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Chapter 5 chapter Five

only in your arms 莉莎·克莱佩 6470Words 2018-03-18
Aini, who was sitting by the window, watched Mais leave the mansion, and then turned to Meidi who was combing her hair with determination, and spoke softly. "Meidi, you have the right to know what happened between Mais and Goutien." Aini has been considering whether to reveal this matter, but Nona promises that it is better for her to say it herself. "Mace would never tell, so I'll tell you so you might get to know my son better and think about him differently." Mei Di was very confused. "Ma'am, if you want me to like him... well, I can't lie to you, that's unlikely, and why should you—"

"Listen to me first." "Ok!" "Mayce has always been a lover of passion, unrestrained emotion." Mei Di couldn't help interrupting. "I had the exact opposite impression that he had no emotion at all." Nona, who was combing her hair, stopped. "Son, just because you didn't see it doesn't mean he didn't have it. He has strong feelings deep inside." "Exactly," said Annie. "If you had seen him many years ago, Meddy, you wouldn't have doubted my words. Mais loves life more than his younger brother." Annie's expression was full of sentimentality.

"Don't doubt my words, because this is not a mother's boast. Mais was naughty and fearless since childhood, but he was full of tenderness and compassion for the helpless. He had a lively and charming personality. At that time, he had many friends. Life to preserve the name of the man he loved, almost all the women of New Orleans, young and old loved him, manly and handsome in those days." "He is too now!" Mei Di blurted out, and then blushed because of her slippery mouth. Annie smiled slyly. "He has a different appeal now." Mei Di fully understands the meaning of Ai Ni, only a woman who disregards her reputation wants to have something to do with Mais.

"His fall was because of a woman," Ani went on. "Lai Kelin is a daughter of a family in New Orleans. At that time, Mais was not a few years older than you. She completely ignored her true face. Kelin was beautiful and attractive, but she was selfish. She gave birth to twins in the first year of marriage. Mais was overjoyed and willing to do anything. It made her happy, but..." Annie paused, shaking her head. "What happened?" Meidi couldn't suppress the eagerness in her voice. "She's changed." "How?" "Behind that beautiful mask is a cold heart. She claims that life is boring...beginning to throw away morality and respect like shoes. Corinne is not interested in children, and she doesn't want to belong to a man alone, so she went out on a red apricot. Wall, Meidi, you can guess who that person is."

Mei Di swallowed hard. "Gateen." "Quite right, Kelin flirted with Tyn in front of Mais, knowing that her husband still loves her, but she did it so hard... My son was tortured and wanted to fight Tyn, but his self-esteem wouldn't let him Admitting his wife's infidelity to the world, Mais was finally forced to challenge Tin, but before the appointed time, he... he..." Nona walked over and handed Ani a handkerchief. "Poor, Nona," said Annie, wiping the tears from her eyes. "I'm not sad because of Corinne." Mei Di anxiously waited for her to speak.

"Anyone can understand why, Corinne is so cruel, using Mais's feelings to torture him until he can't help it... It's a good reason, isn't it, Nona?" "Yes, ma'am." "What happened?" The person who answered was Nona. "They found Colleen strangled in the Overseer's empty house in the woods." "Mace found it," Annie whispered. "He said he didn't kill her, but he didn't have an alibi. After considering the situation, the official decided to be tolerant and accept his words. After all, it was his wife who was unfaithful."

"The duel between him and Goutien was never held. Mais still insisted on his innocence, but no one believed him. He has been isolated since then. I believe that he will eventually heal and return to the way he was before, but the bitterness swallowed him, and he Become unable to express feelings, unable to trust anyone, let alone allow yourself to care about others." "Ma'am, do you believe in his innocence?" Meidi asked tremblingly. Annie paused for a long time. "I am his mother," she said at last. Does that mean belief or disbelief? "What if he is really innocent?" Meidi asked. "Maybe someone else?"

"There is no one else." Aini's tone was terrifyingly affirmative. Meidi couldn't help trembling. It turned out that Mr. Wei was a veteran. His thin and strong hands once grabbed a woman's neck and killed her. "Mayce is sympathetic," Arnie said. "He was a victim of emotion." Meidi opened her eyes wide in shock. "Teach me how to sympathize with a wife's murderer?" "You have to understand that it's because of circumstances..." "Oh, ma'am," said Meddy excitedly. "I wish you hadn't told me."

"Now you understand the reason why he took advantage of your situation. This is his chance to force Goutien to a duel and avenge the past. I don't doubt that he will kill Tin. Maybe at that time, he can no longer look back at the past, Put the whole tragedy behind you." "Yes," Meddy whispered. "It's evil to execute your wife first and then her lover." "You shouldn't think like that," Annie said. "He's not evil. He still has the gentle and lovely boy in his heart somewhere. I didn't believe this until after you appeared, Meidi. I've seen him with you."

