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Chapter 6 start of anxiety

villain 西村寿行 4271Words 2018-03-18
The next morning, Arai and Sumiko went to Umegaoka to meet the guardian Yoshihiko Kitagawa.During his parole, Arai will be supervised by a guardian. Yoshihiko Kitagawa is a composer of Japanese ballads. He sang songs when he was young, suffered a lot, and was not bookish. "People are very fragile. I used to think about being a robber to rob things when life was difficult. I also prepared a kitchen knife. But suddenly I fell ill with a fever, which gave me time to reflect on my life. Without this disease, I may have gone to prison for dinner earlier than you." After exchanging pleasantries, Bei Chuan said these words.

"A person's life depends on whether you can overcome your own weaknesses. This is a question you must consider in the future. You people look strong, but you are actually very fragile. Do you understand what I said?" Arai was somewhat disgusted by his words, but he also had to admit that what Bei Chuan said was on point. "I understand the environment you're in, and I know it's difficult for you to wash your hands and quit immediately, but what's the point of what you did. At the end of the day, you don't know what you've done all your life." Bei Chuan's tone was a bit sharp.

"My younger brother was also used as a gun by others just like you. But he was unlucky and was beaten to death by the other party. He was hacked to death with a knife. It was horrible. One of the reasons why I accepted the job of guardian was because it gave I was so impressed." Arai lowered his head sadly.After eight years of hell in prison, he realized he should find a serious career.But he didn't want to turn right right away.One is that he is not reconciled, and the other is that so many years of prison life have been wasted. "Think about it carefully! Come to me at least twice a month, and discuss with me if you have any problems. But pay attention to one thing..."

Kitagawa glanced at Arai and said: "For you, the most important thing is not to be anxious. Wanting to make up for the past losses at once is the most important thing. Maybe the grace of parole will be cancelled. You weigh the gains and losses!" "Yes, I see." Bei Chuan seemed to be a little worried, he drank his cup of tea in one breath and continued: "I'm a bit long-winded, I repeat, don't just take action on what you think is right. Frankly speaking, people who have lived in prison for a long time, like snakes in bamboo tubes, have lost the ability to adapt to ordinary social life. The standard of the value of things has also changed. So what you think is right may be wrong in the eyes of others. You must discuss with me before doing anything.”

Perhaps at this time, Beichuan had already seen what Arai was thinking.Of course this is his guess. Arai was nervous for a while, and a trace of ominous omen passed through his mind.He bowed his head and said meekly: "Understood. Please take care of me in the future!" Twenty minutes later, Arai and Sumiko walked out of Yoshihiko Kitagawa's house.For some reason, Cheng Zi had an unhappy look on his face. "What do you think of Mr. Beichuan's words?" On the way to the station, Arai asked.Chengzi said bluntly: "Listening to monks and priests, sometimes I feel that what they say is right, but we can't do it. Simply put, this is how I feel."

"If I want to change my ways from now on, what will you do?" Chengzi immediately stood still and looked at Arai with sharp eyes. "You really think so?" Arai was speechless for a moment.Chengzi said anxiously: "If in the past, before this happened, I would also like you to wash your hands and quit. At that time, if you said so, I would try my best to help you realize this determination. Now my body is like this, what do you want me to do? " Arai thought, if there was no one around, she might say even worse words of complaint. "I know, I know, I'm just kidding."

"Just kidding. If you really do this, I won't forgive you. The ink and paint that was inserted into the body with the needle turned me into a rascal. Now I can't go back to the person I was 8 years ago." Chengzi muttered alone and stopped an approaching taxi. Arai and Chengzi drove to Sangenjaya to meet Sawara Souji.Meet the team leader - it is their duty to be a family member. For Arai, this may have been a grand occasion in a sense.Arai thought, if he didn't come to the prison to pick me up due to the reality, Sahara would always treat me like a triumphant general!

Taisaku Kiyoki, who went back to Tokyo first, must have told Sahara about my visit today.Arai thought, I have done so much for the team, the team leader and other leaders will all be dispatched to meet me. In the car, Arai kept recalling the past and the faces of everyone in the group.He recalled a scene where he was scolded by the late old man Ryuichi Kondo, and he felt nostalgic.But when he came to the gate of the Suehiro group, Arai had a strange feeling, and the whole atmosphere was different from before. It was a young man whom he had never met to meet him at the gate.The house was very silent and devoid of energy.Walking into the reception room next to the gate, Arai didn't see anyone he was familiar with.

