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Chapter 6 chapter Five

Captain Merry Widow 莉莎·克莱佩 13368Words 2018-03-18
Jieting wakes up slowly, not knowing where he is?I don't know what's going on?He lay in bed, with pillows and sheets, and it was wonderful to him.He was completely enveloped in darkness, the pungent smell of herbs, and the smell of clean cotton cloth. He let out a groan and tried to open his eyes, but he couldn't. He raised his hand, but his limbs were weak. He was shocked. He had never been unable to use his strength. He began to struggle to breathe, and finally touched the bandaged eyes on his face. This surprise was extraordinary, and he remembered the battle... Li Minni's smug smile.A sword pierced his waist...Jack begged anxiously for mercy...He knew that his life was over, he was in pain all over his body, he couldn't move his feet, he didn't even feel anything.Could it be disabled?He clutches the bandage.I wanted to tear it open to see my miserable state, but my eyes hurt.The head also started to dizzy.

"No, no..." A soft but eager voice reached his ears, and then a woman came to him.Cold little hands hold him and place him on the mattress. But he pushed her away. "Keep your eyes closed." She reassured, "This is a necessary treatment, rest now, and you will heal slowly." He recognized it as the angel who appeared from time to time in his dreams.This is her voice, her gentle hands are placed on his head from time to time, and she appears by his bed from time to time. "My legs." He managed to make a sound. "It's almost ready." She murmured, wiping the sweat from Jeting's forehead. "You can still walk."

"It hurts..." He wanted to tell her that she had a splitting headache. She seemed to understand, helped him to sit up, let him lean on her soft chest, just as he was indulging in the bursts of fragrant flowers, the rim of the cup touched his lips, and he choked. "No." The taste is too bitter. "One or two more bites." She coaxed. Justin forced himself to take two more sips to please her.She then made him lie back on the pillow, and he felt drained of his strength as he lost the comfort of her arms. "Are you real?" he tried to ask. "Of course I'm real." She stroked Jeting's hair.

For a moment he felt her move away. "Stay," he said. But she walked away, pretending not to hear, and Jetin never had the energy to say another word. A few days passed, and Xi Li didn't enter Jieting's room again. She thought that Jieting didn't need her anymore, because he had passed the critical period, the wound was no longer inflamed, and he didn't have a fever. Now he just needs to recuperate slowly. If Fei's family had previously wondered why she was so enthusiastic about taking care of Jieting, now they might wonder why she lost interest all of a sudden.

"I'm tired." She explained to them, but she was afraid to tell them that she was afraid of confronting Jeting who regained consciousness. She repeatedly recalled the scene after Jieting woke up, the sentimental tenderness in her heart at that time.She remembered Jetin's pillow in her arms, obediently drinking the bitter medicine, and the hoarse voice asking her to stay. She wanted to stay and appease Jeting, it was unbelievable to have such feelings for a dirty pirate.She had to avoid him for a while until she could get her emotions under control. That night, she overheard the conversation between Lais and Max. She had just returned from a walk in the courtyard and was about to have dinner with them. When she heard her name, her ears perked up, so she stopped outside the door to listen.

"It's not that I don't like her," Rice said, "I just don't know her and how she really feels?" Max smiled and said, "You don't have to understand her, little beauty, I bet Shirley doesn't understand her true feelings either." "She keeps saying she hates Jieting, but if it's true, how can she watch over him day and night when he has a high fever?" "It's clear," Max said thoughtfully, "there's something going on between them, it's just that the two of them decided not to reveal it." Xi Li felt her cheeks were hot, and Max's observation skills were really keen, or if he knew his son Mo Ruofu, he presumed to have an ambiguous relationship between them without her approval?Humiliated, she decided to return to her studio.

An elegant carriage drove into the manor.Shirley stopped to watch it approach.Without waiting for the coachman's support, the passenger jumped out of the car and walked towards the front door with the air of a soldier. He was an American, and although he was not in uniform, she met him once during Phillip's memorial service.If she remembers correctly, this young man is Captain Beetle, the commander in charge of the New Orleans maritime affairs, and assistant to Lieutenant Colonel Mai. Peter seemed quite surprised to meet her at the door, "Mrs. Fei." He held her little hand with his gloved hand.Salute very politely, "It's a pleasure to meet you, you may not remember me."

"I remember you, Captain Bei." She said, looking at his childish face, and suddenly remembered that Lieutenant Colonel Mai and Captain Bei were ordered to encircle and suppress the rampant pirates in the bay, especially Jeting became a well-known pirate, could it be Captain Bei heard the wind and came to check on the unexpected guest at home? "I'm here to visit Mr. Fei." Captain Bei said, with a suspicious searching look in his eyes. Xi Li tried her best to pretend not to care, "Is this just a polite entertainment?" "I hope so, ma'am." He took a step forward, but seeing Shirley not moving, he had to stop.

