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Chapter 5 chapter Five

after dark 菲利普·马戈林 10071Words 2018-03-18
In the next few days after Laura's accident, as long as the people in the court met Trish, they quietly walked around her, as if she was a patient suffering from a serious disease and avoided them. less than.The only exception was Judge Shessel, who even invited Trish to move in with her, wanting to take care of her nearby.It's just that Trish refuses.She still insisted on being alone in her apartment, alone with her own fears. It was a hot day on Friday, and the old electric fan struggled to stir the heat in Trish's office, but the heat still prevented Trish from concentrating on the workers' wage compensation case before him.The Diet Coke on the table is the only thing in this room that can cool off the heat, and when I bought it, I deliberately added a lot of ice cubes.She reached for it and took a sip.

Suddenly, the door was slammed open, and Arno Piper walked in angrily.His face was flushed, he was bursting with anger, and he stared at Tracy fiercely. With his unique flat head and wide jaws, he really looked like a grinning and barking boxing lion dog. "Did you mention me to that woman named Blick?" Piper seemed to be interrogating the prisoner. Tracy was overwhelmed by the sudden and harsh questioning, but she still tried her best to keep her voice as calm as possible. "It's rude of you to bark at me like that, Judge Piper." She stood up to fight, her voice resolute.

"However, it's not very polite for a little secretary to gossip behind my back, miss." "What do you mean by that?" Trish asked.She still tried very hard to hold back her emotions. "I was just interviewed by Detective Heidi Blick of the Sharon Police Department, and she said I was seen making eye contact with Laura Reese in the library. She didn't name who the informer was. , but at that time there were only the three of us, do you think I would be too stupid to know who was slandering me behind my back?" "I'm just telling Agent Blick the truth."

"There's no way you'll see me flirting with Laura Reese because that never happened. Now, I want you to call her right away and tell her you lied." "I wouldn't do that!" Tracy said, furiously. "Listen, miss, you've just begun your judicial career, and you're not going to make enemies everywhere. So, you either have to be nice and call that agent, or..." "What's the matter?" Judge Griffin asked, looking up from the corridor.He was wearing a white short-sleeved shirt with the buttons open, so that red and yellow tie with gorgeous and expensive patterns hung loosely around his neck, and the sweat from the heat of the bedding had ruined his hairstyle , messily pasted on the forehead.From a distance, his sexy appearance can easily make any woman dream.

Pyp spun around quickly. "This is a private matter between me and Miss Conwanagh," he said. "Oh? But I seem to hear you threatening her." "I don't care what you think, Griffin! I just can't stand this girl slandering me behind my back!" "Calm down, Arnold! No matter what grievances you have with Miss Conwana, there is no need to resolve them in this way. Almost all the clerks on this floor can hear you yelling at her." Pip hunched his shoulders, looking as if he wanted to say something to Griffin, but then he changed his mind and turned to Trish. "I hope you'll make that call and then I'll wait for your apology."

Piper pushed Griffin away, and rushed out the door angrily, leaving the clerk's office area.When the door slammed shut, Griffin asked, "Are you okay?" Trish nodded.She was very afraid that if she opened her mouth to speak, the judge would see through the extreme fear in her heart. "What happened?" Trish hesitated. "Speak!" Griffin was concerned, "I can help you." "I told the police something about Judge Papp and Laura. That's what got him mad." "Then what happened between them?" "I... I really shouldn't have said it, but I have to be suspicious. Maybe I shouldn't have told the police about it."

"Tricy, what happened to Laura is terrible! If you know anything, you must tell me." Tracy fell into hesitant thinking again, wondering whether to let this conversation continue. "What the hell is it, Trish?" "I think Piper is harassing Laura." "What do harassment laws look like?" "Sex! I just happened upon that scene in the library by accident. I couldn't hear what Judge Pip was saying, but it was pretty sure he was giving Laura a lot of eyeballs. And when I asked She refused to talk to Laura, but she was really angry. Laura has become restless recently, and she seems to always lack sleep, and she is impetuous."

