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Chapter 23 Chapter Twenty-Three

please sleep 莉莎·克莱佩 6140Words 2018-03-18
"Mr. Gan is helping Shidi?" Lili asked angrily. "While he's working for me?" Alex nodded and took her hand. "Nathan suspects that Costie is part of a child-stealing ring, and that Gannock is conspiring with him. Recently, Gannock has been making a lot of "hard-earned money" in addition to his normal salary." "Blood money?" Lily asked in confusion. "Privately paid for his recovery of missing children, Gannock started getting paid for solving such cases this year." Lily's eyes widened in surprise and anger. "Then the group kidnapped the children...Mr. Gan got it back...Everyone will share the money they got? Why did he get all of them back except my Nicole? Why?"

"Perhaps Ge Shidi convinced him that it would be more beneficial to keep Nicole, and he could drain everything you own." Lily froze. "He's right," she said dully. "I gave away several sums of wealth, and let him take whatever he wants." She lowered her head. "Oh, my God!" she muttered. "What a blind fool I was to let them get away with it so easily." She kept her body bent, and his hands were placed on her head, stroking her hair slowly and repeatedly. Until this moment, she had been avoiding his embrace.But allow this comforting massage method, the tense muscles in the neck gradually relax.

"Don't blame yourself," Alex said softly. "You're alone and you're scared, and they're taking advantage of that. It's impossible to be objective and rational when you're worried about your daughter." Lily's mind seemed to be filled with all kinds of questions, which made her dizzy.How did he see her when he knew everything about her past?Was it sympathy or blame... would his kindness only last as long as he thought she was strong enough to face his rejection? She told herself that she could not approach him again unless she knew the answer.She would rather commit suicide than force him to accept herself... However, when his fingers wandered around her asking questions, she couldn't continue to think rationally, and a need surged in her body.She raised her head uncontrollably, and begged quietly with her eyes. She didn't care if it was just sympathy, as long as he hugged her.

"Sweetheart." Alex lifted her into his lap, hugged her tenderly, and buried her face in his neck. He seemed to see through her thoughts easily, as if she was a treasure he had played with thousands of times.By revealing her secret, she had given him the reins. "I love you." He said against her temple, brushing her hair with his fingertips. "You can't—" "Hush, listen to me carefully, Nina. Your mistakes, your past, your fears... none of this will change my feelings for you." She swallowed hard, trying to understand the words. "I—I don't like that nickname," she stammered.

"I know," he said softly. "Because it reminds you that when you were a child, Nina was a girl who was afraid and eager to be loved and cared for. Lily was strong and brave. As long as she was happy, she didn't care about people in the world." "Which one do you like?" she whispered. He raised her chin, looked into her eyes, and smiled. "All of you, every part of you, I like it." His sure and reassuring tone made Lily tremble, but when he bent down to kiss her, she flinched, not ready for a sensual kiss or a hug...her inner wound was too new...needed time to heal ...

"Not yet." She whispered pleadingly, afraid that he would be angry at her rejection, but instead he hugged her again. She sighed wearily, resting her head on his shoulder. At ten o'clock in the morning, Lily had arrived at a corner of Hyde Park, watching the outside world from the window of the carriage. The milkwoman, the chimney sweep, the newspaper boy and the bread boy went to press the doors of the rich people one by one. doorbell.Children walk the streets with their nannies, breathing in the morning air: their parents don't get up for breakfast until mid-afternoon.In the distance came the drums and music of the Janissaries marching from their barracks to Hyde Park.

Lily's eyes sharpened as soon as she saw a long figure standing by the corner pillar, it was Gannock.Dressed in traditional uniform - black trousers, riding boots, a gray coat with gold brass buttons, and a flat hat on his head. Lily took a breath to stabilize herself, leaned out of the carriage, and waved a handkerchief to call. "Mr. Gan," she said in a low voice. "Here, please come here." Nock came over, chatted with the coachman for a while, and then got into the carriage.He took off his flat hat, smoothed his hair, and murmured greetings.For a man of medium height and strong build, the featureless face looked far younger than forty.

