Home Categories foreign novel vengeance

Chapter 41 Section five

vengeance 西村寿行 2585Words 2018-03-18
The jeep was parked in the front yard of the hotel. When Nishina started the jeep and left the hotel, neither Hans nor Shanze was seen.PeopleSoft didn't panic, no matter how powerful Hans' organization was, they wouldn't have a gun battle in the city. The jeep passed smoothly in the evening wind, the wind was very cold, and winter was coming here soon, so we had to find a way, Nishina warned himself.To catch the old man tomorrow, he has to be tied up for anesthesia analysis, there is no other way. After a while, the Tokachi River appeared in the front right, and the road became narrow and long from there, leading directly into the gorge.

Nishina drove the jeep quickly. When turning left from Yansong Lake, through the reflector, he saw the light beams of the headlights of the car behind him. It seemed that he was turning, and the lights disappeared from the reflector again, but ten seconds later, appeared again. Nishina stepped on the accelerator.Judging from the position of the headlights on the front of the car and the width of the beam of light, it looks like a car is approaching rapidly. coming! Nishina pulled the car over to the side of the road, and judging from the speed of the chasing car, it was impossible to get rid of it.In addition, if the tire was punctured while driving at full speed, it would be over, and he didn't want to die now.

Nishina hid behind the jeep. The car made a screeching sound of braking at a distance of about twenty meters. "Hands up, come out!" someone shouted in an unfamiliar voice. In answer, Nishina's gunshot aimed at the car's headlights seemed to miss.At the same time, there were several gunshots, the sound of bullets hitting the tires of the jeep, the jeep slowly tilted, and the gunfire continued. The other party seemed to be five people, who seemed to be planning to force him out with bullets.Nishina looked at the mountain. Although it was not very high, it was difficult to climb up. The difficult cliffs lay horizontally like walls.On the other side is Yansong Lake, which is also a very high cliff.He regretted parking the car in such bad terrain and would have liked to drive a little further.

The opponent made the headlights flash every few seconds, and used the beam of light to determine the target before shooting.Although shooting at each other.But the headlights of his own car had been broken, and it was very difficult to shoot. He was flustered and dazzled by the lights that went on and off, and he couldn't catch the target no matter what. Nishina fought back and thought about it. He must decide what to do as soon as possible. If this continues, the other party may hide behind the car and rush towards him with the car.Or, it is possible to dazzle the eyes with the headlights of the car, and the shooter will take advantage of the opportunity to approach.

Jump into a lake?It seems that this is the only way left.The cliff is so high that it looks like it towers into the sky.You can't dive if you don't know the terrain, you can only walk down.No, it's not going, it's rolling down.PeopleSoft has made up its mind that even if there is even the slightest possibility, it must try desperately.He held the bag he had snatched from Hans in his left hand, no matter what, the anesthesia analysis equipment could not be removed from his hand.Nishina kept shooting in the direction of the headlights of the car, trying to cross the road in one go.Suddenly the beams of car headlights appeared in the distance.It was indeed the headlights, the long beams cutting through the darkness and disappearing up the hill, the road twisted and the car swerved into the darkness.

Nishina crouched down and waited. The gunfire stopped.Nishina knew that the car behind was approaching the other's car, and the other party must have pretended to be nonchalant and let it pass. Nishina thanked this unexpected luck and might be able to escape into the mountains when the car passed by.The headlights of the car jumped out of the curve like a living thing, and the lights that illuminated the mountain wall reddened, and slowly arced back to the road, still speeding forward. Nishina watched intently. The following car was illuminated by the headlights of the later car. No one could be seen. They must have got into the car. This car seemed to slow down a little. up.But the approaching car suddenly fired two shots at the stopped car, and quickly drove past in front of it. At the same time, it stopped with a screeching brake sound. It was a jeep.A voice came from the stopped car:

"Get in the car! Don't be slow!" I don't know who it is, but the voice is very familiar.Nishina ran to the jeep, and he gave it a go.As soon as Nishina got into the car, the engine roared, and the jeep sprang out like a beast. "Aren't you injured?" It was Nakatomi Kemei who asked the question. "No. But why did you save me?" Nishina looked behind him, but there was no car following him. "Don't worry, they won't come after them. Their wheels have been punctured!" Nakatomi said nonchalantly. "Is that the gunshot just now?"

