Home Categories foreign novel The Promise of Weddings and Kisses
The Promise of Weddings and Kisses

The Promise of Weddings and Kisses


  • foreign novel

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 50443

© www.3gbook.com

Chapter 1 Chapter One

January 1820 England "You're thinking about Jess again!" Isa's annoyed voice came. "You've been letting memories of that rogue ruin every chance of finding a mate! Forget about him and think about your future." An Lidi showed a smile, looking at the face so similar to her own.Her mother, Anisha, at forty-five, was still as beautiful as ever, even though the bereavement of her husband years earlier had stained her soft brown eyes with a lingering sadness. "I've thought about my future very carefully," replied Liddy calmly. "I'm going to wait for Jace to come back to me, however long it takes."

Isa sighed and said, "Since Jess left a year ago, I've seen you in a dance like today, where you should be dancing and laughing with other young people, but you are independent, like a wallflower." "I don't want any of them." Liddy reached out and stroked her mother's hand reassuringly. "I really don't understand your stubbornness," Isa said softly. "I've always known you, Liddy, but this isn't like you." They were so close, especially in the four years since Liddy's father, John, died of a failing heart.They even look alike, petite, with black hair and watery brown eyes.They have similar personalities, both practical and rational.But I'm not you after all, Mother; thought Liddy to herself.Not even Isa could understand the romantic complex in which hope and pain anchored;

The two women stood side by side, looking at the familiar scene in front of them: couples dancing a lively traditional square dance; polite young men approaching girls with blush cheeks; ladies and nannies guarding looking at their girls.Lydie had been part of a similar feast, ogles, coquettishes, dances to the music of handsome lads...always jumping to the point where her skirts got tangled and knotted at the ankles.Then she met Jace; her heart was gone.He is the only man she wants. "Mom," she murmured. "You should recognize: I know exactly what's best for me." "But you have been buried in this country for most of your life, how do you know what is the best? The decision you make now will affect your life in the future. Every young person who is rejected by you may be Someone who can really make you happy."

"I'll never be happy marrying a man I don't love." "There are other things that are as important as love, kindness, compassion, safety...those that exist between me and your father. Passion and romance will eventually fade, and only friendship can stand the test of a lifetime." "When Jace comes back, I'll have everything." "I wish he'd come back," Isa replied darkly. "Give me a chance to tell him what I think of him." She smiled as she said it, so that the other guests at the Du's ball thought they were having a pleasant conversation. "Steal your heart away, but you're free in Europe—"

"Mom, stop talking... We've talked about this topic a hundred times." Isa took her hand and squeezed it lightly. "You know I'm saying this out of concern, honey. I don't think you really believe Jace is coming back. You're just too stubborn to admit it to yourself. Because Jess fooled you and you're scared Get hurt again, so you decide not to trust any man anymore. And it's all my fault that you gave your heart to such a scoundrel." "Your fault?" Lydie repeated in surprise. "Yes. Since John died, I've relied on you to help me with my estate and rent. While the other girls are busy dancing and flirting, you're sacrificing your youth, sitting behind piles of ledgers, trying to make break even--"

"I'd love to help," Liddy put her arms around her mother's waist. "I'll never forgive myself if you and I lose these properties. And I think we're doing pretty well." "Maybe!" Isa said, looking worried. "Unfortunately, you are more innocent than most girls your age, Liddy. Forgive me for saying this, but it is true. Your ideals are too high...and you lack the experience that makes you more sophisticated. Jace saw this One point, so make good use of it. What I don't understand is why you insist on waiting for him." Liddy couldn't find a good answer, so she sighed and looked around the room.The ball was held by the Du family to celebrate their daughter's seventeenth birthday.As soon as word spreads, there will be a throng of bachelors and excited parents from all over Berkshire and surrounding towns, bringing their daughters with them.Sidges was not there, however, and he was the only man Liddy wanted to see.

Was it really only a year ago that Jess had pursued her so passionately and tenderly?He won her heart, then left her.He said he wants to experience life in many ways.Before he took on the responsibilities of marriage, wife, children, he wanted to go to the Continent—then he would come back to her.He begged for her understanding, and Liddy pretended she could understand.He asked her to wait for him, and she agreed, too unsure of herself and too bewitched by him to refuse. Maybe her mother was right, but Liddy couldn't bring herself to believe that Jace would never come back to her again.The problem is, she can't seem to get over him, or get on with her own life.No other man possessed his magic powers...nor did anyone interest her.