"With me?" Mei Di exclaimed. "He just mocks and insults me, and he belittles me!" The way Aini and Nona looked at each other puzzled her. Do they know anything she doesn't? "Ma'am," she asked. "You won't let me get hurt?" "Oh, I guess you needn't be afraid of Mace." Mei Di couldn't believe it. "But other women might? My God! If other people are not safe with him, then how am I immune?" Aini thought for a while and insisted on being optimistic. "Mace seems to be protective of you, honey, I want you to pick out his good side."

"I don't understand why you think so?" Meidi exclaimed. "If that's true, it doesn't mean that if I offend him, he won't throw a tantrum and then... oh, how could you not tell me the story first and let me decide to stay?" she complained. Annie was surprised. "Just now you said you wish I hadn't." "I know...but I...uh, this changes everything, I have to go!" "It's too late to leave now!" Ani said sincerely. "I didn't say it to scare you, Meidi, but to help you understand the experience." "Ma'am, you won't leave my fate in the hands of Mr. Wei!" "I must remind you, my dear, that you yourself delivered it into his hands." As a native Virginian, Kechari was only 28 years old when he was appointed by President Jefferson as the governor of the New Orleans Mandate. Although the Creoles had always opposed him, money-loving Americans and The combination of refugees from France is his biggest threat. However, the increasingly rampant piracy problem in Bellatania Bay has prevented the Governor from focusing on the problem of Bai Yalun, which has attracted criticism. "That's the problem," the governor told Mace. "Those gangsters know the swamp better than the police. They're well armed and well organized. President Jefferson promised some gunboats to fight the pirates. But I'm afraid they're in bad shape, and there aren't many conscripts." Mais smiled. "I would say that most of the Creoles are not strongly opposed to piracy. If you block duty-free goods, the local merchants will riot. There are many respectable families whose wealth is based on smuggling. Smuggling is not local. Disreputable profession." "Oh! Do you mean respectable families?" The skeptical tone might have been uncomfortable, but Mais just smiled. "I'd be surprised if my father didn't do anything to make pirates happen," he answered bluntly. The governor looked stunned. "Which side do you sympathize with, Old Wei?" "If you're asking me if I'm involved in smuggling, the answer is..." Mace took a puff on his cigar. "Not at this moment." His arrogant words made the governor angry and amused. "Sometimes, I wonder whether I should treat you as an enemy or a friend." "Sir, if I were the enemy, you definitely don't have to guess." "Let's talk about your enemies now. What is it about my assistant saying that you and Goutien are hostile over women? And making ridiculous references to duels? I hope it's just a rumour, isn't it?" "It's all true." The governor looked surprised. "You won't fight for a woman impulsively, after all you are a mature man." Mace raised an eyebrow. "I'm only thirty-five, sir—not old enough to falter." "Absolutely not, but..." The governor shook his head. "Although we've met each other not long ago, Wei, I always thought you were rational, unlike those young men who would go mad with jealousy and fight for women? I thought you wouldn't be like that." Mace was amused. "I'm a Creole, of French descent, and God knows, I definitely will be." "It seems that I have no hope of understanding the Creoles." The governor frowned. It is really hard for Americans to imagine that the Creoles are willing to fight for some trivial matters. "You will find, Governor, that dueling is an inescapable way of life in New Orleans, and you may one day find it necessary to preserve your honor in this way." "Never!" continued the Governor. "How can you get involved in something like this when you're still useful to me? You know I try to avoid pissing off the people here, and if the Creoles grow to hate me—" "The Creoles don't hate you." "No?" "Most of them are indifferent to you. You Americans don't like you." "Damn it, I know," said the governor with a sombre face. "If Gerthine wins the duel, you will not help me at all. You know that General Parker is in Naches now, planning to promote the Louisiana riot. He will come here soon to find supporters. By then you may have buried At the bottom of the hill, Louisiana is no longer a state in the United States, so--" Mais laughed. "I can't lose, and I've been waiting ten years for this duel." "Ten years, why?" "I have to go, I believe you can find someone willing to assist you." Mais got up. "Why?" asked the governor. "I have something to discuss with you." "Words of my presence here must have spread, and I expect to receive a letter of challenge at your gate." Mais bowed mockingly. "At your service, Governor." "What if you die tomorrow?" Mace smiled wistfully. "If you need advice from Hades, I'm happy to oblige." The governor laughed. "Is your ghost haunting me?" "You won't be the first person to encounter the ghost of the Wei family." Mai Si Shi walked away abruptly. No sooner had he reached the front door than a small group of men came towards him, excitement in the air, for