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Chapter 8 chapter eight

masked gentleman 莉莎·克莱佩 9175Words 2018-03-18
Today was Laundry Day, once a week, and half the castle was involved in the work.In the past, Reyna has supervised and added to the laundry, folding and repair work.For a place as big as Ho's Castle, all the pillowcases, sheets, bedspreads and blankets.They all had to be sewn on so they knew which room they belonged to.All clothes that are too worn out are also put into bags and sold to the rag collectors, and this task is also carried out by special servants. "It's a good thing you're back, ma'am," a maid said to Reina as they folded clothes in the laundry room. "In the past, the money we sold to the old clothes merchants was taken away by Mrs. Jenny."

"Well, everything is back to normal now," Reina said. "Thank God," said the maid cheerfully, and went to get another basket of laundry. Reina frowned and refastened the loose belt of her apron. It was stuffy in the laundry room.In the past, she had always been very fond of taking the position of mistress of any house.Manage He's Castle in an orderly manner.However, after she became a "widow", she has become accustomed to devoting her time to the orphanage.To her, that seemed to be a more important and meaningful activity. Reina bowed her head to fasten the belt on her apron when she suddenly felt someone approaching.Before she could turn around.A large male hand rests on her shoulder.She stiffened, her heart pounding.Even if she turned into ashes like a ghost, she would still recognize those hands.

Sir He gently tied the belt behind her back.Reina felt his warm breath on her hair.Although he didn't touch her, she still felt his approach. "What are you doing here?" she asked weakly. "I live here," he replied, his voice caressing her back like velvet. "You know I mean the laundry room. You've never been here before." "I can't wait to see you." From the corner of her eyes, Reina saw two women standing at the door hesitantly.Apparently because they saw the hostess inside. "You can come in, girls," she said aloud, directing them to get on with their work, but they giggled and left, apparently thinking she needed to be alone with her hostess.

"You should give me time to prepare." Reina protested.Her husband turned her to face him.She is unkempt, with a straight face.Her hair stuck to her wet cheeks, and she was wrapped in a large apron. "At least let me change and brush my..." She stared at him.Suddenly fell silent. Sir Ho looked stunningly handsome, with a gleam in his deep-set eyes and his golden-brown hair combed back neatly.He was wearing a well-tailored suit, and the off-white trousers hugged his muscular thighs tightly, emphasizing his masculine curves, making Reina's cheeks flush slightly.With his white shirt and tie, elegant vest, and dark blue coat, his exotic complexion made him look even more attractive.Reina has no doubt that his appearance alone is enough to make countless women fall in love with him.

In fact, her own heart had already begun to feel uneasy.It should have something to do with the way he looked at her—it wasn't a respectful look.She guessed that the way a man looked at a prostitute was probably like that.He made her feel as though she were standing naked before him, even though she was wrapped in layers and apron. "Have you had a good time in London?" she asked. "Not exactly." He put his arms around her waist, and she tried to break free. "But I've done a lot." "I do a lot of things here too," she said. "There's something I have to talk to you about later."

"Tell me now." Sir Ho put his arms around her and began to pull her out of the laundry room. "I have to help with the laundry here—" "Just let the servants be busy." He continued to lead her into the courtyard. "I guess we'll wait until dinner," Reyna said, pausing. "After you've had a few drinks." Earl He laughed and hugged her from the stairs to the ground, causing her to gasp in shock. "Is it bad news?" "No." She said, unable to take her eyes off his sexy lips. "I want to make a meaningful difference here. And you might not agree."

"Change." He smiled mockingly. "Well, that's negotiable." When they came to the house, Earl He stopped in the garden outside the kitchen. "My dear wife, I would like to give you the whole world." Knowing his intentions, Reina couldn't help trying to break free.Instead, he hugged him even tighter.The muscles of his body were rock hard, and her approach made the masculinity in his lower abdomen stiffen immediately. "My lord," she gasped. "Hunter... you better not—" "You're not that scared. After all, you're a married woman."