At this time, Noni just opened the door and looked at the visitor calmly, "Welcome, sir." As she said, her gaze shifted from the serious Captain Bei to the anxious Shirley. "Captain Bei." He introduced himself, "I'm here to find Mr. Fei." Noni looked at him for a while, "Come in, Captain, I'll see if Mr. Fei can meet you sometime." They stepped into the porch together, Xie Li decided to leave the lieutenant behind and find a way to warn the Fei family. She followed Noni through a door and immediately lifted up her long skirt and pulled it up.

Max appeared from the living room, seeing their dignified expressions, he raised his eyebrows. Shirley couldn't help grabbing his hand, her nails digging into his wrist. "Your son is in danger, this visitor—he's from the Maritime Department, he must have heard something, what should we do with him? We should..." "Shh." Max patted her hand before pulling away his arms. He looked over Shi Li's head and found that the young man was trying to eavesdrop on their conversation. "I'll take care of it," Max told Shirley, "Less, okay?" "Okay!" Shirley's voice was almost inaudible.

In the living room, Lace told Noni, "I want Mary to bring the coffee," she said, "not as strong as usual—Americans like it lighter. Also, some cake or a snack." Li stood nearby and gave her a soothing smile, "Don't frown like that, honey, it makes you look worried." "I am very worried." "Why bother? Max will never let Jeting have an accident." "I wish I could believe it." "Xi Li, you must have confidence in us. No matter what Max says later, don't contradict him, and don't make a surprised expression, okay?" "Okay," Xi Li replied, "do you know his strategy?" "I'm just guessing—" Lace was about to speak, but saw two men coming in, so she had to stop. Lace greeted the lieutenant with a charming smile. He was a little shy for a while, but he still saluted politely. "Lieutenant, it's an honor to have you come and walk around," Rice said. "Sorry to bother you, ma'am." "How come? I haven't seen you for a long time. How is Lieutenant Colonel Mai? I hope everything is fine in the Maritime Department. With the intelligence and ability of you and the Lieutenant Colonel, it will be smooth. I believe that you will be able to wipe out the gang of pirates on the bay in a short time. " "On the contrary," Max interrupted abruptly, "Governor Wayne thinks the problem of piracy is getting worse." Captain Bei turned displeased, "If we can replenish enough manpower and equipment, we will definitely be able to effectively stop those criminals, but the residents of New Orleans hold us back, encourage the activities of those pirates, and welcome those gangsters. The stolen goods are smuggled in and traded underground." "The Maritime Department seems to have more than enough manpower—" Max began. Rhys was eager to interrupt, knowing all too well her husband's penchant for quick-talking on political issues. "Perhaps we shouldn't be arguing about it at a time like this, my dear, sit down and Mary will bring up the refreshments soon. She sat gracefully on the lounge chair, and the others followed suit. "Captain, why are you here?" Lace tried to ask in a relaxed tone. "I'm here to say hello," Captain Bei replied. "Really? You are very kind." Captain Bei waited for further entertainment, but there was silence after that, with three eyes staring at him, he had to clear his throat. "Lieutenant Colonel Mai also wanted me to convey his compliments. In addition, I am here because we have heard that these days..." He purposely went on and on, looking at them expectantly, but he didn't People wanted to speak, so the captain had no choice but to bite the bullet and break the silence again. "This morning, Mr. Fei, I happened to run into your younger brother and that charming younger sibling, Holly—" Holly, Xi Li felt anxious, that talkative woman... "—she revealed a piece of news that interested us." "I'm not surprised at all," Max replied calmly. "Everyone knows that Holly has a big mouth, if she doesn't speak, she will suffocate to death!" "Uh, she told me that the rumor is a fact, not groundless gossip." Max began to knock on the armrest casually with his fingers, "This gossip..." "Your family has an injured guest, and it's not an ordinary guest." Shi Li clasped her hands tightly on her knees, feeling that the blood on her face was gone. She tried her best to take care of Jie Ting, and he had just improved a little, but