Home Categories foreign novel only in your arms

Chapter 8 chapter eight

only in your arms 莉莎·克莱佩 5901Words 2018-03-18
While drinking, Bernard looked at his elder brother thoughtfully. This was the first time in three months that they had the opportunity to chat in private. Mais had just returned from a job supervision job and wanted to have a drink while waiting for someone to put the bath water. Ni's clothes showed that he was not just supervising workers repairing bridges. "I didn't expect you to spend your first day like this," Bernard said. "I didn't expect that either." Mais sat down. "It seems that you still haven't changed, you have to do everything yourself."

"I thought we agreed to let you manage the manor, Bernard. Unfortunately, you are often away, and I have to make decisions. As long as you decide that you can take over the job, I don't have to do everything myself." Bernard was a little embarrassed. "Years ago, my father assigned our roles properly. You are a model student and the head of the family. I am a profligate son. With a repentant heart, I go home empty-handed. As for Alex, who is he, the prodigal son... …love wine and women. How dare we step outside our established roles?" Mais gave him a suspicious look.

"Papa passed away, you don't have to play it anymore." "It was too late. I wanted neither responsibility nor a family of my own." There was a sudden silence between them. "Are French girls really that unattractive, Bernard?" Mace finally asked. Bernard sighed wearily. "No, no... But how can I think about marriage, somewhere I have a woman and an illegitimate child who need my protection?" "It's been ten years," Mace said flatly. "Now she may be married." "Should I take comfort in that? Some man is raising my baby? God, I've wondered every night for the past ten years why she left without saying goodbye!"

"I'm sorry, Bernard," Mace said quietly. "There was something I could have done, but I was worried—" He fell silent when he was involved in the murder suspicion of Corinne, and he didn't care about his brother's unhappy love affair with an American boatman's daughter Leila, who left without saying goodbye as soon as she became pregnant and had no news for ten years. "Berna," Mais said slowly. "You've searched enough, maybe it's time to forget about it." "Is this the reason for your hasty marriage?" He suddenly changed the subject.

"That's just one of them." "You weren't with her—the whole family knew that." "Fuck him, this is my marriage, I can handle it as I like." "I know, but it's foolish to throw away tradition. Remember...you're supposed to be alone with the bride for a week." He smiled. "Your duty as a husband is to tame her properly." Mace frowned. "Perhaps I'll ask your opinion another day, and at this moment—" "Yes, yes, I know," Bona asked with a smile, "Have you decided to give up Meiyu?" "Why do you ask?"

"Uh, how did she react to your marriage? Depressed I guess." "never!" "Poor Mace," Bernard laughed. "Is there no woman who loves you but mother?" Mais looked at him coldly. "Why do you keep asking?" "Oh, from time to time I want to detect if your heart is still beating, because I really can't tell." "Then you should probably stop trying." Bernard smiled. "I like to take care of the little things." "I noticed." Mei Di heard their conversation at the end, and froze at the door. There was a question that made her heart contract: Has no woman ever loved you?Sympathetic and frightened, she suddenly wishes to have the courage to go in and find Mace, kiss him in his brother's face, and make Bernard think she loves her husband.This feeling of wanting to protect Mace was ridiculous...words alone couldn't hurt him.

Meidi cleared her throat cowardly, and took a few steps forward. The two men turned to look at her.Mais was disheveled, with wet hair sticking to his forehead and mud on his right cheek, but he looked even more handsome. "Good night." She held her breath. Mais put down his glass and looked at her in that way that always made her uncomfortable. "There are some things we need to discuss later, Bernard." Mais still stared at Meidi. "At this point, I believe the bath water is ready." Bernard murmured in response, and watched them leave the study with great interest.

Meddy found Mais pulling her upstairs. "I just want to say hello...and go for a walk in the garden." Mais didn't answer, and continued to drag her upstairs.She didn't resist, but her pulse was uncomfortably fast. "I guess Annie mentioned about my leaving last night?" he asked. "yes." "What did she say to you?" "Then... er... Although you... ignored me last night, you will be a good husband in the future." "Oh, I will," he promised. "Excellent husband, very attentive to wife's needs." "I don't need anything at the moment, sir."