"I've been single for a long time." She tried to push his chest away. "Let go of me immediately!" He smiled and only held her tighter. "Kiss me first." "Why would I do that?" she replied coldly. "I haven't touched a single woman in London," he said. "All I think about is you." "So I should reward you, haven't I been encouraging you to find a mistress?" He pressed his hips against hers, as if she didn't know how hard he was. "But all I want is you." "Haven't you heard that people can't always get what they want?"

This sentence made him smile. "I haven't heard of it." He teased her mischievously.And to Rena's horror, it wasn't fear that made her heart pound.What she felt was excitement, the thrill of making a man hard for her. "What do I get if I kiss you?" Reina asked.That deep, provocative voice was nothing like her usual self. This question made him, who was already excited, even more unable to control himself.He hugged her tighter, his body pressed against hers. "Tell me what you want!" he murmured. "Within reason." "I don't think that whatever I say, you don't think is reasonable," she said.

Earl He buried his fingers in her messy hair and gently tilted her head back. "Kiss me first. Then we'll discuss, what's 'reasonable.'" "Just one kiss?" she asked warily. He nodded, and Hunter gasped as Reyna's lips pressed against him.Her fingers came to the back of his neck, she pulled his head down, her soft lips expected—” "Reina! Reina!" A small body ran towards them, Reina pulled away and saw Johnny running over.He immediately clung to her, his little hands clutching her skirt. "What's the matter?" she asked, squatting beside him.Johnny hugged her tightly.

