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Chapter 3 third chapter

after dark 菲利普·马戈林 8757Words 2018-03-18
Sharon, the administrative center of Oregon, is located south of Portland, about fifty miles down the Fifth Highway.It was a sleepy little town surrounded by farmland.The Oregon Supreme Court has been located beside the most striking national road in the city since 1914. Four themed buildings on the side of the square face this large and empty mine. A narrow circle of turf was planted around it.Behind the building is a car park that separates other separate buildings, including the offices of the judges and the appeals board. When Trish Conwanagh arrived here at eight o'clock in the morning, ready to start a full day's work, a whole row of OB vans parked in front of the courthouse.Hobbling up the street between the courthouse and the Capitol, she took a curious look at the cars.The bright morning sun in July shone on the statue of pioneers on the roof of the Texas State Capitol building, and even the grass in the small park in front of the house was reflected bright green, making the entire state capitol building seem to be illuminated Polished.In line with such a sunny day, Trish also wore a dazzling bright yellow roll-waist suit.

Trish just finished a year as clerk to Oregon Supreme Court Justice Alice Shessel.The clerks of the judges are all top graduates from famous law schools. Each judge will be assigned a clerk who will study some complicated legal issues for him and make memorandums for the judges. The judgment opinion will be checked and proofread before being published.Therefore, for students who have just graduated from the law department, being a court clerk for one or two years is really a challenging and exciting job.And most clerks will jump to a famous law firm after one or two years, and they will all get quite good positions.What those firms covet are the skills of these prominent young people and the knowledge hidden in their hearts.Because of their past work experience, the firm was able to refine the minds and ways of doing things of the judges more precisely.

Laura Resty, a woman as fair as Trish, with soft skin and charming makeup, looked like a model of "Botty Hilly".She looked lost in thought, with one hand unconsciously stroking her long black and beautiful hair.When Trish stretched her neck into Laura's closet-sized office, she had several coils of hair wrapped around her left index finger. "Hey, why are those TV reporters waiting outside?" Laura put down the copy she was reading, put her hands on the table, and raised her body halfway. "do not do that!" "I'm sorry!" Tracy apologized with a smile, while tilting her head to see exactly what information could make Laura so focused.As Laura turned the pages quickly, she sneaked a glimpse of the title and the words "Volume Six"; but because of Laura's quick movements, Trish never saw the other words.

"Dim's case?" Trish said, "I thought it was closed a month ago." "It's closed, that's right. What were you asking me just now?" Trish looked up from the folder on the desk.She noticed Laura's dark circles under her eyes.Laura was disheveled and looked as if she hadn't slept all night. "I'm talking about those TV reporters, what are they doing there?" "Matthew Raynor will be pleading Franklin and Boggy at nine o'clock." "Wow, Renault! Tell me when you're about to pass!" "I'm not going to listen."

"why?" "Judge Griffin is already out of the case, so there's no reason to sit around and listen to that argument." "Why is he twitching his feet?" "Because his wife is representing the state government." "No way!" Trish laughed out loud. "No way!" Laura's response seemed a bit "poisonous". "She's a smart woman." "No wonder! She's a bitch. She could have had some other district attorney go to court for the state." "Then Judge Griffin could sit on the case. And now he has to step down because it's a member of his family representing the state. That woman used that to get rid of the most liberal judge on the court." , to improve her chances of winning the lawsuit, that's why I say she is a smart woman."

"I don't think that makes sense at all." "Don't make personal attacks!" "I didn't." Laura was a little annoyed. "That judge is really a good man, but his broken marriage has gradually swallowed him. This is really a big hindrance to him, as if it is on his wound." It's like adding salt to the snow." "Okay! If that woman is a bitch like you said, he'd better stay away from her. But anyway, you should see Raynor's performance. He is really incredible. Don't you know He has fought all over the United States for more than 20 years to defend death row prisoners, and there has never been a single person executed by him?"

