Home Categories foreign novel The Merry Woman's Revenge

Chapter 20 fourth quarter

The Merry Woman's Revenge 西村寿行 3806Words 2018-03-18
Qianqiu Bangmura climbed Ghost Stone Mountain again on December 29th. In three days, it will be next year. The changes of the years did not bring happiness to Bangcun.The deep longitudinal wrinkles on Hamamura's face contained bitterness, and it was a bitterness that could neither be stretched nor disappeared. Mount Diyue was enclosed in a desolate winter landscape.The snow hasn't formed yet.It seems that there have been several games of snow.Spots remain in the dark. Accompanying him were four appraisers from the Metropolitan Police Department and a forensic doctor invited by the Metropolitan Police Department.

Bangcun led the pedestrian into the rocky forest.It was like a chaotic stone forest, with abrupt rocks standing upright as if they wanted to pierce the winter sky. They walked through the rocky forest and climbed to Diyue Mountain. The decaying hut that used to be the fairy's home still survives.The wind howled in the leafless forest like a cry of grief. He brought a group of people to the grave. The identification staff picked up the rotten leaves and began to dig the grave. Hamamura stood by and watched.He turned up the collar of his dirty coat.The cool wind poured into the neck from the neckline and hit the back.

The identification staff dug cautiously, and when they dug nearly two meters away, they stopped. Because they found something white, which seemed to be human bones, they carefully brushed off the floating dirt with the brooms in their hands, exposing the bones. The meat has rotted and melted into the surrounding soil, and the rotten smell no longer exists. Only the bones are buried in the soil.The first thing to come out is the skull. The dead were buried in the earthen caves in a standing position.They dug a hole first, lowered the body from above and buried it.There is no coffin or anything, and the clothes have rotted into dust.

It took a long time to dig out the bones and place them on the ground. The forensic doctor began to identify. This is an old forensic doctor named Iwano. After about thirty minutes, Iwano made a general inference. "Judging from the wear and tear of the teeth, the deceased was about forty years old. She was a woman. The burial was about seven or eight to ten years ago—a general estimate. As for whether it was a disease or a homicide, the details will not be returned for further research." Where to go, can't figure it out." Iwano looked up at Hamamura. "How long is it?"

"It seems to be about 1.55 meters." "yes……" Hamamura nodded. "It usually takes more than five years for the ligaments and cartilage to disappear from the skeleton of the corpse. The fat on the bones is gone, which proves that five to ten years have passed." Iwano stood up. "Sir, can you check the neck bone again? If it is the person I imagined, there must be a natural flat bone on the back of the head, which is the mullet head as the saying goes in the Kansai area." "Mullet head?" Iwano began to examine the skull again.Wipe the dirt off the bones and examine the back of the head.

"Indeed, there is flattening. It seems to be congenital." "Thank you very much." After thanking him, Hamamura turned his gaze to the sky. Just like that time, there were black clouds floating in the sky. When they came to the village below, Bangmura Qianqiu bid farewell to the party.Entered the Merchant Inn where I stayed last time. The proprietress still remembered Bangcun.After seeing Bangcun, he showed unnecessary surprise.Seeing this scene, Bangcun felt puzzled.It took a long time to figure out why the proprietress was surprised. "Mr. Criminal—" The fat proprietress called.

Hamamura remembered the reports from the propaganda circles.The matter of Chiaki Hamamura, the former inspector of the Metropolitan Police Department who fought the decisive battle with the ghost girl, has spread throughout Japan as a big news. "That was in the past." Hamamura had a wry smile on his face. Before entering the guest room, Hamamura hung up the phone to the Metropolitan Police Department.What I want is Hiroka Tomoyuki. After a brief report, he inquired about the progress of the search.After talking on the phone for about twenty minutes, I took off the earphones. He entered the guest room and ordered food and drink.

The proprietress is very enthusiastic. The wine was served quickly. Bangcun said that he had something to think about for a while, so he sent the proprietress out, and then poured himself a drink. The police search is difficult to progress. Hiroka wanted to check the past of the murdered Otake Ryohei and his wife, so that the culprit could be easily found.Even if it wasn't Hiroka, anyone who watched the tragic death scene would do this. Hirooka has put all the search personnel into the massacre of Otake and his wife.In addition, a blanket search was launched in the area under the jurisdiction of the Metropolitan Police Department, with the aim of catching the ghost girl and the dwarf from Louju's home.