the Clios were always looking forward to a duel in which the Weis were involved. "Gentlemen," Mais urged lazily. "Is there anything I can do for you?" One of them stepped forward, breathing heavily, and suddenly threw a glove at Mace's face. "I challenge you on behalf of Goutien." Mais's smile chilled everyone present to the bone. "I accept." "You will assign an assistant to arrange matters?" "Kirjek will arrange it." Ke Jieke was good at negotiating, and he had settled disputes before the duel twice, but this time Mais made it clear that there was no need for negotiation, and the sword duel was to be fought until the death, and the location was chosen by a remote lake. "Where's the doctor?" the assistant asked. "Who chooses the doctor—" "You decide!" Mais replied indifferently, knowing that the result of this duel would not require a doctor. Rumors were flying in the city, and Jesse and Fili were so excited that they imitated sword fighting in the house barefoot with crutches and brooms, knocking over tables, wardrobes and bookshelves from time to time. They had no doubt that their terrible father would defeat Goutien because Mais is invincible no matter the sword or the gun. Annie locked herself in her room, praying fervently for her son's safety tomorrow, and at the same time asking God to forgive her son for his ruthlessness and vengeance. Mei Di sat alone in the salon, confused and tense, trying to convince herself that she didn't care what happened to Wei Maisi.Where is Mais now?He had shown up earlier and left without eating dinner.Nona hinted that he was looking for a mistress, and this idea aroused Meidi's complicated feelings. She couldn't stop herself from imagining what Mais and his mistress were doing at the moment. She half-closed her eyes and imagined a woman's face, pulling Mais to the bed, and he kissed her and unbuttoned her shirt with both hands.My last night is with you, he might whisper, hold me... The woman arched her body, her head was thrown back, Meidi saw her own face, it was her arms around his neck... She gasped, shook her head, and blinked in bewilderment. "God, what am I doing? How can I, how can I think..." "Miss!" Philip walked over. "Why are you so sad?" Philip asked excitedly. "Are you not pleased that my father will duel tomorrow in your honour?" "Happy?" she repeated. "How could I be happy? That would be horrible!" "But this is the most sublime compliment to a woman. Think about it, the sound of gold and iron clanging, and the bleeding are all for you!" "The duel is not for her." Jieshi said flatly. "Is that right, Maddie?" "Yes." She was numb. "What?" Fili asked in bewilderment. "Of course it's for you, everyone says so." "Stupid," muttered Jace, sitting next to Maddie, staring at him curiously, as if understanding her fear. "He won't lose, don't worry." She raised her chin and forced herself to look directly at Jace. "I don't care what happens to your father." "Really? Then why are you waiting to see if he comes back?" "Yes, and you might wait all night, and sometimes he doesn't come back until dawn, and you know who he's with, don't you?" "No, I don't..." Mei Di blushed. "with who?" Phil interrupted angrily. "Jess, don't tell her such a thing!" "He is with Meiyu," Jie Shi smiled knowingly. "She's been his mistress for years, but he doesn't love her." Meddy struggled to swallow more questions, it was so humiliating to hear a boy gossip maliciously. "I don't want to listen." Jace laughed at her. "You still want to listen, but I won't tell you!" Suddenly there were angry shouts from the second floor. "Jess! Fili! Ah, you are so naughty! Come up here immediately!" Annie ordered. Jace didn't move, Philip tugged at his sleeve impatiently. "Jess, come on! Grandma is calling us!" "Go and see what she wants." Jason replied lazily. Fili narrowed his eyes annoyed, and refused to go up alone, but Annie yelled at him again, and Jace still sat calmly, so he had no choice but to leave angrily. Mei Di put her hands on her chest. "Do you have anything else to tell me?" "I wonder if you know what Mace did to my mother," Jace said lazily. What an evil child, Meidi thought, but she also felt sorry for him. The life of doubting her father must be terrible, and what is even more terrible is knowing that her mother is cheating on her. "Needless to say," she said. "It has nothing to do with me." "Oh, it's related," Jason lowered his voice. "You see, my father intends to marry you." She gasped, thinking he was crazy. "No, he won't!" "Don't be stupid, if grandma isn't sure that he will make proper compensation, how can she allow him to harm your reputation?" She began to tremble. "I don't allow him to make amends, I don't marry anyone." Jace smiled. "Just wait and see! My father always gets what he wants." "He doesn't want me," Mei Di insisted. "He just wants revenge." Jace stood up and bowed, content with her unease.Within two weeks you'll be a member of the Wei family, unless of course he loses the duel - and that's never going to happen. " Bangtyen leaned over the table and wrote several pieces of paper, carefully sealing them, and weighing them with his hands, as if it was an exquisite weapon. At that moment, there was a trace of tenderness in his eyes that he hadn't