"Reynolds was just another hired gunman." "That's your fault, Laura. Every case is a mission to him, and he's a genius. Have you ever read his proceedings in the state and in the Arerio case? His debate on the Fifth Amendment was truly indescribable." "Yes, he may be smart and dedicated, but I think he's using it in the wrong place." "What!? Don't be so stubborn, let's listen to the debate together! Renault is definitely worth the price of admission. I will call you again before I go over." The most striking thing in the building of the Oregon Supreme Court is a large oil-painted skylight on the court ceiling with the state emblem printed on it; tinted glass skylight.At nine o'clock in the morning, the sun was shining brightly, and the sunlight penetrated the two layers of glass, casting a dense yellow light into the room, which happened to be reflected on six judges of the court's seven-member panel. litigation debates.Trish found an empty seat where the long board behind the judges was against the wall, and the justices sat on the dais across the front of the courtroom.In front of Chief Justice Stu Furby's rostrum, Abby Griffin is calmly sorting out her files.When the chief judge told her she could begin arguments, Abbey said: "My name is Abbijill Griffin and I represent Denise Franklin, the Multnomah County District Attorney's Office and associate. If With the court's leave, we ask that Judge David Borgie be heard, and that his order against Mrs. Franklin be compelled to open for the judicial commissioner employed by the defense."

"Is Mr. Boggie acting as an attorney in a case? The defendant is Jeffrey Conte, isn't that right, Mrs. Griffin?" Judge Mary Carey, a forty-something, Very attractive lady.She had just finished trying a body corporate case, and was immediately appointed to sit on the trial bench of this court. "Yes, Your Honor." "What is the basis for the application for evidence-gathering ruling in that case?" "According to the affidavit presented by Mr. Reynolds, the defendant's defense attorney, Denise Franklin's son, Roger, had originally agreed to sell the stolen jewels to Jeffrey Conte. But when Conte arrived at Franklin Franklin not only had no jewels to sell, but also attempted to rob Conte while Mr. Conte claimed that he shot Roger Franklin in self-defense because Franklin shot first .”

"So the defense is asking for evidence at Mrs. Franklin's house to confirm the defendant's testimony, isn't it?" "Yes, Your Honor." "That sounds quite reasonable! So, what's wrong with Judge Boggy's order?" "Mrs. Franklin has complaints, Your Honor. She doesn't want the agent of the murderer of her son searching her house." "We sympathize with Mrs. Franklin, the lawyer. But it is really rare that a witness is also a family member of a victim. Therefore, in this case, whether it is an interrogation by the police or an interview with the media, It caused great inconvenience. Didn’t people from your side also go to her house to collect evidence, didn’t they?”

"That was with Mrs. Franklin's permission, and when the house was a murder scene. It's no longer a crime scene, and the state has returned the house to Mrs. Franklin, plus she's not involved In this case, therefore, the magistrate has no power to order a non-related person to let the defendant's party enter his home." "Is there any authoritative precedent for your claim, lawyer?" Griffin had a confident smile on his face.She seemed to have expected the judge to ask such a question.As she presented Judge Kayleigh with several Oregon precedents that supported her view, Tracy's eyes swept across the courtroom and fell on Griffin's opponent.The contrast between the two is stark: Abijill Griffin, in a tailored black coat, black pleated skirt, and an ivory silk blouse with a pearl necklace around her neck, looks like a real girl from her childhood. fashion magazine models; and Matthew Reynolds, in a plain and ill-fitting black suit, white shirt and narrow-brimmed tie, looks like a country priest or funeral director, not at all a top-notch American lawyer.