now he is about to be arrested. Of course, the authorities will not show mercy to him.But his body was still so weak, and if he didn't recuperate properly, he was afraid that the wound would open again. She remembered that Jieting was in her arms this morning, obeying her so trustingly... Max's voice brought her back to the present situation, "Yes, it's true, Captain." Captain Bei looked at him suspiciously, "Who is it? Relative or good friend?" "Dear." Max looked at Captain Bei without blinking. "Actually, it's my son." Captain Bei was in high spirits, "Really." He said, as if the tester had stabilized Ban Ang's emotions. No!Shirley wanted to yell, she really couldn't believe that Max would betray Jeting, and telling Captain Bei was tantamount to pushing Jeting to the gallows. "He was sent back in the middle of the night a few days ago." Max continued, "He escaped from the pirate island and was seriously injured." He looked at the two women, Laisi looked at him firmly, but Xi Li's face turned blue and white.So he took a deep breath and went on to say, "It's a miracle," Max told the captain, "my Philly is back with us." Xi Li was stunned for a moment, unable to think for a long time. "Philip!?" Captain Bei was so astonished that he could only repeat. Max nodded solemnly, "Yes." "But Philip is dead." "We thought the pirates killed him," Max explained. "But he survived the four months of captivity after that beating, and he came back alive, Captain, and you're the first to hear the great news." The captain turned to Shili suspiciously, "Is this true, ma'am?" Xi Li nodded sharply, unable to speak for a moment, and even had to turn her face away to hide the shock that hadn't calmed down in her heart.Her mind was in a mess, and it was a joke, and a cruel one at that. She wondered if Max had gone crazy?How could he use such a stupid lie to deceive people? The captain can see through the deception as soon as he goes upstairs. Anyone can see that Jati Buffalo is different. How long is Max going to let this plan drag on? ? She felt Rhys's arms wrap around her shoulders, "You can imagine the stress and shock of being Philip's wife," Pins told Capt. She was devastated. He was brought back almost half dead, and it was exhausting for her to take care of him day and night these days." Captain Bei stood up, his face pale, "I'll go and see him right now." "I'm afraid not," Max said, standing up. "Filip is too hurt to see anyone yet." "I have to find out if—" "After a while!" Max interrupted, and the sharp gaze made the young man subconsciously take a step back. "Maybe in a few days! Wait for him to recover." "I have to see him now. Maybe he can provide information about Pirate Island and the appearance of those who arrested him." "Fei Li can't speak now. He has been unconscious for the past few days, and he is also blind. I don't know if he will be permanently blind. The situation is still unstable. He needs to rest and needs to be quiet." "Then I won't ask questions, but I insist on seeing him—" "This is my home, you have no right to make any insistence, Captain, my son's life is still dying, how can you let you in and out of the ward at will to satisfy your curiosity, given his current situation, I will never allow anyone to disturb him .” "Mr. Fei," Captain Bei said, "I know that you are a Creole nobleman, and honor comes first. Would you like to use your honor to guarantee that the person upstairs is Fei Feili?" Max stared at him coldly, "Your request is clearly an insult to my personality." Shang Wei was stunned, only then did he realize that he had angered the most well-known duelist in Louisiana, the atmosphere of duels is still quite prevalent in this place, as long as it is time to fight, you must choose a sword or a gun to fight for life and death to settle the honor slandered thing. "I meant no offense, sir, not at all, please forgive me." Max nodded, "If you insist, I can assure you that the person lying upstairs is my son Philip." Captain Bei took a deep breath tremblingly, "This is too unbelievable, why didn't you announce the news earlier?" "We're just doing it for Fili's sake," Rhys replied. "We don't want too many visitors, even if they're well-intentioned, to crowd us—to explain." "Did you call for a doctor?" Captain Bay asked. "We've got him the best medical care possible," Rice told him. Captain Bei's eyes turned from Lais's amiable face to Max's stubborn face, and finally landed on Shirley's