"So, you think it's because Arnold is harassing her?" "I have no idea." Griffin thought about what Trish said, then locked the door of her office and sat down. "I'm going to tell you a secret, but you must promise not to tell anyone." "certainly." "Arnold Piper was a big problem from the day he came to the Court. Judge Kenski was a very respected man, not only smart but also talented; stalemate. "When Piper beat Ted in the election last time, Ted became not only the best judge on the court, but also a good friend to all of us at the same time. However, we still try to treat Piper as a colleague Look, even treat him a little too well. But he's still a big jerk! There's nothing worse than his relationships with women.

"After we received complaints from a female secretary and female secretary about his various frivolous behaviors, Stu once found an opportunity to have a long talk with Piper. We all hope that he can learn a lesson from that time, Play it safe and restrained. But obviously, he is still going his own way, showing no signs of remorse." "Then what are you going to do?" "I'll discuss what you've told me with Stu. But I don't think there's anything we can do for now. You're the only eyewitness, but there's no real evidence. But that's still Helpful, at least letting us know that Piper's problems persist.

"I hope you can understand why this matter cannot be spread outside the public, because the image of the court is very important. When we decide a case, we must gain people's trust. This is related to the general public's attitude towards the judge's decision-making authority and defense of justice. .So any little scandal can destroy our image in the public mind." "But I have already told the police about it." "Of course, this is what you have to do. Also, I am very grateful for your trust and frankness in me." Griffin paused for a moment, looking a little embarrassed.