"Maybe after we get to know each other better," he suggested softly. "It will be easier for you to use my name." "Mace," she said quickly. "Do you want me to ask Joseph to come up and help you bathe?" "No, I want your help." He seemed to enjoy the flush on her face. "But...Mace..." "It's not a punishment, sweetheart. In fact, some women enjoy it." "It's not me," she said weakly. He closed the door, and Meddy was petrified to see the large bathtub in the center. With Mei Di leaning against the door, Mais took off his shirt freely.She was shocked and immediately closed her eyes, but strong curiosity made her open a line, open... more.He was thin and bronze like a warrior's shield, with thick hair covering his chest and strong arms.Meidi watched him sitting on the edge of the bed with bated breath.

Mais smiled at her. "Help me with my boots, ma'am." Meidi walked over as if sleepwalking, grabbing his boots with both hands.His smell—sweat, skin, and horses—was in her nostrils, making her shiver with alarm. When she took off her first boot, her hands were covered in mud. "You need a shower too," he commented. Meidi obediently took off the other one and slapped off the mud from her hands. Mais stood up, but she froze in place, keenly aware that the half-naked body was close at hand.His fingers moved, as if itching to touch her.Mei Di began to tremble, but still did not move, fearing that it would destroy his self-control.

He lowered his head, and she felt his warm lips touch her forehead, linger for a moment, and slide to her temple. "Thank you." Her eyes rested on the scar on his chest. "How did it happen?" she asked tentatively. "Duel wounds, my honor took a lot of dueling skill to maintain." It was a sword wound, how many times had he faced the point of the sword?How close to death?Meidi turned her face away. "You must be very tired after working so long today." "Not really." When Meidi heard the rustling sound, she turned her head automatically, her face turned pale, and watched her husband take off his trousers and sit in the bathtub. , spoke quickly. "Since you no longer need my assistance, I have something to-" "But there is!" He objected softly. "Come here, little one." He ordered her to go, why?What else did he leave her for? Mei Di forcibly walked over with her feet like lead, she stared at his face - there was no other safe place to look at it - but she was very regretful, seeing the mocking smile on his lips, he leaned forward silently, with his hands on his knees , Waiting for her to brush his back for him. Meidi slowly knelt beside the bathtub, picked up a sponge, dipped it in soap, and began to wash his back. It seems to be indescribable intimacy, washing the back, washing the hair.Mais enjoyed her service unabashedly, closing his eyes and throwing his head back, eager for attention like a big cat. Mais brushed his wet hair back. "Obviously you have some use, ma'am." This sentence angered her as he expected. "You are too gentle, sir." He pulls her closer. "Mace," he said, grinning, and kissed her lips, letting himself enjoy the kiss he'd longed for. With screaming resistance, Meidi tried to break free, her arms flapping in the water until her clothes were wet, and the water from his body dripped onto her cheeks and neck. Determined to wait for her reaction, Mais kissed deeper and hotter until her mind was clouded and her heart was racing.Her plea got stuck in her throat and turned into a moan, and she reached for his chest with both hands, and Mace's fingers dug into her hair, kissing her lips harder. The edge of the tub stuck into her waist, and she flinched uncomfortably, Mais immediately let go of his hand and let her back a few inches, Meidi looked at him in disbelief, struggling with the new passion in her heart.Part of her wanted to run away, and part of her wanted him to keep kissing her. "Why don't you join me?" Mace said hoarsely. Meidi withdrew her hand and said tremblingly, "Is this an invitation or an order?" His smile is blinding and evil. "It's a suggestion." "Then I... don't want to accept it." This side of her husband - playful, sexy and provocative - was something she had never seen before. "There's enough room here for the two of us." He stroked her chin. "You'll enjoy it." He leaned in to kiss her neck, and she trembled but didn't move away. "Before you said you were not afraid of me, sooner or later I would have you, sweetheart...why not now? There is nothing wrong with dedicating yourself to your husband." "I do not want--" "You want me, do you think I don't know how you felt when I kissed you? And how you feel now?" Mace nibbled at the sensitive spot of her neck.That feeling is not unpleasant. "Give it to me," he murmured. "I... not--not yet." She was shy and scared, and at the same time wanted to sink into the warm water with him, but something inside of her wouldn't allow her to agree to Mace's urging. "But soon." His eyes slowly moved down her chest and back to her face. "Maybe." She was surprised to hear herself answer that. Mace