Suddenly, a question posed by Judge Arno Piper brought Trish's attention back to the debate in the courtroom. "Mrs. Griffin, when Mr. Conte was arrested, did he make a statement to defend himself?" "No, Your Honor." "Then, did the police find the dead man's pistol as claimed by the defendant's lawyer?" "No murder weapon was found at the scene." Piper, a man with a beer belly and short navy crew cut hair, when he was deep in thought, there were deep wrinkles between his brows, which left a very deep impression on people.Judge Kayleigh's eyeballs were gurgling.And that, frivolous Piper was trying to bridge the gap in understanding caused by his arrogance and stubbornness.He's here because he knocked out a respected lawyer in one of the dirtiest battles in Oregon judicial history. "Is this self-defense rhetoric a stunt?" "Yes, Your Honor. We believe this episode of self-defense was fabricated by Mr. Conte." "A conspiracy with Mr. Reynolds?" Pyp asked. Trish was taken aback by Piper's question!He actually questioned the authenticity of Matthew, Raynor's integrity to the oath.Renault's face was ashen, and his expression was so serious that it was a bit shocking. "There's no evidence Mr. Reynolds was dishonest about this case, Judge Piper," Abby replied firmly. "And," Judge Kayleigh interrupted; she wanted to deflect the unpleasant subject of discussion. "And that's not the point we were talking about earlier. Is it, lawyer?" "Yes, Your Honor." "As far as I know," Kayleigh went on, "your claim is that we rescind Magistrate Boggie's order, since he has no power to order a person not to do anything." "Completely correct." A small light bulb on the rostrum flashed a red light, indicating that Griffin's time was up. "If there are no further questions in court, I have nothing else to do." Chief Justice Phoebe nodded to Griffin and said, "Where's Mr. Reynolds?" Matthew Raynor slowly stretched out from the curled up chair, as if he had to put in a lot of effort to stand up, and walked towards the presiding judge's stand step by step.He was determined not to let his anger at that Arno Piper interfere with his duty to his client.Lei Nuo calmly sorted out the materials in front of the stage, forgetting all the insults just now.The moment he raised his head, Judge Frank Areggi, an innocent-looking little man with a relaxed smile, asked, "What do you think of Ms. Griffin's defense, Mr. Reynolds? I have already After reading the cases she brought up, it seems that they all support the prosecution's position." Renault spoke with a heavy southern accent, and slowly and gently spoke each word clearly, sounding like a small boat floating on the warm ocean. "The court's ruling should not be affected by these precedents, Judge Alleghi, because the facts of this case are very different from previous precedents. Mrs. Franklin is definitely not just a distressed mother. We believe that she may be suffering for her son. As a cover for a crime committed, and involved in a deliberate shooting, every time we were stopped outside the Franklins' gates, it meant one more chance for Mrs. Franklin to destroy the evidence. "And that leads me to my main legal point. Under the U.S. Constitution's trial-by-act clause, which gives prosecutors the duty to preserve evidence at her residence, that's a big deal in either conviction or punishment. Helpful. Franklin's house was still a sealed crime scene when we filed Judge Boggie's ruling application, and it was specifically noted in the affidavit. We believe there is still evidence in Franklin's home that is sufficient to clarify Kang. We also believe that Mrs. Franklin may have drowned that evidence. However, the police immediately tore the seal and returned the house to Mrs. Franklin after we filed an application for adjudication. We feel that That is a violation of the prosecution's duty to preserve evidence for the benefit of the accused." "Can we uphold an order from a magistrate who lacks authority?" Judge Arregui asked. "No! However, we believe that the court should consider the house as a sealed crime scene when the case is being discussed. On the other hand, it is so easy to remove the seal before the case is heard in court. , this approach is tantamount to the prosecution undermining a legitimate application for adjudication. "The Bill Trial Clause brings together the concept of fairness into our law, so that fairness based on jurisprudence is a very good thing, far better than fairness based on power. You can clearly see in this case I see the tension between these two concepts here. The prosecution represents the center of power, and they use their power to take over the privately owned housing of the citizens, so they can investigate the crime. Once the prosecution investigates enough, the crime is determined. After my case, they will use their power to arrest my client and deprive him of his liberty. "That's the right way to use power, Your Honor, and it's a fair way. But the prosecution was unfair in the way it ended up using power, after my client stood up to the prosecution and asked for an opportunity to re-prosecute. The way prosecutors exercise their power is fraught with inequity when it comes to examining evidence at crime scenes. "A legitimate adjudication application should be decided by an impartial judge, not a one-sided decision by an enthusiastic defense lawyer. When the police break the seal of the crime scene and hinder our adjudication application, it undoubtedly destroys the foundation. The fairness-based concept in the trial clause of the Act. In court, all Mr. Conte is asking for is an opportunity to re-examine the crime scene, as the prosecution has done in their own power. What he is asking for It was just a fair chance, and Justice Boggie knows that, so we ask the court to rule that his order stands." The debate ended and the court adjourned.Matthew Raynor watched Abijill Griffin sorting out the documents in her hand and closing her small bag.In a few moments, she will have to fight her way