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Chapter 20 Chapter Nineteen

Dilin remained motionless, trying to understand what he was saying.Logue said he was the illegitimate son of Earl Lost and Mrs. Fang's daughter... Ender was his half brother.She was surprised to listen to him pour out the secret of his life experience, his words were full of bitterness.Apparently, his affection and grief for Ender was mixed with a huge sense of guilt. "Why didn't you tell me before?" Delin finally asked. "It's not necessary...you don't know best...and so is Ender." "But you wanted to tell him, didn't you?" she murmured, finding the courage to reach out and stroke his tousled hair. "You regret not taking the opportunity to tell him."

Logue's head hung on her chest. "I'm not sure...I...god, it's too late now." He sighed. "I should have done more for him." "You have done your best, paid off his debts, never rejected him, and even forgave him for taking Wei Na away." "I should thank him for that," he said hoarsely. "Vina is a hypocritical bitch." Dilin shrank secretly, thinking that her previous behavior was not much better than Weino. "Are you going to Lost?" she asked. He froze. "I don't believe I didn't kill him. He was responsible for Ender's death. He kept Ender in purgatory, so that he had to drink away his sorrows," he grinned harshly. "Londoners call drunks 'Floating Corpses,' poor Ender—that's the word that describes him perfectly."

Deline was still stroking his hair. "Come to sleep on my bed." She said after a while. "Let the servants clean this room." Logue didn't speak for a long time, and Delin knew that he was thinking about whether to continue drinking brandy. "You don't want me in your bed," he muttered. "I'm drunk and need a shower." Delin smiled slightly. "Anything is welcome," she said, taking his hand. "Come on, please." She thought Logue would refuse, but to her surprise, he got up and followed her out the door.This small victory relieved some of her worries, but not so much that she began to understand the burden Logue had borne. No wonder Sir Ho's death made him miserable.

What a betrayal he would feel when he learned that the rich boy he grew up with was actually his younger brother.Neither of them had a real home or loving family...nor happiness. Her hands slipped over her stomach, as if to protect the little life inside.Of course Logue will love this innocent child, if he doesn't accept her love... at least she can give him a new life. Logue fell into a deep sleep, and occasionally writhed and murmured in his dream, but Dilin comforted him back to sleep and guarded him overnight.In the morning, she tiptoed out of the room, making sure no one would disturb his deep sleep.She had breakfast alone and wrote letters at her desk.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Smith..." The porter came in with a silver tray containing business cards. "The Earl of Lost is visiting, and I informed him that Mr. Shi is not at home, and the Earl asked if you would like to see him." Dilin was very shocked, staring blankly at the business card, with strong curiosity mixed with worry.What might the count have said to her?Fortunately, Logue was still sleeping, otherwise it would be really hard to predict how he would react. "I...I can talk to him," she said. "Just in the living room." "Yes, Mrs. Smith."

Her heart was beating heavily, and she wondered all night what kind of person Lost was, how could he manipulate her son and deceive them for so many years... Deny Logue, let him be under the hands of a cruel sharecropper He had been abused so badly that she began to despise such an earl without having to meet him... But she also had a tinge of pity, after all, Ender was the son he recognized, and she must be very heartbroken over his death. Seeing the old man in the hall, tall and slightly hunched over, with resolute features and no warmth or sense of humor on his face, she slowed down.Like Logue, the old earl was lonely, not easy to get close to, and had a depressive strength.His face showed recent sadness: his complexion was gray and his eyes were forlorn.

"Earl Lost." Delin didn't reach out her hand, but just nodded. The Earl seemed amused by her lack of compliance. "Mrs. Smith," he said gruffly. "Thank you for being so gracious to meet me." "I deeply regret your loss." Then they fell silent, looking at each other. "You know who I am, I can see that." "Yes, he told me." He raised his eyebrows proudly. "I guess he described me as a black-hearted monster?" "He only states the facts, my lord." "I didn't expect Logue to marry you," Lost observed. "Young and with a good family background, how do you convince your family to agree to this marriage?"