"Look over there, Lydian," came her mother's voice. "Did you see that tall gentleman by the door?" Liddy studied the stranger, a man in his twenties.Only a sportsman could have that athletic build and tanned complexion.His tawny blond hair was combed neatly, but still fell over his forehead, and under it were bright, thick-lashed eyes.Handsome indeed...but he lacked Jace's slightly sinister charm.He put his hand around the waist of the blond girl beside him, escorting her through the crowd. "Who is he?" Liddy asked lazily. "I'm sure it's Ser Dairy. I haven't seen him in years—but he's a perfect duplicate of his father, Dedegar! And the girl with him must be his sister, Dotty." Noticed her daughter's gaze stopped Standing on the stranger's face, Isha cut to the chase. "When your father was alive, I knew the Dai family very well. Later, we gradually went our separate ways, but we still like each other. Their eldest son Ed died in a horse riding accident not long ago... It's a pity. But, God Ah! Irene is so big! I'll have to figure out how to introduce you two—"

"Come on, Mom," Liddy said firmly. "I'm not interested in meeting anyone. It was your insistence that I agreed to come to this ball." "But honey—" Liddy shook her head and walked along the edge of the room to the refreshment table. Ser Dairy escorted his sister Dotty through the crowd, paying little heed to the rain of greetings and questions.They made their way to the snack table through a field of smiling faces, ignoring the countless glances that were thrown at him. "Jesus! Eri," his sister exclaimed, gasping slightly. "I didn't expect you to be so popular, I just heard a woman say, you are the target of this season!"

"I doubt why," he said sarcastically, although both of them knew it.The family has recently regained the title that once belonged to them decades ago.These titles—and the vast wealth—were stripped and confiscated when an ancestor of the Day family was charged with rebellion during England's Civil War.Now Congress has agreed to return what is rightfully theirs, thanks to a highly respected historian who recently overturned the case and proved that the defendants were wronged. In the past few years, as they have grown from modest wealth to considerable wealth, people's reactions to them have changed dramatically.Everyone is eager to marry the Dai family.Had his older brother Ed been alive, Eric would have been more likely to lead a normal life.But Ed died two years ago, and Erik is now the eldest son, first in line to his father's title.It doesn't mean much to him, and he's willing to trade it back to his brother.All the status and attention should be Ed's... and he's willing to give it all up with the steady intelligence he's always had.However, Arie was expected to inherit an influential position that he did not want.

