Home Categories foreign novel The Merry Woman's Revenge

Chapter 9 first quarter

The Merry Woman's Revenge 西村寿行 2384Words 2018-03-18
Snowflakes dance. The wind is dim.Blurred like ink painting. Hamamura Chiaki looked out the window from the window. The mountains in the distance are hidden in snowflakes.It saw the outline like a mountain bag. Hamamura looked at the scenery as if the soles of his feet had taken root.His cheeks were thin, and his face was filled with clouds of despair. There was a look of sadness in his eyes. It is not so much sadness as it is homesickness.Although the eyes are looking at the scenery, their focus is concentrated on the distant place through the scenery in front of them. There, Hamamura saw a young girl.

It was a little girl who had just turned one year old.Walking wobbly.Fat and round. —— Zhu Mei. Hamamura spoke to the girl in his mind. Suddenly, the phantom disappeared. A sense of loneliness enveloped the whole body. That time is long gone. Seventeen years ago, Bangcun got a girl named Zhumei.Bangcun was forty-three years old.Hamamura was married eight years ago. Never had a child. Hamamura was disappointed.His wife Hiroko was also almost disappointed.But at this moment, Guangzi suddenly gave birth to Zhumei. The wife was ecstatic.This is not too much, because this is the first child born at the age of thirty-eight.

Bangcun is also very happy.He likes children very much, and when he comes back from get off work, hugging Zhumei has become his only pleasure.Hamamura was also an investigator at that time.The life of the investigators is irregular, and sometimes they cannot go home at night.At this time, Bangcun feels lonely and difficult. Zhu Mei is growing up healthily. The lovely Jumi is missing.That was in the spring of the following year after she was born. After his wife put Zhu Mei to bed, she went shopping nearby, leaving the house for only ten minutes.When I went home, Zhu Mei was gone. The wife groaned.

A toddler girl who has just turned one year old will not open the door and go out alone. The wife shouted around like crazy, but there was no sign of the child. After receiving the call, Bangcun rushed home. After asking his wife about the situation, Bangcun immediately asked his colleagues for help.Apparently abducted.A one-year-old will never get lost. An emergency warning net was laid down. Hamamura and other investigators went door-to-door to investigate the situation in the neighborhood.Searched all possible places, but no one found the shadow of the prisoner. Searching pedestrians did not find any clues.

only these. Zhu Mei, who seemed to have fallen from the sky, disappeared without anyone noticing. —— Hidden by God (disappeared). There was such a rumor. The appraisers conducted a thorough investigation on the spot, but found no traces.It is true that I have been hidden by God. It is true that I do not have this feeling. The Hamamura couple have been looking forward to waiting. What are you waiting for, even the couple don't know. However, I still kept waiting. The long dark night continues. The dark day continues. Although they didn't know what they were waiting for, the Hamamura couple kept waiting.

One month passed, two months passed, half a year passed. Waited year after year. The missing Jumi never came back. I don't know when it started, but the Hamamura couple never mentioned Zhu Mei's matter again.This is not forgotten.And I will never forget it.I just can't bear to talk about despair. three years have past.The fourth year has come. In the spring of the fourth year, his wife Hiroko fell ill.The illness came from a heart disease, and the wife lost her strength to overcome the illness.Gave up hope of surviving. The illness deeply penetrated into his wife's heart.

Zhu Mei disappeared on April 22, and his wife Hiroko also passed away on the same day. Before dying, his wife grabbed Hamamura's hand and said, "To find Zhu Mei——." This was also the only last word left by his wife. Hamamura stared at his wife's remains for a long time.A thin face.How miserable! It was Zhu Mei's disappearance that took his wife's life. If Zhu Mei was by her side, her dying wife would surely have a beautiful smile on her face like a blooming flower all day long. Five years old is the cutest time.Zhu Mei revolves around his wife, and his wife revolves around Zhu Mei.Around the mother and daughter, there must be bright sunshine.

Hamamura had nothing to say about his wife's death. — Be sure to look for it. Hamamura swears in his heart.I have to risk my life to find my daughter. With such an oath, he prayed for his wife's death. Since then, ten years have passed. Hamamura is almost sixty years old. There is no retirement system for police officers.Once you are over sixty, you will be on an equal footing with your boss.Bangcun has no intention of being a policeman until he starts to be equal. He refused to stay and was fired from the police force. The vow with the wife must be fulfilled.The time has finally come.Bangcun's own dying years are also getting fewer and fewer.

Hamamura used the severance pay as funds to find her daughter.The saved savings are also somewhat. He intends to use the money to visit every corner of Japan.Because almost all of them can sleep in the wild in summer, if this part of the expenses is deducted, the money in their hands can support several years of travel. Bangcun doesn't think Zhu Mei's disappearance is hidden by the gods.Bangcun hates all kinds of supernatural phenomena and supernatural phenomena.He only believed what he saw and heard with his own eyes. Zhu Mei was looted. The conclusion is clear.Someone has been watching the timing of the robbery of Jumi.

During the four years from his wife's illness to her death, Hamamura did not give up on the search.He has been thinking thoroughly—characters who have a reason to steal Jumi; characters who can gain material or spiritual benefits by stealing Jumi. However, suspects with these aspects were not imagined at all. The truth of the non-profit abduction has come to light as no contact has been received from the abductor. There is only one left to consider.That is the theft of the motive of imagining children.The character has seen his wife go out with Zhu Mei in his arms.The character saw Zhu Mei, wanted to take Zhu Mei as his own child, and then looked for opportunities to rob.

Can only imagine so. Hamamura Chiaki, who was fired from the police job, embarked on a journey of inspection. It's April in Yangchun. On the anniversary of his wife's death and the days of Jumi's disappearance, Hamamura walked out of the house. First, come to Hokkaido. Hamamura intends to travel and search all over Japan from the northernmost tip of Hokkaido to the southernmost tip of Okinawa Island.Regardless of whether it is a village, town, city, or a shack for fishermen to guard, or a mountain hut for mountaineering, wherever people live, they will visit every place. Even if I travel all over Japan, it is hard to say whether I can find Jumi.It is estimated that there are many possibilities that we will not meet each other by chance. Zhu Mei, who had just turned one year old at the time, is now sixteen years old.How much of Zhu Mei's face shape at the age of one can be left on the appearance of the sixteen-year-old girl? Come to think of it, it was a trip with little hope. However, there was the only traceable sign—an emerald-colored mole the size of a small bean on Zhu Mei's right ear. Bangcun continued to travel with his little mole as his only goal. Whenever he saw a girl around the age of sixteen, Bangcun would stop in his tracks.Ask if there is a small emerald mole on her right ear or if she knows a girl who has such a small mole. Starting from the northernmost tip of Hokkaido, it took two years and finally went south to Nagano.During this period, Hamamura talked to countless girls. Nowhere was there a girl with a small emerald-colored mole. ——Is Zhu Mei dead? Sometimes Hamamura thinks so.He was not without such worries.If Jumi were to die of illness, or be killed, it would be a futile trip. However, there is no way to confirm this. It doesn't matter even if you die - Hamamura often comforts himself like this.If that's the case, this trip should be regarded as a cloud tour to pray for the blessings of my wife and daughter!By traveling all over Japan, Hamamura wanted to imbibe and imprint on his heart the grief of a wife whose daughter was taken away, and a daughter who was taken away from her parents and died.He wanted to keep walking with all his troubles in order to wash away the sorrows of his wife and daughter.
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