seen for a long time. , Memories of the past danced before his eyes. "Tyn?" His sister Reme came in. "What are you doing?" It was this younger brother that she had been worried about for so many years. He waved the letter in his hand. "In case something unexpected happens tomorrow, you give this to Wei Maisi." "Why?" Rui Mei frowned. "What's in the letter?" "That can only be known to Mais." "Why did you fight for that woman?" she asked excitedly. "There are many reasons, one of which is that Ke Meidi is the only woman I want to marry." "But why? She's nothing special, beautiful, well-bred...but there are plenty of women like that! And you've seduced too many innocent girls—" "I enjoy hunting and conquering," he confessed. "As soon as I got one, I lost interest. Innocence is a fleeting trait, and many beautiful women, no matter what their backgrounds, are depraved amazingly." "Then this girl surnamed Ke--" "She is beautiful and not hypocritical, smart and refined, any man would like a wife with such a gentle personality... But there is a trace of fire in her body, sister, this is what makes her special." "So she's worth your fighting for her? Worth risking your life?" "You also know that this duel has been delayed for a long time and has nothing to do with Meidi." "If you kill Mais, can you really feel at ease?" Tien smiled strangely. "Perhaps. I can only be sure that Mace won't feel at ease if he wins." He put the letter on the table. "If so, don't forget this letter, I will watch him read it from the grave." Ruimei was very angry. "I really don't understand your attitude towards that cruel man. Wei Maisi is not worth your time, but you insist on risking your life to indulge his desire for revenge! I really don't understand you." Tyn looked absent-minded. "Do you remember him before? Everyone loved him before, including you." Rui Mei blushed in embarrassment, but she didn't deny that Mais was warm and sincere at that time, and his childish gentlemanly demeanor had fascinated too many girls. "Yes, of course I do," she replied. "But that's not the same person, Tien, and now Wei Maisi is the devil incarnate." In the early morning, the surface of the lake was extremely clear, reflecting the gray dawn sky, and the duel between Mace and Tien took place in the clearing beside the pine forest. Aides from both sides and a small group of onlookers stood aside nervously and expectantly. Bangtyen faced Mais with a faint smile. "Wei, you don't have to wait so long. You should have found an excuse many years ago. Why did you use my little fiancee to provoke a duel? You really don't need to deprive me of delicious food." Mace scoffed. "It seems appropriate." "It's suitable for you, but it's really not an equal exchange. Meidi is gentle and chaste, and is more valuable than your prostitute wife." Mais took a deep breath. "I'm going to kill you." "Just like you killed Kelin?" Tien smiled leisurely. "I haven't had a chance to tell you before, I'm so relieved she's such a bore, you have to admit I have far better taste in women than you do, tell me Maddie is as lovely as I expected Is it? I have only a taste, and she slips out of my grasp." Strangely, the thought of Gutian holding Meidi in his arms made him more angry than knowing the fact that he had an affair with Kelin, Mais struggled to control his anger, so as not to give the other party a chance. "Be careful," Tyn murmured. "You let your feelings show, and you'll give me a chance." "I have no feelings when it comes to you," Mace snorted. "That's why we're dueling here." Tyn put away his smile. "Okay, let's get started!" They looked at each other again before turning to grab their weapons.Mais put aside the memories that had lingered on the fringes of his perception again and again, memories from childhood, and he wondered if Thien had thought of the fact that few people in New Orleans remembered that they had once been inseparable friends. In private, Mais had considered the reason why Tien and Colleen had an affair, and decided that it was an inevitable result.There has always been a rivalry between him and Tien. Even though they are childhood friends who are as close as brothers, Tien is also the opponent Mais would be most jealous of. Mais is handsome, self-willed, smart, and ambitious, and has always been the candidate for a son-in-law in the eyes of many parents, or the appearance of an ideal son.In the meantime, Tyn struggled to control jealousy, but too many arguments and a growing sense of rivalry eventually dimmed their friendship, and for several years they kept a careful distance. Not long after Mais got married, the idea of ​​seducing Kelin was planted in the bottom of his heart.It was, like any other conquest, an inner impulse. The sense of victory in chasing Colleen is sweet, but after possessing it, that charm fades quickly.Now Mais is reciprocating by destroying his fiancée, and Tien is more determined to settle this account. He couldn't get rid of the melancholy of losing Meidi, not only for self-esteem, but also because she was a high priced prize, tender and delicate, shy and elegant.He imagined himself half in love with her, and that Mais would have to pay for taking her.
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