drooping head. "I must report this to Colonel Mac at once," he said. "I'm sure he'll be here in a very short time and ask what happened to Phillips." "That will have to wait for my son's health to improve." Max replied. "Forgive me to leave, I must report immediately." "I'll take you out." The two men left the living room, and Shirley looked up at Lace. Lace drew back her arms and folded them, "I said Max would figure it out." She tried to feign confidence, but her tone was unconvincing. Shi Li couldn't help bursting into laughter for a moment, laughing hysterically, she covered her mouth and laughed continuously. "Ah, my God," she was finally able to speak, wiping away tears of laughter, "I know I'm crazy, but I didn't expect it to be more than one person, Max really said... no, I'm probably still there Dreaming, oh, this is the weirdest dream I've ever had." Max had just returned to the living room, "You're not dreaming," he said sarcastically. Lace looked at her husband who started pacing as soon as he entered the door, "Max, what will happen to the situation now?" "They will keep a close eye on us, and our comings and goings will be under their strict supervision. They will try their best to catch a pirate who is on the run." He walked towards the fireplace, put his hands on the hob, and looked at the empty stove, "Jeting's condition is not yet able to move or defend himself, even if I want to send him out, I'm afraid they will catch him, or he can Escape, I can't think of a place where he can hide safely. Let him pretend to be Philip first, until I think of a better idea." Max turned his shoulders and glanced at Xi Li, "Xi Li, it won't take long." "Pretending to be Philip," Shirley said, her tone so acerbic that she couldn't even believe it came from her mouth, "pretending to be my husband...a doctor...a gentleman? I'm afraid Jeding will make people believe that he is Human beings are in trouble, under the watchful eyes of everyone, how can he deceive people, this stupid plan... The most obvious flaw is that, regardless of whether they are twins or not, Jieting Baofei is not alike at all." Max started pacing up and down again, "It doesn't look like it at the moment, he has such disheveled hair and a big beard, but Jatin Fili does look alike, they are identical twin brothers." "Same egg?" Xi Li looked at Lais in shock. Lace nodded slightly. "Perhaps they look alike, but their voices, mannerisms, habits—" "We try not to let people get too close to Jetin." Max replied. "Everyone in New Orleans knows Philly," Shirley said. "He's a good man and a good man. Don't you think we've bluffed everybody?" "There shouldn't be any mistakes in a short period of time." Max came to her and squatted down. Although his eyes were golden, not blue, they reminded her of Philip.He looks at people with this kind of eyes, as if he can see through people's fears and excuses. "Xi Li," he continued quietly, "I'm afraid this matter will not work without your cooperation. If you don't even believe that he is your husband, how can you win the trust of others?" "I'm afraid there will be problems with my cooperation," Xi Li said, "I can't treat him as my husband, how can I look at his disgusting face and pretend to be a loving couple with him, let alone—— " "Shirley," Maxo took her hand and held it tightly, "I never ask for anything from anyone." His voice was deep and deep, deeply magnetic, "I'm not the kind who likes to owe favors to others." But as long as I can protect my family, I will do whatever it takes. Jieting and Fei Li are my own flesh and blood. It was my fault in the past that caused them two brothers to suffer so much. Jieting was very strong when he was young, even though he needed help urgently , and refused to ask for help, and now I must not watch him fend for himself. If Philip were alive, I know he would ask you to help his brother, and now I am asking you on behalf of Philip, even if it is not in his Come on, give me face and help Jieting get through this." Shi Li swallowed, and looked away, "I don't want it." She murmured. "But you will, won't you?" No wonder his power of persuasion is well known, he can always deduce things so that people can't refuse. "Yes." Xie Li reluctantly replied, "That's because you and Lace have been so kind to me, I owe you two and Fei Li." She pulled her hand back, stood up, and found that her feet were weak, "I think Go back to my studio and think alone." Lace came and