from outside the door. "She's as smart as she is beautiful, Erik..." "Indeed." Ai Rui's voice was mocking. After they left, Liddy sat down at the desk, ignoring everything in front of her.There are many problems in her heart lake.Jess is back, he's in London.I still remember the way he said goodbye to her, promised that he would come back as soon as possible, that he would think of her every day... How could he seem so sincere, but he ignored her when he came back?There must be a misunderstanding in this, either her or his problem.She had to see him and find out what was going on. Kirk's Club...Daery said Jace gambled there every night.Maybe he'll be there tonight, too.Her anxiety subsided a little, replaced by determination.If Jess was at the Kirk's Club tonight, she could find him; and she couldn't feel at ease without asking for the truth. During the dinner, Lidi sat quietly at the corner of Dai's parents' dining table, and deliberately avoided Ai Rui's eyes.She did not speak to him except as required by politeness.He responded with the same indifference, focusing on his family.Liddy could see that her mother was surprised by her unusual silence, not to mention the Dais, who obviously adored Arie.The group was chatting and laughing, discussing the latest social and political events.Lydie felt isolated, unable to think of anything except that Jace was somewhere in the city right now...and she was going to see him soon. After dinner, she said she wanted to go back to her room to rest earlier, citing her headache.Dotty accompanied her back to the room, with a look on her face that was worried about her headache.They stopped in the middle of the corridor. "Liddy... are you okay?" "Just rest overnight and you'll be fine." "You don't seem to like my brother very much, do you?" Dotty said sadly. Liddy hesitated to speak. "It doesn't matter whether I like it or not, I really don't have any feelings for him." She smiled kindly at Dotty. "Anyway, I love you and your parents very much." "We feel the same way about you. Maybe if you spend more time with Ered, you'll see it differently." "Perhaps!" said Liddy dubiously, and gave her a gentle hug. "Good night, Dody." Doddy smiled back, and then returned to join the rest of the party as Liddy made her way up the curved staircase. Later that night, after Dairy's carriage had gone and everyone else had gone to bed, Liddy slipped out of her bedroom in a heavy gray woolen hooded cloak.Her heart pounded as she crept tremblingly up to the stairs used by the servants; she made her way down to the first floor.After passing the kitchen and the passage used by the servants, she exited through the passage at the back of the house. The February air was bitterly cold, but the sky was unusually blue, with only a few clouds dotting the starry night.Lidis flinched, pulled up the hood of the cloak to cover her face, and hurried across the backyard of Dai's mansion to the street.After walking for a few minutes, she saw the dark silhouette of a cab, creaking towards her.She hurried to the carriage, waving her arms. "Hey!" she called. "I want a car!" The cab stopped, and she glanced at the driver, a thin old man in a knitted hat. "Take me to St. James Street, please," she said. "To the Koch Club." "Yes, miss." He waited until she was in the carriage before spurring on the horse. When the cab was driving south of London, Liddy touched the small velvet purse, feeling the copper plates and rustling banknotes in the bag.She had saved it shilling by shilling for emergencies like this one.Glancing at the scene