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Chapter 19 second quarter

wild 西村寿行 3041Words 2018-03-18
The CIA did not pursue it, probably because it went all out to hunt the green man. Sekine Juro and Miguel took Emily back together, preparing to return to Vapes and send Emily to Sao Paulo.Enter the tropical forest again with Miguel, investigate the green man alone, and find a way to contact the green man.Maybe they are not a human race, but judging from the use of blowguns, they are indeed humans, or people who have not yet evolved.If that is the case, it must be protected, and if it continues like this, it will not be long before they will be massacred and extinct by the CIA or KGB.I don't know if the green people have a language, but I have to try it out.

At noon on the second day of the return journey, Sekine found something ahead, whether it was a human or a beast, and he felt that it was the heat released by the human. He stopped Emily and Miguel and moved closer.The naked man who looked like an aborigine fell to the ground, rolling in pain. He called Miguel and asked him if he understood what the natives said? "Try it." Miguel squatted down, and to the person who was rolling around with pain in his stomach, he spoke in Zhezu, Kaleba, Yaraguaku, Maku, Manau, Galeb I searched for the words and phrases I know. "Probably from the Maku family. He said his stomach hurts like hell." Even Miguel didn't know the details.But one thing is certain, he is not an Aboriginal, because the phrase for stomach ache is in the Maku language.

"Give him medicine." "Friend, eat it!" Miguel put the painkiller and aspirin in his mouth and told him to swallow. The Maku people have basically never been in contact with modern civilization, so they are not a violent race.But the spells used were terrible. After a few minutes, he stood up.It appears that the medication is working well for him. "From where?" Miguel asked. "Over there!" He pointed to the northeast. "What's your name?" "Yani." "what are you doing?" "The chasing partners who came out to hunt and were chased by the natives all ran away."

"Are there many natives in this area?" "No, I came here by accident." Yani looked around hastily, with a sense of terror towards the natives on his dark face. "Ask him if he has seen a white woman!" Guan Gen thought about Nina. "Have you ever seen a white woman?" "I've seen it." "Where? Where did you see it?" Miguel asked emphatically. "They are the patron saints of the Pasay people." "Didn't the Pasai become extinct a long time ago?" "The Pasay tribe is part of the Manau tribe. Although it is extinct, it was separated from the Manau tribe with the indigenous people. The Pasay tribe is a vicious race and has a large number of slaves."

"Is it a white female slave?" "No, white women are gods. Slaves are of other races. The Paasai worshiped many white women as gods long, long ago." "A long time ago..." Miguel looked at Sekine. "The boy is lying. It was impossible for a white woman to come to this lonely place a long time ago." "Wait," Emily interjected, "there are Amazon legends long before the Amazons. Legend has it that there was a white warrior woman...." "That's unbelievable, that's nonsense." Miguel denied. "Among the Indians, there is also a legend that Si was born with white skin. Maybe it came from this legend."

"Maybe it's a legend, but what Yani said is true." Emily's face darkened when she heard that many white women were worshiped as gods. As long as they were not slaves, it would be better, but they must be imprisoned.If you were kidnapped, you can imagine how painful it is. "Ask him if he can lead the way." Guan Gen became interested in worshiping white women as gods. "Can you take us to the Pasay village?" "Yes, but if you are caught, you will become a slave." "Don't worry, we have this. Know the gun?" Miguel said, holding the submachine gun.

"Know." "Then take us there." Yani reluctantly agreed. Under the leadership of Yani, they set off.It is said that it is a three-day journey from the northwest, but the three-day journey said by the Indians is not credible at all. One day of hunting on the way is also considered a one-day journey. The first day was fine.In the afternoon of the next day, I encountered the bodies of five white men, all of whom were shot to death.Three were KGB personnel and two were CIA personnel. "It seems that the two sides attacked and killed each other in the forest. This Amazon is too quiet!" Miguel said angrily.

"Isn't it?" Guan Gen nodded in agreement. "This is Brazil, not the kingdom of these guys, let them mess around..." "What's the matter?" Looking at Miguel who was speaking vaguely. "It's nothing." Miguel said with a smile, "I suddenly felt that this is not Brazil. There are indigenous people wandering here, there are green people, and there are unreasonable Indians. Which country is it?" There is no concept of country here, it is a huge green hell. "Don't move..." Guan Gen suddenly stopped. "Get behind the trunk!" he instructed Miguel and Emily.