hugged her, "Thank you, Shirley." Shi Li just nodded and turned to leave. Max came up behind Rice and put his arms around his wife, resting his chin on her little head.Lace leaned against her husband's chest. "Honey," she whispered, "does it work for you?" He sighed, "Sweetheart, except for this question, I can accept your advice." An hour and a half later, when Shirley returned to the house, there was a buzz of conversation in the dining room, and the smell of fish wafted throughout the room.She didn't know how the Fei family would be in the mood to sit down to eat when things had turned into such a situation, at least she couldn't whet her appetite at all. She felt a sudden pull up the stairs, and Gertin was waiting for her; she was sure Gertin expected that she was going upstairs to see him. She stepped through the thickly-carpeted passage to the open door and was startled to find Jetin sitting up, his bandaged face turned toward her.She barely made a sound.Jetin still felt her coming.As if seeing her. "Shirley." He said hoarsely. The way he called her name made Celie shudder.She walked towards him quietly and stopped beside the bed. Jetin remained motionless, feeling her presence.It turned out to be her, the angel who has been watching over him is her, with her cold little hands and soft voice, she bathed him, fed him, and forced him to drink medicine, thinking that he would forget everything, but he remembered after all, at least in part.If she has always hated him so much, why did she take care of him so hard? He grinned suddenly, finding it amused. "Shirley," he said, with that contemptuous pirate laugh, "my little wife." Shi Li was stunned, his cynical smile appeared again, it turned out that Max explained the layout to him. "I'm not your little wife." "For outsiders, you are my little wife." "That's just..." She couldn't find the right words for a while, "acting." "acting." "Yes, if your father hadn't begged me, I wouldn't have helped you!" "My dad, please? Oh my God! I want to see that! Of course I want to see everything." Jetin reached out and grabbed her arm without fumbling. Even though Xi Li was annoyed, she secretly admired his precision. He pulled Shirley closer and touched her bottom. "You seem to be doing well here," he said. Shirley backed away angrily. "I like your plumpness better," Jeting said. "It's not very comfortable to go to bed with a dry woman." "We won't go to bed again," she said through gritted teeth. "This is one of the things I promised you when I came here. Unless you agree to the conditions I set, I don't care if your life is saved or not." She took out a piece of paper from her pocket, "I'll write it all down, I'll..." "No problem," he interrupted. "But you haven't heard—" "I agree to all your requests, no matter what kind of ghost conditions it will be!" "I still want to read it out for you to hear—" "Let's talk about it later! Anyway, I'm sick in bed now, and I have to let you slaughter me for a few days." Shirley kept a safe distance from him, round the bed, and his head followed, as if he could see her. She looked at him silently and found that he looked good and seemed to be recovering with astonishing speed. "What are you thinking?" Jeting asked, "I can't see your expression!" "You have a big beard that makes you look like a big ram." He smiled and stroked Mao Zhaza's beard, "Anyway, it will be shaved soon." "Even if you scrape it off, no one will see you as Philip." "Really?" Jeting let his head rest on the headboard, his smile turned and he snorted disdainfully, "I can even scare you, sweet little wife." "Don't call me that!" He scratched the side, "I want to take a bath." "Later." "I want it now." "Less or Noni will handle it." "I know you don't have the nerve to bathe me while I'm awake, but when I'm unconscious, you wiped my whole body, I bet you now know every inch of my helpless body, even Maybe stared at me for hours." "I didn't, you... you overvalued pig!" "Did you wipe my body?" "I don't like it. The reason why I help you is purely according to the needs of the situation, and I don't think you are attractive, and I am not courageous. I just don't want to look at your naked body, so I don't want to do it for you!" "If you say so, I can't help it," he said after a pause, "but a good wife does it for her husband." "You are not my husband, and one of the three chapters I want to make an agreement with you is that you can't use this fake show to make