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Chapter 3 Chapter two

Logue stood in the carpenter's shop behind the theater, carefully examining the two-piece plank.This is a new stage prop, made of canvas stretched on a wooden frame, and it will be sent to the painter for coloring soon. He reached out and grabbed the wooden frame, testing the firmness. "You'd better use a stick on the back, anchored to the floor, I don't want to risk it falling on anyone's head, this thing is damn heavy." The carpenter went to the back of the plank to evaluate carefully. The purpose of the double plank was to allow the front plank to fall quickly, revealing the prop board for the next scene.

Logue stepped back, stroking the hair on his forehead absently. "Let me see the effect of the first plank falling," he said. "Yes, Mr. Shi." The carpenter hesitated. "But I should warn you, I haven't tested the whole process." "Now is the time." Little Jeff ran over to assist the carpenter, blocking the plank with his body. "Let the front boards fall down," the carpenter instructed, and his assistant did as he was instructed. At this moment, out of the corner of his eye, Logue saw someone coming into the store with a broom and feather duster in his hand. Logue realized that it was a new girl, and she didn't seem to realize that she was walking into the area where the boards fell.

"Be careful! Damn it!" Delin just stopped and looked at him questioningly. Logue rushed over instinctively, protecting her with his own body, and the heavy wooden plank hit his injured shoulder, causing him to curse and stagger in pain, unable to breathe for a while, and could barely stay in place.The carpenter and several others ran over to help the boards open. "Mr. Shi?" the girl asked in confusion. "Are you okay? I'm so sorry." Logue shook his head palely, trying his best to suppress his nauseated body.He didn't want to vomit in public and ruin the image of authority he worked so hard to maintain.He was never sick, weak, or indecisive in front of his employees.

"Oh, your shoulder," Di Lin exclaimed, staring at him with blood stains from the wound. "what should I do?" "Stay away from me," Logue muttered, finally finding the strength to speak. "Why on earth are you here?" "I'll sweep the wood and clean the carpenter's tools... What do you want me to do for you, sir?" "Get out!" Logue spat. "Lest I strangle you!" "Yes, sir," she said resignedly. Other girls might have cried in fright, but Logue had to admire this girl for keeping her cool.Everyone in the troupe was very afraid of his losing his temper, and even Julie would avoid him when he was in a bad mood.

Dilin looked at the carpenter apologetically. "Sorry, Mr. Li, I'll sweep the floor later." "It's all right, girl," he waited until the girl had left before turning to Logue. "Mr. Shi, you don't have to be so fierce to her, she just wants to help." "She's a real disaster." "But sir," Jeff said. "Dilin seems to only have accidents when you are present, and the rest of the time is fine." "I don't care." Logue held his shoulder that seemed to be on fire with one hand, and his head was throbbing. "I want her out of here."

He strode over to Julie's office, determined to vent his frustration, insisting that hiring girls was all Julie's fault!The responsibility for the dismissal therefore lies with her as well. Julie was surprised to see him. "What's wrong? You seem to have been hit by a car." "It's worse than that. I just ran into your new assistant." "Deline?" Julie asked frowning. "What happened?" When he described the scene just now with a gloomy face, Julie did not show concern or frustration, but found it very interesting. "Poor Logue," she laughed. "No wonder you have a bad temper, uh, you can't blame Delin."

"Can't you?" he asked bitterly. "It's her first day and it's always going to take some getting used to." "Her first day," Logue said. "And the last day. I want her to go, Julie, really." "I really don't understand why you are so against Dilin." Julie asked the angry Logue thoughtfully. "She's just a young girl who doesn't know anything about the theater." "We all have moments when we are young," Julie replied softly. "Of course you are an exception. You must have known everything about the stage from birth—"

"She doesn't belong here," interrupted Logue. "You know that very well." "Maybe." She agreed. "But sweet and young Deline is clearly in some trouble and I want to help her." "The only way to help her is to put her back where she came from." "What if she was fleeing some dangerous situation? Aren't you worried? Nor curious?" "would not." Julie sighed angrily. "Where does she end up if she's not working here? If you want, I can pay her personally." "We're not a charity, god damn it!"

