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Chapter 33 third quarter

vengeance 西村寿行 2808Words 2018-03-18
After Nishina broke up with Shanze, he hung up the phone first, and then walked towards the high-rise apartment where Xuejiang Qiansha lived. The sun had already set, and in the lobby of the high-rise apartment in the luxury hotel, Xuejiang Qiansha came out to greet Nishina. "You're back." Xuejiang Qiansha took Nishina's arm and got on the elevator, "I'm really worried, and I'm wondering if something will happen." "I'm sorry to trouble you!" "I'm glad, because I've had a little taste of adventure, and it's the extraordinary incident in which you're involved that worries me."

"What did he say?" "No, I've been silent all the time. However, because of the special atmosphere, I feel a little strange..." Xue Jiang said with lingering fear. They got off the elevator and went into the room. "Would you like something to drink?" "Just a little of anything!" Nishina sat on the sofa, looking at Xuejiang Qiansha who came in with a cup and wine, her plump breasts and buttocks came into Nishina's field of vision, and he recalled the memory of embracing this body, but he couldn't remember the feeling , as if nowhere near itching.

After a while, Xuejiang Qiansha sat down opposite. Nishina picked up the cup and looked at Xue Jiang's delicate and white face through the amber liquid. "Can you tell me what happened around you?" Xuejiang Qiansha asked. "I want to ask you first." Nishina said unhappily, regretting that he came to see her again. "Okay! You can ask anything..." Suddenly, the doorbell rang. "Hey! Who is it? At this time..." After Xuejiang Qiansha got up, Nishina took out a pistol and held it under the table. After the sound stopped, footsteps approached, and a tall man came in.

"You?" It was Nakatomi Keming who came, and he stopped when he saw Nishina. "It's you again?" Nishina stared at Nakatomi and asked. "What an adventure!" Nakatomi stood up and said, "Are you Nishina Kussuke?" "good!" "Can you put the pistol away? If I don't kill you." "Really!" Nishina put away his gun, it seemed that Nakatomi Kemei was very calm. "It's you again! What do you mean by that? Can you explain?" Nakatomi Keming sat down and picked up Xuejiang Qiansha's unfinished cup. "Wait, brother." Xuejiang Qiansha yelled loudly, "Brother, do you know him?"

"Yes, I know." Nakatomi Keming drank the wine in his glass in one go. "Wait, are you brother and sister?" Nishina stood up, feeling an indescribable tremor all over his body. "Yes, half-brothers and sisters!" Nakatomi looked at them inexplicably. "That is to say..." Nishina restrained his shouting. "Yes, the father gave birth to a daughter by his lover, so I am an elder brother." "Ah!" Nishina yelled, "I'm sorry..." "Wait!" Nakatomi stopped Nishina who was standing up with his hand, "I want to ask something, although I have to fight you no matter what, but it is rare to meet like this, and this opportunity will not come again Next time, can't we talk about it?"

"I guess it's useless..." Nishina sat down again, he knew that his face was pale. "Bring ice, Qiansa!" Nakatomi called to Yukie Qiansa who was standing still, pouring whiskey into two glasses. "The gift of the hive you gave in 'Death Valley', it's very good!" "I also have to thank you for the gift of the cable car, I have alpine phobia!" "That's so pitiful!" Nakatomi smiled, on his sun-tanned face.I can't see the stubborn expression of my father, and my vigorous appearance is also very dignified. "How do you know each other, please talk about it first?"

"Ask Qiansha about this later!" "Okay! Then change the subject, why did you become a member of the CIA?" "Why? You don't know, do you?" Nakatomi's eyes were unexpectedly bright, and Nishina was imagining his dirty soul that inherited his father's desire for power and money. "I do know about this..." Having said that, Nakatomi closed his mouth and stared at the cup. Nishina was silent. "In 'Death Valley' and Kisu didn't kill you..." Nakatomi broke the silence in a low voice, "However, in the Central Alps, it is not impossible to kill you. Because even if I don't kill you, I can kill you Hand it over to the police. But why don't I do that?"