"They are very happy to have such an accomplished gentleman join the family." Dilin lied coldly. Lost stared at her carefully, and finally smiled appreciatively. "My son is very lucky to have such a wife." "Your son?" Delin repeated. "My impression is that you refuse to acknowledge him." "That's something I want to discuss with him." Before Dilin had time to ask any more questions, they heard someone approaching. They turned around at the same time, and Logue came to Dilin with a blank expression, staring at the old man coldly.Logue, who had taken a nap, seemed to be in better spirits. He seemed to have just taken a shower, his hair was a little damp, and he had just shaved. He was wearing a white shirt, black trousers, and a blue-green striped vest.Even though his appearance is well-groomed, there are still obvious shadows under his eyes.

"I can't imagine what wind brought you here." "I only have you now." Logue smiled maliciously. "I hope you're not implying that I'm Ender's secondary replacement?" The old man flinched visibly. "I made a lot of mistakes with Ender—I don't deny that maybe I wasn't the ideal father—" "Perhaps?" Logue grinned harshly. "—But I do have hopes for Ender, and I have many plans. I..." Lost said with difficulty. "...whatever you think, I do love him." "You could have told him." Lost shook his head painfully. "I expect too much from him. His mother has a good family background and a gentle nature. She is a nobleman among the nobles. I chose her to ensure that my son has a flawless bloodline."

"Not like your first term." "Yes," Lost admitted. "You were not in my plans and I convinced myself that it was the best decision to put you aside and start over, and I want the best for my son - the legitimate one -." "I gave him wealth, the best school, and the highest social circle. Ender had no reason not to succeed...but he failed miserably. No discipline, no ambition, no talent, everything else was nothing but drinking and gambling. Not interested. And you..." He smiled mockingly. "You have nothing, even your blood is not pure, but you have accumulated a lot of wealth by yourself, established your own social status, and even married a wife that Ender should marry."