"You're Laura's friend, aren't you?" "I also hope that I am her friend, but I don't know if Laura thinks so, because her response to me is always a bit cold." "Oh?" Griffin looked quite surprised, "I always thought you two were very close!" "Not really. Since we're the only female clerk here, it's natural that we're close together. But honestly, it's not easy being friends with Laura. She's been to my place for dinner a few times. dinner, and I've only been to her house once. Besides, she never confided anything in her heart to me." Trish thought for a moment, remembering Laura's last message on the answering machine. "I thought maybe she wanted to say something that night, she sounded so eager for a friend. I wish..." Tracy let the regretful thoughts drag and circle in his mind.Griffin leaned forward. "Alice told me about that phone call. Don't blame yourself too much. There was nothing you could do at that time!" "I know. It's just that when I think about it, it makes me feel bad." "Lola is really a person who is not easy to get close to. In order to try to get more familiar with my secretaries, I have also invited them to go fishing and outings in the past year. You know, just do it. Some things that have nothing to do with the law, but Laura always finds reasons to put it off. I also tried my best to lure her to travel with us, but our relationship remained stagnant in serious professional work. Until recently, I I also found that something seemed to be bothering her. A few times, she seemed to want to talk to me, but every time the words came to her mouth, she swallowed them back. When I knew she was killed... I don't know... maybe I neglected her too much. I wish she would have told you the truth then." "You should listen to what you just said. If I don't have to blame myself, why should you feel guilty?" Griffin pursed his lips and smiled with a weary look on his face, "It's easy to give advice to others, but it's often impossible to do it yourself. I like Laura. She is rigorous, elegant and dignified. It's just that I hope she can treat me like that." A little more trust. If she was willing to tell me her suffering at that time, maybe I could give her a hand and avoid this disaster." "She believes in you, Judge. Not only that, but she respects and admires you." "It's good to know these things." Griffin stood up.Before leaving, he said again: "You should know that you have a high evaluation among us judges. You are not only the best among the clerks in this period, but also the one I have worked with since I stepped into this court. One of the best, so I'm sure you'll be a pretty successful advocate." Tracy suddenly felt a shy blush appear on her face. "Thank you for being willing to talk to me about this." Griffin continued. "I know you're going to be having a hard time. If there's anything I can do for you, I hope you'll consider me a friend." Rayo Otello wore a custom-made gray suit with fine weaving and tailoring. The coat was sometimes lined with a snow-white silk shirt and a yellow and blue "Hermes" tie; It also exudes a faint scent of "Caesar Marais" cologne. Needless to say, it must be easy to be mistaken for the executive of some big company.It's just that all of this can't hide his acne-ridden face and those quick-witted eyes from the most dangerous slums in Mexico City. "Man! You look too good for a dead man!" Otello said, wrapping his arms around Charlie Deam.Otilo exerted a lot of force, but Dim remained unmoved, despite the big man strangling him until he couldn't breathe. "I'm doing well!" Dim was finally able to utter a few words after Otilo let go. "Do you know Bobby Kurtz?" Otilo asked.A pale, skinny man with a thin beard on his face sat quietly in the middle of the box.When Othello warmly greeted Dim, although he didn't get up, his bleary eyes never left Charlie for a moment. "Of course, I know Bobby!" Dim seemed unwilling to see any other people around.Kurz wore a white shirt open at the collar and a sport coat over it.Although Dim knew that Kurtz had a guy on him, he dismissed this Otiro's bodyguard. "How is it?" Otillo retracted his body into the box, "How does it feel to be released?" "It's much better than staying inside." Dim said sarcastically.Othello laughed, uncontrollably. "Man! That's what I love about you. You've always had a great sense of humor. Most people get out of there and cry, but you, you can tell a joke." Tim shrugged. "We've already eaten." Otillo pointed shyly at the leftovers on the plate, "Would you like some beer or coffee?" "It's all right, Rayu. I still want to sit down and make a deal quickly. I have fifteen thousand on me now, and I need a dock." Othello looked embarrassed, "This may be difficult, Charlie." "Oh? Isn't there enough money?" "The money is enough, but I can't give you this business now." "I know a dock isn't much, Yura, but it's just the beginning. I'm going to have a lot of money in a while, but I've got to have a dock now to re-establish myself." "I can't do that." Dim tilted his head and looked at Otiro. "Isn't my money always useful? What's the problem?" "You're a popular person now. Once you start to go back to your old business, hordes of police will immediately follow you, and then even we will suffer. You killed that kid to vent your hatred, and made the big guy still angry. Eliminate. In the past three months, we have not even dared to fart, and the entire supply and transmission line has almost been cut off. I really hope that you can inform me before you start." "Hey," Tim asked irritably, "so what do you want me to do? Stand obediently in the line of suspects and pray that the guy doesn't identify me? That goddamn person shouldn't be so nosy. " Otillo shook his head, "If you come to me first, I'll help you with this matter. It's just that if you kill that little girl together, it really makes the situation worse, Charlie. " Dim leaned his whole body across