Mothers who had feared Arry's interest in their daughters were now desperate to get his attention.The young women who once gave him cold eyes are now coquettish and obedient to him at any time.If it had been before he would have been flattered, but now he met their ardent pursuit with a mocking pleasure.He decided not to pursue any of them, what he wanted was someone who ignored the wealth of the Dai family and only had eyes for him; and he hoped that Tao Di could find such a person as well.To keep his sister safe from snobby suitors, Ernie accompanied her to every dance, dinner, and social occasion.He watches over her vigilantly, offering her protection and advice in her time of need. "It doesn't matter who you want to marry now." Dotty commented. "I don't want to get married," Arie said. "That was a long time ago." The three young men attacked Doddy, causing her to blush, and they competed for her attention, offering drinks and refreshments to win her heart.As Eric adjusted his necktie, which seemed to be choking, he caught a glimpse of a girl making her way to the dessert table.He stared at her, his attention suddenly drawn. Her black hair was combed back smoothly, revealing a pure and incredibly shiny forehead.Her figure is slender, and her half-exposed shoulders radiate seductively in the candlelight.It's a pity that she has a blank expression on her face, as lifeless as a mask.As beautiful as she is, no one will approach a girl like her who ignores everything around her.He'd seen women like this before, nothing under the shell of beauty.But this one was so stunning, with ceramic skin and gleaming black hair, that he couldn't believe she was like those women. "Ai Rui!" That was the voice of his old friend George Shi.A short man with curly red hair and freckles, who was also his childhood classmate.Following the direction of Ai Rui's eyes, George glanced at the dark-haired girl and shook his head at Ai Rui. "That's Miss Allidy," he said. "Daughter of the late John Ann. Don't waste your time with her, Ernie." "How to say?" "She's had a crush, apparently for a while. Rumor has it that she's in love with a good-for-nothing guy named Sidges, and has little interest in other men. Besides, she has no family. Since her father died , her property will be clean." Apart from a sarcastic smile, Ai Rui didn't show anything.That's what people said about him two years ago.At that time, he was the second son, with limited wealth, and he was not even qualified to refuse a woman without a dowry.His eyes returned to Miss An Lidi, curious about what was behind her beautiful and mysterious face. Liddy could feel the commotion in the neighborhood as soon as she reached the dessert table.A slender blonde, presumably Miss Dai, was pushed while holding the drink, spilling wine-red liquid on her white silk gown.The girl stares helplessly at the stain, almost on the verge of tears; the three surrounding men keep apologizing. Liddy immediately squeezed past the bewildered man and pulled the girl to a corner, avoiding everyone's eyes.She blots the stain with a clean napkin. "Only a small area," she said briskly, beaming at the frustrated girl. "Don't worry, we'll cover it with something and no one will notice." The girl flushed with embarrassment. "They got too close together—I got a bump on my elbow—" "It happens to anyone," replied Liddy reassuringly. "I've seen it a few times. I dropped some ice cream cake on my front once, and the stain was right on my—well, you can imagine." She took off the pink orchid brooch pinned to her dress, and the It was the only accessory she could afford to buy for herself.She pinned it carefully around the girl's waist, hiding the traces of the drink. "Well, this flower is just perfect." "But without it your dress is nothing special," exclaimed the girl, and blushed even more. "Oh! That's not what I meant—" "It's all right," Liddy said, trying not to laugh. "Really. By the way, my name is Liddy. Andy." The girl points to herself. "Dody. But please call me Dody, that's what my family and friends call me." Dody returned her smile, trying to recover from the embarrassment. "It's so kind of you." "You're welcome—" Liddy replied, but her words caught in her throat when she saw a man coming around the corner.Dai Ai Rui - from a distance, he is only handsome, but close to him, he is awe-inspiring.Apart from a small scar on the edge of his chin, his features were nearly perfect.His eyes seemed hypnotic, cold gray-green eyes like a Scottish lake.His stare disturbed her.She looked away with great effort, feeling that she was red from her throat to the roots of her ears. Ai Rui stared at the alert young woman in front of him.The unreachable mask returned to her face... But it was too late, he had already seen the way she smiled at Dotty, with a rare, dizzying warmth.She selflessly took out the few trinkets she had to deal with his sister's plight, even if it was pretty bad for her.The absence of the orchid brooch would call attention to the cheapness of her dress, which was also worn and yellowed.It had been a long time since no woman had aroused his curiosity and interest like her, and he wanted to see her smile again... He wanted to hug her and pull out the barrette that held her black hair. Dotty introduced them to each other in a well-trained manner, and Ai Rui bowed politely. "It seems that you saved my sister, Miss An." She began to plan to get away, and it was obvious that she had no intention of talking to him. "It's just a little effort, sir. Please let me go—" He pointed to the crowded dance floor. "Has anyone ordered this dance, Miss Ann?" She hesitated, and found her thin dance card, which was blank. "No, but I don't—" "Give me the honor, please." He held out his arms in a rather insistent position. Dody happily fetched the napkin from Liddy's hands. "Go ahead," she urged. "It would be fun to waltz with my brother, he's a good dancer." She winked at Arie. "I'm going to chat with the ladies in the corner." Under such gentle coercion, Lidi couldn't find a reason to refuse.Reluctantly, she placed her gloved hand on Arie's