chuckled, admiring her first timid attempt at flirting with him, and his thumb brushed the water off her peaks, letting her go. Although Mei Di wanted to leave, she still stayed and even wiped his back dry, frowning at a scar on his waist. "Mace?" she asked, slowing down her hands. "Huh?" He was leaning over to wipe his feet. "You won't duel anymore, will you?" He put on his bathrobe with a smile. "I've never been aggressive, except with Goutien. Why do you ask?" "Oh, it's okay, it's just dangerous...and you've tried fate too many times, haven't you?" Mace chuckled. "No one can make you a widow, Maddie, and I plan to be your husband for a long, long time." But she couldn't help worrying. "Many young people want to test your sword skills. You won't duel for such a meaningless reason, right?" "Never for any reason." He knew she wanted some kind of promise not to fight again.He won't promise.However, her wife's concern made him very warm. "A man of your responsibility—and age—is foolish enough to risk his life for some empty principle." "I wouldn't say that honor is a so-called empty principle," he interrupted. "My age has nothing to do with this, although thirty-five years old is too big for your young age." Mei Di was very annoyed. "No. And I'm not that young." he laughed. "I'm not old, little one." "Don't call me that." She became even more angry, when will he give her the respect she deserves?He has always been aloof and self-righteous. "I'm not a child! I'm a woman!" "Really?" Mais grabbed her sleeve and pulled her closer. "Then show how much a woman you are and prove your word." "I don't have to prove..." He wrapped his arms around her, pushing her slender body against the warm, firm body under his bathrobe, visibly aroused.He grabbed her hips so intimately that he startled her. "As I said last night," Mais said. "Being high for a long time without getting it out can be quite uncomfortable for a man, and I would very much like you to remember that." She twisted away in a muffled refusal, and he let go with a slight smile. Although Meidi knew that the Wei family thought it was strange that newlyweds seldom get together, no one mentioned it in front of her.Even Jieshi didn't dare to comment on the arrangement of his father and stepmother sleeping in separate rooms, only the unruly light in his eyes revealed his thoughts on Meidi. But she also began to find that Nona was right. The men of the Wei family knew how to compliment and please women. Alex often asked her some opinions, claiming that the woman who could catch his brother was of course an authority on emotional issues.Bernard narrated her travel experience and praised her language ability. Fili lent her some books that she thought she would like, and even Jess accompanied her on horseback rides at the estate, without the usual arrogance, and quite polite. Mais was seldom at home and hardly saw anyone for two weeks. Aini's comfort did not reassure Meidi. Even though she asked many questions, she still didn't know much about him, and couldn't bridge the distance between husband and wife.When he was not at home at night, Meidi's mind was filled with the thought of him being with his mistress, and her frustration increased day by day, but she dared not ask him face to face. The clock struck one, and Mais had just entered the door, ready to go upstairs, when the sound behind him made him stop and look back.The oil lamp in the front hall was still on. He took off his coat and walked over to see his little wife huddled in a corner of the bench. Mei Di heard his footsteps, woke up, rubbed her eyes, and called his name. "Meidi?" Mais frowned curiously, walked over and squatted down, brushing the hair off her face. "What are you doing here so late?" "I, I'm waiting for you." She was still not sober. "I didn't fall asleep on purpose...I..." "Wait for me? Why?" Mei Di blurted out. "You're with Meiyu again, aren't you?" Mace looked at her indifferently, then smiled. "No, not tonight." She didn't expect him to deny it. "Then what are you doing? Why did you come back so late these nights? Annie said you rarely do this, and she said--" "I'd rather," he interrupted with a smile. "Don't care so much about what Ai Ni said." He sat beside her and held her hands. "You believe I've been spending nights on Meiyu's bed, huh? Does that bother you?" When she refused to answer, he smiled. "Well, she welcomes me if I need to, but these past few nights, I've been taking care of business." She shows off. "Really? Why don't you choose to do business during the day?" "Some things, honey, are best dealt with at night." She just looked at him. "Mace, you're not doing anything... illegal, are you?" He paused for a moment, then stretched out his hand, the distance between his thumb and index finger was an inch. "Just a little illegal." He grinned suddenly. "But it's just a cabin of silk stockings, cinnamon ... and a few thousand pounds." "Sterling? Why?" "After the United States occupied Mexico, they cut off the source of sterling, but New Orleans has