outside the window, she saw dark figures speeding past, coming and going, thieves, whores and gentlemen appearing in file, making up the unknown pleasure of the night. "It's not safe for a pretty girl like you to go out alone at night." The coachman said, turning the car into the direction of St. James Street, passing a long line of carriages parked in front of the casino club, renting a carriage stopped. "It's all right," Liddy said, handing him some coins, and then stepped out of the carriage. "Good night, sir." "Sir?" he repeated with a smirk, as if no one had ever called him that before.He waited until Liddy had crossed the street before he rode on again. Now she was standing beside this palace-like white building, the light pouring from the window, with a completely masculine aura.Guests streamed into the club, all under the watchful eye of a butler by the door.Liddy clutched her purse and went up the stairs.Countless curious eyes turned to this woman who was walking alone with no one to accompany her. "Miss?" The butler greeted her with a calm expression on his face. Liddy smiled, trying to appear confident. "I believe the Viscount Ma is a member of your club. Would you please see if he is in there tonight? I have something urgent to tell him." The butler shook his head. "Miss, the club stipulates that it is not allowed to—" "Please, ask him to come out here to meet me. I don't think he'll mind." The butler looked suspiciously at her hopeful face and rather dignified attire.Liddy could almost read his inner struggle.He wanted to reject her, but something made him hesitate.She held her breath, hoping desperately that he would not issue an eviction order. Suddenly, another person appeared to resolve the dilemma.It was a short man wearing glasses, and his expression revealed that he was a rather important cadre in the club.He seemed rather surprised by her presence at the door, and asked the butler, "Is there a question?" The butler bowed his head and whispered in his ear for a while, while the little man looked at Lidi through the mirror.In the end, the little clam revealed that he was the manager of the club, and said briskly to her: "Ladies are not allowed in the club, miss. This is the rule that the Keshi Club insists on." "I don't want to go in, I just want someone to inform Viscount Xi that I have something to say to him." Being rejected made her eyes sting, and she burst into tears unconsciously. "Please, sir." Both men seemed heightened by her expression. "Don't cry, miss," said the steward hastily. "It's not necessary. I'll ask if Viscount Xi is here tonight. Please tell me your name." Relieved, Liddy replied, "I don't want to name names. Just tell him an old friend came to him." She could feel Jace in there; she knew it in her bones. "Very well. Could you please stay here a moment, miss?" "Of course," she murmured gratefully. The steward disappeared into the crowd at the club, while Liddy stood back and watched as the butler greeted her.A few minutes later, she saw a tall man appearing at the door.She hastily pushed down the hood of her cloak and stepped forward.She heard Jace's familiar voice, tinged with confusion. "What's going on... Liddy? Jesus, I can't believe you're here!" His dark hair and chiseled features; he was so handsome, so familiar.After a year of waiting and longing, Lydia threw herself into his arms.She rested her cheek on his shoulder, tears streaming down her eyelids. "Jess," she said bitterly. "Jace, it's really you." His arms slowly closed around her, and she burst into tears at the feeling of