After a while, Johnny raised his head and looked at Earl He with mistrust and hostility. "He's hurting you!" Reina pursed her lips to suppress a smile. "No, dear. This is Earl Ho. I'm just welcoming him home. It's all right." The child obviously didn't believe her words, and still glared at the stranger in front of him. Earl He didn't look at the child, just staring at the prey in displeasure like a hungry tiger. "I think that's one of the 'changes' you're referring to," he said. "Yes." Reina stood up and faced him resolutely. "I was going to explain it to you before you saw him... but I'd like to have Johnny live with us." The enthusiasm and desire in Earl He's eyes disappeared immediately, and his expression became unfathomable. "A feral child from an orphanage?" She felt Johnny's little hand squeeze her tightly, and she squeezed him back slightly.Her eyes were still firmly fixed on Earl He. "Find someone who will explain everything to you in private." "Of course you will." Earl He's tone made her shudder. Lena looked at Johnny and Mr. Mo, the old gardener, in the flowerbed.Mr. Mo was trimming the bouquet, and Johnny also had a small bouquet in his hand.Precisely put it into a vase and get it in the castle for display. "Very well, boy," said the old gardener, carefully handing him a bouquet of pruned roses. "You have a good idea of ​​color. I will teach you how to plant a potted flower and give it to Mrs. He." Johnny looked at the white rose in his hand and shook his head. "This won't work," he said shyly. "She likes pink flowers." Reina stood at the door, both surprised and delighted.So far, except for herself.Johnny is only willing to talk to Mr. Mo. "Really?" Mr. Mo smiled.He pointed to a nearby rose bush. "Then you go there and find flowers for her, and then tell me, and I'll cut them for you." Reina was surprised by her feelings for the child.For many years in the past, she has been living in the haze of being unable to have children for the Earl, but she has never discovered her desire to have children.A person who can repay her love without conditions and endlessly --- a person who needs her.She hoped Earl He would not stop her from keeping Johnny, and she would fight anyone who tried to separate her and Johnny. Reyna went upstairs to her bedroom to change out of her dirty gray robes.She wanted to change into a lighter dress and take off the thick socks on her feet.She took off her apron and sat down on a chair.Take off your leather shoes.Then she unbuttoned the wrists and the nape of the neck.However, the tie of the robe was at the back, and she was unable to remove it by herself without assistance.She fanned the sweat off her face and went to the door to ring the bell to ask Amy to help. "No." Earl He's voice startled her. "let me help you." Reina's heart was pounding, and she turned around suddenly.Earl He sat on a sofa chair in the corner. "My God!" she gasped. "Why didn't you tell me you were here?" "Didn't I just tell you?" He had taken off his coat and vest, the white shirt clinging to his muscular muscles.She could smell his skin as he leaned toward her, sweat, a little rum, and a faint scent of horses. Trying to ignore her troubled feeling of being attracted to him, Reina crossed her arms across her chest and said haughtily, "Please go away. I need to change." "I want to replace your maid to help you change." She shook her head. "Thank you, but I'd rather ask Amy to come and help." "Are you worried that I'll rape you while you're changing?" he sneered. "I'm going to try to control myself. Turn around!" Reyna didn't move, and Hunter turned for her.He slowly unbuttoned the clothes behind her.The air blowing against her warm back made her shiver.The heavy robe began to loosen, and Reyna held on to the bodice to keep it from falling. "Thank you," she said. "That's all, I'll do the rest myself." Earl He ignored her words, stretched his hand to her back, and continued to take off the robe for her.Now all she has left is her underwear and stockings.His palms came over her shoulders and arms, making all the hairs on her body stand on end. She hadn't had an experience like this in a long time since her wedding night.She felt like a frightened young girl who didn't know what to expect or what he was up to. Earl He was still standing behind her, reached out his hand in front of her, and unbuttoned the pearl buttons on her underwear.She had always thought of him as a rough man, yet he unbuttoned her with ease.The buttons of her underwear were quickly undone, and a cool breeze blew across her cleavage. "Do you want me to stop?" she heard him ask. Yes, she wanted to say that, but her mouth couldn't control it, and a voice came out.She stiffened and let him let her hair down, brushing the strands from the nape of her neck.His fingers buried in her hair, gently massaging her scalp.His touch was so gentle, she felt herself begin to moan.She arched her back, trying to resist the desire to cling to him. He caressed the back of her neck, teasing her skin, making her gasp, evoking pleasure and pain.He whispered in her ear, making her tremble. "Do you trust me, Reina?" She shook her head, still unable to speak. He chuckled softly. "I don't trust myself either. You're