the table, and Kurtz on the side also hung an arrow on his bow vigilantly, ready for defense.Dim ignored Kurtz's reaction, staring straight into Othello's eyes. "Will it hurt business when I kill Herro Huey?" asked Tim angrily. A few more knives on the body to cover up the corpse and wipe out the traces. Does my doing this also hinder the business?" Otillo held up a hand, "I never said you were a snitch, Charlie. It's just, business is business. I bet the police have been watching you every step of the way since you were released. You, any transactions between us will definitely be photographed and recorded as evidence. I just hope that the situation can return to normal one day sooner, and it will be the same as before." Charlie sneered and shook his head. "Hmph! Nonsense, Rayo. You owe me that." Otello suddenly looked a little flustered, "I'm trying to reason with you, Charlie. Because I really don't want to hurt feelings, okay? I won't do business with you again, it's too risky. Maybe later Wait until everything calms down. And right now, I really can't sort this out all at once." "If you mess with me like this, it will only make business worse and worse." "What do you mean by that?" "You're a smart man, think about it for yourself." Charlie got up, "It won't be long before all my land is just a small pier. I will come back to you when everything is settled. This period of time is just for you to think carefully, how wise it is to block the way of someone who went to court instead of you and almost lost his life. Should such a person be afraid of death? Yu! What do you think?" Kurtz began to stretch his right hand up from under the table, but Otello grabbed his arm. "I'll definitely think about what you said, my friend." "It's always better to think twice about everything, Rayu. Good-bye." Dim strode out of the dining room. "This Charlie Deem is getting impatient, Rayo," Kurtz told Otillo in Spanish, his eyes still fixed on the restaurant's front door. "Charlie is still angry." When Rayou replied, his tone only showed that he didn't know the embarrassment of what he said. "He has just regained his freedom, and his temper has become a little irritable. After he calms down, he may gradually Do what he says. But if you think about it, it won't be long before he knows I'm right." "I don't know. Charlie is different from everyone else, and his thoughts are also unpredictable; plus he is full of anger and resentment now, who knows what he will do. Let me get rid of him Drop, Rayo, once and for all. And there's nothing else we can do." Othello looked confused and struggled.Killing people is bad for business now.However, what Bobby Kurtz said was true, Charlie Deam thought differently from others, his city was extremely deep, and his thinking was unpredictable, unlike other people that Rayo Otello knew.He knew that he would not be able to get rid of this big trouble this time. Charlie Deam got into the car parked behind the restaurant, his anger boiling like a raging wave.The anger was directed at Rayu.He nearly got hanged himself in his defense, and now he's turning his back on anyone; and the anger is also directed at Abigail Griffin, the bitch who is responsible for all his troubles, if she hadn't If he sued him for his own likes and dislikes, he would not have ruined two years of life for no reason. Charlie let his hateful thoughts run wild.In his fantasy, Dim seemed to see himself giving Rayu a hard shot, and then sitting in a chair drinking a beer, watching the guy slowly swallow his last breath in pain.But his fantasies about Abigail Griffin were nothing like that. Caruso's doesn't have the best Italian food in Portland, nor does it have the best atmosphere, but it has the soft light, spirits, and privacy that Abigail Griffin needs.She soaked herself in it, the shadow of her jerk husband lingering in her mind.Because she just had a two-hour meeting with the lawyer who handled her divorce, and she hasn't recovered yet. At the age of thirty-three, Abby has already had a clear and complete plan for her life, but as soon as she touches on "love", she will often be deeply trapped in emotional shackles that she cannot extricate herself from, and she is in great pain.When Abby was just three years old, her parents were killed in a car accident, so throughout her growing up, she believed that she was missing out on the special love that all children have enjoyed from their parents. . Abby is terrified of her relationship patterns with men because she fears that the love she has given will one day fade away like the love her parents took from her.This fear continued until the beginning of her first love in her sophomore year at the University of Wisconsin. Abby took a sip of her wine.She thought of Larry Ross.It's apparently the root of all her depression right now.When she married Robert, the sweetness of the wedding made Abby temporarily forget about Larry.However, she found that this shadow has been entangled with her memory and has never faded; and as her marriage is on the verge of collapse, this shadow has become more and more pervasive. Larry Rose is a quiet, thoughtful pre-med student.They had been casual friends for a year before he officially became Abby's first love.While Larry was starting his coursework at Columbia University's medical school, Abby pushed hard to apply as an exchange student at the law school of a nearby school in New York.At that time, they both felt that from now on, the two of them could stay together forever, until the sea dries up.But she never expected that just a week after her application was accepted by New York University, Larry was suddenly shot dead from behind.Unable to bear the blow from the blue sky, Abby had to flee there and return to her aunt who raised her.After Larry died, Abby deliberately avoided all the men who pursued her.Because she knew very well that she would never be able to bear the same