ridiculous demands on me." "Ridiculous? I hope that one day you will experience for yourself how nasty it is to beg someone to wash your stinking body when you can't even do such a small thing! You at least give me a cloth so I can wash myself Wipe as much as you want!" He heard Shirley pacing away, "Want to escape?" he teased. There was still no response, and then there was the sound of water being poured from the kettle into the basin. He listened to her footsteps back to the bed with anticipation, and the quilt was thrown open, revealing his naked body. Shirley was thankful to have bandages covering his eyes. If Jeting just looked at her, she probably couldn't do it no matter how hard she tried. When he was unconscious, seeing him naked was enough to make her blush Heartbeat, and now he's wide awake knowing what she can see, only to feel a rush of heat from head to toe. She began to wipe his neck and shoulders, carefully avoiding the bandages, and Jetin let out a sigh of relief, not hiding the pleasure of the cold water sliding over his skin. "You're pretty good at that," he murmured. She was silent. "Say something to listen to, it seems like I haven't heard a woman's voice for a long time." "what do you want me to say?" "Tell me about your past few months." "Your family treated me very well," she said. "I had a very peaceful life here. It wasn't until you came back that everything changed." He grinned, "Trouble always seems to follow me like a mangy dog ​​covered in fleas!" "I hope you can leave early and take these troubles with you." "God, I hope so." He touched the bandage on his face. "When will this thing be taken off?" "I don't know. Eyes usually heal quickly." "How serious is the injury?" He tried to touch the bandage with his finger, "How long do I have to stay?" "I'm not a doctor." "You know enough to guess." There was no way she could give Jeting an answer, especially since he might be blind for life. "You need to rest and recuperate," she said calmly. "That's all I can tell you." Jieting didn't move, as if he could see through Xi Li's thoughts, "Did I lose one eye? Or both eyes?" "I don't know how much you can keep your eyesight, now we just have to be patient—" "Then I'll find the answer myself." He began to pull the bandage. Shi Li was terrified, and quickly grabbed his hand, "Jetting, don't do this! Jetting——" He shakes Shirley off impatiently. "No, it's too early, you will get hurt!" She ran back to him, and she couldn't stop him from taking off the white bandage no matter what, even though his body was so weak, there was a way to keep Shirley from He held his hand, and finally the bandage fell to the ground. Jieting tried his best to open his eyes, his whole head was about to explode, and then he yelled terribly, covered his face with his hands, and in the midst of his series of cursing, he could vaguely hear Xi Li's voice. Shirley rushed back to his writhing body in panic, "Oh, you playful fool, it's too early for you to want to see things now, don't do this again, you'll hurt yourself!" He felt Shirley touch his head and immediately pushed her away.Shirley, undeterred, insisted on pulling his hands away from his face, and covered his eyes with a towel. Noni happened to pass by, heard the commotion inside, and immediately entered. Shi Li looked at her confusedly, "Tranquilizer!" She said, trying to stabilize herself, "Quick." Noni walked to the counter without saying a word and poured a glass of water.Jie Ting kept moaning, feeling the pain of having his eyes gouged out. "Don't move!" Shi Li comforted him in his ear, and pulled his head against her shoulder to prevent him from doing more damage, "You deserve it, I told you not to remove the bandage, if you want to see you again Light, just lie down and rest, and slowly recuperate." "Fuck you...you heartless bitch..." He panted heavily, but his trembling arms wrapped around Shirley's waist, as if she was the only one to rely on. Xi Li grabbed the quilt to cover his body, thinking that it would somewhat protect him, but in her heart she felt that this move was absurd, after all, Noni bathed him since he was born! Noni brought the sleeping pills, and Shili took the cup with her free hand, "Come on, Jieting, drink this down." "What is this?" He asked through gritted teeth. "Things that will help you." She forced her mouth close to his, and a few drops of liquid spilled onto her chest. He choked a few times and cursed