being hugged by him. When he finally spoke, a strong smell of alcohol came from his breath. "My God! I never thought of this." There was a tremor of joy in his voice. "When did you return from Europe?" Liddy asked, still leaning tightly against him. "Just a few weeks ago." "Why didn't you come to me? You didn't even send a message, not even—" "Why are you here?" Liddy watched him intently.Is it her fantasy?Or is Jace not as brave as he used to be?In her memory, he was like an expert outside the world, and she was incomparably fascinated by his masculine beauty... But there seems to be nothing extraordinary about him now.Although she still wants him.Jace was her first and only love, and how could she blame him for deifying him in her memory and finding him more human now? "I live at Dai's," she told him. "You've got to come to me, Jace. We've got to talk. I've been thinking of you and waiting for you—" "The Dai family," he interjected, looking interested. "How can this be?" "My mother and the Duchess are old friends. Will you come, Jess?" "Yes, I will find a time..." "When?" Lidi suddenly became angry, and felt ashamed for begging him, her pride shattered to the ground. “我不确定什么时候。我是个忙人啊!亲爱的,我答应你尽快就是。”他低头向她微笑,并且吻一下她的前额。“当个乖女孩,莉迪,现在回家吧!这不是你该来的地方。” “或许……”莉迪欲言又止,希望他能送她回家,但是他已经掉头走了。他怎么可以这样骤然地支开她,如此地毫不在乎?他走进俱乐部,留下她独立门边。“你不会来的,”她喃喃低语。“你根本无意来访。” 莉迪听见仆役长的声音,那声音仿佛来自外层空间,询问她是否需要他帮忙叫一辆出租马车。她摇摇头,步下台阶。她麻木地走向大街,只想赶快远离这喧嚣的人群和灯光。她努力想了解,她已经见过杰斯,她跟他说过话,但一切丝毫不是她在梦中想象的样子。一个很大的声音在告诉她:他没有爱过她。他们曾经共享对她意义重大的那些,对他而言毫无意义。困惑、愤怒、痛苦像盲目的巨浪向她袭来。这股声音愈来愈大,她不耐地摇摇头,一面无意识地向前走。 突然,一个愤怒的叫声出现,她被人狠狠地一把抓住,有人把她向后一拉,致使她失去平衡且被拖到街道边缘。在她惊慌失措的眼前,一辆大型马车上几个人因为紧急煞车而撞成一团。许多有钱人喜欢如此飙车,并且马匹和车夫愈多,愈能彰显他们的地位。这种景象固然教人印象深刻,却也让他们所到之处的路人惊险万分。她几乎被其中的一辆撞倒在地——她太心不在焉,没有注意马车的靠近。 当她的眼光从眼前的混乱转移,她发现自己紧紧地靠在一个男人坚硬的胸膛。他身上有刮胡水和亚麻布的味道,以及一丝丝白兰地。好一阵子,她以为那是杰斯——他跟随着她并且把她从危险之中拉了回来——但是当她抬头望去。“戴爵士。”她以惊讶的声音说道。 戴艾瑞的神色紧张而苍白,他的眼睛闪着冷冷的愤怒好似正准备杀人。“你这个小笨蛋!”他野蛮地说,重重地摇她,摇得她眼花撩乱。“你究竟在想些什么?” “戴爵士,”她喘着气,她的手想挣开他铁钳似的手腕。 "You hurt me—" “你刚才笔直地走向马车的信道,”他咆哮道。“你差一点被撞死,也差点害了好几个人。” “我没在想,”她咬着牙抵抗他的用力摇晃,泪水涌进她的眼眶。“别这样,艾瑞……求求你……”她不知道自己怎么会忽然叫他的名字——他的名字几乎未曾存在她的脑海之中。但是这一喊对他似乎有一种神奇的效果,立刻使他平静下来。他完全不动了,只是凝视着她,手仍然抓着她的手臂。 好久之后他才开口说话。“你没事了。”那既不像是陈述事实,也不像是提出问题,倒像两者之间。 “是的,”莉迪低下头,努力不让眼泪流出来。 "let me go." 他放松手劲,但并没有放开她。“我今晚正好在俱乐部里。柯瑞克几分钟前跑去找我。显然他的总管告诉他有个黑发的女孩正在大门口要见席子爵。我立刻知道可能是你,但我还是决定看一下。老天!你来这里做什么?” “因为你告诉我杰斯每晚都来这里。” “那个愚蠢而鲁莽的家伙当然如此……但我没想到你会笨到一个人来!” “反正我来了,”她反驳道,用模糊的泪眼望着他。“而杰斯竟然掉头不理我。现在我知道他对我所有的承诺都是假的。这样你高——”高兴这个字眼似乎说不出口,她用力抿着唇以免自己痛哭失声。 莉迪以为他会嘲笑她,再不断告诉她她有多笨……但是她却感觉到他的手轻轻地抚掠她的头发,然后她听见一个发夹掉落在街道上。 “你的头发似乎总是会松落,”他喃喃地说,把玩着已经散落的闪亮黑发。他的抚触转移至她的脸颊,指节在那平滑的肌肤上游移。“你的魅力足以把杰斯,或任何男人玩弄于股掌之间。你难道不知道吗?” “噢,当然啦。”她苦涩地说,以为他是在嘲笑她。 她的痛楚开始减轻,心跳也逐渐恢复正常,她开始觉得愈来愈回复自我。挣开艾瑞的怀抱,她整理一下上衣和弄皱的裙子。当她举起手摸头发时,才发现发夹几乎全松了。她又把发夹紧紧地夹回去。 “我的车夫和马车就停在附近,”艾瑞望着她说道。“我会送你回去。” 莉迪真不想回去面对辗转反侧的时刻,接受回忆、悔恨和被拒的情绪交替折磨。“今晚看来是无法入睡了。”她喃喃自语。 一阵长长的静默时刻,然后艾瑞出其不意地回答:“既然如此,何不留在我身边?” 她警觉地瞧着他。 "What do you mean?" 一抹冷静的、稍带恶作剧的表情出现在他的脸上,彷佛他正在打算提出一项她一定会拒绝的提议。“你今晚想要尝试一件冒险的事吗,安小姐?” 从来没有人敢对她说类似的话。她作好被羞辱的准备,预期他有冒犯性的提议——不过她还是忍不住要问:“什么样的冒险?” “一项小小的冒险。” 她知道自己可以立刻拒绝……然而点头的诱惑是如此地强烈。一想到若马上回戴家,令人沮丧的失败感会袭上心头,她不要这种感觉。“万一我母亲发现我不见了怎么办?” “为了去找杰斯,你已担上了那个风险,不是吗?” “没错,可是……”莉迪默然不语,难以相信自己正在考虑。要他直接送你回家,她心里想,经过刚刚的事件,你应该很清楚相信男人的后果,不论他们表面上有多诚恳。她正处于不愿说不,却也不能说好的情况之中。于是她无助地仰起眉头深锁的脸望着他。 艾瑞忽然笑了出来,拉好她的斗篷,并把兜帽罩住她的头脸。“跟我来。”他替她下了决心。 "Where are you going?" “到伟克庄的欢乐花园。” “我听过那个地方,那里不是妓女和小偷们出没的地方吗?” “你想象得到的三教九流都有。”他说,牵着她走向等候在俱乐部外的私人马车。 莉迪既担心又充满好奇,怀疑自己怎么会做出这种事,居然三更半夜和一个她几乎不认识的男人到伟克庄那种地方去。“那里为什么叫做'欢乐花园'?” “你自己去发现吧!”他以故弄玄虚的音调说。 “在我同意和你去之前,你得答应我要遵守绅士风度。” 他露齿一笑,指一指他的马车。“我和你认识的其他男人不一样,安小姐,我从来不答应我做不到的承诺。”
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