"You are back, you have worked hard!" Sawara's wife, Chiyoko, entered the reception room.She is one year older than Chengzi.Before entering prison, Arai, like Sawara, was a small boss, and Chiyoko was a brother's wife, and everyone treated each other equally.But when Sahara made a fortune and became the group leader, Chiyoko became the master's wife.In the underworld, the upper and lower levels are very strict. "Master, it's been a long time. You haven't changed much. Congratulations to Sahara Rongsheng as the second-generation family leader. Although I wrote a letter when I was in prison, please allow me to express my congratulations again today."

"Thank you! You are in good health, so I am relieved. Sit down! The family will come soon." Prestige rises with status.In Chiyoko's words and attitude, Arai felt the difference between up and down. The two sides sat opposite each other.Arai thought that if Sahara was sent to assassinate that person, he might become the head of the family.Then it was Chengzi who said those words just now, not Chiyoko. After a while, Sahara came in wearing a kimono.After a brief chat with Arai, he said to Chiyoko: "Go get some wine." Souji Sahara, who was sitting on the chair, had a solemn and majestic attitude.

Arai was a little surprised when he heard the news that Souji Sahara took over as the team leader in the prison.Sawara is smart, but he is cold, blunt and not magnanimous enough.He is not the best candidate for team leader. But if the former Sawara is compared to a razor, then the current Sawara is like a Japanese sword.Arai felt that he began to understand the reason why the old man chose him as the team leader.As the leader of an organization in the underworld in this era, Zuo Yuan may be more suitable than the old man. Arai saw the result of a person's growth.Sahara was five or six years older than him, but Arai felt he was fifteen or six years younger than him.In Arai's heart, there was a strong sense of anxiety that Yoshihiko Kitagawa had warned him about. After chatting for a while, Arai turned his head and looked outside the door, but there was still no one outside. "Is everyone else in the group okay?" Souji Sahara nodded and said: "I ran into a little trouble yesterday. It was a pistol search. Fortunately, nothing was found. So everyone stays calm today." "so serious?" "You have been in prison for a long time, and you may not understand it all at once. The current group is already in name only. Of course, it has not been officially disbanded." Arai was surprised by Sahara's words. "Is the site taken away by other groups?" "If this is the case, can I still sit here? The opponent is the police, and we can't help it. The police have been cracking down on violent gangs since the fall of last year." "However. Team leader..." "I know what you want to say. The police have organized gangs a few times in the past. Whenever the police encounter a case that cannot be solved, they will form a gang to deceive the public. This is the police's specialty. Now the situation is different. Shimizu Uncle said that one year after the end of the Olympics, it will be loose. But I don’t think it’s that simple.” Arai was disturbed by the worrying words that the team leader himself said.The words "the world has changed" from the head of the guardianship section echoed in his ears again. "Now the police are carrying out a 'mountain operation' to organize a large organization. President Tsuda of the Kikusui Society was arrested for possession of guns, all the leaders of the Brocade Leaf Society were arrested, and the Dadonghui, which competed with us for territory, is also gone. .” "so smart?" Arai couldn't believe it. "Now we can't move at all. For example, if you set up a casino to congratulate your release, the police will come right away." "So, what is everyone doing?" "I kind of expected this kind of situation before. So after taking over as the team leader, I asked everyone to find a legitimate job as much as possible. Therefore, everyone still has a bowl of food. Of course, some people don't listen to me, and now they can't eat. But they’ll have to put up with it for a while. Now my main income is a bar, a pinball parlor and two cafes.” Hearing these depressing words, Arai was so sad that he wanted to cry.When the big organization hits the blow, it is impossible for the medium-sized Suehiro group to be vigorous on its own.On the contrary, President Sahara considered everyone's safety and changed direction in time, which is indeed a wise move. "Thank you for helping Chengzi run that store." "You are in prison, I have to take special care of Chengzi." "I'm really sorry to trouble you." "No, I should thank you. But the current situation is not good, and the late old man's promise to you may not be done right away." Souji Sahara glanced at Arai. "However, Arai, I'm not one to be content with the status quo. Once the situation improves, I'll immediately start