loss again.Then she met Robert Griffin, a man who first made her fall in love with him and then turned his back on her. After sliding into the dark leather box through the front door of the restaurant, Abby had already downed several glasses of Jack Daniel's; she drank a whole bottle when Tony Rose's figure blocked the box's only small light source. Gin, and eat all the food on the table. Tony was a cop, and he'd been in charge of a few of Abby's cases when Abby was in the narcotics unit.He is tall and handsome, with a bit of childishness like a teenager.After cooperating in two cases, Abby was no longer able to preview her testimony before going to court with him alone.Unless there is a third party present, she will refuse everything.Because fending off such a charismatic officer alone is just too exhausting. "Hi!" A charming smile appeared on Rose's face, "I knew it was you." Alcohol blunted Abby's reaction, and before she asked Ross to get out of the way, he was already sitting opposite Abby down. "How's it going, how's it going?" Rose asked pleasantly. "Not so good, Tony." "What's the matter?" Rose whispered into her ear. "My shitty husband, Judge Robert Hunt Griffin!" Abby's answer was blunt and unadorned.If she had been sane, she would never have done so. "Hey, yes! I almost forgot, you're married to the Lord Justice of the Supreme Court, aren't you?" "Not for long." "Oh?" "I want to leave that bastard!" Abby faltered and vaguely said.Rose notices the half-empty bottle of gin on the table, and the half-thawed ice in Abby's last Jack Daniel's glass.He's an old hand at being a drunk woman's pad.He guessed that with Abby's current situation, it was the best time to go out of town. "Hey! Isn't Judge Griffin the one who let Charlie Deam go?" "Yes, that's him. Next time Tim kills someone, they'll have to thank Robert for being a good guy. And, well, I'll tell you, he's dismissing the case just to make me look bad. Maybe, next time Maybe Dim's going to kill us all one time. Then he'll have the world." Abby reached for her glass, but staggered and tipped it over, sending bright red gin dripping down the edge of the table.Abby tried to shake the wine away, but she was too clumsy. "Oh, damn it!" she patted her wine-soaked thigh with a napkin. "How are you?" "Fuck, Tony, I'm dying!" Abby yelled almost frantically. "Well! I'm going out of town, do you want me to give you a lift?" "I have my own car." "What are you kidding!" Ross laughed, "If I see you driving like this tonight, I will give you a ticket and take you to the police station." Abby's whole body collapsed on the dry part of the box seat, her head tilted back drowsily. "What a bad day!" "Park your car here first, and take a taxi tomorrow morning. Let's go, I'll pay the bill. Just pay me back." Too tired to fight Ross, and too drunk to care about what he did, Abby let him take her arm and leave. "What did you say?" Abby murmured. "I mean, watch your head." Abby opened her eyes and stared at Tony Rose's chest.She had no idea where she was at this moment.Then Tony left, and it was only then that she recognized from the car window that she had returned to the door of the house. "Get out of the car!" Rose said, gently moving her out of the car.Abby wobbled and couldn't keep her feet, so Ross put an arm around her waist.Although Abby tried to stand up, her head was heavy and her eyes were blurred, and she couldn't make any effort. In the end, she had to lean her whole body on Rose's shoulder.He burst out laughing. "Well, watch out, we're almost there. Where's your key?" Abby was aware of the purse she was carrying. She fumbled with it, opened it with some difficulty, and reached for the key.However, when she tried to open the door, she couldn't align the keyhole. "I'm ready." Rose finished speaking, and snatched the key from her hand.Ross helped Abby into the house and turned on the lights.The sudden bright light made Abby unable to open her eyes, and she leaned back against the wall.She heard the door close and felt Rose approaching her.Then she felt Rose's lips.His breath smelled of peppermint, and his kiss was gentle and gentle, as he swooped to wrap his arms around Abby's waist and caressed her breasts. "What are you doing?" she asked quietly. "Do what you want me to do!" Rose replied with certainty. "No!" Abby pushed and blocked Rose with her hands.However, the more she tried to break free, the tighter the policeman's strong arms hugged her, and she was almost stuck to that thick chest.Abby fought again, but he was so strong that she felt hands sliding up her hips.A feeling of fear welled up spontaneously, like a mallet, it slammed into her blurred mind.She tilted her head vigorously.Rose still kissed her neck forcefully, his right hand gradually penetrated under her skirt.Exhausted, Abby struggled to move her body until she could hook her teeth to Rose's ear, and bit down angrily. "Oops!" Rose yelled, and slid out of the way, pounding his ear with one hand. Abby slapped Ross across the face so hard that the cop stood dumbfounded. "How did you pick it?" His tone was extremely shocked. "Get out of here, you vile bastard!" Abby yelled at him. "What's wrong with you, I just want to help you." "Doing this to me is called helping me?" "Look, I thought..." "You think I'm going to want to sleep with you because I'm so drunk." "No, it's not like that. It's just that you look like you desperately need a friend by your side." "And then you take the opportunity to do this to me? Is this my friend?" "Hi!" Rose exasperated now, "you weren't totally insane when I kissed you." "You bastard, I'm drunk!" "Miss! You are a cold bitch." "Fuck you, Tony! That's because you tried to abduct me into bed, and your trick didn't work." It hurt Rose, who suddenly looked like an innocent little boy. "Maybe!" he said. "I mean, maybe we've really messed up here. But it's not my fault. You've been hinting at me so