so beautiful, and I want you so much." He stood so close, but he could only touch her neck, his fingers caressing the nape of her neck tenderly.She could feel his manhood stiffening again.The thought almost made her want to run away, but she couldn't move.She felt weak all over, and wild thoughts wandered in her head.If he kisses her again, like last time, his lips are so sweet... A sweet pain spread through her chest, making her nipples stand up.Reina bit her lower lip, resisting the temptation to grab his hand and place it on her.She felt ashamed and prayed he wouldn't read her mind.She didn't even notice that she was holding her breath until she gasped suddenly. "Rena," she heard him whisper.When he lifted the hem of her skirt, her heart seemed to stop beating.His hand came under her panties and she began to tremble, her legs went limp and she had to lean against him, his chest was as hard as a stone wall and his cock was big and hard stood upright under his trousers. He untied the tie of her panties and let it slide down to her feet.She heard his breathing quicken and felt his hands come over her bare buttocks.Then she lowered her skirt, allowing the material to cover her body again. He gently picked her up.She remained rigid, refusing to rest her head on his shoulder, and he carried her across the room.Frantic thoughts filled her mind—would he ever fall in love with her, let him do that, she thought suddenly.Let him do what he used to do.Let him prove that everything is as bad as she remembers... so she can get rid of him.She would look at him with cold eyes as in the past, and in this way, he would no longer have any magic power over her. To her surprise, instead of carrying her to the bed, he carried her to the chair in front of the dressing table.He put her on the chair and squatted beside her.Reina looked at his handsome face in bewilderment.Earl He looked back at her, and his hands began to take off her stockings gently.Reina began to tremble as she watched her husband pull the hem of her skirt up her lap.He slowly took off her socks, and touched her inner thighs, her knees, and calves with his fingers.Every time he touched her soft skin, it gave her a sweet, gentle touch.He then turned his attention to his other leg, took off the sock and threw it on the ground. Reyna sat half naked in front of him, her fingers gripping the arm of the chair.She thought of the way they used to be together, how he would often climb on top of her drunk and bury himself inside her.The pain, the embarrassment... and worst of all, the feeling of being abandoned afterward.Then, when Earl He left, she would lie on the bed for a few minutes, giving his seeds a chance to take root in her. Actually, Reina didn't really want his child.She didn't want his heir to grow in her stomach, so that Earl He could have the opportunity to show off his masculinity. Why had he never touched her like this before? He caressed her snow-white legs with his index finger, seeing the red marks left by the drawstring of the panties.He reached out and took a glass jar from the dresser.It contained a cream made of cucumbers and roses. "Is this what you use to paint your skin?" he asked in a low voice. "Yes." She replied softly. He opened the glass jar, and there was a fragrant smell.He scooped up a small dollop of cream, rubbed it into his palm, and spread it on her legs. "Oh!" Reina's muscles trembled in response, causing her to squirm. He continued to apply the cream to his reddish skin.Her gaze rested on his large hand, moving gently over her skin.She pulled down the raised skirt, but every time his hand moved up and down, she pulled it up even higher.Every time he touched the inside of her thigh, she couldn't help but hold her breath.She didn't understand the reaction of her body, why she wanted to stick to him, and the wetness coming from her.His fingertips reached the deepest part of her thigh, touching a clump of dark hair under her skirt. Reina gasped and grabbed his wrist.There was a sweet pain in her female core, and it was wet. "Stop," she said tremblingly. "stop." As if he didn't hear her, his eyes rested intently on her curly hair, and his hands dug into her skin. Stop, she yelled helplessly in her heart.And suddenly Hunter responded.He closed his eyes, and it drove him crazy to look at her...the soft, white skin, and the clump of hair that tempted his fingers to dig deeper.There was no way she could understand how much he wanted to touch her, taste her, nibble, suck, and kiss every inch of her body.His muscles are hard as iron, not to mention his desire is tight under his trousers, which is on the verge of bursting. After a moment, he took his hands off her and stood up.He doesn't seem to know where he's going until he almost hits a wall.He put his hands on the wall, trying to control himself. "Put on your clothes." He said succinctly, his eyes still fixed on the wall in front of him. "Otherwise I would not be able to take responsibility for my own actions." He heard her jump up like a frightened rabbit and rush to the closet for clothes.When she got dressed.His breathing has also stabilized.The scent of cream still lingers on his hands.He wanted to walk back to her and stroke the inside