Lily sat across from him and nodded. "Mr. Gan, I am very grateful that you are willing to meet me here. The reason is obvious. I can't let my husband find out about the transaction between me and you. He will insist on asking me to explain clearly..." She pretended to look helplessly. with him. "Of course, Miss Luo," Nok paused, correcting himself with a smile. "Of course, it's Mrs. Lei now." "My marriage was a surprise," Lily admitted self-consciously. "It has changed my life in so many ways... With one exception, I am still determined to get my daughter Nicole back."

She raised the purse and shook it gently. "Fortunately now, I have the funds to cover the costs of the continuation of the search. I still want your assistance in this matter, as I have done before." Nock's eyes were fixed on the money bag, and he smiled reassuringly at the same time. "Let's just say I'm reinstated, Mrs. Lei." He held out his hand, and she handed him the small but full money pouch. "Now, please tell me Shidi's current situation." "My communication with Costco has not ceased, Mr. Gan. In fact, last night he boldly confronted me and made a new request."

"Last night?" he asked in surprise. "Brand new request?" "Yes," Lily sighed displeased. "You know, in the past, Shidi only needed money. That's what I was able and willing to provide, as long as I believed that there was still hope of finding the child. But last night..." She didn't finish speaking, shaking her head in disgust. "What kind of request?" Nok asked. "Forgive my bluntness, is he making a personal request of you, ma'am?" "No, while some of his actions are unbearable to me, his demands are much worse than that, he threatens everything I have; my home, my marriage, my social status, because he has certain Such an absurd ambition to become part of the social circle!" When the local saw Gannock's surprised face, he quickly hid his satisfaction in his heart.