often." "Tony, didn't you understand what I said...?" Abby originally wanted to continue talking, but she swallowed the words abruptly.It happened as it happened, and all she wanted now was for Ross to get out of her house right away. "Look, Tony, this is a big misunderstanding, let's just pretend nothing happened, okay?" Rose puts down his ear, which is covered in blood. "My God!" he said, "you really bit me." "I'm sorry!" Abby was too exhausted to lose her temper. "Can you leave now? I'm sleepy." "I guess you're as ruthless as everyone says you are," he blurted out, emphasizing the end of the word.That sentence was enough to get him kicked out of Abby's house.He slammed the door and she quickly locked it.The engine of Rose's car roared to life, and she leaned against the door, listening to the sound of the car drifting away. Abby turned around and saw herself reflected in the mirror in the front hall, her mouth was smeared with lipstick, and her hair looked like it had been twisted and twisted in a washing machine, which was horrible. "Oh my God!" Abby murmured.She imagined, if she appeared in court with such virtue, what would happen?Thinking of this, she couldn't help but start laughing out loud. That's bound to be big news.She laughed more and more wildly, unable to stop.You're such a complete idiot, why do you make yourself so cheap? Abby slumped on the carpet.When she stopped laughing wildly, she was immediately overwhelmed by depression and depression.She curled up and leaned against the wall, tears welling up in her eyes.It was all Robert's fault, it was all his fault.She loved this man so unreservedly, but what she got in return was his deceit and betrayal.Abby had never hated him so much as she did now. Abby closed her eyes.She was so tired, her mind began to drift dizzily and flew out of her mind.Then a convulsion of shock jolted her awake.She wanted to sleep, but not on the floor in this front room. Abby's bedroom was at the back of the house, and she staggered into it.The door was ajar, casting shadows across the bedroom floor.The entire backyard was pitch black, silent, as if lifeless.The only light came from the windows in the next room.Abby searched for the light switch in the house.However, the moment the lights in the room were turned on, a black shadow suddenly passed by the only faint light in the backyard.Abby was stunned.Someone is in her backyard.She quickly turned off the lights.Only in this way can she see the scene outside the house clearly.However, when the light in the bedroom flickered, she also fell into a dark mist at the same time, as if she was blind. Abby pressed her face against the window pane, trying to see as much of the backyard as she could.As a result, nothing was found.That black shadow is probably his own fantasy.She fell on the bed and closed her eyes.After a while, there was a rattling sound of the doorknob from the kitchen.Abby opened her eyes suddenly and pricked up her ears, but her ears were filled with the sound of her pounding heartbeat. In the past few years, because of the prosecution of the case, Abby has received many intimidation and threats, and several times even endangered her family and life.For this reason, she specially put a semi-automatic 9cm pistol in the bottom drawer of the desk, and specially practiced shooting skills.Abby pulled out her gun and tiptoed across the dark living room to the kitchen.Abby heard the doorknob still rattling, as if someone was trying to break in outside the house.Is it Ross? Could it be that he parked the car far away and then walked back? Abby squatted and crawled towards the light-filled kitchen.A man's figure stood on the corridor outside the house, bending over and twisting the handle of the back door.He was wearing a hood so Abby couldn't see his face.Without thinking, she strode close to the door, raised the gun in her hand, aimed at the figure, pointed the muzzle of the gun against the window, and shouted: "Don't move!" The man was frightened at first, then let go of his hand, Slowly raise both arms from both sides, higher and higher, like a pair of wings of a big bird.The man was dressed in black from head to toe, and also wore black gloves, making it impossible to recognize his appearance.But Abby has a strange, déjà vu feeling for this man.Their eyes met through the glass window, and no one dared to act rashly.The man took a small step back, then another small step, then turned slowly, crossed the backyard, climbed over the fence, and disappeared into the darkness. Abby has no urge to hunt him down, she's just secretly glad he's gone.The adrenaline rush faded, and Abby began to shiver uncontrollably.She dragged a chair in the kitchen, sat down on it, and placed the gun in her hand on the tiger table.She suddenly realized that she was safe. She acted evil for a while, and then gradually relaxed. Abby was lost in thought, trying to figure out why the guy had deliberately invaded.But I still decided to give up, because I was too tired, and the only thing I wanted to do now was to have a good sleep.Anyway, she couldn't describe the man's face.If she called the police now, the whole night would be ruined; and worse, she would have to tell about Tony Ross.Although she was sure that the intruder was no longer Tony, once she called the police, the matter would be brought to light, so now she was helpless. Abby rested for a while, took a few breaths, got up and checked every door and window, making sure they were all locked, and then staggered into the bedroom again.She put the pistol back in the drawer under the table, undressed and went to bed.Intellectually, she knew that she had to fall asleep quickly, because she was exhausted and exhausted; however, every heartbeat in this silent night would infinitely expand the imagination in her mind.She didn't fall asleep until an hour before dawn.
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