expanding our team. Right now, I'm thinking about something that is less dangerous and can be done immediately. Just treat yourself as if you're still in prison and endure a few more Month. Chengzi is very capable, and there is no problem running that store. I will find a way for you about your monthly pocket money, so don’t burden Chengzi too much.” Arai Kenji bowed his head deeply.The trace of jealousy towards Souji Sahara dissipated at this moment.Arai was overwhelmed.He believes that Zuo Yuan is stronger than himself and has the ability to lead everyone. "You have thought of it for me. I will stay honestly for a while as you said. If you have anything to do, please ask at any time." "You're welcome. Come here when you're free. It's dangerous to run a casino, but we still have to hold a celebration banquet. There are few people today, let's congratulate first!" Souji Sahara breathed a sigh of relief as if a heavy burden had been lifted, and stood up. Kenji Arai sat on the second floor of the Jingtang restaurant with a serious expression. "Kenji, change your clothes!" Chengzi poked his head from the next room and said.Arai frowned and asked: "Can you sit down and listen to me? What do you think of what they said today?" "How? I think it makes sense." While straightening her collar, Cheng Zi sat down beside Arai. "When you were talking, I went to help them with work, and I didn't hear what the family members said. But I probably knew the situation before. The current team leader is different from the old man, and he has room for speech. He thinks that talking big is fruitless It’s better to leave room and wait for the result. So you don’t have to worry.” "That's what I said, but I can't wait like this. Of course, I can't let him give me a piece of land right away. The world has indeed changed, there is no way. I also understand Zuo Yuan's approach." Arai continued as if about to spit out a puff of bitter water: "But why did I spend so long in prison? It's too late to regret it now." Regarding Arai's words, Cheng Zi didn't know what to say for a moment, but just looked at him silently. "The team leader, the guardian and you all want me to stay honestly. Those guys who have just come out of prison and went in will laugh out loud when they hear that I am idle at home. I have failed your good intentions by saying this, and may Be punished. It’s okay to be punished. During this period, I want to do one more thing to prove the value of living in prison for 8 years.” "Your mood is understandable. What exactly do you want to do? You won't change your ways." "No, I still can't make up my mind. You and the team leader let me idle at home. Not only can I not make money, but I also need to spend your money. But during this period, I have to pay back a debt of favor. Please don't worry about it. I." "I will never stop what you want to do. You can also spend the money you make in the store. But what do you want to do?" "Revenge and revenge!" Cheng Zi widened his eyes. "What's the matter?" Under Chengzi's questioning, Arai told her about meeting Koyama Eitaro by chance in the prison ward, and Koyama asked him to find a man named Jack and Koyama's execution.Chengzi was moved by Arai's words, and she listened without moving.After listening, Chengzi sighed and said: "It's terrible! I understand how you feel because of this karma in the Manchurian era. A man must have a clear distinction between grievances and hatred. But is Jack that man's real name?" "I don't know. It's the name of a foreign devil. I can't guess it." "What are the characteristics of the face and body?" "I don't know the facial features, medium build, neither fat nor thin, with unfinished tattoos." "What pattern is the thorn?" "There are two or three cherry blossoms tattooed on the left wrist. Too many people have tattooed cherry blossoms on their wrists, and this clue is useless." "Finding this person is like finding a needle in a haystack." "But Jack is definitely not a person on the right path. I may find hope in looking for such a person. My face is still useful to find such a person. In addition, there is another way: as long as you find four people who testify for Jack. find him." "It's not that easy." Chengzi frowned and said: "If these four people gave false testimony for Jack, after such a long time, Xiao Shan was executed again, would they still tell the truth? Maybe they will be threatened by you again, why should they ask for trouble?" "I thought of this. Thanks to you, I am idle at home now. I have time and nothing to do. The murderer's prosecution period is 15 years, which is still long. I want to have some entertainment, and I am still in front of Xiaoshan I swore, can't you help me?" "yes!" Chengzi bit her lip and said: "Let me think about it. It's not something that can be started today or tomorrow." When Chengzi reached this point, Arai didn't say anything more.
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