The Metropolitan Police Department has gone all out. However, it is not easy to go back and investigate the past of Otake Ryohei and his wife. Dazhu and Qiuzi got married in June of 1947.At that time Dazhu was ten years old and Qiuzi was twenty-seven years old. Otake has no occupation after being demobilized from the battlefield.Akiko lost her relatives in the bombing of Osaka.Dazhu's hometown was in a depression outside the city, which was also flattened.I heard that Dazhu seemed to have done black market transactions at that time.The so-called seems to be because there is no evidence material.

No one knew about Otake at that time.It is said that Otake himself once told the company staff on a certain occasion that he had done black market business, and that is all he knows so far.The chaos at the time of defeat was unprecedented, and robbers, atrocities, murders, road trips, etc. were commonplace. What kind of life Dazhu lived at that time is still a mystery.Because his clear experience only came from 1951, when Dazhu established a civil engineering company. The civil engineering company developed rapidly. After ten years, it climbed into the ranks of medium-sized enterprises, and after a few years, it developed into a large enterprise that absorbed several companies.

Ten years after starting the civil engineering company, Akiko gave birth to her second child, a boy named Ryoji.When Ryoji was one year old, he was abducted by someone.It was not abduction for money, because the prisoner did not make any demands afterwards. Since then, Ryoji has not been heard from. With the backing of the civil engineering company, Dazhu participated in the election of members of Congress, and thus became an official. Hiroka introduced on the phone: Dozens of investigators have begun to follow up and investigate Dazhu's life, but so far, they haven't found any clues about Dazhu's past relationship with ghost girls, dwarfs and immortals.When making such an explanation, Hiroka's tone contained a strong sense of anxiety. —Abduction? Hamamura muttered to himself. The terrible shadow hidden behind the incident, such a bizarre crime, added some chills to Hamamura's heart. It was almost dusk. A cold wind surrounds the Merchant Inn. Hamamura Chiaki painted the whole picture of the incident in her mind. It's pure conjecture. Despite speculation, there are sometimes fragments of fact.If this is the case in the future, some inferences can be made. In a farm family in the Nerima area, there was a girl named Ino Jume, who was mentally retarded. Although she was a dull person, her body and limbs developed normally. In 1958, one day twenty years ago, the ten girls disappeared.Twenty-nine years old. The one who abducted the ten daughters was a fairy who once inhabited the ghost stone mountain.The immortal's age and appearance are not yet known.The fairy took the ten girls to the Diyue Mountain in the middle of the ghost stone mountain. The fairy built a hut in a secret place where there are few people and no birds nest.Here, the cohabitation life with ten girls begins. Rishi has unwavering purpose. That is revenge for Otake Ryohei and Akiko.In order to take revenge, the immortal made a plan to rob the children.Sixteen years ago, Hamamura Chiaki's daughter Zhu Mei was kidnapped by someone.In the same year, Otake Ryohei's second son, Ryoji, was abducted.Both are one year old. The whereabouts of Zhu Mei and Ryoji have been unknown since then. The culprit who robs young children is a fairy. The immortal transported Jumi and Ryoji to a hut on Mount Diyake, where they were raised by ten daughters. The immortal trained Zhu Mei to be a ghost girl.Raise Ryoji into a dwarf.It is better to say it is to cultivate than to cultivate.No, it should be said to transform! It is a cruel and cruel transformation of people. According to the inference of the forensic doctor, the ten girls died ten years ago. At that time, Zhu Mei must have been cultivated into a ghost girl and Ryoji into a dwarf.Both of them are six or seven years old. Then, the immortal spent ten years of hard work on the ghost girl and the dwarf, and then went down to Diyue Mountain. The subsequent situation is the same as that seen in the dwarf incident and the ghost girl incident. Immortals threatened Otake Ryohei and his wife Akiko with death in succession—any guard dog is useless, and security guards are useless. They must take your life. The dwarf incident and the ghost girl incident are demonstrations for this purpose . After forcing Otake and his wife to feel hopeless, Immortal completed his revenge. The above is the whole picture drawn by Hamamura. Probably not wrong. It's just that I'm not 100% sure whether the ghost girl is Zhu Mei.Not only are they the same age, but they even