through the swarm of reporters swarming outside the courtroom and be subjected to tiresome cross-examination.If he wanted to talk to her, Raynor knew now was the time.Abby was walking towards the courthouse doors. "Ms. Griffin." Abby turned around and found that Renault was dragging his black coat behind her, like the wings of an ugly crow, as if he had just been shot off the headless jockey, what a pity! "Thank you for telling the judge that you didn't believe I would have fabricated my testimony." Raynor's voice was trembling and weak, and Abby barely heard what he said until he raised his voice and argued, "My reputation is a It’s more important than anything.” "You don't have to thank me, Mr. Reynolds. But I'm curious, because that's a very strange accusation. Is there something unresolved between you and Judge Papp?" Renault nodded with a sad face, "When Piper was still a district attorney in Walker County, I fought against him in a murder lawsuit. Their investigation of that case was quite sloppy, and the man who was arrested was also Innocent. When he was a prosecutor, Piper liked to give his opinion on the merits of the case in the media, and he favored quick convictions." "I understand. He never changed that." "And yet, after that case was over, he threatened to charge me with bribery of the jury." "The results of it?" "The judge ruled that Piper lost the case, and dismissed any jury-bribing charges he might have brought. I've given the whole thing a long time to go, but I think he still does." "That's really regrettable." "So, you are really generous, because Piper's hatred for me has become your guarantee ticket, and you are willing to stand up for me like this." "But under the same principle, if you look at it from another angle, there will be many judges who will side with you because of Piper's position." "I hope you're right, Ms. Griffin," Raynor said solemnly, but a little apprehensively. "Why don't you call me Abby. As long as this case is not closed, we still have many opportunities to meet!" "Okay, Abby." "Then we shall meet in court." Raynor crouched his briefcase like a shield to his chest as Abigail Griffin slipped out of the courtroom. When Renault stepped into the hall, he was immediately surrounded by reporters swarming in; at the same time, Abby was able to take the opportunity to abscond down the marble ladder and slip out of the courthouse through the back door.Her car was parked on the street behind the courthouse, because she had expected hordes of reporters to show up today.As for poor Reynolds, he was still struggling among the reporters.When Abby turned the corner, she spotted Rob Griffin in the back of her car. Judge Griffin wore baggy buff slacks, a navy blue polo shirt, and loafers on the soles of his feet, giving him the look of a professional golfer, his long brown hair lying flat against the The forehead hangs down.He smiled when Abby opened the door and threw the briefcase in the back of the car.Seeing the sparkle in his crystal clear blue eyes, Abby almost forgot why she left this man for a moment. "Well, how did the debate go?" Griffin asked. "What are you doing in my car?" Abby answered sharply.She walked around from the back of the car to the front driver's seat. His smile was still on his face. "I miss you! And, I think we should be able to talk." "Then you're thinking wrong, Rob. Maybe those women you fucked behind my back will have a chat with you." Griffin's smile retracted. "Can I have a minute?" "I have a meeting in Portland later, and I don't want to be late." Abby started the car as she spoke, "And, Rob, I know what you want. No use, the bank is closed early I suggest you, either get a rich mistress, or change your way of life." "What the hell are you talking about! I'm not interested in your money. As for those women... oh my god! I don't know what the hell I've got, but it's all over. I swear , only you are the one I really love, Abby." "So dismissing Tim's case is your way of showing me your love?" Griffin's face turned livid and serious, "What kind of nonsense are you talking about?" "You deliberately dismissed Tim's case to humiliate me." "Nothing! I'm doing the law, and doing what a judge should do. Even Judge Piper agrees with me. Please, for God's sake, you can be more sensible." "I'm not an idiot, Rob! The statute you're citing has only been used by three states in the past as a basis for dismissing dangerous mentally ill patients." "That statute has its merits, we think..." Griffin paused, "This is ridiculous! I didn't come here to sit here and discuss my ruling on Tim's case with you." "Yes, Robert, you shouldn't be sitting here, but get out of my car at once." "Abby..." Abigail Griffin shrank her chair forward, glared angrily at her husband who had already had an affair with her through the rearview mirror, "I'll give you ten seconds, if you don't leave my car, I will Call the police." Griffin's anger also flushed his face.He originally wanted to say something more, but he swallowed the words abruptly, then shook his head, opened the car door and got out. "I should have expected that it would be impossible to talk calmly and rationally with you." "Please close the door." Griffin slams the door, and Abby drives away from the parking space.As Griffin walked toward the courthouse, he was so angry that he didn't notice that Matthew Raynor was standing in the aisle in front of the judge's office building watching him. In 1845, two northern pioneers set up piles on the banks of the Wheeling Meadie River on the Oregon border, and decided by tossing coins that the name of their planned town be Portland or Boston.The city of Portland was built up little by little in such an idyllic poetic environment, surrounded by lush trees, facing the river on the west and two tall hills on the east.Looking from the dam, you can look across the Wheeling Meadie River and see the foothills falling far away on the other side from the Cascade Mountains. The snow-capped Hudd, Adam, and Straight