helplessly, "No, damn—" "Drink it." She said softly, but insisted. He managed to take three or two gulps, some dripping from his chin into her underwear. Shirley turned to Noni, "Go and get some eye ointment you specially made for him, and a clean bandage." Noni frowned and looked at the man and woman on the bed, looking quite impatient. "Yes, ma'am." Shirley put the cup aside and looked at Jetin, who was resting on her shoulder.He's quiet now, just breathing heavily. Shi Li felt a tenderness in her heart, he was like a violent beast, he would bite anyone he saw.Regardless of whether people want to help him or not, he has excuses. "Jeting," she said softly, caressing his hair, "it's all right, rest now!" "I'm not blind," he muttered, "I don't want to be led by the nose... for the rest of my life." "No, you'll be healed," she coaxed, "don't talk now..." She continued to murmur something nice until he let out a heavy sigh, collapsed on top of her, and released his arms from her waist . They put him on sedatives the next day, the only way he could recover in peace. "He's not going to make it easy for us," Rice said bitterly. "Shirley, you may have had difficult patients, but I assure you, Jetin will be the worst." Unfortunately, Jetin would eventually wake up and confirm Lace's prediction. He was in a bad mood, uttered obscenities, and even disrespected Lace. "Give me something decent to eat!" he yelled. "Don't give this shit to the sick again!" "You're not eating right now." "Then let me starve to death!" He said, picking up the small soup bowl and throwing it at the wall. Laisi left angrily and sent a terrified little maid to deal with the aftermath. Jie Ting heard the maid sweeping in the direction where he threw the bowl, one hand covering his aching ribs, and his legs were also in pain.The shoulders, waist, and stomach were also uncomfortable, and the most uncomfortable thing was the sharp headache, which seemed to pierce the inside with every pulse. When he cried out for pain, Noni asked him to take sleeping pills, and he scolded him out of the room. He didn't want to sleep anymore. He just wanted to get out of bed and walk around. He just wanted to stop the severe pain in his head. Open up this endless darkness. "You!" He yelled at the little maidservant, "After packing up, send a message to Feifu—Shili, and tell her not to hide from me for the rest of her life." He paused, thinking that this message might not be enough to get her to him In the room, "Also, tell her that the bandage around my waist is loose." After ten minutes of suffering, he heard Xi Li's footsteps and smelled her fragrant body odor. "You're such a dawdle!" he snorted. "Look at you yelling and offending the whole family!" she said coldly. "Noni said that the bad Noah is attached to you. Laisi's face turned red, and the children thought there was a monster in the house!" "You all go to hell!" "What did you say about the bandage?" She leaned over, pulled off the quilt to look at his waist. "It didn't fall!" She noticed Jie Ting's deeply furrowed brows.So he softened his attitude, "Are you having a headache again? It's no wonder you're so angry. Come, let me change your pillow for you." He had no objection, so Shirley gently lifted his head, pulled away the flat pillow and replaced it with a puffy one, then made the bed, and opened the window to let some air circulate. "Are you thirsty?" "Thirsty? Don't try to force me to drink such a nasty drink—" "Shall I read you some articles?" she interrupted. "Don't!" Jieting anxiously touched his throbbing forehead. Shi Li pushed his hand away and massaged his temples with her own small hands. Jie Ting was stunned, and then realized how much he liked her hands on his head, and her fingertips slid into his hair. Strange, after all he used to hate being touched so much. "Is it better?" she asked softly. If he said yes, Shirley would stop, and if he said no, she would stop too, so he replied, "Maybe some," he murmured. Shirley continued to caress until he fell asleep, and then Shirley let go and stood up. "Don't go," he ordered. "I have nothing to do." "Read the article to me." So she went to pick out a book, returned to his bedside not long after, and began to read a paragraph.The novel was boring, but Jetin didn't care, hearing her soft voice, the sound of turning the pages was enough to soothe the soul.He tried to outline Shenli's appearance, but he couldn't remember it clearly. He only vaguely