Logue looked at him mockingly. "Tell me why you came, Lost, and then please leave." "Well, I want to end the war between us." "There is no war." Logue said bluntly. "Now that Ender is gone, I don't care about you. You have nothing to do with me, my wife, my children. To me, you don't exist at all." The count didn't seem surprised at all. "That is your decision, but if you allow me to do many things for your family, use my influence to make you a nobleman, although there are legal restrictions, I still have a lot of inheritance to leave you." "I don't want a dime from you, it should belong to Ender." "Then you don't accept it. But maybe you should consider the interests of your children. I want them to be my heirs. Do you want to deny them their birthright?" "I don't accept—" Logue began, but the count interrupted him. "I didn't ask for anything before. Now I just want you to consider what I said. You don't have to give me an answer right away. It seems that I can only wait these days." "You'll have to wait a long time," Logue said darkly. Lost smiled bitterly. "Of course, I know you're stubborn." Logue remained silent, watching Lost coldly, saying goodbye and leaving. Unfortunately, Lost or his friends must have passed the secret of Logue's parentage, for within a few days word spread throughout London.Many visitors and letters surrounded their home, all asking if it was true, and the theater company also received a flood of letters. The theater, which has always had a large audience, is now full every day.The public felt that such a famous commoner was the illegitimate son of a nobleman, which was really romantic.Word of mouth spread the shock among the nobles. Logue has become a much-discussed figure in London, a situation he doesn't like.He still grieves for Ender, works to the point of exhaustion, finds comfort in Deline's arms at night, makes love differently than ever—soft and long, as if he wants to lose himself, becomes one with her forever, every time. They didn't stop until they reached the point of ecstasy. "I never expected to feel this way," Deline told him one night. "I didn't know there was so much pleasure between the sheets." Logue smiled quietly, stroking her body. "I didn't expect either. Based on my previous experience, I really didn't expect to be so fascinated by an innocent girl." "I'm not an innocent girl," Dilin said. "After so much—" "You still have a lot to learn, sweetheart," he said, adjusting his position again. "Impossible." She objected, gasping as he moved. "Then let's move on to your next lesson!" Logue murmured with a smile, continuing to make love to her until she was drowning in the flames of passion. After the rehearsal, Di Lin found Logue alone on the stage, taking notes while pacing.Seeing her flanking him, he smiled. "Come here," he said, and Dilling obliged. Logue put the notes aside, slid his hands to Dilin's widening waist, and looked at her amber dress. "You look like honey," he murmured, pulling her up on tiptoes. "Let me have a taste." Dilin blushed and looked around the empty stage, wondering if anyone would see their embrace. Logue smiled. "No one will object, ma'am." He teased, bowed his head and kissed her stealthily, and again, his lips searched warmly. Dilin smiled wheezingly. "Are you almost done?" "Yes." Logue caressed her ass. "Just five more minutes, why don't you wait for me in the office? We can discuss it privately there - with the door closed." "I don't want to work," she said seductively, making him laugh. "You don't have to work, ma'am." He patted her hip and pushed her gently to the side. After Delin left, Logue picked up his notes and continued to work, but he smiled pitifully, because it was difficult for him to concentrate, and he just wanted to go to the office as soon as possible to seduce his wife.He forced himself to concentrate, jotted down a few sentences, and used the scene board as a temporary table.While working, he suddenly noticed a figure approaching him from rows of seats on the side of the theater. "Who is it?" he asked, unable to see clearly under the stage lighting.Curious strangers, he guessed. "The theater is closed to the public, and there will be performances tonight." The visitor still moves forward, remaining in the shadows. Logue straightened up. "Who are you?" He even asked. The man answered in a drunken familiar tone. "Don't say you've forgotten about me...brother." Logue's world suddenly wobbled. Ender came out from the shadows, his face was swollen and rosy, and his face was full of hatred. Logue stared at him incomprehensibly, and unconsciously took a step or two back. At that moment, he thought he had seen a ghost... until he saw Ender's hand gun. "I thought you were dead," Logue said hoarsely, maintaining his composure. "You must be disappointed," Ender replied. "Preparing to take my place, isn't it?" "No, I..." Logue shook his head and took a deep breath. "Damn it, Ender, what the hell happened? Everyone thought you were drowning—" "That's what I want them to think. Casino sharks follow me everywhere and want to kill me as soon as I don't pay. I must have some time...to fool them first...until I have money." "You make me miserable." Logue spat, the original shock gradually faded. "It didn't take long to be sad, did it?" Ender asked softly. "You recovered quickly and announced to the world that you are my brother, but no one ever told me that fact." "I only found out recently." Logue stared at the gun in Ender's hand. "You're drunk, Ender, put the damn thing aside and we'll talk." "This gun," he mumbled. "Use it on you, or myself... maybe the two of us together, my life is worthless anyway. But it will do your career a great favor, and