"I need an assistant, and Dilin fits the bill. Why do you object?" "Because of her..." Logue closed his mouth abruptly. The problem was that the girl bothered him somehow, maybe because she was so absurdly open and defenseless... the exact opposite of who he was.She made him goddamn uncomfortable, reminded him of everything he was trying to change.But he wouldn't tell Julie these things either. "Logue," Julie asked impatiently. "You should be able to give some reason." "In fact, her clumsiness alone is reason enough." Julie opened her mouth wide. "Everyone has accidents once in a while, you've never been so picky!"

"I want her to go, we don't have to discuss it anymore." "Then tell her yourself, I believe I can't say it." "where is she?" "I sent her to help Mrs. Luo organize the costumes." Julie turned to deal with the documents on the table. Logue was determined to find the girl immediately and settle the matter in real time.Mrs. Luo's shop is not far away, and the costumes she sewed can be seen everywhere on the stage. "Mr. Shi," the tailor greeted him happily. "Is there anything I can do to help? Are the sleeves of the shirt you were wearing last night still too short? I can change it again if necessary—"

Logue didn't bother to spend time in small talk. "There's a new girl—Miss Ray, I want to see her." "Ah, she's beautiful, isn't she? I sent her down the back to deliver some costumes that needed a special cleaning, the silk was so delicate—" "Thank you," Logue interrupted, not intending to continue the conversation. "Good day, Mrs. Luo." "The clothes are delivered," went on the tailor. "She's sending sketches of costumes to your office." "Thank you." Log said gritted his teeth. Thinking that Lei Dilin was going to his office, he was a little annoyed, but also a little wary.In her tradition of wreaking havoc wherever she went, thank goodness his office wasn't in ruins when she left. But when he got to the small room he considered a sanctuary, it was empty—and cleaner than it had been in years.Books and papers are neatly organized and dusted. Logue looked around blankly. "Damn, how am I supposed to find something now?" he muttered, turning his attention to a rose on the table. Logue was taken aback, and reached out to touch the roses in the greenhouse. "This is the gift of peace," Dilin said from behind him.He turned sharply to find her hiding by the door, smiling friendly. "At the same time, I also promise not to cause you any harm." Logue fell into silence in bewilderment, staring at her quietly, the words he was eager to dismiss her disappeared, he thought he would not feel a little guilty, but the girl's sweet and hopeful face made him very uncomfortable.Besides, if he fired her one day, he would look like a tyrant in front of everyone.He didn't know if she was really naive, or a smart person secretly manipulating others. Logue stared at her carefully, and realized that she was lovely—no, beautiful—delicate features, skin like fine porcelain, lips innocent and sensual.Slender, not as plump as he preferred, but just as attractive. Logue sat down. "Where did you get the flowers?" he asked. "I bought it at the flower market in Cowen Square, it's really interesting, there are all kinds of vendors, all kinds of fruits and vegetables—" "It's not safe for you to go there alone, Miss Lei, the pickpockets and gypsies there like to prey on girls like you the most." "It's okay, Mr. Shi." She smiled brightly. "thanks for your concern." "I don't care," he said flatly. "It's just that I've seen trouble always seem to come after you." "No," she objected. "Before this, I had never caused anyone trouble, I have been living a quiet life." "Then tell me why a well-bred girl like you comes to the theater to find a job." "It's easy to get close to you." This bold statement made Logue shake his head.Her innocence and inexperience were so obvious at all, why would she want to have a one night stand with him? "Does your family know you're here?" "Yes." She answered too quickly. He looked suspicious. "Who is your father? What does he do?" "He's...a farmer." "Obviously a rich peasant." His eyes scanned her well-tailored dress. "Why aren't you with your family, Miss Ray?" She hesitated for a while, and he immediately sensed her discomfort. "I don't get along with them." "Which aspect doesn't match?" He saw the red tide flashing across her face. "I'd