remembered the blond hair, delicate face, and a pair of dark brown eyes. For the past four months, he has thought of Philip and Shirley every day. It is really difficult for him to imagine them together. Regret the sex they had. Did Shirley often think about that night they shared?Jeting wondered, or did she not want to think about it at all? He began to drowsy, imagining the pillow on Shirley's soft breasts... Someone walked into the room, and Jeting immediately recognized Max's steady footsteps.Max came to see him at least once a day to see how he was doing and to bring him the latest news from New Orleans and the Bay Area. Piracy activities have eased up recently, but the Navy still insists on criminals being punished by law. "Captain Bei is here again." Max said straight to the point, "I've blocked him for a week, but I'm afraid I can't drag it any longer. He insisted on seeing you, and wanted to find clues about the pirate island from you. .And your escape process. I believe he will trick you into admitting that you are not Fei Li. I said that you have lost your memory due to the injury this time, which should allow you to avoid some of his questions." "How long have Captain Bei known Fei Li?" Jie Ting asked. “大概一年,上尉的妻子美莉出了一场车祸,造成流产,是菲立救她一命,贝上尉对他感激不尽。” “好极了,”杰汀说,“这会让贝上尉对我手下留情。” “或者更执意要证明你不是菲立。” 杰汀讥刺地撇了撇嘴,“菲立如果不是这么一个圣人,我会比较容易过关。” “至少你们外表相像,”麦斯深思地打量起他,“你该把那胡子刮掉,长发剪了吧!” “是啊!”杰汀苦哈哈地应道,“诺妮已经磨了一个礼拜的刀子。” 麦斯呵呵大笑,“叫莱丝替你刮胡子吧!去年我的手臂受伤的时候,让她练就了一手好功夫。” 杰汀偏着头。做出好奇的姿态,“你怎么了?” “没什么,在庄园干活儿时扭伤,不过使我一、两个礼拜没法用右手,很多事都需要人代劳,尤其是刮胡子。莱丝练习几回,便相当熟练,不过最初几天……呃,你可以想像一个紧张兮兮的女人拿着刀子抹你脖子的情形吧。 杰汀仰天大笑,“老爸,你比我来得勇敢。” 他们继续交谈好一会儿,然后麦斯离开。杰汀摸着长胡子深思,他们父子居然谈笑风生,就像麦斯当年和菲立在一起的情况一样,他们从来没有如此融洽过,为何现在办得到?为什么他们父子关系不再像以往那样针锋相对? 莱丝在一旁看着席莉在厨房里忙着弄东西给杰汀吃。 “席莉,你没必要准备他的餐点。“莱丝悄然地说,“诺妮绝对可以胜任的。” “这不麻烦。”席莉折好餐巾纸。她知道莱丝为何如此忧心忡忡,过去一个礼拜来,席莉容忍杰汀主宰她清醒的每一刻,不管他需要什么,总是点名叫她。 杰汀对别人没有好脸色,但对她则颇少发脾气,她只要待要他房里,他似乎能够纾解内心的焦虑感。他不喜欢其他人替他换药,甚至换枕头也不高兴。吃东西更是不准任何人在场,唯独席莉例外。眼睛失明造成他很多方面的不便,所以非常气愤必须事事依赖人。席莉经常阅读小品文来安抚他的头痛,还讲一些在法国的童年往事与他共享。 杰汀为何事事要求她,或者她为什么肯顺着他的意思,也颇让自己不解。 “席莉,”莱丝皱着眉头,“我留意到杰汀对你的事事要求,我必须表明,你对他不须负任何责任,或许他让你想起菲立,所以你才——” 席莉笑着打断,“我的天哪!他才没让我想起菲立,怎么可能!” 莱丝没有回应她的笑,“我只是想了解你为什么觉得有义务如此看护他” “没什么好了解的,”席莉说,她收拾起好心情,“也跟感觉扯不上关系,纯粹就事论事吧!你有丈夫、孩子和整个庄园要照顾。诺妮肩负的家务事也不轻,唯独我比其他人有闲,事情就是这么简单。” “太好了。”显然莱丝一点也不相信她的解释,不过她倒是没再追根究底。让这事就此搁下。 席莉低头看着托盘,心中挣扎着想向她吐露,不过莱丝还是太年轻了。她还是想找个比较年老,比较接近她母亲年龄的女人倾诉,她仍是哀悼着菲立。每当想起他,总有流不完的眼泪。至于杰汀的冷酷,她压根儿感到不屑,自个儿的孪生兄弟死于非命似乎跟他不相干,她不认为杰汀除了自己还会关心任何人,对他这样的人寄予厚望是不智之举。 但她为什么又这么跟杰汀牵扯不清呢?为什么有时候她可以洞悉他内心真正的感觉?难道是因为那回的激情?她不以为然,或许是因为他救了她一命,或许是这因素才让她觉得有义务看护他。 “菜冷了。”她向莱丝低喃道,便掉头离开厨房,带着托盘送到楼上杰汀的房间。 她跨进门槛时,杰汀十分安静,由于她满怀心事,只是瞧了他一眼,留意到他坐直在床上,穿着一袭蓝色罩袍。当她走到一半,才发现不对劲,握着托盘的指节转而泛白。 杰汀又私自取掉脸上的绷带,眼窝残余着药草痕迹,他的睑随着她的身子转向,蓝色的眸子大睁。席莉双手打颤起来,托盘里的碟子扎响起来,她立刻就地放下来,免得打翻一地。 “杰汀?”她试着喊道,然后一步步走向床边,坐了下来。 杰汀继续用那充血却不眨的眼睛盯住她,胸部起伏快速,呼吸不稳定。 “杰汀,你看得到我吗?” 他缓缓地举志手来,碰了碰席莉脸颊上的曲线,看着红晕由她香颈泛开,他抽回指头,尽避是那么渴望去触摸那般柔顺的金发。 她的瞳子一如印象中的深褐又清纯,他想吻住那两瓣看似容易受伤害的娇嫩嘴唇,想让双手抚遍她的寸寸冰肌玉肤。她整个人丰腴起来,双乳浑圆坚挺,腰仍是那么纤细。 “你能像以前那样看得一清二楚吗?”她问道。 “是的,”他用沙沙的声音应道,“我想是吧。 席莉吞咽下释怀的泪珠,直到这一刻,她实在没把握杰汀能够重获光明,“噢,我太高兴了……我以为……我好怕……”她困惑地打住,被他那对炽热的碧眼凝视得不自在起来。 他的视线没有稍离席莉的脸蛋,“你比我印象中还来得美丽。” 她感到心跳如飞。她应该由床上起来,跟他保持安全距离,但她仍是坐着,心中情绪起伏,错综复杂。她垂下头,目光落在他的大手离她的臀部不远处。他没碰她,但是她感觉到杰汀一直凝视着她。 “你……父亲告诉我,明天贝上尉非见你不可,”她支支吾吾道,“你必须让他相信你是菲立。” “那你得跟我配合。” “我不认为会成功,我不认为我们可以说服得了任何人………” 杰汀耐着性子等她把话说完。 “我没办法当你是我丈夫,纵使只是一场戏。” 杰汀真是想碰碰她,想感觉她的细皮嫩肉,但是他无权这么为所欲为,在这文明环境他使不出惯用的强横手段。这地方毕竟不是他的地盘,可以那么无所顾忌。 “我明白。”他缓缓地说,他向来不会处理这样环境的人情世故,也从来没兴趣剖析感觉,包括他自己或别人。他对人的判断纯粹凭直觉以及对方的反应。 “你不愿这么对菲立大不敬,对不对?如果我演得够逼真,你势必得卸下这身丧服,我会剥夺了你对菲立的致哀。甚至得强颜欢笑,来说服大家相信你是多么高兴丈夫的幸存,还得面对恨得牙痒痒的男人,装作十分恩爱的样子。如果你以为我会乐在其中,我可以告诉你,大错特错,我对这荒谬的一场戏也没好感。如果不是为了保住命,我才不愿接受这提议。天晓得要扮演菲立的角色是多么困难,我是个标准大骗子,但如何诠释像菲立那样的诚实磊落和高风亮节……” “你别拿菲立的优点来讥刺。”她用谴责的口吻告诉杰汀。 “我可没有,不过我小时候或许不太以为然,”他浅笑一声,“甚至看他面对别人的侮辱或挑战,竟是一走了之,我真会被他气炸,我绝不退缩,即使那争斗没任何意义。” 她抬起清澈的眸子,“为什么菲立未曾跟我提起你的事?” 杰汀发出自我解嘲的笑声,“小美人,我不配让人挂在嘴边呀!” “菲立应该告诉我的。有一个海盗兄弟不是可以藏得住一辈子的秘密。” “噢,克利奥尔贵族最会保守秘密,常常一守便是好几代见不得人的事,不象法国人或许是受到西班牙人的影响吧,菲立大概打算能瞒你多久算多久。” 他躺回枕头,闭上眼,做个鬼脸,表情崩紧。 “你现在应该休息了,”她轻声说,“为了明天,你要好好养神。” 他仍是闭着眼,“反正打从我回到这里来,只能做这事。” 席莉由床上起身,“我去告诉麦斯和莱丝,你已经恢复视力,他们必定十分高兴。” “很可能是松口气吧。” “是的,也许是这样。”她倾身为他调整身后的枕头,她至少做了千百回,不过这回截然不同……这回他霍然睁开眼看她,这一刻感觉特别的心心相印,但她立刻抽身。现在他重获光明,一切便改观了,他不再无助,他的伤势在神速痊愈中,他会跟从前一样生龙活虎,当然在他可以行动自如时,会尽快离开这里,或许家人从此再也见不到他的面了。 “你身上一直散发出花香,”他喃喃道,“像……紫萝兰,或是……” “薰衣草。” “薰衣草。”杰汀重复道,然后转过身,入睡了,看样子真是精疲力竭,席莉静静端详他良久,为什么杰汀和菲立是这么天南地北的典型?她试着去找答案,但没有人会跟她解释。必定有缘故,或许一个是家里的瑰宝,大家引以为荣;另一个处事乖张,成了家门不幸。她不知道菲立和杰汀会不会互相憎恨,如果菲立感念这份手足之情,应该不至于瞒着他,让她毫无心理准备来面对他的孪生兄弟。 “噢,菲立!”她低泣起来,“你要我帮助他呢?或者你在地下有知会死不瞑目?”
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