"I can't believe it," he said reluctantly. "It's true," she held the corner of the silk scarf to her eyes, pretending to wipe her tears. "At Mrs. Nan's birthday party last night, he came to me, dressed like a ostentatious peacock, in front of hundreds of people! He asked me to introduce him face to face, as an introducer, so that the whole social circle could accept him Oh, Mr. Gan, you should see that terrible scene for yourself." "That idiot!" He blurted out angrily, not expecting how strange his sudden anger was. "Several people saw him, including Sir Nan and my husband. When I coaxed him into a hidden corner, his strange ambitions were on full display. He said he would return his daughter to me soon, but first use me to secure him a position of social influence. The idea is too improbable, he is a scoundrel and a wanted man in Italy! How can one imagine that he will be welcomed here?" "He's nothing but foreign scum," Nock said darkly. "Now he's not only worthless, but extremely unstable." "Exactly, Mr. Kimball. Capricious people often betray themselves—and their plans—and make foolish mistakes, don't they?" "You're right," he said suddenly and quietly. "He may well become a victim of his own greed." His cold gaze made her shudder, and there was a vile look on his sullen face.Eerie and cruel, no doubt about it, Lily thought, planning to end Costly's dangerous and uncontrollable behavior.If Gannock is really Shidi's accomplice, and his financial resources are connected with them, he can't bear such a loose-spoken person. Lily leaned forward eagerly, touching his arm lightly. "I pray you'll find my Nicole," she said softly. "Mr. Gan, as long as you succeed, I can guarantee a rich return." She emphasized her tone, and he obviously took the hook. "I won't disappoint you this time," he said firmly. "I will resume the investigation this morning, Mrs. Lei." "Please be cautious when you inform me of the progress, my husband...must keep it secret..." "Of course." Gannock assured her.He put on his hat, said good-day to her, got out of the carriage, and walked briskly, as if he had made up his mind. As soon as he turned around, Lily's begging expression disappeared immediately, and instead she looked at his back from the car window with cold eyes. "Go to hell, you bastard!" she whispered. "At the same time, take Geshidi with you." After Lily told Alex and Mr. Nathan the details of her meeting with Gannock, all she could do was wait.Henry and his governess went to the British Museum to study Greek vases and antiques; all the servants in the house were unaware of what was going on, but kept their voices as low as possible, keenly aware of a lingering tension in the house.Lily really wanted to go out for a ride, but was afraid that if she left, she would miss something. She was frantically waiting and needed something to distract her.She simply became an embroidery female red, but she always hurt her fingers accidentally, until the handkerchief she embroidered was stained with traces of blood.She didn't understand why Alex could be so calm, shutting himself in the study to process documents, as if this was just an ordinary day.And she didn't know how many cups of tea she drank, walking back and forth.Later, when she tried to read a book, she couldn't calm down again.In the end she chose to play cards, and played them again and again until the action became mechanical.The reason she managed to swallow several mouthfuls of food at dinnertime was because of Alex's threats and lures, mockingly saying that it wouldn't help anyone if she starved herself to death. She couldn't stand the quietness of the dormitory, so she had to sit on the bench in the front hall and listen to Alex recite a book of poetry aloud.It seemed to Lily that he had chosen the dullest, longest lines on purpose, and the combination of his deep voice, the ticking of the clock, and the wine at dinner made her eyelids drop heavily.She sank back on the cushion and felt herself drifting slowly into quiet, gray sleep. After maybe several minutes or several hours, she heard Alex's voice calling in her ear, gently shaking her shoulder with a gentle hand. "Lily, honey, open your eyes." "Huh?" She rubbed her eyes and murmured sleepily. "Alex, what—" "Nathan's delivery," he said, putting on her slippers. "The person who followed Gannock followed him all the way to the slums of St. Gail. Nathan and a dozen operators surrounded him. We must go there immediately." "Saint Gail." She repeated, fully awake, that is the most dangerous area in London according to legend, where dragons and snakes are everywhere, commonly known as the "Holy Land", and even the police dare not take a step beyond it.Thieves and murderers often hide in those narrow alleys and bends after they have done their job. "Did Nicole be mentioned in the news? Any children—" "No." He tied a dark cloak for her and led her into the carriage before she had time to ask any more questions.As soon as Lily caught sight of the five or six armed entourage outside the car, she knew Alex didn't want to risk their own safety. As the carriage rattled through the street, Lily clasped her hands and tried to calm down, but felt her pulse throbbing in panic.The streets they passed were becoming more and more old and dirty, the buildings were closely connected together, and a stench came in from the car window, which made Lily wrinkle her nose. The carriage stopped in front of an old and dilapidated inn. Alex got out of the carriage and told the servants and coachman to protect his wife carefully.Get out of the carriage, if necessary, at any sign of danger. "No:" Lily yelled, wanting to get out of the car, but Alex blocked the doorway with his hands, preventing her from going out. "I want to go in with you!" She was furious. "You can't leave me here!" "Lily," he said quietly. "I'll let you in soon, but I have to make sure it's safe inside. You're more precious than my life, and I can't let you risk it." "This place is full of investigators," she said hotly. "Perhaps the safest place in London right now! Besides, it's my daughter we're looking for!" "I know," he cursed under his breath. "Damn it! Lily, I know what's going on inside, and I don't want you to suffer any harm." She looked directly at him and said softly: "Let's face it together, don't protect me, Alex, just let me stand by your side." Alex looked at her for a long time, then abruptly put his arms around her waist and carried her out of the car.She held his hand, and the two walked towards the door of the inn together, where