no confidence in French and Spanish banknotes. I'm afraid the Governor's plan to distribute US dollars will be hindered, but..." He shrugged. "But don't you support him?" "Oh, I have no obligation to him. I will assist him if I can, but when the opportunity arises, I will take it upon myself." Meidi didn't like her husband being involved in smuggling goods, but she was relieved that he wasn't with his mistress. "And that's the only reason for your absence?" "No, I'm also negotiating to buy a ship, add routes to the West Indies, open a branch office, and build a new warehouse by the river." He raised his eyebrows. "Should I begin to describe the work of the estate?" "No need." She said sullenly. "Then you should probably explain your concerns about Meiyu. Have you decided that I should start visiting your boudoir?" Mei Di blushed. "Mace, I... just... you're always away, making it hard for me to get to know you!" "I see," he put his arms around her. "Honey, we definitely have a problem. Because I have a hard time getting close to you and not sleeping with you." Meidi didn't feel guarded by the bold words, but felt very happy, leaning against him felt comfortable and safe, and even tried to prolong this moment, but before she had time to speak, Mais let her go. "Come on! Before you fall asleep again," he hugged her to the stairs. "I know you've been busy for the past two weeks." "Yes." Meidi said cautiously. During the day, she is busy getting familiar with the house and how to manage the details. As the hostess, her duty is to manage the manor efficiently, from ordering, bookkeeping, cooking, cleaning, decoration, clothes, etc. are all her responsibilities, standard The man dominates the outside and the woman dominates the inside. Maddie believed she could handle it all, but the problem was that it had been handled by Annie for years, and if she tried to change any of the routines, she might offend her, and she really felt the need to make some changes. "Mace," she unconsciously squeezed his hand. "I would like to hear your views." "Ok?" "Don't you think some of the ways in this house are pretty... old?" He stopped in front of her room. "Actually, I didn't notice." "Oh, I guess men don't care too much, just a hundred little things..." At Annie's age, there were some things she didn't see at all, but how to stand her ground without making Annie angry—that was the problem. "I think I understand." Mace took her by the shoulders. "Listen, girl, you have the right to turn this place upside down, and Nona dares not defy you even if she doesn't agree. As for Annie, she will soon enjoy the leisure life that women of her age are accustomed to. During this period , I don't doubt that you have the ability to deal with her stubbornness. You just need to agree with her in everything, and then do it the way you want. This is the only way to deal with her. " "But I don't want to make her angry—" "Oh, I don't think so, only her grandson can make her angry." Meidi nodded. "Okay, Mace." He smiled lazily and kissed her forehead. "Good night." He didn't let go of her immediately, and stared at her passionately.Now it was, she thought, now he would insist on exercising his husband's rights--and she found herself wanting to end the wait, too.The moment seemed to last for hours, leaving her distraught as to what he would do. He suddenly turned around and left, she was relieved and slightly disappointed, but she didn't dare to call him back. "Aaron Bai will undoubtedly be here tomorrow," said the Governor, wiping his face with a handkerchief. "It's damn hot! I hear that big yacht he's in is a present for Wilkinson!" He paused. "I have also heard that Wilkinson secretly accepts payments from Spain." "Is there any proof?" Mais asked. "No, but it's not groundless either." "Ah, of course." Mais said slowly. "His Majesty wants Louisiana to return to Spain's protection. Yes, it is logical that Spain will support Aaron Bai." He frowned and thought. "Wickinson is very close to the Marquess de Ucasser, the supreme commander of Spain in New Orleans," said the governor. "Bo Yalun may also visit him, but my subordinates can't get any information. The relationship between Spain and the United States is very hostile, and the dispute over the ownership of Florida will lead to war at any time!" the governor commented. "I know Marquis You," Mais replied. "I'll see what I can find out." The governor wiped his face again. "He must know the inside story, and may even have insight into everything about Bai Yalun. For everyone, I hope you can find out the news from the Marquis." "I hope so," Mais changed the subject. "You plan to give a welcome speech when Bai Yalun arrives?" The governor nodded resignedly. "The speech has been written." "Very good," Mais said with a slight smile. "You'd better pretend you're not afraid of him at all." "I thought we agreed there was no reason to be afraid of Aaron Pak!" "Nevertheless," Mace said briskly. "I get it wrong sometimes."
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