Home Categories foreign novel vengeance



  • foreign novel

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 86459

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Chapter 1 first quarter

vengeance 西村寿行 1615Words 2018-03-18
Near the Philosophy Hall in Nakano District, Tokyo. On July 28, after nine o'clock in the evening, there were no pedestrians on the street. Nishina Kussuke knew that there were two people getting closer and closer behind him, they were chattering endlessly in a drunken, slurred and strange tone. "I'm drunk? I'm not breaking the law. Uh...really?" One of them said vaguely, whether it was to his companion or Nishina.Nishina couldn't help but smiled wryly, it seemed that this guy had a bad temper when he was drunk. The two walked past Nishina in chaotic steps. In an instant, Nishina felt a sharp pain under his left rib, and his two hands were held down at the same time.He twisted his body, but he couldn't break free from the two people.Nishina fell down and wanted to use his elbows and feet to get out of the predicament by taking advantage of the reaction force of the fall.However, after Nishina fell down, his consciousness gradually became blurred, and his body was very heavy.In a haze, he felt that the two people were holding him and walking, countless rays of light shot on his retina, and he felt a car approaching.Then, the bottomless darkness swallowed him up.

Nishina woke up, feeling uncomfortable in the back of his head like a hangover, feeling nauseous and wanting to vomit, finally he opened his eyes with difficulty. It was very dark in the room.Nishina felt like he had an inexplicable dream. Could this not be the continuation of the dream?The outlines in the room were vague, but after a while, the objects gradually took shape.A dim light came through like a window.It was an unfamiliar room with thick carpets. The room was spacious, about twenty mats wide (equivalent to 32.5 square meters), and it was furnished with modular furniture.On a deep sofa that seemed to swallow people up, there was a person sitting.

Nishina instinctively reached out for the gun, but the pistol was no longer there.Holding onto the couch unsteadily, he managed to stand up.Probably because of being injected with drugs, I felt a swaying feeling all over my body. "Hey, what should I call you?" Nishina said to the person buried in the chair.Because the room was too dark, I couldn't see the man's expression clearly. The man did not answer. "Hello!" Nishina walked towards the man staggeringly, and got ready to defend himself, because the other party must know that his occupation is the investigator of the Metropolitan Police Department.PeopleSoft knew that this was undoubtedly the arrangement of the two men who attacked him.

"Answer! What's the matter?" Nishina grabbed the chest of the unmoving man. He quickly let go of his hand and turned away from the man.Nishina realized from a stiff feeling that he was dead. Nishina checked the wall. He plugged in the power switch, and there were delicate lights embedded in the gleaming glass wall.Nishina saw that the man was wearing pajamas, his chest was open, and there were pistol bullet marks on the chest. A large amount of blood stained the pajamas red and flowed on the sofa.On the table was a pistol, a Colt detective's automatic.You don't need to look at the number to know that this is the pistol you use.Beside, the blanket is crumpled up.Wrapping a pistol in a blanket can silence the sound.Nishina lifted the blanket, revealing bullet holes and charred marks.

Nishina left the room without touching the gun, even if he took the gun away, it would be meaningless. This is a high-rise apartment. From the aisle overlooking the swimming pool in the middle of the concave-shaped building, you can see three or four people in swimsuits in the green swimming pool. He took the elevator down to the first floor.Night had just fallen, and the watch was pointing to seven.In the corridor, there are many accommodation people coming and going.In the chaos, Nishina came outside.In front of the high-rise apartment, there is a road leading to nowhere. The cars are very crowded and the lights are bright and dazzling.

Nishina blocked the flood of light with his right hand and walked onto the road, still feeling the swaying feeling on his body.The overlapping dazzling halos are annoying. Suddenly, a car made screeching brakes in front of Nishina. He wanted to dodge, but he just swayed, suffered a slight hit to his waist, and fell to the road involuntarily. "I'm so sorry, are you hurt?" It was a woman's voice. Nishina saw a long, denim-clad lower body come down from the cab. "Nothing, just a little hot and dizzy. You go." The woman helped Nishina up, and Nishina shook off her hand a little roughly.This is a girl with thick eyebrows and big eyes.

Crowds started to gather around. "Shall I take you to the hospital?" the girl said, glancing at the crowd. "No need, you go!" "But..." The girl looked at the crowd anxiously. "Then let me go over there in your car." Nishina sat on the assistant's seat. "Is it really all right?" the girl asked while starting the car. "Hmm." Nishina nodded, "Where are you going?" "Going to Shinjuku, how about you?" "I can get off at Shinjuku." "If you don't want to go to the hospital, please write down my license. If you need anything, come to me. My name is Xuejiang Qiansha."

"It's a very good name. However, I don't have a name. It's better for anonymous people not to do such troublesome things." Nishina said jokingly. Xuejiang Qiansha drove the car silently. "You are so weird." After a while, Xuejiang Qiansha said. "why?" "You are very funny, you seem to come from some distant country, you must be very tired? Just now..." "From a distant country?" Nishina muttered in his heart.Not coming, but going from here to there.
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