rather not talk about—" "Is it related to men?" The surprised light in her eyes made him know that he had guessed right. "That's all, Miss Ray, I don't care—and don't need to know your private life. But I want to advise you again, if you still want you and me to have a—" "I understand," Deline said matter-of-factly. "You don't want to have anything to do with me." She walked towards the door and added. "But people change their minds." "I won't." He frowned and watched her disappear outside the door.God, didn't she understand the meaning of "no"? The theater staff is like family, and the funniest of them all are the contracted actors.Dilin felt that the actors seemed to be more interesting and exaggerated than ordinary people, and they were frighteningly frank in chatting and laughing.But no matter what their topic was, Mr. Shi always seemed to be mentioned. They obviously admired him, even worshiped him, and took him as the standard by which everything was measured. Deline is busy all day, sweeping the floor while listening to the actors talk about love. "Take Mr. Shi, for example," said comedian Bejas. "You can see that he always has a little bit of reservation when he plays any role, and that kind of mystery is attractive." "Are we talking about the stage or real life?" asked the blond Shidi. "Is there a difference?" asked young Charlie with feigned bewilderment, making everyone laugh. "It doesn't make a difference for that matter," Yass said. "People always want what they can't have. The audience loves the main character because he doesn't belong to anyone, and it's no different in real life." Delin stopped aside with a broom. "I don't seem to agree," she said thoughtfully. "If someone is kind and makes you feel safe and loved...wouldn't you be tempted?" "I don't know," Charlie grinned. "Maybe you should try it on me, Delin, and see if it works." "I believe Dilin has tested it on someone." Yasi said slyly, and Dilin's flushed face made her laugh. "Forgive me, darling . . . we both like to joke around with each other, and I'm afraid you'll just have to get used to it." Delin smiled back at her. "Of course, Miss Bei." "Who are you testing on?" Charlie asked with interest. "Don't tell me it's Mr. Shi?" He pretended to be angry when he saw Di Lin's face flushed even more. "Why him and not me? Yes, he's rich, handsome and famous...but what else is he?" Dilin wanted to escape the teasing, and began to sweep the floor vigorously, sweeping all the way to the corridor. "Poor girl," she heard Shidi whisper. "He'll never notice her... She's so naive anyway..." Delin stopped in the empty rehearsal room in distress.What she said just now—and their sophisticated wisdom—made her realize that she had made a mistake, that her method of approaching Mr. Shi was wrong, and that her bold confession completely lost a trace of mystery.No wonder he had no interest, but it was too late to change now. She sighed deeply, wishing a wise and experienced woman could give her some advice.The Duchess...she would never go along with Dilling's plan.She suddenly thought of a person, and her brows immediately stretched, maybe someone could really help her. When she returned to Mrs. Fang's home that night, Di Lin finally found a chance to confide in Mrs. Fang. "Mrs. Fang, I would like to hear your suggestion on something, but I'm afraid you will be very surprised." "Son, I've lived long enough for nothing to surprise me," asked the old woman, leaning forward. "Well, you've piqued my curiosity - don't keep me waiting. "I want to use your experience...your past knowledge...I want to ask you..." Dilin paused and forced herself to speak. "How to seduce a man." The old woman sat up straight and looked at her without blinking. "I scared you." "Just surprised, honey, I didn't expect you to ask this kind of question. Are you sure? I don't want you to make mistakes that you will be ashamed of later." "Mrs. Fang, I've never done anything in my life that I'm ashamed of." The old woman was suddenly in high spirits. "And you wish to be corrected?" "Yes! Otherwise I would have no personality or opinion at all. "I don't agree, dear, you've got more personality and opinion than many, but if you're determined to achieve your goals, I'm more than happy to give you advice. I know a lot about men - at least I used to. Dare I say They haven't changed much in one or two decades. Tell