The green hell stared at the group of people with death-like eyes.Murder lurks in the tree on the front right. "It's a green man, don't move!" Instructed the two, Guan Gen walked forward slowly.I thought to myself that I am not their enemy, as long as I can talk to them, if it is not for the language barrier, maybe I can communicate with the green people... Two murderous guys were facing Sekine, and Sekine approached cautiously.The two guys were lurking among the branches and broad leaves of the giant tree. Suddenly, with a murderous look, two poisonous thorns flew towards Guan Gen, aiming at his face. When the poisonous thorns were about to approach, Guan Gen flashed, and the two green men fell into the wild. After fleeing, Guan Gen followed closely, and the canopy stopped shaking about 200 meters away.I searched around and couldn't find the green man.The murderous intent disappeared, Guan Gen thought, finally contacted the green man, but got nothing.

Guan Gen stood still and returned after a while.I thought; it's really difficult to deal with!Terrible guy indeed.If you want to contact them, you will be greeted by several poisonous thorns all at once.Thinking of this, they couldn't help sweating, and they headed west to avoid the green man area. What Yani said was correct.On the morning of the fourth day after departure, we approached the Pasay village. Yani said that he didn't understand their language, so he couldn't work, so he slipped back. "Friend. What should I do?" "I have to go in and try, do you understand Pasay?"

"They can barely speak Manau." "Go in and try." "What if it's a ferocious race?" "Who knows if you don't try it." Guan Gen led the way into the village. At the entrance of the village, two men with spears saw the three of them and ran away screaming.After a while, about forty people came out with spears and short bows. They were all naked. The women covered their lower bodies with small cloth heads made of tree fibers, and the faces and bodies of the men were decorated with camouflage colors. Miguel yelled in Manau as he pulled the trigger with his finger.A man who looked like a chieftain with a feathered crown on his head asked hostilely, "What are you here for?" "I heard that there are white women here, and I want to meet them." "I can't see you, go back!" "Whatever you want to see, just for a while," insisted Miguel. "Can't see, the white woman is our god, leave her behind, you go back." The chief pointed at Emily with his spear. "When did the white women exist?" "It has been there since ancient times, she stays, you go." "Well, my friend, let's go." Before they finished speaking, the dozen or so people in the front row opened their bows and arrows and stared at Miguel.Miguel fired violently with machine guns, and the noise shook the ground. More than half of the Pasai were knocked to the ground, and the rest fled around, and the chief also fell.Michel changed another bullet. "Friends, let's sprinkle!" "No, since you're here, you can't escape!" Guan Gen stepped into the village, where huts made of coconut leaves were lined up. They walked forward with Emily in their arms.Most of the huts were inhabited by slaves, and there were wooden stakes in front of the huts. The hands and feet of the slaves were tied to the stakes, and the ropes were only untied when they were used.The slaves looked at the three with dazed expressions.There was no one in the hut, and they probably fled after being frightened by the sound of submachine gun fire. The village is surrounded by dry land where sweet potatoes are grown.No poisoned arrows flew. "Friend, look there!" Miguel pointed to a building in the middle of the village, only that building had walls made of rough wood. "It seems to be there." Guan Gen nodded and said. When you get closer and look in through the gap, you can see that there are all naked white women inside.Emily walked over, and a woman stared at Emily. "Nina!" Ellie exclaimed happily. Nina was too excited to speak, with tears in her eyes, and Emily took her hand through the gap. The door of the house was fastened with a thick deadbolt, and Miguel undid it, and the naked women ran out.Emily and Nina cried and hugged.The eight imprisoned Caucasian women stared at them with blank expressions and lost will.Miguel spoke to them in English, but they were expressionless and neither spoke.Sekine looked at them speechlessly, they were not ordinary women, they could be said to have noble looks and limbs, as well as delicate and fair skin. Emily waited for Nina to stop crying and asked about the details, but even Nina didn't know the details.After being scattered in the dense forest, they wandered around, but were caught by them and locked up here.Ask the women about it, but no one understands Russian.The women do not understand the language, do not speak or chat, and sit or lie in silence all day long.Nina was nearly mad with rage.Only one Caucasian man has been admitted since being held here, and that man is also demented. That was all Nina knew, and she felt demented.There have been two national holidays since her incarceration.All the women were brought into the square, all sat naked on coconut leaves, offered as tribute, and watched the natives dance. Emily looked at these women, who could vaguely show the shadow of the Amazons in the early years, and also reflected the sad South American continent.
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