"..." "Probably you won't believe it. Tell the police what happened to you in the cable car. That's my bet to see if you can escape. I don't think it's worth pity if you are arrested by the police silently there. I'm glad you escaped, as I expected." "What a great kindness! I didn't expect you to say that." PeopleSoft smiled bitterly. "Think about it, no matter in 'Death Valley' or Jizhou, I didn't really attack you, because, although the mother is different, you are still my younger brother!" "Brother!" Xuejiang Qiansha, who had been listening silently, cried out in grief: "Mr. Nishina is my brother's younger brother? What's going on!"

"Wait!" Zhongchen stopped Qiansha, who was about to get up, and looked at Nishina with surprised eyes, "You really..." "yes." "This……" Just as Zhong Chen was about to say something, he closed his mouth again, leaning his back on the sofa, his face lost his composure. "Please, explain it to me!" Xuejiang Qiansha's voice was full of anxiety. "Okay!" Nakatomi Kemei stood up slowly, "That was thirty years ago, father and two other soldiers gang-raped Nishina-kun's mother, and later gave birth to him. According to the results of the blood type survey, Nakatomi Haruyoshi It was his father. Nishina spent his entire life in revenge for killing his father and two other soldiers..."

"Ah! There is such a thing..." Xuejiang Qiansha covered his face with his hands. There was a suffocating silence. After a while, Nakatomi broke the silence. "Let's continue talking. What I said just now is the truth. You and I should cooperate. I have wanted to talk about this for a long time." "I refuse to cooperate!" "reject?" "Yes, what do you think, it's up to you, I don't need any brothers!" Ren Ke coldly refused. "Hey, listen, it's not too late to draw conclusions. I'm not telling you to forget about your father, but can you turn your anger on other things? For example, those gold nuggets." Nakatomi looked at Nishina silently. "Now that I'm here, I have nothing to hide. Although it's my own father, frankly, I don't like him very much. Speaking of big politicians, the reputation is good, but, really, it's just a good person. A person who plays tricks and conspiracies. Maybe it can be said that the value of his life is to be able to secretly manipulate politics, secretly manipulate the superiority of the president and prime minister, you will not understand it!"

Zhong Chen stopped talking and drank his wine. "In the past, my father has been hiding in the dark, but now it's different, and my father has begun to look at the prime minister's chair. As you probably know, in the Conservative Party, not only factions have emerged, but splits have emerged. As in the past, the Conservative Party The ruling department has lost its ability to rule, and this is the time when my father can use his expertise. As long as he has money, he can mobilize several factions. From the perspective of the amount, it will take about three to four billion yen! For a country’s prime minister, it’s very cheap.” "Thinking to use these gold nuggets to buy the prime minister's chair?" "Yes, this is probably a politician's dream. For thirty years, my father has never stopped tracking down the whereabouts of gold nuggets. Maybe now is the time to dig out gold nuggets, but my father doesn't want to make new flowers. This is what I want The prime minister's chair. Maybe it's a black flower, but, anyway, my father put all his energy into it..." "..." "Let's go back to the original question!" At this moment, Nakatomi Keming suddenly showed a distressed expression, looking at Xuejiang Qiansha and Nishina. "There is nothing we can do about the past, let time settle it! I suggest that among the three of us, how to treat father is up to you. However, blood relationship is undeniable, and it is rare for three half-brothers and sisters to get along like this." Yes, I think, I will not choose the path of killing each other in the future." After drinking a full glass of wine, Nakatomi Keming said: "I admire your depressed demeanor. People with your indomitable character are rare. If you can get gold nuggets and put away your revenge, I promise to give you gold." Half a gold nugget." "I still keep saying, it can't be done!" "yes?" "Yes!" Nishina drank the rest of the whiskey. "So, in any case, are you going to kill your father?" "I survived because of this. My life experience is different from yours. When I was a teenager, after knowing the secret of my birth, I thought about suicide. I can't become a supernatural and indifferent hunter like you." "No way." Nakatomi Kemei nodded calmly. "I won't let you kill my father. It seems that I can only fight to the end with you!" "I will accompany you!" "so be it!" "Then I'm leaving!" Nishina stood up. "Wait!" Xuejiang Qiansha held Nishina's hand, "Why is this? Why did the three brothers and sisters just meet..." Qiansha almost cried out. "Sorry, this is impossible!" "No, I don't give up!" Xuejiang Qiansha shouted with a pale face and trembling all over. Nishina walked towards the door with heavy steps.
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