me, do you want to seduce someone in particular?" "It's actually Mr. Shi." "Oh." Mrs. Fang stared at her for a long time, as if caught in a certain memory. "I don't blame you at all," she finally said. "If I were your age, I'd be interested in him too." "Really?" Delin was a little surprised. "Yes, it seems to me. Mr. Smith seems to be one of the few men in England worth seducing. I've never seen him in person, only in action. Othello, he's just amazing. But he seems to be quite dangerous." "Danger?" "Yes, for a woman's heart. Marry for a safe man. A dangerous man is only for pleasure and fun. You'd better make sure that's all you need." Deline leaned forward. "Mrs. Fang, you won't reveal my plan, will you?" "Of course not, it's a very private matter, and there's no guarantee you'll be successful. From what I know of Sloge—mostly from what Julie told me—he doesn't favor your type. Some men's appetites Only looking for experienced women, and you..." She paused, looking at Dilin appraisingly. "Your database is rather limited." "I have no information to look for at all." Dilin said sullenly. Mrs. Fang rested her chin on her hand. "That's going to be difficult. But on the other hand, you have youth and good looks, and that shouldn't be underestimated." "The problem is that I have made a mistake. It should be mysterious and out of reach... But I confessed my intention from the very beginning." "He knows you desire him?" Mrs. Fang asked amusedly. "Yes, and he made it clear that he doesn't want anything to do with me." "Well, your blunt strategy isn't necessarily all wrong," Mrs. Fang remarked. "A man like Mr. Shi should be very familiar with women's ingenious hints. You may be right to surprise him by surprise." "I didn't just surprise him," Deline said meekly. "And let him be stabbed with a sword." "What?" Mrs. Fang asked in surprise. Di Lin described the accident of the sword competition to her, and the old woman looked at her with both amused and disbelief. "I'll say this, kid...you've given me a challenge to think about." Dilin waited quietly for the old woman to think about the whole issue. "It's a pity you don't have acting skills," Mrs. Fang said. "The closest thing to a guy like Mr. Shi is on the stage, where he's at his most comfortable and relaxed. I guess outside of acting, he's never going to let his guard down. It's only in his vulnerable moments that you slip through. His protective wall." "Maybe I can offer to remind them when they recite the lines." "Yes, good idea." "But Mrs. Fang...even if I do run into Mr. Shi in that 'fragile moment'? What should I say?" "Let your instincts guide you, but remember, don't act like a nympho, just show that you're available and willing...for the pleasure, not the responsibilities. No man would say no." Dilin nodded obediently. "One more thing." Mrs. Fang looked at her thoughtfully, "You need to dress up well. It's true that you have an attractive figure, but you can't see it under this conservative dress." Delin smiled pitifully. "I'm afraid it can't be helped, ma'am, I can't afford new clothes." "Let me think about it again." The old woman comforted her. "There must be a way." Dilin smiled slightly, admiring Mrs. Fang's energy and interest. "I am glad to have come to seek your advice, ma'am." "I am the same, Delin. Being able to participate in your plan is one of the most exciting experiences I have had over the years. With my assistance, you can lead Mr. Shi to your bed like a lamb to a slaughterhouse." "I hope so." Delin replied. "However... it's hard for me to imagine that Mr. Shi will be like a lamb." "That's up to you to find out, honey. In my experience, men are very different in bed than they are off bed. Actors are the most unpredictable lovers. It's hard to tell if they're acting or not." "Mrs. Fang, is there any way to know what to expect?" The old woman looked at her questioningly, as if she had forgotten what she was talking about just now. "About how to know what kind of lover he is." Delin clarified. "I think it's through the way he kisses," Mrs. Fang seemed to find amused suddenly. "Actually, that's a good idea. Why don't you surprise Mr. Shi with a kiss? It's a bold and stylish ploy, and it's sure to arouse his strong interest." "But how... when?" "That's up to your imagination, Deline, and you'll find the right moment."
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