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Chapter 25 Finale

please sleep 莉莎·克莱佩 1161Words 2018-03-18
The autumn wind blew in through the half-opened window, and it was cool, making Lily lean closer to her husband's warm embrace.They were here to attend the weekend hunting banquet hosted by Sir Hua and his wife. Lily looked at the dark sky outside the window, and sighed regretfully, realizing that it was the time for the hunting team to wake up, so that they could attend the morning pre-departure meeting in time. "Tired?" Ali asked. "We didn't get much sleep last night," she murmured. He smiled against her hair. "Nobody's sleeping." Lying in bed together, they listened to the sounds of the night—footsteps slinking across the hallway, doors gently opening and closing, whispers of inquiry and consent from the invited guests looking for their respective bed partners for the night.Lily made Alex chuckle when she pointed out that they were one of the few couples who really wanted to share the bed rather than find another partner.To prove how much he valued her company, he spent most of the night courting, leaving her with little time to sleep.

Alex's attendant knocked on the door lightly, indicating that it was time for them to get up and wash up.Alex stretched his waist greatly, left the bed with a murmur of complaints, and picked up the clothes laid out for him last night.As for Lily, who was usually looking forward to hunting activities, her movements today were surprisingly slow.Propping herself on her elbows, she gazed at him with a smile, her thick black curly hair now reaching her shoulders and falling over the snow-white pillow. Alex paused and looked at her suspiciously. "Honey," she said slowly. "I don't feel like hunting today."

"What?" He tied up his trousers, walked over and sat on the edge of the bed, frowning slightly. "why?" She seems to choose her words very carefully. "I guess I shouldn't be hunting." "Lily," he held her shoulders and gently pulled her towards him, and the useless sheet fell to her waist, exposing her slender and slender body. "You know I'd rather you not hunt--because I can't bear to see you with even the slightest scratch or bruise, yet I don't want to deprive you of anything that makes you happy. I know how much you love the game of hunting, as long as you You are cautious, and in some of the more difficult jumping obstacles, you can ride around on horseback, and I have no objection to your participation."

"Thank you, honey," she replied softly. "However, I still don't think the campaign is appropriate." His eyes are full of concern. "What's wrong?" He asked quietly, clasping her shoulders with his fingers. Lily looked straight into his searching eyes, and traced the curve of his lower lip with her delicate fingertips. "Nothing, it's just that women in my condition should avoid strenuous activity." "Like you—" He stopped in astonishment, his expression blank. She smiled in silence. "Yes." She whispered in response to the question in his eyes.

In an instant, he hugged her tightly and buried his face in her hair. "Lily," he said ecstatically, while she chuckled softly. "How do you feel?" he demanded, pushing her away a little to get a good look at her.His big hands touched her body tenderly. "Are you all right, sweetheart? You—" "Everything is perfect." She assured him, raised her face, and accepted his slender kisses. "You're so perfect," he shook his head in bewilderment. "are you sure?" "I've been through it before," she reminded him with a smile. "Yes, I'm sure, want to bet it's a boy? What's your bet?"

Alex lowered his head and whispered in her ear. Lily chuckled hoarsely. "Is that all?" she teased seductively. "I thought you, a gambler, have more guts than that!" She pulled him down with a smile, grabbing his broad back with both hands. "Come closer, my lord," she whispered. "Let's see if we can raise the stakes a little more!" ——End of the book
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