the two operators were already waiting to greet Alex respectfully.They looked at Lily suspiciously, and one of them murmured that there had been some casualties in the process of breaking into the inn, and maybe it was better for her not to go in. "She'll be all right," Alex said succinctly, still holding her hand, leading the way. The air inside the building was foul and suffocating, the walls were full of insects crawling, there was no other furniture in the room except for a few empty tables and simple beds on the floor, and even the broken windows were stuffed with straw.They went down the corridor, toward the source of the sound, and Alex felt Lily hold him tighter, almost clinging to him. They came to a large room full of operators, who were busy questioning suspects, and some children were pulled from a corner and brought to Nathan.Nathan stood in the center and watched the scene calmly, giving orders gently.Alex saw three corpses in front of him, and his footsteps stopped. Judging from the ragged clothes, they were obviously poor people.He heard Lily's exclamation and examined one of them more closely.He pushed the lifeless body over with his boots, and Costie's pale eyes stared at them. Lily took a few steps back and murmured his name. Alex looked at the corpse in a pool of blood without feeling. "Sword wound." He said indifferently, pulling Lily into the crowded room with him. Upon seeing them, Nathan motioned for them to stay where they were, while he himself approached. "My lord," he pointed to the corpse behind them. "The plan was too successful. As soon as night fell, Ganok came here. With the help of our slum expert Kerry, we were able to track him to this area. When our operators arrived, Nok was afraid Shi Di betrayed him, and he had already acted first. Later, Noke admitted to us that he planned to return the child to Mrs. Lei to collect the reward." Nathan pointed to the disconsolate Gannock, who was bound and sitting on the ground with his back to the wall, surrounded by four accomplices, all from the kidnapping ring.Nock glared at Lily with hatred, but she was too anxious to notice, her eyes frantically scanning the five or six children in the room. "Where are these kids?" Alex asked. "According to Nock's confession, they all come from good families, and we will work hard to return them—without asking for a reward, because these children were kidnapped purely because of the involvement of an operator." Nathan contemptuously Looking at Gannock. "He dishonored us all." It was poignant to see Lily staring at the children, mostly blond, weeping and sobbing, next to the Operators who tried in vain to comfort them. "She's not here." Lily said dizzily, her face pale and panicked.She moved forward, trying to see the crowd in front of her. "Are all the children here?" she asked Mr. Jonathan. "Yes." Nathan replied quietly. "Look again, Mrs. Lei, are you sure these are all right?" Lily shook her head vigorously. "Nicole is brunette," she said desperately. "And—and she's younger than these kids, only four years old. There must be others, and she must be here, maybe in some other room, and I know she hides when she's scared. She's very young , Alex, help me find—” "Lily." Alex's hand gripped her tightly, stopping her frantic chatter. She tremblingly followed the direction of his gaze, and the short and fat figure of an operator on the opposite side blocked their sight, and then she saw the small figure in the corner, half hidden in the shadows.Lily froze all over, her beating heart was so chaotic that she couldn't breathe, the child was undoubtedly a small copy of her mother, with big and dark eyes, a small face, and small arms clutching a doll-like body. Cloth.Standing in the shadows, she looked seriously at the group of adults in front of her, because she was so quiet, like a little mouse peeping from a secret corner, that no one noticed her existence. "Nicole," Lily choked out. "Oh, my God!" Alex let her go and she moved forward, but the little girl drew back, watching her cautiously.Lily's throat was sore, and she awkwardly wiped the tears from her face. "You are my baby, my Nicole." She knelt down in front of the child. "Nicole," she called in Italian, trying to suppress the overwhelming emotion in her heart. "I've been waiting a long time to hug you. Do you remember me? I'm your mother, I'm your mother, sweetheart?" The child looked at her warily and responded in Italian. "Mom?" she repeated softly. "Yes, yes..." Lily sobbed uncontrollably, and hurried forward, grabbing her and hugging the precious weight of the baby tightly. "Oh, Nicole...you feel so good, so good..." Her hand brushed through the thin black hair and slid down her daughter's fragile spine, Nicole leaned softly in her arms . "It's over now, it's finally over." She raised her small face and looked into those eyes that were like a replica of herself.Nicole's small hand came up to her cheek, then moved curiously to her forehead and her shiny black curls. Lily burst into tears and kissed her daughter's dirty little face, trying to swallow her own sobs.In an instant, the living nightmare was over, and the coldness that had been entrenched in my heart miraculously melted away, and instead I felt an unprecedented sense of peace.She no longer remembers being free from bitterness and grief, and now everything she longed for in the world is here—the warmth of her daughter's body and the pure, perfect love that exists only between mother and daughter, in this moment, It was as if they were the only ones in the world. Alex watched them until his throat tightened uncomfortably.He had never seen Lily's face so gentle, so full of maternal radiance, this was a side he had never seen, nor imagined.His love for Lily was suddenly transformed by a deep pity that he couldn't do before.It never occurred to him that someone's joy and happiness could be of greater significance than his own.He turned around in embarrassment to hide his fluctuating emotions. Nathan stood close, watching the scene with satisfaction. "Alex," he said businesslike. "This seems like an opportune time to mention Lord Fay's latest bill, which proposes three more municipal offices, which I desperately need—" "Hear your respect." Alex said hoarsely. "There's a lot of resistance to this bill at the moment—" "No problem, you'll get it," Alex swore, turned away, wiped his wet eyes with his sleeve, and continued gruffly. "Even if I had to break every arm in Congress, I swear you'd do it."
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