you will become the greatest legend in the theater." Logue didn't respond on the surface, but his heart beat fast. Ender had always been an unpredictable alcoholic, and he might impulsively realize threats. "I've never killed before," he muttered tremblingly. "But you brought it on yourself, Jimmy." "why?" Ender said bitterly: "I always thought you could be trusted, even though the whole world is full of lies, and you have this reliance, but you turned out to be the biggest liar. You have been keeping Lost's dirty secret, thinking that once I die: just To replace me... well, you won't get what I have. I'll kill you first." Ender approached as he spoke, waving his gun angrily.Logue considered grabbing the gun, but out of the corner of his eye he caught sight of Delin standing on the flank, and his heart stopped several times. Damn it, he thought suddenly in horror, go away, Delin, get out of here!But she didn't move.It was really hard for him to understand that she put him in danger, if the flying bullets hit her... She might unwisely stimulate Ender, causing him to lose control of his anger.Logue began to sweat, not daring to look in her direction. "I don't want your stuff," Logue said. "I just want to help you." He sensed that Deline was moving, and walked quietly behind the set, for God knows what purpose, and Logue was caught in a panic, waiting for her to slip or bump into something, after all pregnancy made her move clumsily. "Help me?" Ender said contemptuously, shaking unsteadily. "Like a caring brother...I almost trust you." "Put that damn gun down and talk to me!" Logue said succinctly. "God, I hate you so much," Ender pointed the gun at Logue with trembling fingers. "I didn't realize how much you were like my father, you self-important bastard, manipulating everyone around you with dirty secrets." "I never treated you that way." Ender shook his head in pain, "Jimmy...how could we not know? How many years..." "Ender, wait a minute." His half-brother pulled the trigger, causing the blood to drain from Logue's face. "Ander—" The nearby setting boards fell down with an astonishing sound, as if an invisible hand was pushing them down behind them. The reinforced wooden frame fell on Ender's head. Before he could react in time, the gun in his hand made an ear-piercing explosion. A bullet that missed its aim immediately shot into the nearby curtain. Di Lin stood at the scene board, staring at her masterpiece. Logue stared at her, froze for a few seconds, and saw that she was safe and sound.He leaned over to push away the fallen set board, squatted on the ground, and grabbed his brother's collar. Ender, smelling of alcohol, opened his eyes blankly, looking at Logue's face. Obviously, the set board would not hurt him. "Why—" Ender said. Logue punched him in the jaw, knocking him unconscious, and he lay peacefully on the stage, snoring. Dilin hurried over. "Is he all right?" Logue stood up slowly, counting to ten in his heart, but he couldn't suppress the terrified anger in his heart. He was afraid of touching her, afraid of strangling her. "What the hell are you thinking?" he heard himself ask tremblingly. "Have you thought about the safety of our children?" "No, I..." She looked at him in confusion. "I only thought of you." "I can fucking take care of myself," he growled, grabbing her shoulders with his hands and shaking her. "God, woman, you finally drove me crazy! Every day from now on, I can't forget that moment until I become crazy." "It's impossible for me to watch him shoot and kill you. Anyway, you don't need to be angry. No one was hurt. Everything is fine now." She looked at the sleeping Ender. "At least most of them are fine." "It's not all right," Logue said savagely, letting go of her shoulders. His heart was still beating wildly, half of him wanted to continue shaking her until her teeth chattered; the other half wanted to hug her tightly and kiss every inch of her body violently, thinking that she was almost injured or even died, It made him extremely panicked, and he struggled to block the wave of emotion, he couldn't help clenching his teeth and clenched his hands into fists. Dilin was clearly confused. "I do not understand." "Then let me explain," he said badly. "The only thing you're worth to me is the baby in your womb, and all I ask of you is to take care of him—and you're damn impulsive, and you can't even do that." Dilin's face was bloodless, and her eyes were terrified. "I..." She couldn't breathe strangely. "I'm sorry you think I'm worthless." Their conversation was interrupted by troupe employees who hurried over at the sound of gunshots. "Mr. Shi—" "What happened?" "Who is that? Why—" "Some bastard tried to shoot Mr. Shi!" Logue crouched next to Ender again. "It was an accident. There is nothing serious. Help Sir He up and take him to my house in my carriage. Be careful, he is sick." "He's so drunk!" someone muttered and did as he said. Logue stared at Delin. "He will live in our guest room. Would you object?" She shook her head, her face flushed suddenly. "Why ask me, you have made it very clear that my opinion is not important to you." Her tone and expression were different from before, he didn't think much, put his hand on her back, and guided her away from the stage, Dilin turned around to avoid it, this was the first time she refused his touch. "I don't need your help," Delin said stiffly. "What I need is something you're determined not to give me." Before he could answer, she had walked away, an anger that made him uncomfortable, had she ever been this angry before?God damn it, she made him feel like it was his fault, but she put herself in danger!
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