of her thigh with his rose-scented fingers. "Thank you," she said softly. "Thank you," he said, his eyes still fixed on the door ahead. "You can own me regardless of my feelings." Hunter turned and leaned his back against the wall, crossing his arms across his chest.Reina had already put on a white dress.The dress had no waist and covered all of her figure, however, his blood was still boiling for her.She looked so beautiful, with a blush on her cheeks.He gave her a devilishly charming smile. "When I made love to you," he told her. "I want you to do it voluntarily. I want you to beg me." She smiled uncomfortably. "Your words are too arrogant." "You will beg me," he repeated. "And you'll love every moment of it." She suddenly felt nervous and forced a cold expression. "You can think whatever you want." Hunter watched Reyna go to the dressing table, then sit in front of the mirror, brushing her hair.She braided her hair and tied it behind her head.She seemed to have returned to her calm demeanor, however, there was still a slight frown between her brows. "Tell me about the boy," Hunter said. She stopped what she was doing. "Johnny was sent from prison to the orphanage. His father was sentenced to death. The reason why I brought Johnny back was because there were no more beds in the orphanage." "Do you want him to live with us? In what capacity? Servant, or adopted son?" "We don't need to adopt him if you don't want to." Reina replied calmly. "But in our situation, I think we can raise him...as part of the family." Confused and exasperated, Hunter stared at her in the mirror. "He is not a child of any kindred, Lena. His ancestors may have been thieves, or even murderers." "Johnny's parentage wasn't his fault," she snapped back. "He was an innocent child. If he had been raised in a normal environment, he wouldn't have become like his father." "That's just a theory." Hunter replied coldly. "Tell me - do we have to take in every orphan you meet? There are too many homeless children all over the UK. I don't want to be a foster father to every one of them, not even this one." "You don't need to be his father." Reyna put her hands on her lap. "It's enough to have me. I will take care of him, love him, and at the same time do my duty." "For example, are you responsible for me?" He pointed to the bed next to him. "We'll talk about the child when you're ready to do your duty as a wife." She gasped angrily. "What do you mean...you mean you won't let me keep Johnny unless I fuck you?" Hunter smiled mockingly, thinking he had to be principled.He can't pamper her too much, there is a price to pay for everything. "Like I said, I'm a negotiable guy. Before we get on terms, I want to tell you something you might not have thought about. You can raise this kid as your own, but He will not be recognized by society as a nobleman. However, he cannot be a servant, so he cannot be recognized by people of his birth." Reina bit her lip, refusing to accept what he said. "That's all right. I'll help him find his place in the world." "It really doesn't matter?" he said aloud. "You don't understand what it's like to live on the edge of two worlds without a sense of belonging." "How do you know what it feels like not to belong? You were born into the He family, and there are so many people who bow to you and serve you obediently." Hunter gritted his teeth angrily.How dare she defy him.She thought he was a cold-blooded bastard who made herself a noble saint.Well, he's not at all afraid of her challenge. "Okay," he said. "Keep him. I won't stop you." "Thank you." There was alertness in her tone, as if she knew what he was going to say next. "The price is," he continued. "There's one thing you can do for me." He picked up a package from a chair.He tossed the package to her carefully, and Rena caught it right away. "What is this?" Reina asked. "A gift?" "Open it." She opened the package cautiously, as if she thought there was something mysterious inside.That gift was for his own benefit, not hers.Lena put the wrapping paper on the dressing table and saw a black silk lace fabric inside, a sexy underwear that Hunter bought back from London. The fabric of the underwear is almost transparent, and the chest is netted lace.The bottom skirt is just a little below the waist. "Only whores would wear this kind of clothes." Reina said softly with her eyes wide open. "And an expensive, expensive whore, dear." Her horrified expression made Hunter want to laugh. "It's absolutely impossible for me to..." She didn't finish her sentence, as if the thought was enough to make her blush. "But you will," he said cheerfully. "You'll wear it for me tonight." "You must be crazy! How can I wear something like this, it's so immodest. This..." She blushed up to her ears. "I'd rather be naked!" she said. "That's fine too," he said thoughtfully. "You...you demon! You're a nasty, selfish—" "Do you want Johnny to stay?" he asked. "What if I actually put it on? Is there any guarantee you won't…" "Pounced on you because of desire?" He finished the sentence for her. "press you on the bed, possess you, taste you—" "Shut up!" She blushed and glared at him. "I won't touch you," he promised, a small smile on his lips. "I just want you to