hard, muscular arm, and let him lead her into the dancing crowd.There was a kind of authority in his hands, one was firmly resting on her back, and the other was gently holding her fingers.He led her into the waltz so quickly and smoothly that she felt as though her toes were barely touching the ground. Dai Rui's voice was low and composed, with a pleasant cadence. "There's no need to be so trembling." Realizing that she was as hard as a board, Liddy forced herself to relax her muscles.Several people in the crowd watched them closely as they danced together.The women opened their silk fans and whispered behind their backs.Sensitive to the attention she was receiving, Liddy frowned uncomfortably. "Don't you like dancing, Miss Ann?" Airy asked. "You should find someone else to dance," she said frankly. He looked at her oddly, raising an eyebrow. "why?" "Because I already belong." "Are you engaged?" "It's not official, but I've given him my heart." She looked into his eyes and said emphatically, "He's my only true love." Not only did Ai Rui not look annoyed, but he was full of interest. "Where is your true love, Miss An?" "He's currently traveling across Europe, but he'll be back with me soon." "Of course," he said in a supportive tone. "before that--" "Until then, I'll wait for him." "How long?" "If necessary, always." "He must be a fine man worthy of your devotion." "Yes, he..." When her eyes met his gray-green eyes, Lidian forgot what she was going to say.He had a strange influence on her that made her a little off balance.It hadn't occurred to her that she would be disturbed by someone so different from Jace.Diary didn't have Jace's boyish, mischievous charm; much less his prodigal air.On the contrary, he is full of self-confidence and domineering.She tried to imagine what Ariel would be like in love.He will be a dictator.He can send a woman to hell if he wants to.Thinking of this, a chill ran down her spine.Thank goodness he had no such power over her. "Let's hear something about him, okay?" Eric said. Lydie frowned, trying to find the right words to describe Jace. "He is handsome... full of life... elusive. He doesn't like to stay in one place for too long. He loves excitement and adventure, and everyone around him is attracted to him." Ari is so fascinated by the fleeting moments of her casual shyness, a glimpse into the romantic depths of her soul.She is inexperienced with men, and this misguided loyalty will obviously cost her. "When was the last time you saw him?" he asked.When she avoids his gaze and refuses to answer, he sticks to the point. "One year? Or longer?" "One year," she said dryly. "Did he write to you?" She suppressed her temper, and her face was as cold and empty as before. "I don't want to talk about him." "Okay, Miss An." Even though his tone was polite, Liddy knew exactly what he was thinking—that she must be a fool, and that Jace would never come back for her.She waited impatiently for the dance to be over.Arrogant man!He knew nothing about Jace.He didn't understand the magic that bound Jace to her.Everything they had shared was so otherworldly: the sweet, intoxicating kiss; the way Jace teased and teased her; the way she never seemed to stop laughing as long as he was around.Jess looked like something out of one of her favorite romance novels, or something out of an impassioned poem.She doesn't want anyone less than that. The music finally ended, and Daryl escorted Liddy back to the corner where her mother was waiting for her.On the one hand, Yisha pretended to be calm, on the other hand, she chatted with Ai Rui.But Liddy had the distinct insight that her mother was really excited. "My lord," Isa said with a smile. "I don't think you remember me. The last time I saw you, you were a little boy—" "I remember a little bit, Mrs. Ann," said Airy. "You came here often and painted watercolors with my mother." "Indeed! Please tell the Duchess that I remember her dearly." "I hope you can visit the humble house again as soon as possible, Mrs. An, and I will convey your greetings to my mother." He bent down, kissed Isa's hand respectfully, and then turned to Lidi.There was a mockery in his green eyes. "Thank you for the dance, Miss An." Lydie bowed perfunctorily, still stinging from his curious questioning and aggressive manner.As soon as he moved away, she turned away with a sigh of relief. To her surprise, she saw a matchmaking gleam in her mother's eyes. "He's not only handsome, he's charming," Isha declared. "When you two dance together, you look so well suited—" "Not one day, Mother," said Liddy flatly. "He was the center of attention for women; and I told him I had no interest in getting married." "What did you tell him?" Isha began to get nervous. "Lydie, please tell me you were just kidding—" "It's true, I've made it clear to him that I'm waiting for another man." "Oh!" Isa was so disappointed that her head was dizzy. "All I can say is I hope you know what you're doing, Liddy. You're rejecting a man like Diary, and you're thinking of a jerk like Sidges..." She shook her head, her jaw clenched. "I've wanted to tell you a long time ago that I recently made a decision." Liddy watched her mother warily, waiting for her to continue. "I saw an ad for a cottage to let the other day—a great location, just a little south of James Street. Perfect for us." "It's not at all necessary for us to rent a house in London," said Liddy, perplexed. "We're in a pinch. Mother, you don't mean to waste our money in London to help me find a husband!" "It's not a waste," Isa insisted. "It's an investment in your future, you think you're in love with Jess, that's because you've never really dated any other guy. After a few more appearances in the city, you'll learn that life has many faces of." "Mom, that's the funniest idea you've ever had—" "I have decided." "We're going to be screwed!" "Perhaps, but at least you'll have a decent chance of finding a husband. If John was alive, I know he'd be in full agreement with what I'm doing." She walked over to an empty seat, leaving Liddy frowning.
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