have a small emerald-colored mole on their right ear.Although not sure, it is not believed to be accidental. If Zhu Mei is a ghost girl, there is still a question-what is the basis and reason for the fairy to steal Zhu Mei?Or is there no basis for it, just taking advantage of it? There is a good reason to think that the dwarf is Otake's son Ryoji.Steal his son, cultivate it into a dwarf, make it break through the strict security, and carry out slaughter.That is, to make his own son kill his own parents.For those who harbor a deep hatred, there is probably no more miserable means of revenge than this.Moreover, the dwarf tied up and raped his biological mother before killing his parents. Analyzing from the weird situation of the fairy who cultivated the ghost girl and the dwarf, the possibility of using the Dazhu couple's own son for revenge and revenge is fully there. Hamamura recalled the corpses of Otake and his wife, the horrific corpses with their ears cut off and their noses scraped off. The vengeance of the man called Immortal is extremely persistent and chilling. Immortal, who is it? Hamamura Chiaki has been thinking. It must be someone who has deep-rooted hatred for Otake Ryohei and Akiko.It's just that the content of that hatred is hard to imagine. The child who stole the enemy spent sixteen years transforming into a weird person who could climb vertical walls and jump in the night sky in order to achieve the purpose of revenge; this kind of obsession is beyond comprehension for Hamamura. What kind of abuse does a person have to have such a strong desire for revenge? Hamamura pictured in his mind the disheveled and ragged man that the villagers claimed to have seen, igniting a flame of hatred in his cold heart. Now, the flame is still small.The immortal stole Otake Ryohei's son and cultivated him into a dwarf, killing his biological parents; this has nothing to do with Hamamura. This shows that Dazhu and his wife have committed some crimes that made the immortal feel so revengeful.The aggressor will be violated after all, and the murderer will be killed after all. This is human society. However, if the ghost girl is transformed by Zhu Mei, then the immortal will become an unforgivable person to Hamamura. Thinking of the process of the stolen one-year-old Zhu Mei being transformed into a ghost girl without enjoying the love of her parents, Hamamura couldn't help but tremble all over.Thinking about it in sleepless nights, I feel shuddering.It can also be said to be malaria worse than chills.Because it is the pain in the heart that makes the whole body tremble. ——If the oni girl is Azumi.... In this regard, Bangcun has made mental preparations. Catch the fairy and kill it!Let the immortal experience the pain deeper than Otake Ryohei.Cut off their ears, scrape their noses, cut off their fingers—do not kill them immediately, but let them experience the horror of death for as long as possible. Then, Hamamura intends to restore Oni to Jumi.The ghost girl tortured Dazhu and his wife to death.Although it is unclear whether it was the ghost girl or the dwarf who killed it, Hamamura estimated that the ghost girl's hands were also covered with blood. While flying in the night sky, the scream of the ghost girl who shouted "I will kill you" is still fresh in my memory.It was an extremely fierce voice.Therefore, the ghost girl will not fail to participate in the killing. Assuming this, the ghost girl has lost a way out that can be saved. Of course, if a talented lawyer is hired to emphasize the irresistible nature of the murder on the grounds of the inhuman growth process of the one-year-old Zhu Mei who was transformed into a ghost girl, she may be able to win her innocence.Once this happens, Zhu Mei will be admitted to a mental hospital and receive treatment to restore people's hearts. However, Hamamura does not intend to do this, he does not want to push Zhu Mei in front of the public.After wanting to urge her to live, hide somewhere in the mountains.There, no matter how many years it took, I had to personally restore her to a human heart. However, this is on the premise that the ghost girl will no longer commit crimes before she is caught by her own hands.The ghost girl and the gnome are controlled by a fairy, a fairy who can be called a psychopath.I'm afraid that revenge on Dazhu and his wife will not stop, right? He was already mad.Maybe let the ghost girl and the dwarf try the taste of killing first, and then make them kill continuously. It is not impossible to make the whole society an enemy.If this is the case, there is really no cure. He can only use the hands of his biological father to kill the ghost girl. Other than that, there is no other choice.
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