wear that underwear all night. Is it that difficult?" "No." She put down her clothes and covered her rosy face with her hands. "It's impossible. Please, you have to ask me to do something else." "Oh no." Nothing would please him more than having her in that sexy black lingerie. "You told me what you wanted—and I compromised. That's cheap for you. That kid will be here for years, and all you need is one night." Reina picked up the dress and looked at it with disgust.Then she looked at him with angry eyes. "If you touch me, or make fun of me, I will never forgive you. I will find a way to make you regret it, and I will-" "Honey," Hunter interrupted softly. "I have already regretted it. If I had treated you better in the past many years, I could hold you in my arms now. But now, I have to make an exchange, just to be able to look at you." Reina's anger disappeared.She looked at him with a puzzled and pained expression. "It wasn't your fault," she said sadly. "I'm not the woman you want, and I don't like making out. I guess I'm born that way; or, that's the instinct I lack—" "No, Rena. God, you're fine." Hunter closed his eyes, his heart filled with regret.he said cautiously. "If you can convince yourself that it can be enjoyable, enjoyable—" "Perhaps you should have been more gentle in the past." Reina said with lowered eyes. "I believe that can be painless. But even so, I don't think you can make me change how I feel." Her beautiful face looked so vulnerable that Hunter wanted to rush over and wrap her in his arms. "How does it feel?" he asked hoarsely. Reina said hesitantly, "For me, what happens between a man and a woman...is dirty...it's shameful...and I'm a failure at that. I have my dignity too." She picked up the sexy lingerie. "It's a big joke for me to dress like that, can't you see? It reminds me of my failure as a wife." "No," he said hoarsely. "It was your husband who failed, Reina. Not you." Reina looked at him warily.The word he used - your husband - sounded as if he was referring to someone else.Of course, it is possible that he is speaking of himself in the third person, but it is very unusual to describe himself in that way.Her heart beat suddenly in horror, and she wondered if she should voice her doubts.However, Earl He had already walked to the door before she had time to speak. He stopped by the door and looked back at her. "That's the condition, Rena. If you want that child to stay, you can't say no to me. You know what I want." Reina nodded stiffly, clutching the sexy lingerie tightly in her hands. That afternoon, Hunter asked Reyna to walk him around the house and tell him how the renovation project would proceed.They walked from room to room, Hunter clearly feeling confident in Reyna's taste. "I just hope Arthur and Jenny don't come back to live here," Reina said. "Who knows what kind of scheming the two of them have?" Hunter said seriously, "They won't." Then he followed her, stroking her back gently with his warm hands. "There's no need to be afraid of them." She looked up at him, and he raised his hand to her neck, stroking her skin with his knuckles.Reina swallowed nervously, then stared at him.His soft touch made her tremble. "You know they must be planning to take legal action against you ... against us," she said. "I'll deal with it when the time is right." He stared at her with deep eyes. "I'll take care of you, Reina. Please don't doubt." "No, of course I..." She paused.His hands wandered to her waist, then up to her breasts.She felt a pang of desire. "I hope you won't touch me like that again," she said softly.Then he lowered his head, his lips caressing her neck. "Why??" he asked in her ear. "Because it makes me feel..." She tried to find the right words, but when he pulled her closer, her mind was too frantic for a word. He tenderly cupped her breasts in his palms while nibbling on her earlobe with his teeth and licking it with his tongue. "How does that make you feel?" he asked in a whisper.She didn't answer, just gasped and pressed her body against him begging for more. He responded immediately, taking her lips in a slow kiss, his tongue exploring her mouth tenderly.He teased her skillfully, caressed her, and the kiss was so ecstatic she couldn't help returning it.Her reason told her it was wrong to do so, lying in her husband's arms, enjoying the sweet feeling.Her small hands gripped his back, her body wedged between his strong thighs.The excitement went through her and she moaned, rubbing her body against him until they were completely against each other. Suddenly Earl He chuckled and let her go.He panted hard, stared at her swollen lips and red eyelids, and then cursed softly. "You're distracting me from these new designs," he murmured, a smile in his eye. Reina took a deep breath, trying to regain her sanity.She didn't dare to look at him, because she was afraid that if she looked at him, she would not be able to help but fall into his arms again. "Shall we move on to the other rooms?" she whispered. Hunter walked up to her, lifted her chin with his finger, and said, "Okay." He smiled at her. "But don't take me to the bedroom—unless you're ready to face the consequences."
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