The top of Mount St Helens in the clouds. The town was established from the "river street" on the water's edge, and then gradually expanded north and south along the Wanting river, and finally gradually became a big city.The old buildings were all demolished, followed by steel and glass curtain buildings.However, just below Washington Park, that is, on the skirts of the city of Portland, there are still several beautiful Victorian mansions, which are now the offices of architects, doctors or lawyers. . At ten o'clock in the evening, in Renault's spacious and grand Victorian mansion, the lights in the offices and library on the first and second floors have been turned off, except in the quarter corner of the third floor where his residence is located. There was still a faint light on it.After the tough battle in the morning, Renault has not rested yet, and his thoughts are still immersed in many problems in that bitter struggle.In fact, it has been a long time since the robbery happened, and Renault's think tank even thought that it was necessary to enter Franklin's house to search for evidence.Regardless of the Supreme Court's decision, however, Abigail Griffin's litigation strategy could wear down the evidence in his client's favor, thwarting his chances of winning the case. But that's not the only thing bothering Renault.Until now, he was still in shock when he played against Abby Griffin.Raynor was fascinated by Griffin's intelligence.He believed that this woman was one of the few who could rival him in court; more than that, she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.Even though the two had spoken before going to court as rivals, Reynolds was quite nervous in the Supreme Court that morning when he approached to thank Abby for standing up to Judge Piper.If he hadn't been so moved by Abby's defense of his reputation, he might not have had the courage to speak to her. Renault was already getting ready for bed, but he didn't feel sleepy at all.On the desk in the closet were two photographs of his father, and a framed newspaper clipping.His father was photographed standing in front of a South Carolina courthouse, and the clipping of the placket had begun to yellow.Matthew read the article briefly, then gazed fondly at the two photos. Behind the closet is a mirror, Renault stopped and looked at himself in the mirror for a long time.But no matter how you look at it, you can't escape the focus of his attention.When the magazines reported him as an amiable man, he felt that the years had been kind enough to him.When he was a child, he was always the target of thousands of insults. Can't remember how many times he ran home from school crying?I don't know how many times, he hid in the room alone and wept, just because he couldn't stand the malicious teasing and teasing of the children next door? Matthew wondered what exactly was in Abigail Griffin's eyes when she looked at him?Can she see what he used to look like?Do you know how much he misses her?And did she ever think about him?He shook his head and shuddered as this last image came into his head.Would a man with his looks come to mind for a woman like Abijill Griffin?This idea is just too ridiculous. Matthew left the bedroom and walked down the hall.The law office and the corner where he huddled are all decorated with antique springs. Even the desk where Matthew sits all day long belonged to a famous lawyer who died in 1897.This famous lawyer who was famous for handling death penalty cases in the nineteenth century also sat on this wooden chair.The reason why Renault has a convincing and tenacious attitude in the face of the litigation and debate of the death penalty case may be inspired by the spirit of the ancestors. On one side of the desk is a chess table, dotted with green and white squares, supported by a delicately carved base.Renault didn't have any social life, and playing chess was his only recreational refuge growing up.Over the past few years, while fighting in various courts across the United States, he has also participated in many large and small chess games at home and abroad.The current chess game on the chessboard still maintains the same position as when playing chess with Professor Luo Weigen.Professor Luo is a chess friend he met at an international death penalty seminar.It was a complex game of stalemate, and it was the first time that Reynolds was deadlocked when he had the upper hand. Renault lifted the top of the desk.His movements seemed a little stooped, because he was so impatient that he couldn't settle down.A few minutes later, he turned off the light on the ceiling, and buried himself on the retractable writing desk.Now, the only source of light in the room is a Tiffany lamp by the table.Renault opened the bottom drawer of the desk and took out a large envelope bag made of kraft paper.This envelope bag is a secret that no one knows, and there are several newspaper clippings and photos hidden in it.He took out newspaper clippings and photographs and spread them out on the table. The first was an article he cut out of the Oregon Journal, a profile of Abigail Griffin's reporter when she was fighting Diem for the prosecution.Renault has read this article several times, and every word is already very familiar.A black-and-white photo of Abby takes up a full third of the front page, and there is a photo of Abby and Judge Griffin on the inside page.Her smooth and lustrous hair was pinned flat with hair clips, and she was next to her husband, looking very happy and not afraid even if the sky fell. Several other articles were about other cases Abby had won, each with a photo of the district attorney.Renault put all the articles aside, picked out all the photos and arranged them together, and studied them carefully one by one.He chose his favorite photo, a black-and-white close-up of Abby sitting on a board in the park in front of the courthouse; her head half-tilted, her face facing the bright sun.
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