"Ok." "The technology is really good!" The skill of driving a speeding car and puncturing the tires of a stopped car is superb, and it is still night. "Didn't dare to do it, I'm flattered!" Nakatomi seemed to be smiling wryly. "But, do you know it's me?" Nakatomi Kemei suddenly showed an incomprehensible expression: "I know. I also came to Obihiro City yesterday." "I've heard," Nishina said. "Yesterday afternoon, after finishing my business, I saw you on the way to the hotel. Although our business has been finished, I decided to monitor your movements. I also know that tonight, 0NI's people are coming. Soon, I saw You left the hotel alone, and then the people from ONI came out. I always felt that something was wrong, so I followed your car. On the way, although I caught up with you once, I stopped the car there and waited. .I thought, would there be a car following it?"

"It's so clever!" "You can't survive in insensitivity! You can't wait, and there is a car approaching at high speed. Looking at this situation, I have only one thought, that is, you and ONI have broken up." "So, do you want to save me?" "Whatever you think. Although I don't think you will be killed so easily, I'm still worried." Nakatomi lit a cigarette, and the flame of the lighter revealed his serious face. "I don't want to say that you are meddling in your own business, but even if you rescued me, I would not be happy. Even if you don't care, I can escape by my own ability!" Nishina said in a strong voice.

"Maybe so. So, I'm not asking you to accept my favor, it's just..." "Just what?" "You are my brother." "Shut up! That's it again." Nishina said annoyedly, "I don't think you are my brother. If there is a brother like you, my mother will feel sad!" "This was thirty years ago, can't you forget it?" "I am different from you, and the years I have lived are unforgettable." "Besides your mother, there are many unfortunate people because they lost the war!" "I'm stubborn!"

"yes?……" "right!" Then, there was a silence. After driving for a while, Nakatomi said, "What a ridiculous thing..." "What's so funny?" "Although they are half-brothers, brothers must kill each other..." "Tell you, you and I are outsiders!" "I have a suggestion." Nakatomi Kemei threw the cigarette under his feet and stomped it out. "I don't want to hear it!" "ONI will not rest like this, and the same is true for the special forces of the Self-Defense Forces. Ninety percent of the gold nuggets are somewhere in Niuhe, Fuchun, and I have a strong evidence. In this operation, you are Isolate. Thinking what you will get is your miscalculation. Therefore, my suggestion is to fight with you. As I said in Xuejiang Qiansha House, I don’t just fight for gold nuggets. I send my ideals to On the gold nuggets that were buried. This is the difference between me and my father. Therefore, I am not greedy for the gold nuggets in my hands. I repeat, I will give you half. Therefore, I also want you to forget the sins of your father. If you Agree to this proposal and we will be able to work together from now on." Nakatomi Kemei's voice is calm and sophisticated, and his words make people feel very sincere.Obviously, this is his sincere words. "I refuse!" PeopleSoft stubbornly rejected the proposal. "..." "There are two reasons: first, even if I fight alone, I will not fail easily. If you think that I will be killed helplessly, that is your miscalculation. Of course, I am also prepared for this kind of thinking; second, I don't intend to forgive Nakatomi Haruyoshi, if I forgive him, then I won't even know why I survive, and I won't know myself." "Therefore, I do not want to compromise. Here is my answer!" "What a headstrong person..." Nakatomi said in a low voice. "As long as there is a battle, I will beat you to death unceremoniously, so do the same!" Nishina said conclusively. "Okay!" Nakatomi replied, and the conversation broke off. Nishina bit his lip, the wind seemed to blow depression and loneliness together, filling the car.
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